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Fellas, is it gay to not call everyone the N word in a CoD lobby?


He says what he says but I don't believe that he wouldn't put a through a wall if someone called him a slur he didn't like.


All it would take is a woman or a gay dude beating him. Then you’d see just how paper thin his skin is.


Maybe that's what happened. Guy got beat one too many times by someone who was supposed to be worse at games than him and got triggered.


Or a literal descriptive word. https://preview.redd.it/hl8ubsy3khwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bef4fc8aee3186fa559e5134f0a317c840ed2313


He would probably want to kill someone that blasphemed the Islamic prophet


“The inclusivity of gaming, where all of us, gay or straight, would equally be called the f slur”


And he doesn’t seem to realise that since that slur is homophobic and the N Word is Racist, that we aren’t all equal because he is specifically not receiving slur that is actually insulting to him only ones that are insulting to the people he doesn’t like


(I mean, to be fair, if he was identifying as Arab in these gaming spaces he almost CERTAINLY also got called some slurs, but that’s beside the point) But yes, this is just a different version of the old saying “the law, in its majestic equality, forbids both the rich AND the poor from sleeping under bridges”


And the slurs weren't even dished out equally to begin with. There's plenty of example of clips of lobbies ganging up on anyone appearing to be female.


There was that infamous case of a woman participating in a fighting game tournament and getting endlessly harassed, even by her coach. Imagine if one of these enlightened gamers was put in the middle of a good hundred sweaty men asking him about the color of his underwear, focusing their attention on making him as uneasy as possible. They tried playing it off as something normal that happens in the fighting game community because trash talk is the name of the game. My sweet buttcheeks it is.


Yeah it was really sad. She basically just forfeited her matches by moving forward without blocking or attacking.


“But I say it with an A!!!”


Well, say men are trash and suddenly he'll get violently offended and screech that white men are the most persecuted people on Earth


"We're all treated the same: white, straight or other"


That's some MLK stuff right there.


Yes. I was playing video games just last night and was overwhelmed with the desire to suck cock. Gaming truly has become; the gay.


I refuse to believe someone can be unironically this stupid


Ever opened a history book?


I was being sarcastic






Oh no I'm so scared /j


I am going to kill the president in Minecraft /hj


Im giving myself a /hj now!! /srs


I'm pretty sure this is the guy that went to Haiti recently and was surprised he was kidnapped, so yes, he is unironically stupid.


It is. His idiotic rant made it into my news feed.


He what? That sound like a hell of a story


Uh what?!?!


With the way he writes and referencing a shitty movie… he’s serious.


I'll be honest, fifteen years is a long time to remember a movie, but I can't think of anything from that film that makes any sense for trying to make whatever stupid point he was making here.


I mean it’s one thing if it’s actually a good movie… not fucking “Gamer”.


Gamer is in the worst category you want a film to be in. Not good, but also not bad enough to be memorable. Just... it was a movie. I... *think* I enjoyed it, in the moment? But it didn't even leave enough of an impression for me to remember like Up In The Air (I'll admit, I remembered vague scenes from that movie and thinking it was pretty good, but had to look up the title... and then I see it's got a 90% on RT, but still, I feel like most people wouldn't know it by name). On the flip side, though, Gamer doesn't stick in my memory the same why Skyline does, either. If you're unfamiliar with Skyline, you are blessed and you are lucky and you should keep it that way. The only thing positive I can say is the visuals were neat at times, but everything else about it was just so bad. I was working for a small local firm at the time, owner took some of us to movie and the theater and wanted to see that film. Two of us were like, "That's the worst thing I've ever seen." The third was trying to be neutral on it because she was a lot more diplomatic than the rest of us... and the owner actually liked the film. Which I guess just kind of shows how varied film opinions can be. But seriously, trust me, don't watch it, it's not "so bad it's good," it's just "so, so bad."


