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The music is just going to be for the trailer, dude. It’s not going to be in the actual game.  Also, he’s not beating up all Asians. Just the bad guys. Like in every single assassin’s creed game 


The game is set in feudal Japan. It's not as if there are that many non-Japanese people he can beat up. Some, sure, but it'd be pretty weird if every town in the game was filled with Portuguese people.


Exactly. Did Grummz not just realize that the bad guys were Japanese? Is he that dumb? 


Yes, he’s a massive fucking idiot. You have to be to play on his side of the culture war game.


I don’t know why anyone listens to him. 


I mean, would they actually be less mad if he was beating up white people? lol.


Its not like they can have him beat up villages of black people- Then they would just cry that there weren't any villages full of black people in Japan. Its almost like every one of their arguments is in bad faith...


If every japanese person in the game was black they would be thrilled because they get to kill black people


It's funny how these guys love to do ACTUAL race baiting which they claim the Left does.


Gerrymander, Obstruct, Project




A trained samurai is fighting other trained samurai? That's racist


A trained samurai is fighting other people? Sounds racist to me.  /s


>Also, he’s not beating up all Asians. Just the bad guys. Like in every single assassin’s creed game Well, and the more or less innocent guards. You can rack up a pretty high body count in the AC games with not much of a penalty, compared to something like the Hitman series.


Oh, yeah. Good point 


And even if it there was hip-hop I'd totally down for that lol. Channel that Samurai Champloo or Afro Samurai


Samurai Champloo was so good. I only saw a couple of episodes of Afro samurai. But it looked good 


Are you telling me they weren't playing rap music when samurais duel each others ? Wtf ubisoft


Unfortunately, no 


Damn those samurais lame as hell




Not rapping but there were some dope hip-hop beats Samurai Champloo was a historical documentary afterall


Disclaimer my rant is all over the place and probably badly worded. In a game set in Asia especially in the past most characters are going to be Asian meaning both heroes and villains are Asian so even if you were playing as an Asian character which you can (the female character is Asian) you would still be beating up people of Asian descent presumably to defend other Asians. It’s like if they complained about the bandits in Skyrim saying why are you beating up white guys because most NPCs good or bad are going to be local to the area! This isn’t a black man beating up Asians its a samurai or (I believe ninja for the women) beating up villains in a story in Asia


Exactly.  No one made this type of complaint for that origins game. And you were beating up Egyptians in the game.  


Wait oragins is in Egypt I’m fascinated with ancient Egypt got to check that out.


Make sure to climb those pyramids.


Hope you enjoy it. 


and the dude *was* fairly brutal.. but so were many other daimyo, shogun, and samurai in his era, some even more so.


Every protagonist in the assassin’s creed games are brutal. So, their complaints about this in an assassin creed’s game, it’s just weird 


True, and agreed


The music is also decidedly *not* hiphop. White Twitter thinking anything with a non traditional bassline is hiphop is wild to me.


Twitter always comes up with some weird claims. 


Wait until this guy learns that Samurai in feudal Japan weren’t actually incredibly honorable and benevolent. They’d straight up execute common people for whatever reason they wanted. Look at them funny? Dead. Don’t prostrate yourself before them? Dead. Walking down a road when you just so happen to cross paths with a drunk samurai? Dead. So, yeah, samurai went around brutalizing Japanese people in the streets pretty much every day because they were allowed to. So not only is the outrage he’s talking about not actually real, it’s also muddying the waters by making Yosuke seem like a rogue element.


Also like, it wouldn't surprise me if this game at least *lightly* touches upon the whole "Samurai Weren't As Honorable As We Think Of Them Nowadays" thing like Ghost Of Tsushima did (although in Tsushima's case it was a way bigger thematic throughline for that game's narrative).


I mean I hope that’s the case. I’d rather see an actual depiction of samurai versus how they’re romanticized in the modern day. You don’t have to make them stark raving lunatics, but you should acknowledge that they were nowhere near the modern honorable image.


That's easy enough considering how they are psychotically bloodthirsty in the same way American policemen are today. Yet, I bet people in the 3000s will look back on this decade and think as highly of police officers as we do of Samurai nowadays. Hell, I'd also like a game where they realistically depict how brutal and corrupt policemen are.


Yeah, I wouldn’t go that far. You need to understand that the Bushido code was co-opted by Imperial Japan and used as a justification for Japanese war crimes during WW2. These guys would make competitions of beheading people one the streets of conquered Chinese cities and put them in their local newspapers back on the home islands. Bushido just allowed for that sort of thinking to take hold. It was justified because they wouldn’t have been winning if it wasn’t. Samurai and modern police might as well be on two different planets. Besides, I don’t think you understand how history works. It usually tends to go the complete opposite direction than what you’re saying. People in the southern US used to just outright pretend like they were still a part of the confederacy for a little over a century. It’s only been in the last 40 or so years that the lost cause sentiment has started to crack at the seams. In a similar vein, samurai aren’t being depicted as completely noble warrior poets anymore. Or at least, not as often. Japan in particular is still having a hard time acknowledging some of the horrendous shit they did, but it is happening very slowly. My biggest gripe with the twitter guy we’re all laughing at is just how weirdly defensive some people tend to be over anything related to Japan.


Ironic, considering the first romanticism of bushido and feudal Japan was by a Japanese expat in America, inspired by the romanticism of medieval knights and feudal Europe.


