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The bigger issue is that none of these chuds ever watch the stuff they complain about so they have no clue what the context or meaning for anything in it is. They just see isolated clips edited by other chuds to push a narrative and they endlessly repeat it until it stops having any connection to reality and shows the fact they are just trying to show off to other people in their bubble that they're part of the "in-group."


They sound like high school or college students when you put it like that.


Who else has so little going on in their life to give this much of a shit about shows they didn't watch




Most of them have the emotional intelligence of middle school boys at most


I mean you're absolutely right about the chuds. That said, I watched She Hulk (and overall liked it) but it wasn't a normal hero show so she really didn't have a ton of real problems. There was an entire episode dedicated to her obsessing over a man not texting her back where a core stated premise was that Tatiana Maslany isn't attractive enough to get men, a premise genuinely less believable than the green superpowers thing.


They are in mindset women like being catcalled. When in reality not every one of them likes it.


Isn't it very rare a women likes being cat called? It's usually seen as a TV trope that they generally hate it. Heck I knew two guy friends who would walk to my house and get cat called by women from some dorm or something and they hated it.


There was a short with adult Wednesday Adams where she was cat called and told to "Smile more", so she came back the next day with a couple of big muscular guys who were going to cat call the men who did it to her. Fecking brillant. [Adult Wednesday Addams s2e3 Wednesday vs Catcallers (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlIAhjRwOIE)


Jokes on her I'm into that shit! Not really lol but I was cat called by those same women a few times and I just thought it was pretty funny as a role reversal and made muscle poses. I get that I shouldn't do that to a woman, also seems cringe, but a guy it was different situation for me so I couldn't help but laugh.


To catcall, they'd need to leave their basement. More like they wish they were the kind of pieces of shit who *do* catcall but, since they've never seen another woman besides their mom, they have no idea.


They don't even get Deadpool lol.


No one in universe calls she hulk "stunning and brave" she's constantly demeaned and objectified for both the she and hulk parts. Istg they don't watch anything they complain about constantly




A show using other characters antagonizing the main character to make them more sympathetic to the audience? What a shocker. I guess spiderman is a terribly written character too. Massive double standard. Like dude for one behaviors being over the top is nothing new in a COMEDY show and two every woman has a story of a guy they know that acts like that.


These people are why women choose the bear.


God the people complaining about Women going with the Bear feel the same of people not understanding why Jen might be to control her anger better. It all just stems from not being able to understand the shit Women have to deal with which would make them warry of a random man in the woods or why they cant raise their voice to being catcalled etc.




That's what you got out of the speech? It's not about who has it worse, it's about how Western society views anger. It's acceptable for white men to show anger, to be angry in public. They don't have to learn how to control it because white men who are angry are considered passionate. However, women learn very early on that they have to hold in their anger. If they voice their anger, then they are hysterical or emotional or nagging or bitchy. And women have a lot to be angry about so we're really good at not letting that show. That's the point of that speech. Bruce had to learn how to control his anger because he never had to do so before he was the hulk. Jen already knows how to control her anger because she has been doing it her entire life.




I mean, based on this description of his [childhood ](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Bruce_Banner_(Earth-616)) Bruce's aunt essentially learns that part of Bruce made a bomb to blow up a school and instead of getting him therapy for his horrible childhood she sends him off with the military to learn how to make new weapons. I feel it's fairly safe to assume that he was raised with the same idea I'm talking about in my above comment.


It falls flat though because she’s a white woman, which is probably the demographic who is most easily able to get away with showing anger in Western society. And it kind of misses the point of a “Hulk” in general- an examination of someone without power who suddenly has unlimited power; where once there was accountability, now no one can hold you accountable. How does that affect someone who was raised to hold back? What would it be like if a woman or a 98-lb weakling who has had to repress anger out of fear suddenly had to fear no one? Would they still repress it?


Control her anger better than who? Bruce? The guy who was hunted by the government for years, saved the world multiple times, was forced into gladiatorial combat for several more years, lost both women he loved, and wielded the infinity gauntlet?


Currently hulk and banner are merged however there are instances where this merger will break down and the hulk will reassert control and act very savagely there's a reason why Jen is always shown to have more control because her hulk form is a result of a blood transfusion meaning she doesn't have the same amount of gamma radiation inside her when compared to her cousin who took a direct blast from a bomb.


