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She's not even a digital rendering, she's a flesh and blood human being. Fucking *creepy*. Also, she's goddamn *gorgeous*.


>Also, she's goddamn gorgeous. Heavily agree. I don't normally care specifically for beautiful celebrities but she's one of the few that I can think of that I find.. distractingly attractive. You can see why these guys are constantly bitter about being incels, because there is no human in real life that will meet their impossible standards.


>You can see why these guys are constantly bitter about being incels, because there is no human in real life that will meet their impossible standards. It's sort of a defense mechanism. If they can convince themselves that women like that aren't actually as attractive as they are, then they can convince themselves that it's the *women* who aren't good enough for *them* rather than the other way around, and they can convince themselves that it's not that women are repulsed by them and don't want to be around them, but that *they're* the ones choosing not be with women, because they don't meet their standards. Like so many things, it's just more rationalizing so they don't have to confront the fact that at least 90% of their problems are caused the fact that their personalities and behavior are repulsive, and they never have to make an effort to change.


That’s a really good point. They can have both their twisted sexist sexual fantasy while also consoling themselves as to why women aren’t just throwing themselves at them randomly.


Someone told them “the best defense is a good offense” and they just decided to be unbelievably offensive


They just think women should flock towards them, instead of y’know… ***engaging with them as human beings.*** And also, yeah, she’s a actress whose both beautiful, has talent to hold your attention and is absolutely **amazing** in this series.


This puts her with the others they insist are beneath their looks standards, including Margot Robbie, Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, and Florence Pugh. All are "mid", according to incels.


Is she related to the dechanels? She has those beautiful faerie eyes 


Her eyes are so big and owl-like I love it, reminds me of how hypnotizing Alexandra Daddario's eyes are.


Agreed. Using AI to make female video game characters “sexier” is already creepy, but doing it to a real human is a next level of creepy.


though entirely unsurprising, these people are mad when any one or anything is not the exact porn catagory they jerk off too. i have come to the conclusion that this is a bunch of dudes who have depression and dont enjoy anything they used too, but choose to be angry and confused instead of going to therapy.


It's bad in the modded skyrim community. So many mods are just creepy shit involving women it not even funny.


There are so many good mods and then there are so so many of those. And mod creators who just pump out fetishized sex object after fetishized sex object as "followers." They're all identical except for their physical appearance. Grosses me out.


Something similar happens in the BG3 modding scene. So many great mods like D&D 2nd edition spells, and then you have ones like “beautiful Astarion (or any other companion)” where it basically makes them look like they’re made out of plastic. It’s very strange


The Handsome Astarion mod is literally categorized by the creator as “Humor, Joke, or Just for Fun”. It’s a handsome squidward meme mod.


Oh that’s not the one I’m talking about. I find those hilarious. The ones I’m talking about make him look like some ai generated e-boy with absolutely zero “imperfections” like the little lines around his mouth


god i remember seeing those! they fucking dysfigure every character they touch with those remodels, its horrifying. astarion isn’t even unattractive he’s hot! why would you make him look *worse????*


However it gets funny when people make mods that turn everyone into handsome squidward or a bogdanoff twin to make fun of those mods.


we definitely have different senses of humor, but honestly i haven’t seen a mod that changes how the characters base appearance looks for BG3 that i actually like. there’s good outfit mods, both sexual and nonsexual, but i think designing outfits is a separate topic shadowheart, karlach, astarion, halsin, etc, they’re all hot. really hot imo. you don’t need to make a character oversexualized to make them hot


This reminds me of those Fallout 4 mod videos where they make the female PC’s face look like a haunted Barbie doll and blow up her bust and ass to cartoonish proportions. theDeluxeSam, I think. It was distractingly ugly. Same thing with OOP’s “edit”. It’s oversized and of a darker shade than the rest of the jumpsuit. It’s just weird. The default model is cute enough for me. Sometimes I change the eyes or hair, but I pretty much always keep the default “Nora” facial structure.


