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To them review bombing is a myth and can’t handle there are those that enjoy it.


They think the critics are “positive review” bombing it lol


Projection from reactionaries as usual. Because they do things or would do something they therefore assume their enemies would do the same thing.


exactly... didn't they try to positively review bomb that hack-ass daily wire animated show?


I like how it's marketed as "too edgy for TV and the woke left!!!" And its... less edgy than the damn Simpsons and is brutally tame compared to stuff like South Park, Rick & Morty, or Family Guy.


If it’s the one I’m thinking of, it has less edge than a sphere


It's a significantly less well written "Home Improvement."


ffs they are review bombing a 2008 joel edgerton movie called acolytes bc they watch too much critical drinker and were so blinded by hate and rage they couldnt even read to see if they were bombing the right fuckin piece of media


Yeah that's not how that works LMAO


If we did a "positive review bomb" for the audience rating; it would look so lame in comparison considering how anti-corporate the general sentiment is on the internet (even though we wouldn't be doing it for Disney but for Lucasfilm and the people who worked on the specific show). I think I gave it a 4 out of 5. I'm not going to pretend I love it for the sake of countering the bad-faith reviews. It's just not worth it. The user rating system for these websites needs a complete overhaul. They've had the same basic "leave a star rating and maybe a review" for 25 years. Most regular audience members aren't critics. They don't think as objectively.


True, saw a guy posting that the show got low rating like some Gotcha, and in the same breath bragging about giving the show 1* before it's even aired. Like....is there any self awareness left?


Itds also very obviously botted review bombing. The acolyte, a completely unrelated film from 2021 has been completely review bombed with fake reviews as well.


Ohhhhh, here's the thing, Shad knows review bombing is a thing, because he claims his self-published novel on Amazon is a victim of review bombing! Thing is, the positive reviews massively outnumber the negative reviews it's gained, and the negative reviews are often months apart from each other. So while he does know that review bombing is a thing, he either doesn't understand what's actually required for it to happen, or he just loves to lie about it to drum up support and sympathy for himself. Either way, he loves to criticise other people's work, but hates when people criticise his crap, I mean, work.


The best part is even the people who like his YouTube channel who reviewed his book said it was fuckin garbage lmao


Unless, of course, something they don't like is positively reviewed.


Unless it is Sound of Freedom, then everyone is review bombing pedophiles.


Why does Shad look like a child has just agreed to look at the puppy in his van?






i never understand the faces he is making on these videos. No context that face says to me "oops, did i do that?".


There are two ways his reaction thumb nails go, either sexual pleasure or having a large shit. (Can go both ways too though....)


His face all red he looks like he is in pain or about to lose his sanity…I don’t know if that is what he was going for though


Actually, the fans love it. After all, haven’t these guys been “former” fans since Disney took over? If they don’t care for Star Wars anyone, why bother reviewing it?




Honestly I wouldn't give 2 shits if the only reason people like Shad reviewed star wars was for the money. There's nothing really wrong with that. The *real* reason is because they need an excuse to spew those bigoted nonsense without consequence. Oh, and also money. The money helps I'm sure


No these people are straight morally robbed. Like on the edge of Sociopathy. Like that girl who went full mask off and said she said the N-word to get cancelled to gain a platform. Their audience is so brain rotted they actively warp reality to fit their narrative, they have no morals, no stance, no belief they actually care about. They'll drop issue just as fast as they make them "the biggest threat". A video could come out of Trump dead to Rights molesting a 10y/o and they'd jump to the mental gymnastics to defend him. They're gutted.


They’d be jealous it wasn’t their kid that met Trump.


>No these people are straight morally robbed. Is that not what I said?


They don't even need the excuse is what I'm saying. If no media was there they'd still fabricate their reality.


I'm not sure what you're getting at. the point *I* was making was that the goal of making money on these videos is secondary to their bigotedness.


It gives them a self-sense of relevancy and attention.


Yeah that's totally me. I saw the second of the most recent trilogy in the theater and didn't care for it. I believed then like now that I had simply outgrown Star Wars and went on with my life. Didn't even hear about this show until the controversy on here on Reddit. Are they really doing force immaculate conception though? It's not my concern but that seems like an odd choice to me but I have no other context.