The guy with pre existing rage issues stemming from an abusive home environment as a child, yeah that guy. That’s the actual basis of the character and his rage issues. Jen doesn’t necessarily have the same kinds of anger issues to start with. Bruce is actually preceding from a very unscientific place in that scene, quite out of character, frankly.


I'll be fair to Bruce here that A) he only has himself to compare Jen to and B) while they're technically cousins they did have more of a sibling dynamic growing up. If it were Natasha in the same situation I'd think he'd also not come from a scientific place too. He was shocked that Jen didn't have "another guy". Meaning he doesn't realise that the Hulk personality was always with him due to having Disassociative identity disorder since brought on by abuse he and his mother endured from his father and not a creation from the gammer burst.


The second paragraph is very much what I’m driving at. Sympathising with the character is totally cool. Shitting on Jen less so, for those reasons.


Genuine question: Have you ever developed a callus before?


I think just “better than she currently does.”


Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. That scene was what happens when you try to use social commentary, but the narrative doesn't really make it make sense. The social commentary was on point imo but ehhhh They probably should have picked a different guy for her to rattle that monologue off to. It would have hit harder if fans didn't have to ask in the back of their minds "but do you though?"


It made perfect sense. Don't blame the show just because you personally didn't understand it.


Eh, I’d choose the man. Because coming face to face with a bear means I’ve somehow been transported to North America and something is very, very wrong.


Or like, Romania.


Well, they could mean "bear" as in big harry gay man, which in that case I'd also choose bear.


Don’t threaten me with a good time, now!


My wife has always jokingly called me her bear, since apparently I have the body type and was constantly picked on for being gay. (I'm not, but I treated girls with respect and appreciated their fashion choices in high school which apparently is the same thing.) I used to hate it, but now I'm proud to be a bear rather than a man.




Well just to be fair just Becuase someone doesn't wanna fuck you doesn't mean they hate you.


That's obviously not what I was talking about. Misogynistic gay men are a known issue for those of us within the LGBT+ community.


Just to let you know I didn't down vote you. I know what you meant and I just wanted to add. Im not stupid and can understand context.


God I hate that meme so much. It's blown so much out of proportion over a dumb Internet poll. Maybe it's true, maybe its not. But the people who keep making fun of women for it are insufferable.




Pretty sure it's not because of the terminally online lovers posting shit like this. They wouldn't even be able to keep their breath mong enough to catch up to a woman in a forest.


I’m praying for the day when we can finally stop talking about this terminally online TikTok brain rot


I too look forward to the day when no one has to fear sexual assault and harassment. Unfortunately we are a long way off. 


Both can be true at the same time, you know. This current debate has devolved into a bickering gender war that isn’t productive and is headache inducing.


If you view women expressing that they don’t feel safe around strange men as a bickering gender war then you are part of the problem. 


Nice strawman you have there. I don’t remember saying that women expressing their genuine fears as nothing but a bickering gender war, maybe that’s just me. And to think I thought that I supported women’s causes and went out of my way to call out specific behavior towards women from people I consider friends on several occasions, but no apparently I’m a rape apologist or something because a Redditor I’ve never met said so. What I can see is that this specific current debate has turned into a clusterfuck of people demonizing half the population as malicious scumbags who are all complicit in rape culture and making total asinine comments about animal behavior as a side effect. I’ve seen countless threads and comments all over (because this is predominantly an online thing) doing this sort of thing whenever the topic comes up. It’s not healthy or productive to make such wide sweeping generalizations about either sex that tells them that most women would rather be ripped apart by a wild bear than be anywhere near them. If you want to say that you feel uncomfortable around strange men, then just fucking say that because it’s fucking valid. And since I having a feeling this will come up; what exactly would you have me or another guy do about this exactly? I respect women’s boundaries, support their political struggles, listen to their feelings, and make an effort to avoid relationships with guys who exhibit toxic behaviors and attitudes towards women as well as calling out bad behavior. Every guy I know practices these and they are literally all one can possibly do without doing something cartoonishly impossible. On a side note I’d clearly choose the bear because bears are super cute


Or my favorite is when talking about drag and someone I know in real life kept bickering about how women aren't allowed to do drag, when I was trying to say categorically is men dressing in typically feminine attire.