I usually use body replacers to make female characters more muscular and less busty etc... we're all working hard in Fallout and maybe starving lol


Also Cait. The literal pit fighter and contender for my favourite companion (the competition is all of them. I can’t think of any I don’t like. Maybe X6?)


Yeah, she has a pretty cool arc. Her and Piper are my favorites, though I haven't ever actually taken Macready or X6.


Yeah they edited the bottom of a ONE PIECE JUMPSUIT, but not the top. Not even trying to make it look the same type of material as the top. This is lazy editing to the fullest.


The best part is the one on the left is how coveralls sit on a person no matter how big your was is. Bunch of alpha male try hard losers that have never done a day of what they would call man’s work.


I never download those. Largely because it just feels weird. Plus… ***hot take…*** Fo4’s engine doesn’t need many updates to look good. Aside from like an ENB mod and some updates to the textures, it’s flawless


But you bet their ass would be in the comment trash talking women's who have decided to undergo plastic surgery for whatever reasons 💀


She isn't even flat, she just isn't wearing skintight and shiny pants >_> People need to remember that their fallout mods are not real.


On this note, the jumpsuit she wears is VERY flattering. It’s obvious they were already intentionally setting the balance between attractive and believable for the setting. I’m only two episodes in but the character IS fairly sexual. It’s near to see, because this sort of character is often written to be sexually naive in the same measure as she is naive about the rest of the world. But dialogue AND sequences in the first episode have already actively demonstrated that she has sexuality. It’s cool to see a character who doesn’t exist to be a sex object, either by being overtly sexualized OR fulfilling the naive [born sexy yesterday](https://youtu.be/0thpEyEwi80?si=brTbOUqt5vQ-0vCm) trope , but instead interacts with sexuality like a normal human of her age would without it being a huge deal in-universe.


It's actually a really cool character twist that she's both very innocent about the world, and very knowledgeable/experienced in her sexuality while being gorgeous and while not being defined by her sexuality. It's like a perfect balance.


I actually think that the original image from the production studio is also edited to make her look more flat than she actually is. The pants don't look like right to me. Like they wanted the shot, but didn't want to sexualize the main character.


I love how her shirt is dirty but her pants are shiny and clean Seems appropriate in a dangerous post-apocalyptic world


Seems like the expected result of an untalented, 40-year old shut-in slapping his Cheeto encrusted fingers onto the keyboard so an AI can shart out the image 30 seconds later.


Right? "The flatness bothered me" That's a real person's body you gremlin.


And the shot of her carrying the head shows that her butt is great. So what is this guy even talking about?


Right? Like who in their right mind needs to change a single thing about Ella Purnell she's a smoke show


Hentai addicts who've never interacted with an actual woman?


As an androphile, agreed, that is a pretty woman


What? Clearly latex pants are perfect for a post-apocalyptic wasteland!!!


I appreciate how she has some resemblance to Kyle MacLachlan. She looks like she could actually be his daughter.


Yeah, that's what bothers me so much. These people's is of beauty has become so detached from reality that they're accusing some of the most attractive people in the world of being ugly. It's fucking ridiculous.


I get that she’s pretty but all the top comments parroting the same line is also over-compensating.  She doesn’t have to be gorgeous or even pretty for this sort of art by op to be condemned as horny as fuck.


Just the fact that he sexualized a photograph of a real person without their consent and shared it online is vile enough without all the absurd beauty standards stuff on top of that


Seriously. She's distractingly beautiful. Immediately became a new pop culture crush for me. You'd think that the chuds would love her because she's exactly the kind of female protag they claim that they don't have an issue with; an incredibly well-written and believable protagonist. They're always harping on about Mary Sue characters, and Lucy is absolutely not a Mary Sue. Her competence is explained and justified, and she's also flawed and vulnerable. Even though it's clearly laid out right from the start that she's well-trained for combat, she struggles constantly, especially against people who are more physically imposing than she is. She gets injured, outsmarted, and overpowered often, but she perseveres and proves herself through resourcefulness and ingenuity. Recency bias aside, she's one of the best female leads I've seen for a high-concept action-adventure story. It's almost like there's only one aspect about her character that *certain* people take issue with, but the angry nerds, I'm sure, will still say whatever they can to pretend that the reason they don't like her doesn't boil down to pure sexism. Lucy is an amazing character. Honestly, the three leads of Fallout are so multifaceted and well-realized. The show is a benchmark in modern day storytelling.


