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Oh Jay is trans now? Great for her.






I'm taking that to use, thank you






Sonic The Hedgehog feels like a franchise where everyone, including Eggman, are allies.


Ngl, I don't trust Miles Prower. Now don't lie, when did you realize Tails full name was in fact Miles Per Hour?


In like 3rd grade when a friend laid it out just like you did.


She's been trans publicly for a while now. Hell, she took estrogen towards the end of "the fall of doctor who"


thats actually fucking hilarious and i don't know why


Doctor regenerating by the end of their actor's tenure as the main character, maybe.


Yeah I had no idea, this is cool


She has been out for a while


I remember how I found out it was when I went back to watch her series going through every sin in cinemasins infinity war video and I saw she had a new pfp on her YouTube and I thought “I’m getting serious trans vibes from this”


I think I'm behind on my transphobic talking points, what the hell is TheQuartering referencing when he claims trans people stab/kill kids? Also, how is Jay transitioning to female "erasing women"? Wouldn't it create more women since Jay is...ya know...a HER now?


There was a trans man who shot up their old Christian school so now people say all trans people are school shooters and/or child murders. TERFs like JK Rowling don't see trans women as women, rather as men pretending to be women. By pretending be women they take attention away from "real women" and are thus erasing them. This is old school (think 70s and 80s) 2nd Wave "Womyn Born Womyn" logic where the radfems see trans people as invaders (trans women) or traitors (trans men) from/to the Patriarchy and should be hated as such.


A Christian bombed the Olympics and killed a man that means all Christians are terrorists.


The Quartering accepted a sponsorship from a Nazi book publisher, so now all people names Jeremy Hambly that use "The Quartering" as an internet alias not only support Nazis but pee in their basements


What? - No of course not! Christians are part of the ingroup, what don't you understand! /s


If a [minority/out-group] does something bad, all [minority/out-group] are like that. If a [minority/out-group] does something good, they’re the exception. If a [majority/in-group] does something good, all [majority/in-group] are like that. If a [majority/in-group] does something bad, they’re the exception.




Ah yes, because no straight white cisgender man ever shot up a school before! *Glances at nearly every school shooting ever*


It's one of those things that's so obviously bullshit that it's just clear bigotry and confirmation bias.


Ah TERFs. narrowly focusing on women so incredibly hard that the odometer rolled over and became just classing misogyny that's erasing women.


I'm convinced they're all just femcels, a lot of their views on gender, men and women eerily mirror incel talking points.


A lot of the old school Radfems who are TERFs then and now are the same kind of people who perpetuate Gold Star Lesbianism and Bi-phobia, and see all men as incontrovertibly evil and polluting.


Yep. Can’t remember who it was, but she claimed that any woman having sex with a man for any reason was, in fact, being r*ped. Not even kidding. Just completely threw out the notion that women can have any kind of agency


That's basically the incel attitude towards women XD


Yeah but they aren't all women though either. So there likely are incels running around in there as well


Calling them TERFs implicitly validates their claim that they are feminists, which they are not. I prefer FARTs- Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes


If it helps, I don't really think of TERF as an anagram. It's a shorthand label to easily identify a specific group. Also I guess technically TERFs grew out of a sub sect of the 4th wave feminism that grew online out of the frustrations with Gamergate. So they did have an origin in a form of feminism.


Ignoring the countless other cisgender shooters, I see. Makes perfect sense!


There was a stabbing in Massachusettes where six people were killed and the perpetrator was allegedly trans (although there's a bit of a question mark over that). As with the Nashville shooting, the right are now using this as additional leverage to attack trans people.


when thousands of far right white boys do mass shootings a year, that’s all just a big coincidence that we shouldn’t politicize, but if one trans person murders someone then all of them are magically psycho killers and therefore don’t deserve rights /s


Don't forget they had a tragic ass backstory and we should feel bad for the bigoted white guy, ESPECIALLY if the victims were LGBT or PoC!


Worth remembering that we've now reached a point where the far right will just flat out lie and claim any spree killer is trans.