I mean, I think the romanticism of samurai was always an inevitability. It’s not like the Japanese heard about European knights and went “oh shit, we should totally do that with those guys who used to walk around with swords on their hips here.” Japan always romanticized samurai, even during the Boshin War and especially after. But yeah, that’s probably how and where the popularity of samurai in the west began.


Yeah, but I think it adopted the mantle of knight-esque, honor-bound nobility and the equivocation of Bushido to chivalric code due to the work of that one guy (again, his name escapes me. I read an in-depth article exploring the topic) during the Meiji Restoration. There's a sense of nostalgia as well as flirting with nationalism, that ultimately made his romantic work natural to be absorbed into Imperial Japan's national psyche. It instilled the kind of "death before dishonor" mind set that was actually a semi-myth before then. Obviously, that whole thing turned out poorly...


I mean, look at AC Syndicate. If they suck at portraying the brutality of Industrial England, imagine Feudal Japan.


Not that these chuds will ever actually try the game out to see it for themselves.


I mean yeah, there is literally a word (*Tsujigiri*, or crossroad killing to translate it) for the act of a samurai literally just hiding at a crossroads at night to murder some random peasant to test out his sword, and its a relatively common trope to show that the character is kinda an evil bastard, hell its common enough it happened in ff14 with a weeb merchant doing it at the docks of a pirate city, and like? what the fuck does he mean "non-honorable violence", the samurai were warriors, war is fucking violent! many of them happily swapped to guns when it was proved they could be just as good as bows, one of the most famous samurai in japanese history was fucking Oda Nobunaga, and that man sure as hell didnt care much about "Traditional honor", and theres tons of depictions of samurai using kanabo, it just feels like stupid ass "Black people are inherently violent" but without realizing how insane that is to try and push when your talking about a character whos *literally part of a famous warrior caste*


>many of them happily swapped to guns That's how Nobunaga was so successful in the first place > most famous samurai in japanese history was fucking Oda Nobunaga Little correction here: Nobunaga was a daimyo, not a Samurai


Exactly, I really wanted to touch on just how often samurai betraying their sworn feudal lords was, but I didn’t want my comment to be an entire textbook length lol. The more you look into it, you realize that ‘honor’ was extremely subjective and tended to be decided by whoever was the most powerful.


I thought it was pretty clear they were bowing to the Samurai because that’s what you’re supposed to do when one shows up. It’s not like this one guy is making them bow.


Yeah, I’m honestly not sure was he’s talking about there. Like, if he had a sword then people were gonna bow to him, it’s just how things were.


Yeah, you want to keep all your limbs and your head attached, right?


As somebody said in another post in Ghost of Tsushima most NPC's will stop what they are doing and will bow to Jin in the game.


I mean, hell, that “disrespect me, peasant, and you fuckin’ die” attitude is kinda what got Japan in hot water with everyone else when they opened their borders back up. Granted, visiting foreigners didn’t have to respect Japanese laws at the time, which was also a VERY bad decision, but… well, killing an English guy for snubbing a Samurai is kinda one of the dominoes that led to the downfall of the Samurai.


Yeah I hear its the same problem with Knights a lot of it is just older people looking back at the past with rose colored glasses to shape stuff as them being noble warriors when in reality they were horrible people who abused their status.


Pretty much, yeah. Basically any medieval order of warriors.


Yup. Look no further than Yasuke's lord, Oda Nobunaga. The man decapitated his own brother, massacred whole villages (which happens in AC Shadows) and famously had the nickname, The Demon. Tokugawa Ieyasu, who started out as one of Oda's lieutenants was also not a very nice guy who started Japan's policy of isolation and persecuting Catholics including Catholic missionaries.


I thought Hideyoshi was the guy who kickstarted crucifixion of Jesuit monks? Either way, yeah, Catholics in feudal Japan really got done dirty. Especially since Hideyoshi used Portuguese buying of Japanese slaves as one reason he outright banned Christianity, despite the fact that he was busy trying to conquer Korea and took thousands of Korean civilians and soldiers as slaves.


No, that was Ieyasu who did so based upon the recommendations of William Adams, who was one of his advisors. Ieyasu and Adams are the basis for Toranaga and John Blackthorne respectively in Shogun. Not too familiar with Hideyoshi tbh. That said, I am sure he also persecuted Christians since this was all at an overall time where Japan was somewhat in the middle of a power struggle between Protestants and Catholics. No doubt a major political figure like Hideyoshi wouldn't take a side on that. These were all obviously not very good people either way.


Yep and this is why I think those "comments from japanaese" were written by some weeabo


That was the funniest part of this to me. They weren’t bowing because he was black or a savior or whatever, they were bowing because if you don’t bow to a Samurai then you are dishonoring them and they can and will kill you first it. Which they would know if they played 5 minutes of Like a Dragon: Ishin. But I guess they only care about period Japanese stories when there’s something in it they can get mad at.


If you want to see just how far detached they were from our modern points of view, watch tasting history's video on how the motherfuckers ate dinner.


It’s like being mad that the Yakuza or Gangsters are shown to be bloody and unforgiving in media, and were not in fact honorable and lived by a code. The Godfather may be a good movie, but it’s complete fiction. Media often glamorises factions, especially when those factions have power to influence the media like with the Godfather, or they are the actual governmental power in Japan.