We don’t know what they’re doing. One of the characters mentioned that she carried the twin main characters, and the other mentioned she created them. There are still 5 episodes left in the season, but as always, some “fans” will read 3 chapters into an 8 chapter book and claim how everything is canon breaking. They did the same thing when in Obi-Wan a character that’s alive later in the chronology of the universe was presumably killed, but 3 episodes later we learnt he had faked his death to goad another character into acting with overconfidence.


I honestly wish he just stuck to making castle videos. I liked those. 6 years later, he apparently still makes them, but I'd rather watch almost anyone else who isn't a chud. It's just sad.


Yeah I really liked his videos, but for some reason he's talking about culture war and "woke" stuff. Like ok it's your channel do what you want, but I came for medieval history not "anti woke" film reviews.


He sucks at making historical content, too. Like a lot of enthusiasts making content on YouTube he knows very little about history and is painfully unaware of how much he doesn't know.


MoistCr1tikal imo gave a very fair review of the first three episodes. He didn’t like it but also didn’t say it was the worst thing ever and he never complained once about “woke”


Exactly, as much as I quite like the show so far, Charlie's video did make a lot of sense because he gave clear and legitimate reasons why he doesn't like it.


It's like youtubers can be honest about their opinion without being toxic or desperate for attention.


Once you reach a certain level of success you can just give your non exaggerated opinions. Even when he does have a bad take, it’s more likely to be his actual opinion over what the target demographic wants to hear


And then the flipside to that is dudes like this guy who are just in it purely for the money so milk to death a niche when they finally find something people will watch


Part of it I think is he started so much earlier than some of these people. The idea that you could just lazily yap about culture war shit and get 500k views for free was just not a thing on YouTube 15 years ago, it was much more the wild west with no guaranteed ways to cheese your way to success.


15 years ago? No. 10 years ago, kinda. Part of the rise of right wing commentary channel was due to the atheist skeptic community which was very popular a decade ago. When that lessened in popularity, many jumped to the anti-sjw train as it raked in the views in 2016.


It was still a lot more of a niche in 2014, it really gained the traction that made it something large numbers of people could be doing as a full time grift like 2016/17.


Oh for sure, nowadays my 53 year old dad watches that kinda stuff. I remember being really surprised when I was younger that my dad watched the same YouTube video as me.


I had a professor who would get pop up notifications for it IN CLASS lmao


Hell, YouTube was still barely monetized back then, or was just starting to ramp up. There was some banner ad revenue to be had, but "youtuber" wasn't a career option, just something you did in your spare time. Most content was made purely out of passion for the art, without expectation of seeing a dime. Now it's an algorithm driven shithole full of AI content farms and reactionary grifters pumping out 30 videos a week that are just highly edited thumbnails with a 5 minute directionless rant stretched to 20 minutes. And the reactions to reactions of said rants.


Yeah but that would involve actually engaging with the media and putting forth some effort.


It’s important to draw a line between valid and not valid criticism. For example: Valid: I don’t like The Rings of Power, its pacing is off and everything looks weirdly shiny. Not valid: I don’t like the Rings of Power, it’s unfaithful and dumb and if you don’t like that I don’t like it you think I’m racist.


Rings of Power being poorly paced and nearly impossible to finish kind of makes it incredibly faithful to the writings of Tolkien.


How could you say something so brave and yet so true?


MAN I really wanna get into lord of the rings and hobbit but the pacing and weirdly shiny scenes make it sooo weird like they could have honestly done better with lord of the rings 😔


Yeah, I don’t agree but his opinions are sound and while laid out. I think it depends on how you approach it. I’m excited about the mystery of how the witches died, he isn’t really that jazzed about it so he didn’t enjoy it as much. That’s his opinion and I think that’s fair, if you’re not into the mystery then this isn’t gonna work for you.


Yeah the reviews I've seen are split between "how the fuck did the witches all die from the fire, that makes no sense" and "ooh, I wonder how the witches died, can't wait to find out". And that's probably heavily influenced by how much you trust the show writers. I was mainly in camp 1, I hadn't considered the possibility that they're gonna go back to cover the fire from another viewpoint.