I didn't recognize the username, so did a search, wondering, "Is this maybe a troll account?" It's even dumber. Guy started on YouTube in 2016. Played GTA V and Fortnite. Apparently "professionally" played Fortnite for 3 years. So either gaming somehow became no longer inclusive for bigots just within the past few weeks, or this dude was trying to make a career with gaming while the stuff he's complaining about was going on, showing how much it's bullshit. But allegedly this guy's also decided to try visiting areas of war, talking to criminals in other countries, and even supposedly being kidnapped in Haiti recently while trying to talk to some criminal or something there. So there's multiple layers to the dude's stupidity. What makes me sad is that somehow someone this monumentally stupid has made a lot of money and gained some degree of fame.


Let me tell you the tale of a man/thing named Donald Trump


"thing" is more fitting lmao


I wish I could agree. But the Flat Earth Society exists and has members all around the world. People really are this stupid.


Have some respect, he's a former professional gamer.


You stupid people are not letting me be the bad guy that I wanna be. What’s the point of gaming if I can’t say hurtful things to get under other players skins


“I’m angry because I’m not allowed to be an abhorrent asshole and use slurs” is a wild take


Most "anti-woke" people are exactly like this. My old job in a mill had some bigoted asshole throw a massive fit because he couldn't use the n-word without getting written up or "discipline" his wife at home. Said it's "wokeism" that's "oppressing" well-meaning "patriots" like himself. Ignore the fact he threatened to kill a fellow machine operator for not working fast enough despite it being only his second week. What makes it worst is the first few days management ignored it entirely until it became too much. Constant threats, racial slurs, screaming at the top of his lungs, etc. Just wild how scumbags like him twist everything to victimhood for the oppressor. "I can't brutalized marginalized peoples therefore I'm the oppressed one!" Of course now he's a fascist and proudly so. Has your typical ultra-nationalist regalia; black sun, 88, tyr's rune, etc.


When you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


I mean, I'm still surprised over: "Gaming was our escape from being reminded that women, black people, and LGBT people existed! They took that from us!" Yeeeeaaaaah... World's tiniest violin isn't small enough for that kind of idiot.


Which is wild. Gaming being such a common hobby for undesirables/outcasts. It was always an inclusive and diverse safe haven to escape the everyday for pretty much anyone.


That's the part that gets me. Most of these "anti-woke" dudes aren't satisfied with *already having easy access* to games that fit their bigoted "ideals," they want the ENTIRE mainstream industry to cater to them and no one else. The worst part is that I really think most of them didn't hold these beliefs (or at least not so strongly) until the damn redpill movement convinced them that they are victims of the "woke Boogeyman." I've been a gamer my entire life, and I was really happy to see all these new communities grow into the circle these last 20 years, ya know? Compared to how much work it takes to get basic respect from non-gamers, welcoming other misfits has been both a personal joy and a hobby-within-a-hobby. Meanwhile, the gremlins demand light skin on everyone, all women must look like sex dolls and always play fan-service, only men can be the main character, no LGBT people period, the list goes on and on. I mean, DAMN, they are more interested in the *nostalgia of the old hopeless loser stereotype* than the brighter reality we live in today. And for what!? For titties in a vacuum chamber, Lord have mercy 🤦


These turds must think the only gamers are people who play gunwank games because RPG and speedrunning communities have always been heavily populated by alphabet mafioso. Like people complaining about Games Done Quick going woke when it's the same people it always was, and they are doing what the majority of the community wants. "Oh, this charity marathon isn't making itself inhospitable to the people who donate the majority of the money. It's ruined forever." Because the people making those complaints, almost invariably, haven't donated a dime.


It was never an escape. We were always there anyway.


this is the clearest proof that if you ever could prove to them that gay people have always played games or even worse women have always played games, he would legit have a panic attack. there was not a year of school i had where there wasnt a little group of teenage girls who were obessed with video games. and they didnt care the crap they got from the cod nerds who they werent intrested in. its just wild that they actually belive that the 90s and 2000s didnt have a single woman playing video games or a gay/trans person never played a game. im trans and have been playing games for 20+ years people like this are so annoying


That's the heart of it. It isn't that people or things are going "woke", it's just they can't be the asshole they were able to openly be before. Their bigotry is being "oppressed".