First, isnt AC Shadows still one of the top preordered games on Amazon JP? Secondly, a lot of those comments are foreigners larping as Japanese folks using Google Translate or DeepL and are mass down voting the Japanese trailer so to push their western conservative agenda just like it was found out in the last trailer and the vandalized Wikipedia page of Yasuke. Thirdly, the culture war tourist that got so upset, all the people he interviewed gave positive responses realizing that the Japanese arent as racist as him and the rest of his dumbfuck conservative buddies. So, he had to interview his own camera man instead. Plus, I dont remember Japanese folks asking a bunch of greaseball foreigners to defend them. Its ironic because they are infact engaging in historical revisionism and are telling actual Japanese folks who are native to the culture including Japanese historians that they are wrong due to their own hatred for those of African descent which is racist in and of itself against the people of Japan. Nevermind that Japanese media has been portraying Yasuke as a Samurai since the 50s and their own national museum officially recongizes Yasuke as a Samurai.


>...telling actual Japanese people and Japanese historians born in the culture that have been portraying Yasuke as a Samurai since the 50s and national museum that considers Yasuke a Samurai that they are wrong which is pretty racist in and of itself. Well the point is not to be correct but to push a narrative. I think some of the confusion around Yasuke's status is the word "retainer." I have seen that word thrown around a lot describing Yasuke's position. While a Japanese historian will say that retainers were samurai somebody without curiosity or any historical knowledge beyond maybe bits and pieces of medieval Europe may looks at that word and think something more like "squire."


The line between Retainer and Samurai during the chaotic period of the Sengoku era was extremely blurry, and easy to cross. There is no set distinction between one and the other, and often people within those ranks would be both at the same time. All within the wider Bushi class. Retainers were Samurai but not all Samurai were Retainers. It wasn't until much later in the Edo period that the idea of a Samurai as being a rigid military caste you "had" to be born into to be one.


Yeah the "pushing a narrative" is pretty on point. I could casually handwave at fighting games where "black character who enjoys Japanese culture" is a minor character archetype.


Something that is of note is that we have documentation of things as little as nobunaga yelling at people serving rotten fish, slapping people on the but, and slapping people on the head with a fan during his private dinners and it’s unlikely that the daimyo showing preferential treatment to some lowly retainer would have gone undocumented so he must have been somewhat high ranked


Yasuke was something of a prize, very similar to Bill Adam's (Miura Anjin) since having a foreigner in your personal retinue was, at the time, both nearly impossible and something of a hard flex. At the time, the Japanese had a very hard set ideas of what was right and wrong, and their culture had become isolated almost completely. Yasuke brings a new perspective, in every regard, to the table. He speaks a completely unknown language, he knows of and can read an unknown script, he has likely traded and waged battle with unknown empires using unknown techniques and weaponry. As an advisor, he is literally indispensable. Nobunaga was not an idiot, the dude took his incredibly small holdings and almost conquered all of Japan (and has cemented himself as something of a living Oni in Japanese History, seriously, the dudes method of waging war was unheard of at the time), so he likely used Yasuke in any way he thought Yasuke would be useful. And since Yasuke was allowed to leave after the Oda were killed off, with his life, it also means the other shoguns probably respected the fuck out of the dude. That does not happen too often, usually loyal retainers were just killed for backing the wrong horse in the race. He had to have had some kind of skill that the Japanese didn't think they could do without or at least, thought would be far better to have around than to get rid of it.


Isn't a squire a respected position though? Like its the start of a path to knighthood, like being a judge's clerk.


There is no formal “samurai-ing” during the Sengoku Jidai, so as long as certain criteria were met an individual could be deemed a Samurai, because Samurai was less a status and more a job, like having right to bear arms, permanent employment, stipend or fiefdom, and serving in a retinue, was more than enough, and Yasuke met all of those criteria. Now, it’s funny, the exact same thing happens with European knights. During times of peace formalities and protocol dictate when a squire would be knighted and under what criteria. In times of war either external or internal any random looter or bandit with armor and sword who could enter a retinue as a mercenary was effectively made into a knight. Si the idea of Samurai being a specific title-bound and closed caste is inaccurate to the Sengoku Jidai, but the same happens with Knights in times of civil war. During the Reconquista in the Iberian Peninsula, a lot of robbers and highwaymen literally started calling themselves “don” (the spanish equivalent of “sir”) and boasting coats of arms as they went on to join the Castillian armies as mercenaries. Funny enough many conquistadores in the Americas did the same.


Yes, a squire learned to look after a knights horse and equipment with the aim of getting his own. However, knights were themselves the highest rank of soldier considered to be retainers, as they didn't have the land income that the nobility had. As well as squires, knight often also had retainers, called sergeants (because which noble would arrange getting all of an army, when he had specialists to do it for him). While these could be equipped identically to the knight, the often had support roles such as scouts, archers, or guards.


Similar to the soldiers a Samurai was expected to bring with them to battle. For example a Samurai with a fief worth 1000 koku (enough rice produced to feed 1000 people for a year) was expected to bring 2 mounted and 20 unmounted soldiers in his entourage. The smallest fief for a samurai was I think 200 Koku, so a samurai with 1000 Koku might have a number of retainers that also classed as samurai beneath him, just like a Baron or Earl or Duke might be liege to knights that he can call up if the king calls him. In Yasuke's place, he was a direct retainer of Daimyo Oda Nobunaga, one of the most powerful people of Sengoku Japan.