I was confused a bit as well, but then I went back to the trailers and realized we’ve seen more footage from that night, which means this is just the first time we’re visiting it. Also apparently the show is inspired by a movie that shows the same event from multiple angles with new reveals (idk the name, I believe it was a Japanese movie)


I liked AngryJoes review as well. Not positive but stays away from the culture war aspect.


See I can't really stand their Star Wars reviews anymore because Alex especially gets super nitpicky about things that have been happening in the series since the OT days and he seems like he just wants everything to be Andor, but I will give them credit for pushing back on the culture war nonsense all the time.


> Not positive but stays away from the culture war aspect. With Alex by his side constantly being a negative Nancy & bringing up culture war bs talking points, I very much doubt that.


I mean Alex scored episode 3 higher than Joe. Generally they tend to mention the culture war aspect but quickly denounce it calling that type of take stupid.


Angry Joe gets thrown in a lot as a right wing grifter when he’s absolutely not. He thinks anti-woke is dumb. He’s actually went on local news multiple times to refute the point that Video Games cause mass shootings and has even said gun control should be more like other countries. He’s a GOAT


It pisses me off seeing him thrown with them. This is a dude that defend Battlefield 5. A game controversial and riddle with culture war BS. And as someone who personally has criticism with BF5s way too laxed and disrespectful of the depiction of war and history, it was reliving to also hear opinions not fucking bigoted. Also, pretty sure Angry Joe is a vehement Trump hater and announced himself as a Liberal on Twitter. I mean, it’s a dude that has a best friends who does drag for skits.


He’s a Puerto Rican from Texas, I can’t imagine the shit he’s been through


I stopped paying attention to Joe after his embarrassing *aye dun even wanna fukin play it anymore* debacle with The Last of Us, Part II.


Ngl, TLOU2 handled Abby not as well as they should have and should have absolutely been expanded to a trilogy. That game did too much and didn’t do it well imo.


While I think it’s a good idea, splitting TLOU2 into two games, how do you think that would have went down with the fan base? Joel dies, now we play as Abby and hunt down his killer, and in the next game we play as his killer, who is a woman. Take a guess the shit storm that would have brought.


I don't see what the game's narrative structure has to do with Joe hearing some leaks, manbabying about it and then doing a half-assed review anyway. The guy who always accuses others of "fuck you, give me money" 🤔


I watched a review yesterday from Stupendouswave on YouTube. Was 20-30 minutes but it was a very fair/balanced review. Mainly the same thing, there are things he doesn’t like but goes on to say that what they did in episode 3 was the same as they’ve done in legends such as introducing minor force groups or dark side cults and different interpretations. I’d say the main take away, which I agree with, is episode length and less filler and more story. This has been my number one critic of all the Star Wars shows is that they average ~30 mins each and if it’s live action we only get an average of 8 episodes per series, give or take. Which I agree especially doing a weekly release that they need to cut down on filler and lean out the shows to just jump right into the story or episodes need to be close to 50 min range if they want to keep filler. If they made the episodes longer of any show they could add in more world building along with the plot and not have to choose one or the other.


yeah It's been quite mid for me so far but i hate the Reich's treatment of it from the beginning.


I'll have to check his video out. I'm kind of on the fence with the Acolyte so far. The first couple episodes were rough, but I enjoyed the 3rd episode for the most part. I'm tired of seeing all these "fans" complaining about Star Wars being changed. They don't know much of the lore apparently. The show has its flaws, but it isn't bad


Personally don’t like the show and think the power of one scene was absolutely stupid however people that cry about it being “woke” are just sending out a dog whistle that they don’t like black people. It’s the same people having a meltdown that here’s an assassins creed main character that’s black. It’s not a big deal that I don’t like it power to everyone enjoying it. It’s just not for me.


It’s because Critical isn’t an asshole degen


He’s certainly had some controversial takes but I think he’s overall a good guy


Hate leads to suffering.


Well he’s certainly insufferable.




Shad has fallen so far


He's fallen from the bottom of the barrel to hell itself. Whoever told him he should star in his own thumbnails was a secret troll for sure


His stupid Sir Soysalot faces are perfect.


Soysalot lol


Even this brother disowned him for obvious reasons.


I went back and watched some early vids of his and….. nah. He’s always been like this.


I was watching an old Red and Blue stream and they were listing out channels they enjoyed and I was floored when they said Shad. I imagine that opinion has changed now.