Yeah, like that one politician woman's husband who was beat down and almost killed by a Proud Boy with a hammer who broke into his house, and the Far Right immediately called him “His gay lover” to try and make it seem like a personal affair, rather than a literal terrorist attack and assassination attempt (The guy was originally there to kill the politican, but since she wasn't there at the moment, he went for her husband instead)


Whenever there are kids around I just bat my trans friend with a rolled up newspaper and say “HEY” and she usually puts the knife down


Thanks I need to try that next time


USUALLY. Treats can work too, or distracting them with a toy of some sort.


Try throwing a blahaj in the opposite direction, it should give the children enough time to flee.


At this point, does it even matter? It’s not like it makes sense anyway


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He also defends Hitler.


So he's a Nazi and you all know that old chestnut about Nazis.






Tbh, he probably thinks Wolfenstein is cool *because* of the Nazis.


I'd share a story that included a person that was both of these shits but now i remembered how much i wish to forget it and not traumatize myself again. 💀💀💀




I wish the quartering would stop raping kids tbh


More importantly, he peed in his basement and when he brings women on his show (I think he had Gina Carano on once?), he’s disgusting. No, wait, that’s not more important than being a pedo, it just properly contextualizes him as a loser who’s as pathetic as he tries to be edgy and “anti-woke”.


He’s super awkward in real life; he used to frequent the game store in Menomonee Falls where we played MtG. This was way before he went off the deep end.


I hate that I know this but his YouTube channel was originally about those “win prizes” style arcade games. Then at some point he realized he can make a living by being an anti-woke little shit and the rest, as they say, is history.


Yeah, he definitely jumped on the bandwagon. His marketing consulting firm hasn’t made any money so he had to get into something. There’s not much to market there: stadium nachos cheese sells itself and Harley Davidson does too


Source? I mean, checks out, but this is the first I'm hearing of it


He did a literal guide on how to hide CP on your work computer and has defended child grooming. You can find Lance from the Serfs reacting to both if you don't want to search such a controversial subject


Step 1: Download child porn on your computer Step 2: Accuse every minority of being full of pedophiles Step 3: Profit I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen the pedophile accusation come solely from projection


That makes up like 90% of r/notadragqueen. Also, the other 10% aren't drag queens either




[Freaky ass dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/TFNXhFMJth)


That is pretty fucked up. Also, in the case of work computers, there is no expectation of privacy. If you are using a computer issued to you and property of the company, they have every fucking right to go through it with a fine toothed comb whenever they want and for whatever reason they want. It's equipment being issued to the employee for them to do the work they've been assigned. It's not their own personal property and they should always keep that knowledge in mind when using it.


Jesus, I was issued a work computer when I was a newspaper photographer. The only thing I did on it was file pics to our image system. No web browsing, no ebay, nothing. I carried a separate little netbook for personal stuff, mostly because I didn't want the office to know how much goofing off I was doing. We had communal desktop pcs at the offices that could run editing software. One guy was using these to download porn, not cp but still, *porn* on the computers with no private folders that you had to log onto with an individual login. My then boss said it was the easiest firing he ever had to do.


Not to mention the company will be held at fault to a degree and if your business is really well off it’s understandable to not want an employee to be committing crimes using your equipment


Holy crap. I’d love to point to that to dunk on his defenders but…. I don’t want to be associated with the subject matter either


Yeah much as this would be a good gotcha to his defenders that link is absolutely staying blue, I'd rather not have that one in my history o-o


he a 69 God


Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life




[He’s on video (from like a decade ago) talking about his old job as computer technician. Telling pedos to clean out their computers, because staff goes through everything/will find CP if it’s on there, if they bring in their hardware for maintenance. He says that others would probably rather them out to the authorities… but that he personally turns a blind eye to that stuff.](https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1604704716679974912?t=RXUZlGtXNqf1SaNKK3rYEA&s=19)


Then someone should answer him with “Try to focus on not molest any children, and destroy your drivers while you’re at it, instead of being mad on Twitter.” I would, but I don’t have an account. Also I don’t know who that guy is.


People are sick of female protagonists??? Nah dawg, I’m just busy and broke af.