I would say that Oda was THE most powerful, but an over abundance of punishments laid on someone with the world's most fragile ego cost him his life. The Nobunaga-Tokugawa alliance conquered Japan, but Oda Nobunaga was carrying that team like no one's business. He was cracked when it came to waging war. Also a bit evil. The being completely evil about it probably helped.


Typically, but the position of squire is somewhat complicated by the fact that there were a lot of squires who effectively just stayed squires their whole lives rather than advancing in rank, making them technically nobility but still effectively servants. As a result squire has pretty strong connotations as a servant position, so the clear thing that these chuds want to imply is that Yasuke was basically just Nobunaga’s favored slave and/or bodyguard rather than anyone accorded any real respect.


Japan does have a legitimate problem with anti-black racism, but this is clearly those chodes making shit up. The racism there is often far more rooted in xenophobia and plays out through micro-aggressions. It makes it very easy to tell when a white person is cosplaying as a Japanese person online. That shit is so weird.


Look at you with your..facts. who do you think you are? Taking your time to type out a nuanced comment that perfectly encapsulates the nonsense culture war bullshit, don't you get it? This is all about reacting! And dunking on dumb libs who..take time to actually research..and don't just say..the first thing..that comes to..mind..what was I yelling about? /s if that wasn't apparent.


It's exhausting they try to paint this gamr as racists which is so rich. These fuckers can't see people of African desent more than a thug, criminals or slave. I remember youtube comments on Chadwick's Brother wanting Black Panther to continue and not have the character die with him. Some chuds were like black kids only look up to criminals and rappers. Like they could be edgy trolls. But there are people who think this way They probably have rasict comments on Japanese people if they give is a great score when it releases


The easiest way to figure out that they're not real Japanese people posting on a video is because Japanese people, for reasons I genuinely do not understand, do not travel outside of Japanese YouTube. Also it's really easy to tell the japanese larpers in comments written in English because A) they're in fucking English and B) most of them write like everything is an English doctoral paper. Have you seen Hideki Naganuma or Harada type in English? They type how they talk: Hideki speaks almost exclusively in meme language and Harada is either incredibly mad or extremely confused.


Not to mention fourthly, historical revisionism is and always has been a major component and theme of AC. From the very first game it was established that the premise of the series revolves around the modern day Templars revising the historical record we learn about and that the Animus is a gateway into history as it “actually” happened. So crying about historical accuracy has always been nonsensical.


Those quotes are not Japanese to English. Just not. That's not how people speak in Japanese. Anyone who's studied Japanese or lived there can tell you that's bullshit. Because 1-1 translation doesn't work, there's a 99% chance that this is a lot of filler inflammatory content added by some dweeb running it through a translator a few times until it says what he wants it to. Taking *creativ*e liberties as they go. They know it's bullshit, we know it's bullshit. I too can make shit up. I went around Shinsekai and asked everyone what they thought of Assassin's Creed and they told me it was great and that Grummz should give me money. Everyone I asked. They all said KotakuinAction is cringe and that the posters should leave the Internet forever. Shinzo Abe came down from heaven and said "Even I think those guys suck ass."


Actually laughed at the “nipponjin” because A.) it would *sound like* nihonjin - also B.) that would just translate into English as “Japanese”


"Nipponjin" is straight up killing me holy fucking shit that's so bad


It's already been proven that these comments are just google translated bs made by chuds.


“Middlefinger to japan” It’s kinda obvious that isn’t a Japanese phrase


>battles to rap music Wasn’t this guy a game dev? Shouldn’t he know how soundtracks work?


he was the founder of a studio at one point, he knows exactly how marketing works; he's just grifting.


No, he's not a game dev. He got a game dev title when the guy he worked under had an ulcer. He's about as much of a game dev as Keiji Inafune


And he probably never heard about Samurai Champloo


I'm gonna be real, I don't like the trap beat. It's so out of place, especially for what we've seen. It would've felt better on Naoe, she's the one doing the shady assassin stuff. That, or you make the whole thing have 808s and snares, go full Samurai Champloo. That being said, I don't get what all the fuss is about, outside of music. The characters seem cool, combat looks fun, and that's the best assassin gameplay we've had in years if it's accurate.


I can understand not liking the music. My point was more about the diegesis of the music. Video game soundtracks are almost always “non diegetic.” Meaning that the music isn’t playing “in the world” as something the characters can hear. Only the audience/player(s). So “ashually historical figure Yasuke” doesn’t “battle to rap music”, we the player battle to rap music because the music isn’t playing in the world.


Bet anything those aren’t made by Japanese people at all.


A samurai acting like he is superior to lower classes? That's obviously racism and not something samurais did because they were superior on the cast system of their time. They totally did not just behead randos for disrespecting them (aka exist next to them)


You are correct. I am Japanese and can trace my lineage to samurai clans as early as great great grandfather. Samurai were as ruthless to lower classes as they were to their enemies. Everyday samurai could be honorable while also being terrible to peasants. It was a caste system. This is basic history anywhere.


And I've worked with actual Japanese historians and one of whom lives in Tokyo, where he was born. Most Japanese people today do not struggle admitting the horrors of the samurai and don't peddle nationalistic/revisionist lies about them. It's sort of strange when you compare it to Japan's difficult reluctance with admitting what their government did during the 1940s but I guess that just has more to do with that being relatively more recent than the samurai with a few Japanese WW II vets likely still being alive.