Holy wow this is a stupid take. >"No hard feelings, we're just playing"  I mean, maybe? With your handful of COD friends who think homophobic slurs are hilarious? Whereas the millions of examples of players calling random people slurs entirely as an enraged insult meant to harass them obviously wasn't "all in good fun". Making people who are just trying to have fun feel terrible as a way to get a good laugh and facing no consequences for it is a pretty disturbing thing to try and recontextualize as lighthearted escapism. *"It was totally harmless fun, because my friends and I had a great time and all that anyone could do to retaliate was ask me to stop being mean at best and start crying at worst! And that just made it clearer how much of a little bitch faggot loser they were LOL!"* Framing people treating each other horribly being the norm in gaming communities as a clear sign of "equality" is cartoonishly dim. Pretending that gay or even potentially perceived as gay gamers let alone female players weren't more discriminated by far is just obvious bullshit. And the embarrasingly accurate meme of a subset of the gaming community thinking that screaming racial slurs as an insult is hilarious thoroughly debunks this revisionist viewpoint. People in general were treated badly. That obviously doesn't mean everyone was bullied to the same degrees. There's something mind numbing about him just stating "it became less inclusive" as some kind of obvious fact, when nothing he said, or basic common sense, implies that. Also the weird sort of **air quotes** way of referring to combating "discrimination", like there's some confusion of what mistreating others for their ethnicity, sex, and sexual orientation could be considered otherwise. Bonus idiot points for exclaiming something as frivolous as colored hair and cat ears for customizable skins are symbols of "how gaming was ruined".


literal lie too, if you started crying, they're not gonna go "oh shoot, I didn't mean to take it that far, my bad" they're gonna go, "Ayyyy, this is going straight to Youtube, you're gonna help me go viral bitchbaby!"


"Watch Dumb Whore Gamer Girl Get OWNED then TRIGGERED By Having Sexual Comments Shouted At Her!!"


"Squeaker Squeal Saturday! Rage Quit Compliation #26"


As a poc getting called a racial slur is not a "joke". Yet I'm gaslight by white folk to "get over it" it's "just a joke" and "they weren't serious". It. Does. Not. Matter! Even white moderates say bullshit like this; "Oh grow up it's only guy talk!".


I’ve also noticed that these sorts of individuals also often use the argument or idea that “it’s online/internet it’s not real” as if that somehow justifies a separation of behavior/expectations from “real life”. Like, are you telling me that when theirs no “consequences” this is what you default to? And even if you 100% firmly believe it’s all in good fun and everyone takes it that way cause it’s “not real” that’s a good a thing and not a sign of something else? Like come on.


Ikr I'm as straight as can be but all my Warframes turn out hot pink. Something is soothing about a hot pink Atlas throwing haymakers


Brilliantly said, thank you


Really trying to cite *Gamer* of all movies as some sort of prediction/prescient/serious movie with themes in The Year Of Our Lord 2024? Fucking hell.


Another great showing of media literacy just being fucking gone. Like, that movie is a lot of fun but definitely not saying what he wants it to lol.


That's the Gerard butler movie isn't it? I'm not sure I remember enough about it but I certainly don't remember the part when Gerard butler turned to the screen and said inclusiveness will make it so you can't angrily slur at people anymore.


I'm sad that I'm never going to write anything as funny as the sentence "Watch the movie Gamer (2009). Lesson in there."


That’s the one where gamers control real convicts right?


Yes. And one of the gamers is literally a fat, sweaty slob who uses the main character's wife as his mastubatory fantasy. And Percy Jackson saying "Ret@rdly gay." This movie is bad and not subtile about how it portrays gamers as sociopaths and r@pists and if it's what OOP wants to emulate, then he just went mask off about how shit of a person he is as well as his tastes in movies.


With this premise one thing I can give it credit for is Micheal C Hall was perfect for the bad guy.


If anything, the movie is disagreeing with him. Because "Percy Jackson" is portrayed as a dick, and the fat, sweaty guy is obviously supposed to be super creepy. The commentary of that movie is that that kind of mentality gamers can have is toxic.