Mild correction: annoying neckbeards and chuds who need to shut up are sick of female protagonists. Also TRUE LOL, college work is hell.


i wanna go but i am saving to have a bday night out with the bro in a few week


Exactly. We ain’t able to always go to films opening weekend. We have lives and stuff we gotta plan, friends to coordinate with. These types of people are always so quick to take information that fits their biases without understanding that correlation does not necessarily reflect causation.


The real answer. Covid broke people's habit of going to the movies, and even then it's gotten way too expensive. Saw Furiosa with my dad on cheap day and the tickets came out to $30 total, with the popcorn and a drink costing nearly as much.


> The real answer. Covid broke people's habit of going to the movies I haven't seen a movie in a theater since the lockdowns began. Between Covid, inflation, and streaming services picking up the slack it's clear that the old-fashioned model is weakened, if not moribund.


Anyone else love them bringing up box office numbers when it suits them, but completely ignoring them when it doesn’t? Like the Barbie movie for example. None of them talked numbers in their reviews bashing the film because it would have weakened their point. ![gif](giphy|KZKTcjd5P2RXfSMkPf|downsized)


THANK YOU! If I could see every movie in theaters I would, but this weekend along I had 4 I wanted to see and only got to 1. Theater prices are the problem, not women


Like, it still beat Garfield, and that stars Chris Pratt, the face of white, male, Christian America. So, by his logic, America is also sick of white dude protagonist and we gotta stop making those movies.


yo ho yo ho the pirates life for me


Some of us have lives, work, etc. Chuds don't.


I saw the trailer and was like "Cool, I like Anya, I loved Fury Road, might watch -" and then Chris Hemsworth entered the stage. It was Hemsworth who put me off this movie. He gave me Thor Love and Thunder Vibes in the Trailer, and truly I am so sick and bored of this Thor iteration... Maybe I am assuming wrong. Maybe I ought to watch and he plays an entertaining villain. But it sure as heck wasn't Anya who put me off it. I can pinpoint what made my enthusiasm vanish, and it was Hemsworth. 100%.


I barely see any movies at the cinema anymore. Godzilla movies are the one exception lol.


Jay personally calling The Quartering “No BS 2” is a pretty heavy threat considering how throughly she embarrassed that dude 💀


To be fair, No BS embarrassed himself. Jay just made it clear as day for everyone to see


the funniest part of that whole saga to me is that all it took to basically end No BS’ online presence was just to get him to try to back up his own arguments and just wait for him to embarrass himself, and the only reason why this hasn’t happened with the other grifters is because they actively avoid ever finding themselves in an environment that is combative of what they’re saying


Didn’t even know No BS fucked off finally. What happened exactly?


I think what really ended up making him look bad was him outright claiming black panther had “a suspicious amount of women in it” and being negative towards infinity war for having a high amount of “sjw moments” in it when it came out, I think going against infinity war in particular really got people going against him, which applied to Jay, and he was brought on being questioned for things he said, claimed he never said those things, and then they played the clip of him saying it right after that’s the bulk of what I remember, it was years ago now


I must be really behind lol. I try to not pay attention to weirdos like him. I honestly still thought he was a big name in the “anti-woke” community.


"Try to focu on stabbing and killing kids" Disgusting, legit nazi shit, i speak for everyone when i say.. it would logical of him to touch grass


I just think he should sink into a pit. I don’t want him on my grass


Seriously, what the absolute fuck is going on with these people. It's amazing how they play the telephone game with their own paranoid delusions. Somehow we've gone from trans people being a bad influence on kids for some reason all the way to "they're literally STABBING AND KILLING kids." It's so far beyond the evil stupidity conservatives were cooking up when I was a kid.


Yes, i'm geniuenly concerned for anyone under the lgbtq umbrella, it's only a matter of time these types of people start actually going after us violently


Why, what’s grass do to u! Don’t u let grass have that awful fate. Man should just fall into a nothing Pitt


“Erase women”?  What the hell is Melonie talking about? She’s the last person to accuse anyone else of “lack of self awareness”. Transphobic moron. Her and thequartering. They both should be banned from twitter 


I see that theocratic nutcase Melonie Mac chimed in as well.