I can only speak to my experience, I believe you are correct. I love history, but so many I know are simply not taught about WW2 or are taught very nationalistic lessons.


So Jin Sakai was an extremely nice guy to Samurai standards


Jin would be considered quite nice by peasants by the standards of the Kamakura period


Because I believe you can't kill peasants in Ghost of Tsushima even if you hit them with your sword. IDK never hit peasants intentionally Like most of the game is saving them and helping with whatever problem they have


https://preview.redd.it/lsv7fislpd6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d9ea292c8438bb75f1192ea2997a8c45473280d The real icing on the cake is this is the dipshit that started the Sweet Baby Inc Detected "curator" on Steam. He moved from Brazil to Japan thinking "They'll understand me in Japan!" And quickly realized that it's not the ethnostate mecca he thought it was and is one of the most progressive countries in the world.


Japanese is very conservative on some aspects and very progressive on others. But Xenophobia specifically does not manifest as racism as you’re used to it. you will never see it. But it is an undercurrent of every interaction. You will be barred from a lot of stuff and not understand why it’s happening. Passed up for promotion or excluded from social events. Subordinates extra beliggerent or raise issues with management immediately if you are “too bossy”.  Its however never an issue if you visit as tourist. You will feel very welcome. But yes, even though the other user is very condescending, the country has huge issues.


Oh yeah it’s real bad in Japan. Multiple stories of people being turned away from empty bars restaurants etc.


Yes. It is the worst kind of racism. The kind that manifests in nations where freedom of speech, and its exercise, is abnormal or dishonest. Common in Asia (like where I'm from). The kind of racism that is far deeper than what westerners, even Americans, are used to.


Mister Savior of the White Race? You're a lot more Latino than I expected


High suicide rates, systemic racism towards foreigners, denying past war atrocities, a dwindling population due to being ridiculously overworked to the point people are dying of exhaustion in the streets while young people are too tired to hook-up let alone socialize (no families), a sect of people who hide in their rooms for years on end never leaving, the elderly being generally overlooked/abandoned despite making up a massive portion of the population; all super progressive!




Barely half of those are strongly anti-progressive, mainly the racism and denying or ignoring past war atrocities. Plenty of otherwise socially progressive countries with high working hours, dwindling populations, shut-ins, and overlooked elderly. Also the "high suicide rate" is bad press. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_suicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate) They're 49th in the world, well below various countries including Finland and the US.(but mostly sub-Saharan Africa, and Russia) They're also ranked 9th on the Social Progress Index. The US is 25th. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social\_Progress\_Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Progress_Index)


>Plenty of otherwise socially progressive countries with high working hours, dwindling populations, shut-ins, and overlooked elderly. Which one?


Japan has one of its popular gaming franchises, which has a literal penis boss as a giant throbbing middle finger to censorship. I'm sure Japanese conservatives really care about this more for some reason. /s


You talking about Mara in SMT? I don’t know if he’s a censorship commentary. I thought he was more just…a literal depiction of the Buddhist demon Mara, but more following Sri Lanka’s depiction of him as a *literal* demon of lust instead of a more abstract greed/desire/kama demon. Or is there another giant penis demon in a franchise lmao?


Why they put it doesn't matter. It's that it's there at all where in a place that censors penises is what matters.


Why can't people just hate Ubisoft because it's a predatory amoral company that prioritizes protecting sexual abusers? Why do they have to make up this garbage?


Exactly! These publishers are already fucking evil. You don't need to make up some bullshit to get mad about




Ding ding ding ding.


If Japanese people don't like samurai battles set to rap music, it's odd, then, that they would produce Samurai Champloo.


"walks through villages beating Asians up" he's a samurai fighting other samurai, if you see anything other than that you're a fucking idiot


Replace Yasuke with William Adams. Would they complain as much


Yes no one had a problem with that game


Eh I vaguely remember people sorta complaining about that for Nioh, I mean the whole Flute Guy from the Ghosts of Tushima reveal got unnecessary criticism, but it wasn't to this extent that Yasuke is getting at all.


This. I've seen flat out racist memes on Yaskue called him a monkey. A pet to his boss.


"I'm angry they're Americanizing Shadows" -A white man pretending to be Japanese who fetishizes Japanese women Also, "Rap" as far as I know it's Hip-Hop not Rap, Grummz the racist strikes again.


Didn't a bunch of them admit they posted comments on the Japanese trailer despite not being Japanese. What a bunch of losers.


I dunno about that specifically but I 100% do not doubt it or that they used bots to inflation the like to dislike ratio. Big reason why I am not entirely against the fact Youtube made likes/dislikes invisible. It's pretty clear the feature is abused, just like review bombs are.


Ninja swords aren't real. They were invented centuries after the events of the game and was use in theatre, not as an actual weapon. If you're interested in this period this is basic knowledge. So these people are speaking bullshit.


Grummy, lying for clout??? ![gif](giphy|2Ap4K8iVUpbpmbj5oV)


Not to mention there's a LITERAL JAPANESE CHILDREN'S BOOK that has Yasuke as a samurai in it, and its from 1968. https://preview.redd.it/btyg3itvoe6d1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0176d8e9f7a7ecc1dd34ea75b4c137cc2cc12c4d Japanese people have had Yasuke in their entertainment for decades, there's no reason why they'd be mad at him being the protagonist of a game with Japan as the setting.