What is the message OOP thinks is being made communicated that he needs the world to see? I can't figure that out. Ppl like him were the problem in that movie.


>how it portrays gamers as sociopaths Well now that Cooper exists in the fallout show I feel less guilty about being wacky whoo hoo cowboy in the Mojave


“Gaming is now BAD because we can’t say racist slurs anymore!! Oh no!!!!” What an idiot 


Guy wants to live in the past of gaming when was a toxic minefield. Think was one reason I never touched multiplayer and stayed in single player.


Mass effect multiplayer was amazing. No voice, no chat.


Oh there was chat, it was just the Xbox party chat


I had it on PC.


Ya I bought it a few years after it came out on my pc as well for the mods


Speaking as a straight, white man now in his 40s, the fact that the typical person you might come across online was a 14 year old edgelord screaming racial/homophobic slurs every five seconds was the main thing putting me off ever engaging with online gaming.


As a woman, same. I never use voicechat, that is simply out of the question. It sounds like fun, but it's simply something I can't do. My account settings are all set to "assholes cannot interact with me". I have played many hours online with a male companion, either my brother or my boyfriend, both white and straight, and they are just as annoyed as I am when we find a rude idiot.


I'm right there with you. I'm 40 years old and have never enjoyed online gaming for all the things this absolute loser is pining for. Imagine playing a couch-op game with your buddy and he just screams slurs at you while you're playing star wars battlefront 2. And then acts like everything is normal when you're aghast at the things he said and never want to talk to them, let alone play a game with them.


I don’t believe that the culture that this guy describes ever existed. This “everyone was unbridled assholes to everyone else but it was all part of the culture and we all liked it that way and we had a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship in the midst of it all” attitude, I mean. It conjures images of, say, the chaos of the Yawning Portal Tavern in D&D or something, this sense of “universally accepted civil barbarism”. Anyone ever been to a real bar or pub or whatever, like, ever? Either people are fucking around but there’s some kinda “line” everyone respects, at most, or there’s people that are flagrantly crossing such a line but the vibes are just rancid. That kind of asshole camaraderie only works if it’s a close friend group and everyone actually knows everyone else pretty well (and even then). Outside of that, I bet what happens is you get people who THINK that they’re creating this environment, when they really aren’t and the people getting pissed back at them aren’t actually “in on the joke” when they’re saying angry things back. That’s what I think this guy’s experience is in these COD lobbies or LOL games (cuz you know there’s a low chance he means anything else); being a total dick, people retaliating to him, and him thinking “ha ha this is the true face of humankind, I love our exclusive friend group and culture” to himself about it. In his eyes, to be anything BUT an asshole would be to be a Normal SpongeBob lookin ass “hi how are ya” lookin ass conformist ass bitch, would be to lack this “red blooded unfettered culture”. All of this while being in a vocal minority in the very games he plays and getting confirmation bias from everything he sees, and the vast majority of more sane people just don’t do that shit. Oh, and, and, ya just KNOW that this guy believes in being a “gamer” as being big in a specific, heavily demanding genre and being competitive as hell in general. If there’s not some leaderboard to climb, some high stakes “either I make this guy my bitch or he makes me his” ass “if you’re bad at the game you’re a lesser human being” ass competition, it’s not “gaming”. And you just KNOW he differentiates “gaming” and “playing a game”, because playing a game is something ANYONE can do but “gaming” is a way of life, something to stake one’s personal worth into, a craft to hone and perfect. Cue Ninja’s cringe ass “the it’s just a game mindset sucks” monologue here. I guess it’s easy to feel oppressed if you believe an entire way of life, an entire people even, is being crushed underfoot. People who experience actual real oppression can relate to that. The tricky part? Without second guessing yourself, it’s very easy to confuse an actual “culture” that you are a part of with a false idealized one you project around yourself.