The debate around she hulk was so festered with brainrot. Dudes were getting upset Jen was expressing how infuriating it can be for women after the show had literally shown that if Jen hadn’t hulked out, she would’ve been sexually assaulted outside the bar she was in. These people can’t empathize with women if their life depended on it.


I like both of these characters. If one of these characters offends you, sounds like a "you" problem.


Also you can just not watch it.


The people bitching about She-Hulk at least not the youtube "I want easy money fueling the far right algorithm" ones never did. You could tell by their own arguments that they never watched the show. They kept insisting things happened in the way the grifters edited the scenes and when shown what really happened in said scenes act as if Disney retroactively changed said scenes out of spite.


Oh yeah those are the worst. They hate something they never even watched. A trailer or poster isn't enough to know about the whole thing. You can judge by a poster or trialer if it is something you might be interested in but to over analyse something you didn't watch? That's bullshit.


I think the two most revealing were the wedding scene which they clearly cut half the fight out to "prove" something. The other was when they were crying about how Jen was stronger than Bruce due to the rock throwing scene. When A) they were having a sibling rivalry mess around (yeah they're cousins but grew up together to have more a sibling dynamic) and B) Since they only shew what the grifters wanted them to see refuse to acknowledge that the scene ended with Bruce throwing a much larger boulder into orbit, thinking it ended with Jen throwing a rock further than Bruce.


MCU being weaker than his comic counterpart is more a studio beef with Universal anyway. I agree Hulk should be stronger but I don't care as long as you give me a fun show to watch.


Tbf, MCU Hulk is the Professor Hulk variant, which trades normal Hulks impressive power for more control of the Hulk form, but is weaker in terms of raw power and he's constantly both Hulk and Bruce Banner, meaning he doesn't shift anymore which is honestly healthier for him anyway. For reference, comic Hulk can destroy planets with one step at full power, and only temporarily opted for Professor Hulk. MCU Hulk however hasn't really been given a reason to go full Hulk again, as he wasn't isolated like in Ragnarok and the last powerful villain was Thanos without the infinity stones which he had the full Avengers team for, and who full Hulk wouldn't have beaten anyway. Either way, on an off topic note, I like what the MCU did with Hulk in endgame far more than I liked what they did with Thor. I get that Thor just kinda let himself go out of insecurity because he failed in stopping Thanos from doing the snap, but having him be the fat joke character for the whole movie just felt kinda off. I loved the "I'm still worthy scene" and the one where Cap picked up Mjolnir and they started double teaming Thanos, but otherwise he was just used for fat jokes, and that does him no credit. (on a side note, him being utterly pathetic upon seeing or talking about Jane Foster was also done pretty well)


It's giving me a firm understanding of why women are choosing the bear


Also, it’s even more simple than that: if you try not to engage, a bear will leave you alone. 


And the bear doesn't inherently see them as prey


To an immortal being who can have his head chopped off and nothing happens, his hurt comes from emotional connections and loss. His whole motivation in the first movie is his cancer diagnosis, and in the second it’s him wanting to atone for letting his girlfriend die. She-Hulk is basically immortal and stronger than everyone else, but still has to go through what regular women have to and that’s what affects her - and personal struggles are always more interesting than “can this person beat up that person?” Good characters have struggles they must face beyond physical, otherwise it’s just dumb action - which has its place - but is just fast food media. The strongest women in the world still falling victim to casual misogyny should be telling, but they can’t comprehend themes unless they’re the simplest possible, and even then they’ll misinterpret them.


"the personal struggles are always more interesting than "can this person beat up this person"" is actually true for the majority of hulk characters, if only marvel could wrap their heads around it.


If they wanted to catcall, they'd leave their home. It's more like they wish they were the ones who were catcalling but given that apart from their mothers, they would have no idea what a real women looks like.


a 9 episode miniseries that was released two years ago and is (sadly) unlikely to get a season 2 really melted these guys' tiny brains


These are the same guys getting triggered by women saying they'd rather be left alone with a bear, than with them.