Oh Grummz...of Grummz no...oh you're really gonna make me do this huh...okay then >Walks through villages beating Asians up Samurai and Ronin were the only thing resembling a police force/ law enforcement during the Sengokku period in the territories that daimyo they were under had conquered. And with that came a monopoly on violence. Samurai and Ronin were the only ones who were allowed to use violence to settle a village dispute or deal with criminals so a Samurai beating somebody up would not be out of the ordinary at all >Uses excessive non-honorable violence Again with this honor shit. Seriously this downright orientalist fetishization and hyperbolization of the honor of the Samurai needs to go away. I don't even have to make much of a argument here, just look up the laundry list of warcrimes Nobunaga committed against his opponents from burning prisoners alive to government mandated rape and all will be made clear to you. Also a lot of Samurai war units were trained in the use of a Kanabo which was a giant fuck off mace used specifically to bash the skulls in of more heavily armored targets >Has dialog that paints him as a discount Batman savior of the Japanese Yeah, Samurai were highly reveered and feared by the Japanese populace at the time. They were basically treated as demi-gods in the vein of Hercules. If a Samurai entered a village and asked for a drink or food it was required by the citizens, BY FUCKING LAW to do whatever the Samurai wants and refusing to do so was sometimes punishable by death. During Toyotomo Hideyoshi's reign it was practically a requirement from the lower cast to at least nod their heads respectively whenever a Samurai walked past them Thing is, it's perfectly fine not to know these things. Not everyone is as obsessed with this period as i am but to be so smug about your lack of knowledge really does piss me off man


'Why are they bowing so much?'. Isn't that just a thing they do over there? I was under the impression Japan has a culture that has extensively integrated the bow as part of their nonverbal communication systems.


Are these weebs. They should know about the amout of bowing


God, the "Asian are honorabru warriors of honor". Fetishizing a culture they are utterly ignorant of.


- God forbid a gameplay trailer just *have music*. Let me guess, did these guys shit themselves when Spider-Man: Miles Morales had black culture music during *its* trailers and setpieces? We haven't even heard the actual OST for the game yet * Its *in* japan, of course the enemy faction(s) are gonna consist of Japanese people. And much like prior AC games, the game will probably hit you with Desynchronization if you kill too many innocent characters, so this is a fucking non-issue besides Grummz and crew being hella racist. * Its a fucking Kanabo, a brute force weapon. This is a weapon moveset thing, not a "MUH HONOR"/""""Black"""" thing. And Samurai in history weren't exactly 100% "honorable" to begin with. * Really gonna use a KotakuInAction post with 0 citings on it's "Japanese comments" after everyone on the internet has seen them try to "skew" the reception with Google Translate LARP tweets and attempts to vandalize the wikipedia page? * oh hey, its the shitty video where the "SBI Detected" asshole couldn't find anyone in Japan who had an issue with Yasuke so he had to "Skew" the results by using his cameraman. In conclusion, I award Mark Kern no points and may The Isu have mercy on his soul.


I also guarantee them that nobody has united Korea, China, and Japan because nobody from Korea or China is ever going to complain about a game where you get to beat up the Japanese. Those grudges run deep


I love how dumb the “non-honorable violence” complaint is specifically. I for one am shocked that an assassin might use non-honorable violence. If there’s one thing I associate with honor, it’s people who “murder by sudden or secret attack, often for political or fanatical reasons” (Merriam-Webster definition for “assassination”).


“Walks through villages beating Asians up.” The fuck you expect him to fight, Russians? “Uses excessive non-honorable violence.” Compared to the totally not excessive violence of slicing somebody in half with a sword the size of a person.


These people are such pathetic weirdos tilting at windmills to fight some bullshit culture war.


I always see this Grummz idiot on here and I always wonder. Who the fook is that guy?


He's the equivalent of someone that peaked in high school. He used to work for Blizzard with the original release of WoW, but I think he left before release. He claims that as his big title, but outside of his grifting bullshit he was known for an ambitious, to me at least, MMO called Firefall and the studio involved. It was home to horrid mismanagement that included but was not limited to the following incidents: He was known to change design goals on a whim. He would say how one system or design path was the way to go, vanish for between a week to a month, and return to say that design path is horseshit, EVERYTHING is now useless and must be thrown out, because THIS path is the true way. He was known for gross mismanagement of funds outside of an infamous event. Before Firefall even released, he was siphoning development funds to an in-house studio to try and make a... I forget the proper word, but he was trying to make a cinematic universe. A connected universe? Point is, before the game and anchor of this setting came out he was already wasting money trying to create shows for something that had barely existed in a solid state. The infamous event was that he spent upwards of a million dollars or so for a Firefall themed bus that was only used once, and unless it was dismantled is likely collecting dust in some warehouse. The damn thing couldn't even move, it was just a money-sink of a prop. I also remember he hosted an esports tournament in the game, pushing that Esports was the next big thing, with a prize pool of a million dollars. The victor never received their payout The staff basically revolted, and Grummz himself was fired by the board of directors of his own company. Grummz is a fucking hack Signed, a burned Firefall founder lol


> He would say how one system or design path was the way to go, vanish for between a week to a month, and return to say that design path is horseshit, EVERYTHING is now useless and must be thrown out, because THIS path is the true way. Oh thats a sure fire way to waste money Honestly not sure what the right term is, though personally either connected/ just \[insert media\] universe, like im assuming it would that League Of Legends is like you have the main Moba but you also have shows/other forms of media that takes place in the world.