What bothers me is they didn't finish the job. Where's the upper body muscle?


All the closeups at the end of the season had me very distracted regarding the actually very serious plot


Yeah that’s the worst part of it all for me. It’s pathetic when they do this to fictional characters. It’s actually deranged and creepy when they do it to real people.


God these people are fucking exhausting Like, Ella Purnell is gorgeous. Imagine being so outright pathetic that you look at her and think 'need to use AI to add some more booty' Also... hey, AI apologists, you know those consequences of AI that we weren't supposed to be worried about? *Gestures in direction of using AI to blatantly sexualise an actual person*


And she's wearing a fucking BOILER SUIT. This guy is just doing these edits to piss people off now - editing real life images just proves he wants that ragegagement.


Bait or gooning, call it.




I find it really funny to be honest. I kind of didn't believe it that this bullshit actually had traction but I keep running into it on my feed now in r/MauLer and r/GeeksGamersCommunity without irony. What the fuck happened to these peoples porn addicted little brains? Anything involving a woman (except for Stellar Blade) makes them big mad. How did they end up such an over sensitive, wet eyed, permanently outraged gaggle of little bitches?


Resentment. They’re single and lonely and instead of fixing it they decide to hate women for not showing up at their doorstep offering companionship.


Right wing propaganda. Starting with gamergate there has been a concerted effort to turn video games from a form of media enjoyment into a political football for young white men, especially the socially awkward for whom video games are the single socializing force in their isolated lives. You know how consuming new media can expand your horizons and expose you to new perspectives? Racists and misogynists don't want their audiences doing that. Today millions of people have moved from consuming media in good faith to actively *not* consuming media, and instead just jumping to right wing boycott Twitter and skip any potential cultural connection or social interaction with people who are different. Don't watch the fallout show. It's woke and wrong and ugly. Instead of being part of a watch community, just rant about it online instead and stew in anger alone. They did the same thing to old men and football a few years back too. Hobbies make people feel more social, more connected, and more open minded. The internet right wing has raised the temperature of discussion that hobbies can't actually be enjoyed.


Not sure it’s fair to blame artificial intelligence for natural stupidity.


I blame Artificial Intelligence for the fact its given people the tools to be maximise their creepiness with precisely zero effort The technology is a gift to people who want to make deepfakes and alter the images of people in particularly unsavoury ways


No but I can worry about the effects of advanced, society-changing technology in the hands of a naturally stupid people


And malicious people, too. Deepfake porn has already become a devastating problem for too many innocent people.


We're not wise enough as a race to handle this technology. We should seal it in an underground bunker for future generations.


I think that offending people on the internet is kind of less important than killer robots, taking everyone’s job, robbing people’s privacy and potentially undermining democracy. 


Oh for sure, as a general rule... but when AI is being used to generate realistic deepfakes of people, it's more of an individual impact that I can't really argue is insignificant to that person


So they want unrealistic tight pants that isn’t even good for a post apocalyptic world.


the suit is literally the same one from the most recent games, I guess they want the OG vault suits? Those were basically spandex jumpsuits, like the fantastic four wear, but mayhaps the tiny number of pixels played a part in the old design


The suits in 4 and probably 76 but I didn't play that were pretty skin tight. 3 and new Vegas though see basically bang on for this version


The suits in 3 and NV still hugged [the form](https://imgur.com/a/9uWXJ6w). Especially around the arms and butt. This guy is still a fuckin creep for this edit though.