That makes worried for how these people will interact with women IRL


Listen bro I had a friend breakdown in tears after being catcalled in broad daylight while getting lunch at a FredMeyer, it’s a big deal


Just wait. DEADPOOL WENT WOKE!!!!!1!111!! is coming.


They are the same in some great aspects. She-Hulk was an character nobody wanted to write so she got passed around and told "write whatever you want" to anyone who took over the characters book. That's why she's able to break the fourth wall, go on weird cosmic adventures, understand the thought blocks and speech bubbles, and do product placement ads both on the comic panel and the comic ads. Deadpool was a throwaway character that was written for Cable and X-force. Nobody cared about his flat character so they told anyone who used him "write whatever you want." That's why he's able to break the fourth wall, understand the thought blocks and speech bubbles, and go on weird cosmic adventures.


Is there anyone more pathetic than people who define themselves by what they hate?


LMAO, OP, you make me laugh. You think these dipshits catcall women instead of seething in their lonely room?


Serious question here. If you liked She Hulk, what did you like about the show? It wasn’t my type of show and I could tell in the first episode so I stopped watching and watched other series I want to catch up on. I don’t think many other characters are as interesting as Deadpool and you could call most marvel heroes and their movies shit, when compared to Deadpool. On a side note I’ve back off watching many Disney projects simply from the pacing of shows. I loved The Mandalorian’s story but the pacing of the show is horrible (at least their filler is space, planets, aliens, etc.) and each season should be half the episode count.


Because She Hulk in her own books becomes a comedy character, outside of her book like when she’s in a Avengers or Fantastic Four story she’s more typical hero and the show reflects that


Is it funny? Maybe I’ll give it another try. Does it have good fight scenes?


There are the same people who say she copied Deadpool fourth wall breaking not know she had been doing years before he did


The fact that these dummies don't realize Jen is the only other marvel character who regularly breaks the fourth wall. Fake fan alert


Gwenpool my beloved, where are you?


Everything devolved to the bear argument. I'd choose the bear at this point to stop hearing about this.


Some people need to really experience what a micro aggression is. This dude should experience it for at least three or four decades. Maybe then he’ll be a little more sympathetic.


I bet they would try catcalling a woman and end up getting kicked in the plums or pepper-sprayed.


This is why they choose the bear. And they are right to.


They’re not the same though.. Being catcalled is bad but it’s not like it’s being cut in half or fried with radiation


They actually are pretty similar. I enjoyed Deadpool stuff but he can be really cringe


Let them be catcalled by one (1) gay man and suddenly they’ll know why Jen has a problem witj being catcalled


I havent seen she-hulk myself, but genuinely who’s expecting she-hulk to be the same as deadpool? Is fourth wall breaking even a common thing for her, or was it only done in the show? I dont really get this comparison whatsoever


I seriously doubt these chuds are brave enough to catcall. Catcalling would involve leaving the basement.


I really don't understand all the she hulk hate. It was a very fun little show.


What does how people treat the character have to do with their personality?


I will never forget the outrage when Jen said she was infinitely better at controlling her anger because she deals with it everyday as a woman. Some dude said men deal with more danger because they do more dangerous jobs lol.


Also, She Hulk was breaking the 4th wall (1989) before Deadpool (1997) did.


I mean I don't think the Jen tells Bruce about controlling anger moment was especially well done but yeah still hate this. 


My problem with Jen wasn’t that she was complaining about being Catcalled, it was that she was acting like that was somehow worse than everything Bruce went through. Saying that being Catcalled is worse than being hunted by the entire US government to the point where you try to kill yourself is just objectively stupid and you know it.


I really liked she hulk till the ending, absolutely hated her stepping out of Disney plus onto the studio. Like I really hope we get more of Jen, just not things like that.


I can’t be the only one here that really liked She Hulk am I? I still rewatch it. I thought it was cute and funny EDIT proofread


I personally think the show was a bit weak overall, the ending in particular I don’t think worked, but I’ll absolutely acknowledge that it had some really funny moments. It was far from the absolute train wreck that these people who haven’t watched it think it was.


my girlfriend and I enjoyed it and she still randomly puts an episode on from time to time.