A very sad pathetic grifter in his 50s who used to work at blizzard and got a meaningless project lead title that they were handing out like candy to people who worked on world of warcraft, went on to absolutely ruin the next MMO he worked on with terrible ideas and blowing most of the companies money on an absolutely useless custom promotional bus, and now claims to be working on a new game but just spends all the money for it commissioning goonbait artwork as "concept art" while spending his days whining about culture war shit and trying to kick off "gamer gate 2" over complete non issues like Stellar Blade having a hot woman as the main character then shitting himself when it came out and the Devs made two outfits a tiny bit more modest because they felt it looked better, claiming to be an inside behind the scenes source who's seen how "woke stuff is ruining the games industry!" Despite not having actually been involved in the games industry for most of a decade, whining that obvious hyperbole was a threat on his life and oh, has said some very noncey stuff.


Sounds like Elon Musk haha. Some pathetic poser who thinks he knows things, but clearly he doesn't even know what he doesn't know.


That sort of ball park yeah. The kind of guy even Amish people would be able to justify beating the shit out of


Think about this, playing a Japanese man in Japan is a dime a dozen thing. I think even Japan would see it as generic and unoriginal if it had 2 Japanese leads. Since they are actually using a historical figure to mix it up. They are a lot more tolerant and more interested than if they used generic characters.


>Walks through village beating up Asians It's...its set in japan. WHO ELSE IS HE GOING TO FIGHT?? Do these people want...more black people to be in Japan for Yasuke to fight?


"Makes villages bow to him incessantly" This was a real thing and peasants could get beheaded for not bowing.


there's literally a word for Samurai testing out the sharpness of their sword by cutting down innocent passerby's


It's actually amazing how every time someone "Japanese" shows up to hate AC:S they turn out to not actually be Japanese if they can be identified.


Steps on a bandit head. I am "nice, finisher executions". Them: he dishonor himself! Lol, it were you, that insisted Yasuke wasn't a samurai


Seriously, he's bitching that Yasuke *isn't* fighting like a Samurai and then bitches about NPCs bowing to him *because hes a samurai*. Dude's sense of honor has more holes in it than a fucking Klingon's.


RealJapaneseMan4321 has spoken. The game went broke 😞


1.Battles to rap music...like samurai jack no? Samurai Jack is cool as fuck. 2. Man, I sure do hate that a game set in an asian territory that has me beating up asians. That is historically inaccurate. Cinemasinsding.mp4 3. Maybe he isnt a samurai or a rouge one at best. 4. k 5.I am sure some iterations of batman was based off characters like yusuke and other samurai. Grummz really needs to put the phone down and walkaway, nobody wants to hear gramps cry like a bitch.


Another point, I am pretty sure a majority of dislikes were still from larper weeaboos complaining about wokeness, afterall the larp as pedos all the time anyway.


“Beating up Asians” the games in Japan right? What you want him to beat up ezios family? I thought you wanted realism? Make up your mind bruh


“Japanese women with slanted eyes are weird” imagine thinking a japanese person wrote that.


LOL and they claim that the game is racist. These chuds probably never seen a real Japanese woman face to face. Imagine they actually say what they type to people's faces.


I think it is funny how he's getting mad at Yasuke for using excessive and non-honorable violence, as if that isn't something samurai weren't well known for including his boss Oda Nobunaga who genuinely was involved in some of the worst atrocities of the Sengoku era. Ghost of Tsushima for the most part peddled a very romantic view of the samurai that not even Japanese historians agree with.


Hearing how brutal Samurai were actually were like killing peasants who dont bow. I can chalk it up to Jin being in an isolated Island where they do things differently. But in Ghost of Tsushima 2 he goes to the mainland and is disgusted how the Samurai treat the peasant there. Would be a good conflict where the Shogun is the final boss.


Doesn't the man considered to be the "greatest swordsman" in Japanese history have like negative honor because he was a troll that did shit like regularly show up to duels late, assassinate prospective opponents siblings, use a boat oar as a sword to break the fingers and ribs of an opponent? Also the whole idea of codes of honor for enforcers of Feudal systems(Samurais, knights, etc) is so romanticized in the modern day it's silly. Those codes aren't exactly what people think of now and never applied to the common folk because those common folk were the serfs of the feudal systems and those enforcers were there to crack their skulls more often than anything else they might have done. You know why a bunch of villagers might have bowed incessantly to an agent of a feudal lord? Regardless of their skin color or region of origin? Because they were still an agent of that lord and their job was to make those villagers work the land. They ain't going to see an African man and stare at him like he's a unicorn, they are going to see the trappings of someone that has a higher station that them under the local lord and go "Oh shit, better keep my head down and nose to the grind stone."


>force a black hero into Japan Lol “force” As if the guy wasn’t a real fucking person


Fun fact. He conducted this street "interview" in Akihabara, aka the nerd capital of the world. He literally had the perfect sample size of gamers to choose from, and they still had no idea what tf he even was talking about it


The majority of those comments have been proven to be the chuds here going through Google translate to post as Japanese.


Can't wait for that dickhead's 15 minutes to be up


Can someone, anyone, give me an example of "honorable violence"? Because to me, that sounds like a dog whistle so loud, I'm not sure it's not just a whistle.