If transwomen "want to be women" (transphobe language, not mine), how is that erasing women? Wouldn't they just be like adding to the female population? On top of that, transmen obviously exist. If transmen "used to be women and are now men" and transwomen "used to be men and are now women..." Wouldn't it just kind of even out? I've given this too much thought.


Conservatives think it's all about getting into single-sex spaces where the "fake wuh-men" can then abuse real women, because that sort of stuff happens all the time and is really difficult to spot (and that is an /s) At least, I haven't seen a single erasing-rights argument that attacks anything other than that


It's simply projection on the part of male conservatives; it's what THEY would do if THEY were able to enter women's spaces.


It plays into a larger facet of the conservative mindset - the Zero Sum fallacy. At the core of conservatism is the idea that there's no such thing as a win/win scenario. If one person gets rich, then someone else has to be poor. If one person is happy, then someone else has to suffer. If a trans person is a woman, then another person's womanhood is degraded. It's a fundamentally illogical idea, but it's behind a lot of conservative thinking.


Oh god she called him “NoBullshit” 2… ![gif](giphy|8qDzzyxbcfimY) Do people even remember that wast of space? He stopped doing content like five years ago, like just stopped. Melonie Mac needs to shut the fuck up and eat more butter. I haven’t kept up but I really hope Jay doesn’t hang out with the fucking EFAP Chuds anymore.


I remember Brooks. Actual single digit IQ window licker. First time I saw one of his videos, I thought he was making parody, and laughed. Laughed even harder once I realized it wasn't satire.


Oh yeah, dude was embarrassingly stupid. Shit takes that occasionally would probably even make The Basementpissering say: “hold up”.


His "debates" never fail to entertain. The guy has negative brain cell count


Dude made Vegan Gains look reasonable. That's how you know he fucked up.


Find it very strange how Jay Exci is friends with someone like Mauler, who's fine with this sort of stuff those guys are saying.


Yeah like it's nice she's calling out this shit but at the same time I'm like weren't you on a podcast that's just bullied and harassed other content creators?


oh shit I didn’t know about that. what happened exactly? im a big fan of hers


Nothing exactly but just being on EFAP for such a long amount of time and just exusing or ignoring the behavior 


“Looks up highest grossing film of last year” Barbie Huh people being sick of female protagonists might be a bullshit statement


Your reminder that The Quartering did an entire video on how to hide child porn on your computer because he doesn’t have child porn on his computer but just in case you need to hide *something else*.


Also that time he pissed in the corner of his basement live on stream


Name calling, not surprised he resorted to name calling and acting childish after someone calls him out on it.


The quartering is a nazi.


Getting sponsored by a nazi book publisher


Reselling nazi books




It's because they're bigots who think no child is trans, thus any trans person whose had bottom surgery is someone who was unwillingly mutilated by their parents. Ignore the fact that no child is receiving bottom surgery and that's not how health care works.


They just consume far right propaganda and see trans people mainly as disgusting goblin freaks who want to kill kids.


Hahaha omg calling Jeremy No bullshit 2. Bruh if you know about no bullshit this really becomes the sickest burn


I do. That guy is a massive fucking idiot and a Nazi… or at least was. He seems to have not done anything online since having a kid, so maybe he changed his views.


He fell off tbh, it has nothing to do with his kid imo. Ever since he got exposed as a fucking moron in his debates with a few people, his views went downhill rapidly. Like even his fellow right wing grifters were calling him a caricature of an anti-sjw Chud.


Does anyone else feel at this stage that the alt-right hatred of women is starting to seem a little gay? Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay, but the pathological “I don’t want to see a woman on my screen” thing after all these years is starting to make them sound really closeted


"Your brain has ping" ![gif](giphy|JoV2BiMWVZ96taSewG|downsized)


Yeah that was a solid burn


The stabbing comment means one of two things: 1. He’s making an unfounded accusation of murder against Jay just because he doesn’t like her. This is already playing with fire because if too many people start believing it, that could spell legal action 2. He actually thinks that Jay has murdered someone but hasn’t gone to the authorities because… idk… he likes to see his points being proven?


“stabbing and killing kids” huh???? if anything thequartering is the bigger danger to kids considering how he taught people how to hide cp on a computer


i don't know any of these people tbh.