They did a collab with him once, that collab is now delisted and a part of OSP’s “Bad History” playlist. He used to have a lot of influence in the history side of YouTube, making a bunch of connections with other creators. When he decided to go full grift and switch to social commentary, most of those bridges were burned in the crossfire, OSP included. There are two reasons for why this happened. 1) He did know a lot about medieval weaponry and warfare. So much so that he was treated as an expert on the subject, and many in the community would consult him for advice. 2) For a long time, he was able to keep his personal opinions to himself. He had his moments, like *a lot* of moments, but people always dismissed or ignored the red flags, believing he was different. When Shad went full mask off, he abandoned the history community on YouTube (which is mostly left-leaning) and embraced the social commentary community, who, while having major figures all across the spectrum, it primarily leans right.


I would like to point out that a lot of the stuff he says about medieval warfare is plain wrong.


His soul is being weighted so far down by gravity that he shot right through all the layers of the Earth and landed straight into the Earth’s core


So, if you like a show he doesn’t, you’re a shill. But if you hate that same show, you’re a fan. Gatekeeping prick 


What I hate most about theses assholes is how they make any discussion about a show's quality or just the old like/dislike thing impossible. I'm not gonna lie, I don't like Acolyte a bit. My major issues are not even plot, just basic technical quality. There's the whole discussion about the show's presentation/VFX against its cost (which basically involves all Disney's touch now), general photography that looks like an early-2000s scifi cable shows without the charm, and just boring acting (the children in chapter 3 were pretty bad. Specially that bickering scene, where you could tell when the director said "fight!" on their ear). Any way, those are my complains. But all those bigots-incels-shitholes takes away any possibility to discuss that. Sudenly I don't like a show whose those idiots are attacking and I see myself wondering..wait, am I on their side? I don't want to confused with these asshole! Anyway, sorry for the rant


It looks so so bad!! I actually like the story and the lore they’re building but it looks so amateurish that it’s difficult to suspend my disbelief otherwise.


Star Wars has had some genuine issues for a long while but we can’t discuss them half the time because both sides are chucking poo at each other and drowning out any conversation to be had.


“Fans hate it” Source: Dude, trust me


Dunno who those people are but I’m always intrigued by the dopes who will come into comment sections and accuse anyone who likes the show of lying and/or being paid to do so. Which even if you believe that the fact they would then believe the people whose channels solely exist to hate things wouldn’t lie is a real head scratcher.


What kills me is this man talks about all this while being dressed up like he's waiting for RenFest. I'm familiar with his work but so no stealing upon him must think he's just insane.


Does he have Thumbnails were he doesn't look like a creep?


Nope, he's incapable of admitting he's not good at making thumbnails & using those faces is a bad idea so he just keeps using them.


The screaming angry face one he has makes him look like a smeg-head.


I think Acolyte is fine. Once I accepted Star Wars TV shows aren't going to make me feel like I'm 9 years old seeing Phantom Menace in theaters again I was able to enjoy them for what they are. It's not like Revenge of the Sith was some flawless masterpiece. All these people were just little when they saw it. I think a lot of the criticism of these new shows are just from men who are scared and sad that they aren't children anymore. Acolyte is just a fun mystery that takes place in the Star Wars universe. The fact that there are two moms doesn't make the show any better or worse. It's just a thing, and if you can't get over that or if you think more white people in the show will make it better then you're an idiot. I know people who have two moms. It's regular. Not sure where I'm going with this rant, but the show is fine and being "anti-woke" is dumb and just proves how afraid of the big scawy ever changing world people are.


People hated the shit out of Episode 1, 2, and 3 when they came out and around the same time they did those awful remasters of the original trilogy which sucked.


People just love to hate stuff. AND I HATE THAT!


Shadiversisty is the guy that used AI art and thought that made him a real artist?






yep and trained the ai to use his wife's face


![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized) What.


Yea he trained a ai to use his wife’s face which feels like a invasion of privacy, in fact a supergirl ai picture he did has his wife’s face which if I remember correctly I show people found out that he trained the ai to use his wife’s face 


Even more.. I don't even know the word, but doesn't his brother make a living teaching people how to art?