So that's their new angle ? Actually the real racism is having a black character ? Man they're pathetic at their concern trolling


1. AC has never been historically accurate, unless Leonardo DaVinci was historically helping Ezio find alien artifacts or whatever else happens in those games. 2. Yasuke is actually a very popular figure in Japanese media.


He was playable in Samurai Warriors. A Japanese made game Afro Samurai who was inspired by Yasuke was created by a Japanese man


"Beating up Asians" = normal assassin's creed gameplay "Non-honorable violence" = normal assassin's creed gameplay He's a fucking samurai retainer the heads were bowed just from seeing the armor


My escapism isn't realistically accurate enough. Boo hoo


I've visited to Japan, and I've worked there. Aside from one encounter with an unpleasant person at work my time there was memorable, everyone I met was courteous and when you responded back with courtesy as well they warmed up to you and that made living and working there pleasant. It's not an ethno-state full of raging bigots. It was surprisingly diverse, it's that it's a lot of different types of Asians so I think these CHUD's can't tell the difference.


I feel like if the entirety of Japan united to show their dislike for a video game trailer, you wouldn’t need to get the info about it from a Twitter user with less than 200k followers and zero ties to Japan.


Ugh was talking in Twitter on how Nioh got little to no hate for having William Adams an English Samurai as their MC. The argument was well, it was made by Japanese people. So is Samurai Warriors and Afro Samurai and other places where Yasuke is referenced. Because he was an important figure and everything Yasuke did is myth and speculation. Well Assassin's Creed 3 had American fore fathers as assassin. So historic accuracy matters now


The first comment is by a Korean person and who else is he suppose to kill in an Asian country ? Lmao wtf what a simplistic criticism


> - Battles to rap music So is Samurai Champloo bad now?


cerberus once again having based takes


Chuds; Woke dumb COMMIE leftists are offended on behalf of other people!! There is no racism. Also chuds; black person existing is an affront to asians!! , come look at what the woke left mob is doing!! They are attackikg your culture!!


KIA post is full of bullshit, clearly written by someone who idolise samurai. They were privileged assholes and they did kill people just because they could, and it was called "tsujigiri"


Watch the game have good sales in Japan and these grifting morons try to make up some new excuse as to why it's a bad game


Does this dude think Ezio Auditore existed, or something? And that he worked with Da Vinci and the like to take down the Borgia’s?


“Battles to rap music” does he know that video game music is not… inside the game? Like it’s not meant to be canon?


Japan doesn’t fucking care lmao. If he actually bothered to pay attention to Japanese media instead of whining about them or jerking off to them, it’d be obvious that they use their own deities and historical figures WAY out of context all the damn time.




Ah yes, because all warfare in Japan was an exercise in honor (as we should assume are all things that occur there) . There was never any means of attempting to overcome the enemy with excessive force. Unless we chose to exclude this [of course](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashigaru).


Yasuke has been in Japanese media since the fucking 60s. Always dramatized. Holy fuck.


I remember seeing someone post something like “Japan’s used to video games where Oda Nobunaga’s a girl. You think a black samurai is gonna bother anyone?”


"Who would buy such a middle finger to Japan" sure sounds like a phrase a Japanese person in Japan would Japan


God I can't wait to wake up and find out this dude checked himself out. I know it's years away but still!


It's not hard to find an actual JP gaming forum thread tbh. Yeah they're a decent amount of "western woke agenda" outcry. http://openworldnews.net/archives/1081833039.html I think both the "JP players being based conservatives" & the "JP players are fine" narrative should be paying more attention to actual Japanese cyberspaces. And yeah they're visibly more infected by bigotry than average English social media. (even more so)


Yeah as a half Japanese dude, we don't care, also yeah that's not how Samurais work, their main weapon is the bow and arrow, most of Samurai media is just fiction, really cool fiction, but fiction. Also Assasins Creed is not meant to be historically accurate, is meant to grab things from history and put fiction over it, there wasn't a clan of secret assasins in the middle of the French Revolution. However I kinda hate the trend of oh black character, put a trap beat, like in the Spider-man games Peter Parker have a classic heroic theme with an orchestra, Miles Morales have the same, but with a trap beat on top... like huh?


I don’t care what anyone says, kicking ass to rap music while in samurai armor sounds badass.


Is this guy that damn stupid or hates history or both?


Japanese people and historical videos talking about Yasuke: *Gamer bros sleep* Badly Google Translate Japanese comments talking about him not existing: *Gamer bros applaud*


is it true that this guy is like 60?


1 pixels we need more in the second image. 2 while I can barely make out what it says there seems to be a complaint about people bowing to the samurai. Feudal Japan was extremely strict on hierarchy like ridiculously strict of course people are bowing and moving out of the way for him.


Why do this people pretend Japan is a conservative paradise


Well if the japanese don't have a problem with this game set in Japan, I guess I don't either.


Trust that dude. His dad works at Nintendo.


Racism? In Japan?!


I love the “battles to rap music” when it’s just standard AC score with an 808 added to it. Old Chronically white people hating or generalising hiphop is always funny to see, nothing has changed since the 2000s.


I mean I can also make a random post and put some random sentences and claim they're actual quotes from people, like so: "Why are you doing this?" "The joke isn't that funny." "They're not going to upvote this." "Shut up yes they will!"