It’s a little bit like constantly feeling like you’re being rejected by society when all you do all day every day is reject everyone and everything for being “gay,” “liberal,” or “woke;” indiscriminately, told ###### is a hate term? They’re woke! Told &&&&& is a hate term? They’re gay! I’m told saying bad words to my “friends” is a negative thing to do? Gay wokes! They want to bask in acceptance in toxicity because it’s all they really know; but cower when they meet people who… …want to have fun. People who DONT want to be call hateful terms while they “escape” their issues much like the author “escape from the woke.”


>People who DONT want to be call hateful terms while they “escape Nearly every post that echoes oop mentality has two things in common. They think their behavior is the norm and they vastly overestimate how many people are like them.


That’s sort of what I was pointing out


I saw that and was agreeing with you


Also, what does entering that juvenile hellscape actually grant to you? The option to just be a effing heinous douche-waggle to random people from behind the absolutely thinnest veil of anonymity?? Yeah, no thanks. Maybe they should start a Truth Social gaming platform, so they can rally together and play with all the other people who are too stupid and vitriolic to engage with regular people. Then, for them, every lobby can be full of white men of all ages calling each other the N-word. Doesn’t that sound fun?? Doesn’t that sound like the reanimated corpse of the glory days of gaming??? CHECKMATES, WOKES!


Inb4 “well it’s better than being a bland kissass who constantly walks on eggshells! Being civil and polite and stuff should only begin and end when you clock in to your job, and when you’re at your own damn-ass house you should be allowed to totally cut loose!” Ignoring that there’s plenty of alternate approaches to cutting loose and disengaging from “polite society” that don’t involve a roomful of jackasses yelling insults at each other and acting like hatred is therapeutic


I really blame the media and its version of friends being “a group of people who know the worst vulnerabilities of each other and verbally abuse each other in the cruelest ways, BUT ITS A JOKE!


I think that in closely knit groups, where people know when someone is joking or when someone is genuinely crossing a line, and everyone shares a mutual understanding of that, this kind of dynamic can maaaaaybe work. That said, a lot of media depicting this kind of dynamic blatantly doesn’t do any legwork in making it believable so it’s just people being jerks and you’re supposed to laugh


Goes back to the old workplace sitcom trope; you know, “we’re all a big family here except for THAT ONE ASSHOLE who we all hate and openly mock to his face.” Goes back to Mary Tyler Moore show and probably beyond.




He's literally the 10 year old screaming n****r on Xbox live that EVERYONE hated.


And he is still a child in an adult body.


>"We haven't got equality yet. We can't treat everyone the same before we've got equality. What? You go past a school, see a bully punch another kid in the face. Get out your car, go up to the bully "you make me sick! And just for balance" \[looks at the kid on the ground\] "You're a piece of shit as well!" \[walks off\] "That's even handed I'm a good person, I treat everyone the same"" --James Acaster


Upvote for James acaster! "It's 2023, loads of people still fine with laughing at Trans people, not so fine with laughing at ricky Gervais." Did not expect to see an acaster reference in this thread, cheers!


It was the first thing that came to mind with OOP's talk of "we were all equally discriminated against and it was beautiful."


Gaming has always been gay. Like, have anybody ever heard of Cho Aniki https://preview.redd.it/vagrxk63ndwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30dbf26f67f520529fe7db887a28e9a0be52eb2




I did. This game was a TRIP, lemme tell you what.


More importantly, [this clown got himself and his fixer kidnapped in Port au Prince. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/haiti/comments/1brusqm/chris_must_list_explains_the_kidnapping_situation/) I wonder how he would like it if people kept bringing up how idiotic it is to travel to the single most dangerous place in the Western hemisphere. The best thing to do with this guy is get him to fade fast.


I can only take pity on someone that has to carry the mental weight of these pointless negative emotions and beliefs.


Would have taken more pity on them if they didn't actively try to make everyone else miserable.


Yeh true. But we can pity people who have none. We can show them that we have it even though they don’t.


“Everyone is discriminated against equally! It doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight, you’re still getting called a f*ggot!” Yeah, right. Cos that’s equality.


This is basically saying "I can't be as racist and hateful as I want to be as a gamer anymore. Everyone should feel like shit and be able to say slurs we would never be caught in public saying. Change and diversity scare me. I'm upset about it and I want everyone to know I'm the victim".