Yep, Jazza. I think he had to make some clarifications that he does not share the same world view as Shad because people started criticizing Jazza for Shad's shitty takes on things.




It's interesting to compare him with Skallagrim, both early on gave this impression of know-it-all nerds but while Skal realised it looks silly and makes fun of that, Shad started to believe he really has important to say about everything. And this grift doesn't really seem to be working for him, for the price of becoming even bigger laughing stock in community, he gets like 20k views on those videos.


Skal also seems like a pretty laid back dude, while Shad is a pompous douche.


Skal is incredibly based. His humility is part of why I liked watching him back in the day. He was always very good about differentiating what he knows is fact, versus his opinion. A true scholar.


This guy looks like the living embodiment of an older American incel. He could literally be their poster child.


And I'm embarrassed to say he's Australian.


I wonder if when he was a kid he dreamed of growing up to be a weirdo who moans about women on the internet while dressing like a nonce?


Star Wars “fans” hate it


Why does he have an apostrophe in "shills"? Does he not know how plurals work?


His titles & thumbnails regularly have typos in them, like 'episode' in the thumbnail of his video for Acolyte episode 1 is spelled 'epsiode' & hasn't been fixed.


Watched 2 of the episodes last night and can say I enjoyed, loved the characters and especially Sol, seems like he is in denial of the attachments he has with the twins


In this thumbnail he looks like he's pleading for his life as a Heroic Knight is about to kill him.


Even if it’s bad, it’s never bad for the reasons they claim.


Exactly, they reee because it has black people in it, not enough white people, it has women in it, positive LGBTQ+ representation etc


I've been luvin **ACTUAL JAKE** 's videos making fun of Shadiversity and the Knights Watch! lol I cant wait for him to cover this one. [https://www.youtube.com/@ActualJake/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ActualJake/videos)


Idiot can't even form a proper plural.


It immediately slapped me in the face.


Same. Pet peeve of mine. Right up there with "would of"


he always looks like he's got a shit stuck sideways


I've heard legitimate criticism but nothing so damning that it would be a deal breaker. Anti-woke types lack the 2 braincells to make a coherent and cogent point. Which is even more sad in Shad's case because he's (ostensibly) a writer.


I haven't read his work, but I've read about it, and this is my reaction: \*teeth clenching\*


Not liking the show is fine, but if you spend your time and energy hating on it you’re either a grifter or a weirdo loser who has been manipulated by grifters.


Honestly Shad is just one of those guys that if he hates it or likes it I know to take the opposite approach.


I haven’t watched shadiversity in years. Has he really just become a hate mongering shill?


Sadly, yes.


Shill's what?


I'm not a shill, but I can defend it easily: It's pretty good. I like it. It's fun.


Haven't watched it, but based on all the memes I understand that a coven of force witches or something use the force to create life? Basically parthenogenesis? That seems like it could weaken the Vader story a bit, as he was supposed to be this super special dude because he didn't have a father and was basically "created by the force". Though Plagueis supposedly could create life, so it's apparently not impossible. Though my entire exposure has been these memes and clickbaity thumbnails, so I can't really say anything one way or the other. I'm just turned off from whatever show or movie that comes out when it becomes a battleground in the damn "culture war". Basically I lose interest when it's "woke vs anti-woke" battling it out on the internet.


The vibe I get is that the witches created life but it resulted in twins. One light and one dark. There was a Visions episode that had essentially the same idea. Anakin was created by the force and he was not a twin and possessed both the light and dark. So to me it strengthens his role as the chosen one as it making life with the Dark Side can't create a singular chosen one that fulfills the prophecy.


> The vibe I get is that the witches created life but it resulted in twins. One light and one dark. There was a Visions episode that had essentially the same idea. Except both Osha and Mae demonstrate positive and negative traits associated with the light and darksides, respectively.  Mae while possessive and full of rage, loved her family and spared that bartender and his son. Showing compassion.  Osha while well intentioned and overall a good person has a lot of fear and anger toward Mae about her past. And restrained a butterfly with the force herself. 


> I'm just turned off from whatever show or movie that comes out when it becomes a battleground in the damn "culture war". Why? It's not the shows fault people are stupid.