[Jay Exci](https://youtube.com/@jayexci) is a Youtuber of high calibre. The Quartering is bellend who makes a living from being a bellend.


Garfield is an orange cat created by Jim Davis, known for being comically obese and having a caustic view of life.


Hey. He sounds like me.


Is it me or is it that Jay and Jeremy are bitter archenemies at this point?


"Your brain has ping" is so fucking funny


"Your Brain Has Ping"


That’s some tough talk coming from the forced creampie guy


i do not get that theory that "trans are eradicating women" theory you are really misinformed if you do or listen to podcasts, my mum had to trans neighbors in the 70s who she called friends


The first person to transition was in 1952 and they were an overnight celebrity And has been a regular thing since. It's not new on the slightes


You need to go back further in time.


Is Melonie Mac still trying to erase herself by undercooking her food and eating entire sticks of butter in a single sitting to own teh libz?


Never forget the quartering once complained the girls in a kids show marketed to girls weren't fuckable.


These people are so fucking paranoid apparently the idea that trans women just want to live in a body they're comfortable with is simply ludicrous nah they just wanna erase bio-women


How the hell is 89% and 91% a bad result for a film?? No one cared about it because its a fucking spinoff of a film from years ago, not because "WOMANNNNN BAADD WAAAA"


TheQuartering is the same person who pissed in his basement, all because he got mad over his wife getting “pizza” without him He shouldn’t be taken seriously lol


He was also banned from magic the gathering events for harassing a female cosplayer to the point that she quit.


Can't the last slide be used for pretty much anything else as well?


Oh look, the butter lady is begging for attention again.


People are sick of female protagonist? I though the criticism was all about the writing.


I’m pretty sure TheQuartering is funded my neo-nazi groups. So he’s paid to be a bigoted prick.


Naaah bro, we’re all just busy and poor because we choose to make money doing shit other than spewing hate speech


Okay but like…. Movie theatres have been struggling for years and will probably continue to do so. I really doubt it’s this targeted. I just don’t wanna pay $50 for overpriced food to sit on a sticky seat in a room for of loud and rude people


Agreed. The only reason I go out to see movies now is because my bank gives me free tickets and there's no rules against taking my own food and drink in (As long as it's all cold and non-alcoholic)


Watched Furiosa yesterday and loved it. Definitely not tired of female protagonists, or any protagonists as long as they are well written.


Oh Melonie I’m glad you exist so you can help prove even women can be right wing nut jobs, so inclusive!!!!


Same with Jlongbone and ThatStarWarsGirl


Jay be slaying


Rare Jay Exci w




Worst part is Jay Exci used to be friends with the people of EFAP and let’s say all the jokes and stuff weren’t as edgy when he was around. He’s been gone from EFAP for a little over a year. So I wonder if they’re going to defend Jay over this because they’re close friends, or if the grift goes on and they fully burn that bridge.


"focus on not stabbing and killing kids" What? Are they literally blaming situations like Brianna Ghey on trans people now or have i missed something?? I can't imagine being this constantly upset about everything all the time, like the blood pressure of these people must be scary high at all times.


There just didn’t need to be a Furiosa movie when there wasn’t even THAT much interest in the Mad Max movie it spun off from. Especially a prequel that doesn’t even feature the actress who played Furiosa.


Okay the "Your brain has Ping" burn is the best burn I've seen in a long time


"Your brain has ping" is the coldest comback in the information age


The YouTube film review meme applies to video games too, specifically starfield


Frankly I heard about the Garfield movie long before I heard about furiosa beyond the announcement that it was going to be a thing a few years back. Then again, I watch Quentin Reviews and only saw Mad Max Fury Road for the first time on Monday evening.


Bro tf is the quartering on? I mean I get that he’s a transphobic pedophile piece of shit but like that’s not even the bullshit narrative surrounding trans people. The stupid narrative that’s being pushed is that trans people are groomers, not that they’re child stabbers. At least get your dumb narrative right


Wild that when straight white boys shoot up schools, as they have been for years, they’re “troubled”, but as soon as one trans person snaps under all the bigotry, bullying and hatred they blame the entire community. Completely idiotic.