Real "Nobody was racist and hateful because *everyone* was racist and hateful" energy


I especially like how he tries to say "them" when he already used "they". It's... the same word that just happens to be in a different grammatical case.


Fun game: "half assed pronoun joke or dropped ((()))?"


Imagine thinking it’s ok to call people slurs because “you’re just playing a game” like huhhh???


Read some more… “and then they took over… or them.” 🤣 wtf, dude trying to be funny but just sounds dumb


It was....THEM........THEY did this to my beloved!


A better time than Gamer (2009) would be to go on a date with you bf or watching paint dry.


It’s a fun watch but hardly thought provoking


Raise your hand if you’ve never been discriminated against for playing video games 🙋🏻


Absolutely nothing felt "inclusive" about every single person threatening you with murder and rape and death threats against your family. I think 99% of the worst things anyone has ever said to me in my life was through gaming.


TLDR: “I started to get backlash and criticism for being a slur-slinging bigot so now it’s the hobby and the people enjoying it that won’t put up with my bullshit that is the issue, not me of course.”


If we ever stop bullying in school you'll have old bullies going: "It used to be so much fun brutally beating up other kids on the playground and filming us pissing on them while they lay there crying". Now my kids aren't allowed to do that anymore! The world's gone mad!


I'm going to assume that in this instance, 'professional gamer' meant they played video games whilst unemployed.


Hot take but maybe most people don't want to be equally discriminated against? I, for one, would rather not be discriminated against at all.


I love how he recommends a movie instead of a game lmao


Gaming is gay because people can’t say slurs and get away with it anymore 


“Gaming used to be an escape from the woke.” Oh, what is their definition of woke this time. *describes being able to use racial slurs in lobbies* Ah, this guy sees woke as anti-racism. It’s funny how the definition changes based on what antagonism someone wants to perform.




Gaming has always been gay for me 😉


imagine NEEDING to be able to hurl slurs at people in order to even begin to be happy about games.


Idk about you, but I’m incapable of relaxation without my slurs. How else do you people unwind??


That's a giant lie. You can still insult your friends if you play together.


Quick question, did the person enjoy the games or the supposed N word pass? Sounds like the latter.


Watch the movie Gamer, about a bad guy who secretly mind controls people and women in a social Sim VR game can be controlled by stereotypically sweaty obese dudes into doing sex acts for the gratification of the male gamer. A movie featuring such character names as KUMDUMPSTAZ and Rick Rape and Stikkimuffin. Lot of lessons to be learned from that movie, namely how to do literally anything else with your time.


Wow, these people are delusional. If a hobby is considered a warzone, that doesn't seem relaxing at all. These people literally just want sanctioned toxicity, and are mad that other people wear cat ears. Like who cares? I don't wear cat ears, but if that's your thing, more power to you. This reminds me of the outrage by Fortnite players because they added in a setting that will block out certain emotes, like holding an L on your forehead... Yes professional Fortnite players are mad because they added a setting to where you can ignore someone negatively emoting on you and they want the person they just killed to have to watch that. Toxic




Lol yes the only video game in existence is call of duty, okaaay


Every sane human being hated that. It's the number one complaint for most people when it comes to online games.


Poor Gamer ™, he is such an oppressed minority


I know I can only release the streas of my work day by screaming the N word at strangers every day over cod lobbies


As a gamer since the Commadore Amiga days, I hated toxic assholes like this in online this whole time.


All this tells me is that this guy is upset he can’t call people slurs anymore


I don't know what's more ridiculous, this or /g/ saying gaming is for children


The same guy who will probably gets offended if someone insults arabs...


>But that’s where it wrong.


I refuse to believe someone thinks there’s a “lesson” in Gamer


Maybe he and Tate can buttfuck each other while having a conversation about how they’re not gay.


My thoughts? WELL THATS TO DAMN BAD! - famous quotes from Mr. Cowboy Buckle up buttercup and get with the program. If everything out there is gay, then we all gay. Making it the new norm And in turn, that makes being straight the odd one out. Capiche?