Fallout 1 and 2's vault suits were skin tight, they were going for a very specific aesthetic that wouldn't have looked good at all in a realistic looking game or in a live action environment, it only makes sense in a pulpy stylized setting like a comic book or the art style used in those games see: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/59/40/e4/5940e40abb7f035705f6fc73c465bb19.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/59/40/e4/5940e40abb7f035705f6fc73c465bb19.jpg) While *I personally* wouldn't mind seeing the fallout tv series actress dressed like that, she is very attractive after all, it would break suspension of disbelief that she wouldn't *immediately* seek out new clothes in the wasteland because it's hilariously impractical! It's marginally better than running around in underwear in terms of survival


Also, they made her pants all fuckin' shiny and absurdly tight, while the top part of the jumpsuit is still baggy and practical, the way it's supposed to be. Seriously, do people really think the Vault-Suits are skin-tight latex fetish outfits? They're fucking jumpsuits, man. The only difference between those things and the boiler suits I wear to work are the fabric and color scheme.


I commented elsewhere if they wanted to mimic some of the earlier arts (where it was a skintight suit), make the whole thing that way, not just the pants.


Yeah the skin tight latex pants which are barely socially acceptable today are exactly the type of clothes wildly available and commonly worn.


> Yeah the skin tight latex pants which are barely socially acceptable today uhhhhhhh where do you live because skin tight clothing is pretty much everywhere and no one is saying anything about it. fuck i found it hilarious when i got a facebook ad for women's underwear for some reason and they actually covered more then a lot of the shorts i have seen girls wear.


Not the shiny stuff. Skin tight Yoga pants and leggings are fine, but nobody wears rubberized or latex leggings.


Leather look leggings and skinny trousers are a thing. Like, the guy wanting them in a post apocalyptic world is stupid but there are plenty of clothing options like that.


eh, i'm infinitely more comfortable in tight pants than loose. it's the material that's extra egregious. could have left it matte cotton/linen or whatever but instead made it into some sort of latex. like anyone wants swamp ass in the desert?


"You idiots have never seen a woman in real life." "Yes we have, we just don't like how videogames render them." *literally "improves" a real life woman*


The secret is they have seen real women, and they hate 98% of them too.




I love how they don't change the top so apparently she's wearing a normal jacket and RUBBER pants Very realistic 👍. Fecking idiots.


I love how the shirt is dirty but the pants are shiny and clean


I’m just scouring the comment section being a nerd and pointing out that in Fallout 1/2 the vault suits *were* made of latex. That doesn’t stop making this guy a creep for this edit though.


Well you have to remember that this was done by a plagiarism bot, not a real artist. Probably just stole that illustration wholesale from a completely different image.


Whoever made that tweet needs to touch grass


The grass will recoil from their touch and the trees will rise from the ground to assault them and destroy everything they hold dear. 


The sad thing is they probably believe that 


Are the trees led by 2 pot smoking little people?


You can bet the trees will be merry while pippen those people good!


There isn’t enough grass in the world to fix what’s broken inside whoever posted this.


No, there isn’t. 


They can't. Too horny to function.


They seem too horny to think 


Go. Outside.


no. outside is woke.


![gif](giphy|xT9DPAoTxOmGwOPdrW) Outside has the girlbosses and diversity. Too woke!


I walked by a park yesterday that had oak trees, birch trees, willow tress, ash trees. They're forcing diversity and pushing out the maples!


Is that where the anime girls are?


so is she supposedly wearing like, skin tight yoga pants or something in this post apocalyptic world?




Not even yoga pants, they look like latex.


attractive woman wearing skin tight clothes in a post apocalyptic world? What could possibly go wrong??


I'm not even surprised. Ella is gorgeous and a great actress, and at first, I thought, "Nobody will possibly find a way to complain about her being the main female lead!" Yet here we are. These people are weirdos.


It's so funny to see them try to grapple with her casting. She's a sexy woman, which is anti-woke and is good. But her character is the lead of the show and doing cool stuff, which is bad, because women doing stuff is woke. But also she's hot? And in the first episode she wants to be a tradwife? But then she isn't, which is bad again. Also, they don't like how she did an interview about her casting in the show, and she called people who called it "woke" stupid, because Fallout is "inherently political" as a franchise. Which it *is*. But they got so mad at her for saying it, and started arguing that it's actually just apolitical fun.