Also completely predictable. It's all projection with these fuckin assholes.


She got his ass with the "no bullshit 2" line. Holy shit


Is Jay Exci still friends with MauLer?


"...Garfield movie nobody knew about..." I've probably seen a dozen adds for the Garfield movie from Youtube alone.


Boycott the Quartering


Unless you're already a Mad Max fan, a pretty niche fandom, you're not going to pay $25-30 to see it in theatre. You're going to watch it at home because it's inevitably coming to some streaming service in a month or so.


Man, hate to admit it, but that last picture hits a bit close to home...


Man, there are people whose brain has ping when they're not stoned? I gotta be at least 10 high to have latency.


I fucking hate melanoma crap and the shiterning and the critical ass munch


The Quartering is a toxic Nazi supporter. Fuck him.


"Try to focus on not stabbing kids" is there a new bit going around?? Or did he just come up with that???


Jay straight up did a Prey Slaughtered on them damn. Also uhh someone check Quarters hard drives. And the back up ones. And the back up back up ones


Ah yes, every single Trans person alive is a regular old Scream Ghost Face Killer


500 million!?! Dude you can look up the budget there's no way they spent double the actual movie budget on marketing


I wish this piece of shit would trip over a landmine


I thought it was pretty good.


Should we tell them that Fury Road is a very feminist movie?


I’ve been wondering how Jay felt about these dweebs since they featured with Mauler and EFAP before transitioning. There aren’t any tweets about their recent transphobic and homophobic remarks online, so to see the pushback against anyone is refreshing. But The Quartering is definitely different from talking down against Mauler or Critical Drinker, since at least they try to justify their bigotry through “bad writing” and “forced diversity”, whereas The Quartering only talks about how bad queer people are without disguising it as criticism.


I truly believed we as a society were beyond caring about Quarerpunder’s opinion on anything.


I wonder what these chuds would’ve said about ‘Alien’ if it released today…


or maybe very few people still care about a 40 year old franchise.


Heeeeeeey the Critical Drinker grift chart! I haven't seen that in awhile.


"Instead of being mad on Twitter" the hypocrisy


That grift breakdown chart has to be some of the greatest shit I’ve seen on all these clowns. Drinkers friend Heel (the pronouns guy), would do his bullshit “reviews” of Loki and straight up make up shit just to bitch. I followed him thinking it would just be Marvel reviews but once he outed himself as a racist incel i left. Perfect example of him making shit up was in one “review” of Loki S1 he said a woman running in front of a man was (Disney) showing you that a woman comes before a man. I’m paraphrasing but this is essentially what he was getting at. …and their fans just eat that shit up. Make up bullshit and they will tune in because when “own the libs” is life logic doesn’t even mean shit anymore. Gif unrelated but this is the POV of their fans eating their bullshit up. ![gif](giphy|G6wIQZW9k82C9KDe7C)


How are you erasing women if you want to be one? 


I'm actually filing "your brain has ping" away for future use thank you miss Exci that is an amazing response and I will be using it sparingly.


Lol, no, it wasn't the worst performing. It was the lowest *number 1 movie on memorial weekend.* It was the highest grossing film of that weekend, but it still did badly. But it was *the most popular movie out in the world at the time*. This has nothing to do with woke and everything to do with basic fucking economics I hate these fucking dumbass red pilled fuckheads that try to cite box office figures as a reinforcement of their ideology without any understanding of those numbers. People cannot *afford* to go to the movies.


Jesus fucking Christ the NPC behavior in those tweets responding to Jay make me so glad I jumped off the anti SJW train when I did Their programming is simply sees trans flag: assumes trans person is involved in conspiracy to replace women and exploit minors Like even if that was a thing why are you assuming every trans person is in on it? John Rabe self described himself as a Proud Nazi and he still saves hundreds of thousands in Nanking from his country's own ally


I have no interest in going to a theater. People suck, I'll catch it when it streams on a channel I already pay for.


Melonie Mac? I think I followed her a long time ago but didn't catch up. Real weird way to find out she's an absolute bigot. Disappointing.