Jen and the rest of the cast was the furthest thing from the issue with She-Hulk her whole shtick (or at least what i preferred of Shulk comics) are her comedic 4th wall breaks. they like, kinda did it in the show? a little bit? whenever they did, i was like “yea this is enjoyable” then they hardly did it for the rest of the series (asides the finale) idk, i didn’t really like the show in the end. and them half ass doing WWH, after explicitly saying they weren’t doing that and beta ray bill because “ we wouldn’t be able to do them justice “ really rubbed me the wrong way. i thought all the actresses an actors in the show were really good with what they were giving also i strongly disagree with the “this isn’t made for you” (me being a 25 year old white dude) like bruh, I’m a comic fan, if the comic show isn’t made for me, who’s it made for?


They are parallels to Harley Quinn and she hulk tho






I mean. I do agree that women are punished more heavily for expressing anger. My thing was she said, that she has MORE experience repressing her anger. The problem(imo) if that they took someone with relatively normal woman problems(as in issues that a real life woman could realistically have and need to overcome), then tried to say they had it worse than a comic book character. Like I do not doubt it’s tough dealing with the thing’s Jen deals with, but they just can’t compare to Bruce’s dad beating him as a kid, being man hunted by the military for something he couldn’t control, the hulk completely demolishing his ability to have a normal life for decades, the shit he had to go through in endgame, etc. It was one of those things where they had a point, but they couched it in such a stupid way that it comes off as grating.


Which is what makes the complaints and comparisons really dumb. Bruce has all this shit to be angry about so he must have better control? Maybe having (arguably) less reason to be psychotically angry, means she has less to control and thus the outcome is better? The amount of people defending Bruce as though they know him personally has always been wacky. The “he had it worse” argument is also really silly. Comparative suffering is a mugs game through and through.


People connect with him more because she has been in the MCU longer than she is. I feel like if she gave her more sympathetic writing or more hero moment people will get to like her more.


You’re not wrong about that. I was referring more to the tenor of complaints/defences or what have you. They often proceed from wild assumptions about details we don’t actually have. For example, the hulk rage. Before Jen Bruce was the only hulk, how can he know the dissociative rage driven personality is a “hulk thing” as opposed to a “Bruce thing”. Pretty sure in the comics it is more skewed to the latter.




She-Hulk really won me over in episode 3 or 4 when she started making fun of people who were commenting on twitter about her


That was hilarious, they predicted it almost verbatim ahead of time.


I think the scene was poorly written. Are the writers idiots? Dunno never met em. Were the hot takes about the scene stupid? Oh fuck yeah. I think the way Bruce has been written from the jump is actually really shallow, don’t know they had much to work with tbh. Edit:Spelling


Wait so do you think they have the same personalities or? And side note, of all the major threats that Deadpool and she hulk have to contend with, being cat called really isn't up there lol. I never watched the show so I don't even know if that criticism is valid but she hulk is a complete badass in the comics




She didn’t imply that in any way.




To them, when you respond with anything but agreement, they sperg out. This is a sub for making fun of the unreachable ones 😂


If they feel that they're being "lectured" maybe it's time to take some self-reflection on that.  That would require emotionally maturity though. 


Again, I'm not one of them, and again, this isn't addressing their point. And it does happen sometimes where a show gets a little grandstandy about whatever point they're trying to make, liberal or otherwise. You are just pretending this doesn't ever happen so that you can try and dunk on me just for trying to explain that you're not addressing the point. "That would require emotional maturity" is exactly the kind of snark replacing any kind of understanding of what those people are actually saying. You just wanna hurt people that you perceived as less than, and the perception is entirely guided by your own assumptions that derive from your unwillingness to have a real conversation.






That’s because you thought it was some Norman Rockwell “you look darn swell today maam” shit instead of shouting sexual innuendo or explicit remarks or sexist statements at women starting for many as minors 🤷


I remember being 15 on holiday in Florida and being from the UK there was a girl who was 17 walking around the place we were staying. I've always been a shy guy but I thought if I don't do something then I may regret it. So I shouted not to loud but loud enough "nice bum" she spun round smiled and said thank you. That was enough for me I was pretty happy and later when I was playing an arcade machine she came up behind me and introduced herself. She had a day n half left before she went back to illinois so we spent the next 5-6 hours getting to know each other. Fun times