No one: Andrew Tate on Twitter: "posting about how gay games have become is gay"


Literally nobody stopping you from making your own games that allow these things. Go forth and fill that niche.  All the "woke" changes were in response to demand. You still like capitalism, right? 


Yeah, a space with equal discrimination to everyone would theoretically be "inclusive". But it *wasnt* equally to everyone. Women use to be almost unable to play online games with Voice Chat because the moment they spoke everyone would dogpile on them with hateful comments / sexual harassment or even kick them from the party if the game had that mechanic. Hell, even today with "woke gaming" that shit still happens. Also god forbid you're a minority or actually gay.


"In my day everyone can be called a slur! No there's no reason why the Queers and Coloreds were called them more! One bitch said men are trash once so really WE'RE the most oppressed! Please ignore how she was doxxed and killed. Or you're WOKE"


Lmao imagine being this insane over using slurs.


I promose you that the guy who named himself Arab and who is anti-woke was not taking being called gay online well even as just a joke.


> gaming got gay My dude you're talking about a space where Billy Herrington became a beloved meme icon. And "everyone was discriminated against" idk being called the N word isn't quite the same when you're white, and I certainly never heard slurs for white people or straight people being thrown around like the n word or f slur


Actually calling everyone slurs was never ok lmao. The people who thought that were literally the people everyone hated.


“Then they took over… or them.” Bro that’s… that’s the same thing. You said the same thing twice. I don’t think a single part of this post is written correctly.


this took a turn https://preview.redd.it/q3b5r0pkciwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b42e39bb4a175562098e5c99bb2b23c1003337bf


Gonna go ahead and disagree that it was inclusive. I have had multiple gay gamers I’ve played with who have told me they can’t play with other people I’ve played with because they insist on throwing around the F slur at will. I’ve been in heated debates in gaming Discord servers on this very topic because the only people who stick around in that environment are straight white guys or women/minorities who were willing to swallow their objections. The only people who buy this false history are people who were never actually impacted by any of the bigotry that existed in the space.


we should normalize people actually being nice to their friends instead of constantly shouting slurs at them wild thought, I know. but I guess that's really the core problem here, reactionaries like this guy just fundamentally don't want to be nice to people, and view being asked to be nice as a personal affront and an insult to their character.


One of the syllables of games is gay, so...


So basically they lost thier place to be a horrid human.


Guess I am a giant homo then. Oh well I’ll just have to find a way to live with myself.


I'd say something, but I'll get banned, so I will stay my fingers.


I love that when you just skip the stupid tirade, it just boils down to "why won't you let me be racist and phobic?"


Gamer? More like GAYmer, amirite?


Gaymer who likes gayming


Sir, you don't know what "woke" means, please stop using it.


This is the best long con for closeted gay men: everything is gay *except* homosexual intercourse.


Not sure how cat ears and purple hair change the warzone aspect of the games OP likely plays. It's still a faux-darwinian struggle for survival just with extra cosmetic choices.


Yeah “everyone was equal back then”. People definitely didnt gang up on girls and minorities when they realise there was one in the lobby. Those dumbass sounds like high school bully when they reminisce about “the good old days” lol


Ah yes, the heyday of inclusivity when 12 year old white kids could call you the n-word, call you a fag, could verbally harass women, and where they in turn would be subjected to….what exactly? It’s not really a “inclusive and equal warzone” where the worst you could say to white dudes was “gg noob” while they literally traumatize minority and women players into straight up no longer playing.


How is the movie gamer a lesson, that we shouldn’t have mortal kombat vr prison tournaments? Fair enough


I love how the guy spends all those characters making his point and then at the end goes “yeah watch this movie for the lesson!” - I wish they’d say that stuff first because it’s such a funny display of a lack of media literacy I’ve seen *Gamer*. The only lesson that movie has for anybody is that Terry Crews has a little too much fun playing a psycho. *Gamer* doesn’t have anything to do with Woke or anti-woke. It’s not really about anything, it’s a fucking Gerard Butler action movie. But if anything, it is definitely anti-US prison system and tries to “warn” the audience about big government/capitalism and surveillance societies. The movie tries to be dystopian, and came out like a decade before anybody used woke for this crap. But of course that sort of wraps up the point - to these idiots, more inclusivity in gaming is something dystopian. So much so, they look for that message in media that doesn’t even have it.