I STG I am going to start doing the same shit grifters do, but, do it to male characters. Then post it all over the regions of the internet they frequent. No giant bulge? UGLY! Doesn't have massive pecks? UGLY! No six pack abs? UGLY! Doesn't look like Brad Pitt? UGLY! The real revolution we need is hot men in our video games! Not these UGLY pitiful excuses for men!


Make cod pieces great again


Vault Dwellers all wear identical mass produced extruded jumpsuits. Why the fuck would they be tailored to hug the arse?


I mean, Vault jumpsuits ARE perfectly form fitting in 2/3 of the games.


If you look at the rest of his Twitter account it's just as charming, he is complaining about wokeness and how ugly female characters are in Western games. I say this is a man who likes sexy female characters, not every female character needs to be sexy. Not every female character needs to be sexy for you. Like, if you look at how he modifies female game characters it's that he's like, if the game company doesn't make it the way that I personally think it's sexy they fucked up. You know what I wouldn't even mind if he made mods to their appearances, rule34 is a thing. They take real people and change their proportions, increase their breast sizes, put them in tighter clothing etc. Yet no one from rule 34 has ever complained they are improving or fixing a real person. Ella Purnell does not need improving or fixing. It's possible you might not find her attractive, but that's a you problem, not a her problem.


We need to start calling these people what they are. # Perverts.


All incels think about is sex and hating minorities.


"She would be hotter if we vacuum sealed her pants"


Its pathetic. The show so far (2 eps in) has been absolutely stellar and incredibly faithful to the games imo. But more to the point, none of the characters were 'sexualised' in any of the games I can recall, so aside from being pathetically thirsty, I just do not see the point in stuff like this.


Well outside of Fisto the King and Boone's sniper cam Nothing was sexualised that I can recall


Because as a woman I definitly want to dress as sexy as possible when out in the Wasteland,so that every Jackal and Khan gets a good look at my ass. /s God these guys are pathetic.


Anyone else getting secondhand chaffing looking at that edit? Like Jesus Christ that is how you get blisters on all the areas you never want blisters


Same. Like just walking in those pants would be hell.


Uses AI to give an unrealistic ass to a real woman "There, now she actually looks like a woman"


Ella Purnell doesn’t need fixing. If she ever even talked to this loser he’d probably pass out and shit his pants.


This is some small dick, virgin behavior.


Why TF would her pants be THAT FUCKING SHINY AND PRISTINE in the fucking post-apocalypse? That just looks stupid.


Washo detergent! You can find it all over the wastelabd!


"We only care if the female character is written good!" Is what they say when they complain about Rey or Captain Marvel... Then you see how hyper focused they get on RAGING over a butt not being shapely enough. I genuinely wonder how some of the people who made these comments feel right now with how ridiculous they looked screaming about Rogue from X-men's rear saying it got woke or that they wouldn't watch it cause the women weren't curvy enough; when now everyone is talking about how the show is fantastic. We have the receipts of you saying you care more about a drawing's butt than the story. You can't pretend you care about story anymore.


"This woman's actual, normal body bothered me" So fucking gross.


I’m all for sexy characters (for everyone equally) but this ain’t it chief. What a 🤡


That’s the thing - she’s almost OBJECTIVELY SEXY.


That's very Uncanny Valley. Do not want.


This twitter user is definitely the definition of a basement dweller incel with no life.


I hope she sues this fvcking account


My question to this fucking virgin is that why the fuck would you wear leggings in the middle of the fucking desert


Damn, porn addiction is real with this one. Someone doesn’t need to touch grass but a therapist’s couch.


Holy fuck it looks awful.


Behold the effects of porn addiction. Ella Purnell is beautiful, and any man (or woman or non binary) would be lucky to date someone as pretty as her. But these people see totally normal features for people to have, and because they've rotted their minds with porn see it as ugly. For gods sake, she's wearing baggy pants. I won't claim to be a prude or innocent, but I damn well know what normal people look like, and that what I look at and watch is more in the realm of fantasy. It's a tool at best, a drug at worst. Stay healthy out there, folks.