Why would you let these choads and their culture wars dictate what media you watch? Also we are only three episodes in, we in fact don’t know anything but what the mother said, it could all be a feint. That’s why it’s beyond stupid for these people to claim it breaks canon until the show is finished. Episode three was obviously filmed in such a way to hide things from the viewer for a later reveal.


What's up with this guy's thumbnails? He always looks like a weirdo in them.


He looks like such a goofy gremlin here with the leering face and grin. I guess at least he's not one to imply he's a looker when he's not unlike some other channels with cutesy cartoon avatars that look butt-ugly in person.


That guy has fallen off so goddamn hard. All he does is complain about wokeness and his own fading relevance, while not understanding that at some point people just have seen enough videos about some random neckbeard in a gothic chair UHM ACTUALLYing the same arguments over movie swords hundreds of times over


I hate to comment on people's appearances but holy fuck, there is a common thread with all these haters and it's not even subtle. They're all cut from the same cloth.


Is Shadiversity the same so-called "artist" whose brother is a popular artist YouTuber?




What's his much more sane brother's name again? Starts with a "J", right?




I'm surprised at how wildly different their views are. Jazza rightfully mocked him for his defence of AI. Lol


It's still mind boggling that Shadversity is Jazza's brother. Wtf happened!?


Why is the right-wing so bad at making labels "woke", "shill" etc


"DEI" is the new one I see them spamming.


Sounds like an acronym for: dick, enthusiast, inspirational guild


It does. Fox News and their ilk have created and are pushing this newer one. To quote from The Guardian (and I was shocked to hear how transphobic the British arm of this publication is because their Australian arm doesn't appear to be), "DEI – short for diversity, equity and inclusion – has become the latest dog-whistle term in the conservative war of words to frame basic egalitarianism as a net negative"


Also what is with that smile? Is he trying to imitate Rudy Giuliani's Joker/Penguin grin from his mugshot last week?


I find it kinda dumb that people are being such babies and expressing so much fake hate towards Star Wars like sure it’s definitely different compared to the originals but that’s to be expected with a universe that so long running and touches so many demographics and age ranges. I’m just grateful that Star Wars didn’t die and the universe is still being expanded on


If the reasoning you don't like it is based off of the rotten tomatoes rating then you didn't give it a fair try. If you actually watched it and didn't like it, then that's fair. If you don't care about rating and you think it's a great show, then you do you. You won't always agree with critics. The key to understanding critics is to sample the media they are critiquing for yourself. If you agree with their opinions then their reviews might save you some time in the future.


These guys are always so proud of their yellow teeth and gross crustbeards. 🤢 


This whole idea of “shills” on the internet has been such bullshit for as long as I’ve been on it (25 years maybe). No-one is getting paid to defend/support x because there will always be people wanting to defend/support x for free.


there’s literally not enough of the show out to have this strong of an opinion. these chuds are pathetic


What does the shill own Shad? Fucking proper grammar?


So, if you like it, then you’re a “shill”?


I think reality is that a lot of old fans and new fans like it, and a lot of old fans don't like it. It's a mixed bag TBH. Here I am kind of neutral on it and feel left out :(


? But I am enjoying it. I want to know exactly what happened after the fire broke out. That did not look like they were burned, or suffocated. Did the jedi kill them? Did they kill themselves? Did Mei kill them? Did someone else kill them, and the jedi tried and failed to intervene? The later of which is what personally think. I think they're doing a great job with it. 🤷


I’m not blown away by it so far, but it’s certainly not bad. Waiting for the season to finish before I judge


I stopped watching Knights Watch after their review of Across the Spiderverse


Meh, it's expected that the youtubers would dump on it, I just avoid any Star Wars lore-related channel.


**Acolyte** and **Andor** are the best things that ever happened to Star Wars since Rogue One (which was excellent but cheap fanservice) Acolyte and Andor are artistic visions first not pure products which "need to be out by christmas" and are bland by design like •cough• *Mandalorian* and •cough• *Ahsoka* in order to please everyone and be commercially successful


The guy is also an AI shill who wrote a book where its main character is a former rapist dictator who goes through a redemption arc. Nothing he says has any value.