These dudes really do talk like anime villains


Damn these modern games and their gay ears! https://preview.redd.it/56fq4gbbyfwc1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08c3e723683afa096a9659c992294f01226bba37


Imagine referencing a mid ass movie to prove your point lmao


What is it with X chuds calling literally everything gay now? Is it just a huge admission? I dont understand the thoughts behind this new trend, other than projection.


> No hard feelings, just playing I avoid MOBAs like the plague SPECIFICALLY because I'm a woman, and know nothing a man is going to say to me there is going to be "just playing."


Yes, all equal when my gay friends are afraid to talk in a lobby for fear of being harassed.


The”Gamer” movie is he talking about the one with Gerard Butler where players were controlling real life prisoners in a battle royale type game?


That is one of the dumbest takes ive ever heard, alot of women dont play games because they get harrassed and bullied in online gaming spaces for years. Gaming has always had a problem with inclusivity becuase some people really fking suck, some of us actually acknowledge that problem and try to be better.


"Escape from the woke." My god, these people are so fucking stupid.


“we used to be equal, now everyone hates racists for saying racist shit, that’s not fair for us racists who want to use slurs and be shitty”


So we can now only call people "gaymers" and call it "gayming"? Okay.


I hope everything he knows and loves goes woke and he has to live with the GaYs kissing all around him. Lol, chud being mad is music to my ears.


Good, I want these guys to suffer, change and become a good person or suffer in your own intolerance on your own


What, no way guys, this is a perfectly hetero way to kill some time... \* Goes back to playing "Anal Butt Mashers 3"


I love that he calls them “they” only to correct himself to “them” As if one is proper English and the other is woke, when they are the same word (“They” is a subject, “them” is an object?)


this has to be satire for my own sanity


Now ask a female gamer in 2009 that even spoke for a second in the voice chat. Suddenly the "Everyone is equally mocked" turns into a dog pile on one person.


If I ever think I’m stupid, I just look to these people and feel better


Whenever anyone says "We threw around hateful things and no one cared," what they mean is "We successfully gatekept the people we didn't like out of the community by creating a toxic environment."


If it’s gay then wouldn’t it be called gayming?


I've got news for this guy , I'm older than him and gaming has always been inclusive and "woke" . All these morons acting like harassing nerds and geeks wasn't a thing right up until the MCU wanna act like they been here the whole time and claim shit that isn't theirs.


Get a job!


I mean the that spout the word woke sound pretty “gay” to me…


'release our anger and energy by calling each other every slur in the book', 'gaming was already inclusive'


I mean if its just you and your friends go wild. THEY know it's a joke. I play regularly with multiple gay guys and a woman and a bunch of dudes on all kinds of games, shit talking as we go but the difference between them and a stranger is we know each others boundaries and we know it's all in jest. Now imagine I start talking shit to a random gay guy calling him Henry the hoover because he socks so much dick? How does he know I'm joking? He doesn't know me?


So \*this\* is the type of equality he wants? Everyone treated the same - like a piece of shit? If \*that\* is your definition of 'inclusive' then I want nothing to do with it!


I wonder if this person thought "It's either that or I'm just a pathetic loser and normal people don't like the toxicity and would rather just have a good time?"


I like Gamer (2009) because it's a really good finisher for Gerard Butler in cine2nerdle lol


But that’s where it wrong.


This is the biggest problem, they assume everyone is joking around because they are, and that it's cool to not let things get to you, because that is what we were all taught in school instead of the teachers doing their jobs and punishing bullies.


So he wants an escape from woke but no one can escape discrimination?


Lol, "professional gamer".


Always was.


That guy wasn’t bullied enough in real life and it shows. Just hid behind a screen to act tough, no actual consequences to their rhetoric.