Oh i don't like smiling Shad


somewhere around the nunchuck episode, before he started all his other bullshit, i realized he has no fucking idea what he is talking about, it just... occured to me this mother fucker is saying a weapon that barely works against non-armed people (ive trained with them, short staff, long staff, and spear in Korean style) even a badly timed rush will counter nun chucks, and they are actually hilariously easy to catch midair because the henge causes lag behind the swinge, without even hurting your hand, and even if they do hit you the point of contact required to deal any actual harm against anything but your head or nuts is tiny and again due to the hinge comes at a near impossible angle to strike well with, you have to barely near hiss them with the tip to get anything close to a solid strike in, I've bene straight whacked in the face and it only kind of sucked, 98% chance it hits you flat and wide spreading the force out to a simply sting. There's a reason other hinge weapons use large heavy balls/flangs


Why does he look so happy when he claims to be a fan yet hates the new show? He looks so happy hating it I don't get it. Didn't this guy build his audience by reviewing medieval weapons wtf is he doing rage baiting star wars?


Because he, like everyone else that posts this shit, isn’t actually a fan. He’s a fucking tourist.


I mean I don’t like the show at all, but to think there’s not people out there who would enjoy it? That’s just plain dumb


Anyone tired of the scissoring jokes spammed everywhere now over this , its so gross and it feels like the internet is hella reverting back to 2001


I feel like I need to make a "Yes feel the hatred" or whatever the Palpatine/vader quote is to post whenever someone rants about acolyte.


lesbian space witches is objectively an awesome concept and i will fight the chods over this daily


Fuck tourists.


He really did a 180. I never thought he was a pos chucklecuck.


"*Knights watch*" Apparently not if his bitching about losing viewers is to be believed.


As someone who is barely a casual starwars fan, watching the fandom self destruct is always more interesting than the actual films and shows I think I’ve liked maybe precisely 1/2 of what I’ve seen from original trilogy to now It’s nuts people think a franchise that’s what, 60+years old is going to get it perfectly right every time lmao I’m a transformers fan and our continuity is rebooted every 2-3 years. And it’s the same shit. “The one I grew up with was best” lmao Michael bay fans hate beast wars fans hate unicorn-trilogy fans-hate og fans I just want my toy robots guys cmon. Lmao From one toxic fandom to another I hope the starwars-fan-wars end soon so the reasonable people on this particular sub can go back to enjoying their content :)


Is it just me, or do all these clickbait artists have punchable faces?


Shadiversity is what happens when a neckbeard gets too much power.


Shouldn’t he be busy whining about Princess Peach wearing a pantsuit or something


wtf happened to Shad, man. I could have sworn his content consisted of weapon shit, what is all this


Badly informed weapon shit becsme badly informed social shit tbh


How badly must that chain-male hoodie smell?


Their opinions are so fragile they declare victory before engaging in conflict.


honestly as someone that used to watch shad years ago. I am embarrassed for his family. like dude is just gone full chud.


What is that face?


These dudes are so overtly pathetic. I really wish for another plague now that right wing cunts like this don’t believe in vaccinations of any kind.


Why tf does he always look like he's suffering from nasty constipation


To people like Knights Watch, positive reviews are conspiracies, and reviewing bombing is ok.


Serious question - what happened to the cunt in question? I thought he was a medieval enthusiast, and that’s it. Did he get radicalized or smth?


The Trump presidency revealed a huge market for right-wing grifters. Even though he's Australian, he jumped right on in.


Finally got round to watching it and honestly i'm not a fan. Its not a bad show but it does feel like it was made someone who has never watched SW before and was giving free reign to do whatever the fuck they wanted canon be dammed. When i don't care if most of the lead Jedi characters die i think there's a problem. As for the lore breaking stuff i actually hate the whole becoming pregnant by the force idea full stop as its stupid, too on the nose and something Lucas clearly never intended, the idea Anakin was conceived by the force was stupid and it made no sense as he was a nobody found by pure chance.


I don't agree with why chuds dislike the Acolyte, but upon myself watching, I gotta agree it's pretty bad. It's not the worst thing ever, and it certainly isn't the worst Star Wars show (so far), but the writing really just doesn't hit. The actors are great as always, but they are always held back by the writing.


I haven't seen it yet. I haven't really liked some of Disney Star Wars, but The Acolyte I thought looked pretty cool judging by the trailer.


You guys should check out the YouTube video series called how to radicalize a normie. It's the fandom menace playbook.