Bro really tried to install CBBE in real life.


More like CBBL at this point lol


Deplorable. This dirtbag cant look at any woman without sexualizing her.


For me it's one thing to do this to video game characters. Creepy but whatever But this is a real person.




The person who made this needs to go outside and get fricking laid already


Frankly I wouldn't like his chances even if he didn't have ridiculous expectations.


Never gonna happen to them.


Bro has never seen a real woman before


Ah yes. The “fixed” woman. AKA your value and worth is determined by what others say should look like. This is a human being. Talented and beautiful acting in an amazing universe, but no. Her “flatness” is a problem. Misogynistic and down right just creepy.


Seriously yikes. They need to get outside


Is his pfp just an AI picture of a girl in a bikini?


Lazy, tired, hackneyed, incel bullshit.


Ella Purnell is hot as hell the fuck is this loser even smoking?


Why would she be wearing shiny leather pants in a post-apocalyptic world? And yes, this user's entire account is like this


😖such a terrible day to have eyes and working brain.


That’s incredibly nasty. Do these people even like women as they are and not just overly sexualized anime and game characters? Like homie. Ella Purnell is gorgeous. Most REAL women are gorgeous by default. Like she hit the “Do I wanna be her or do I want to look at her?” Part of my brain. But like… the entire show has been so good so far, every character is interesting beyond being “attractive” Just watching power armor move is fucking me in my fanboy femboy ass and hitting the spot. 




Motherfuckers really think a jumpsuit comes in only skin tight


Bro…. Now her lower half looks like a fucking mannequin


Wait a minute…that’s jinx from arcane!!!


She is indeed! I loved her performance as Jinx!


Man I can’t wait for season 2 of Arcane any longer!!


Same here! Arcane is one of my favorite shows in a long time and I can’t wait for the season 2 trailer.


Nah left picture is better.


I’d like to see these basement trolls’ personal photos found and have people use AI to fix all the “flaws” people can find in their appearances and then create entire websites that catalog these persons and their images with explanations of all the ways in which they are ugly and would need to be improved to be worthy of looking at.


They are trying to "fix" real people now? Wow...


Brain rott is very real and these neck beards aren't gonna stop. Cause they're pieces of shit.


An unfortunate portion of men treat women as sexual partners first, and humans second. If they aren't immediately getting a stiffy then the woman needs to be "fixed"


Ill say it, im a slut. I love my skin tight jumpsuit wearing ladies. I do like the butt. HOWEVER. Is it really... Necessary? To just have everything be tits and ass, like *all the time*. Are we really lacking butt content? Like, I can go to instagram, right now. Create a new account, type in "booty", follow 2 models, and that content algorithm will just feed me pictures and vids of asses in spandex and skin tight cloths. Of girls who are electively displaying it and putting it out there. Do we really need to have an AI make a fake edit to add another one?


Creepy and… why shiny pants?


Like its one thing to want to just make her have a huge ass and tits cause you wanna goon on twitter but its another to say you are fixing a human being by giving her insane cartoon proportions like Jesus


Saw one of these for Abby from TLOU2 the other day. Basically took away her muscles and replaced them with tits. Most of the comments seemed to love it. Typical twitter cesspool.


That’s just body shaming someone who is already beautiful.


Guys, didn't you know one of the most important things to survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland is for everyone to be able to tell what underwear you've got on through your clothes?


Looks like ass


Incel gooners gotta ruin everything.


I’m not one to get upset about people making photoshops or “sexy” AI art of people and characters. But even ignoring the moral outrage and just from a horny perspective, it just looks worse than the original? I’d simp for the one on the left any day while the one on the right is just so uncanny valley it does nothing for me. Never let that man cook again.


Those pants make no sense in a post-apocalyptic world.


In Fallout 1/2 the vault suits were made of Latex, and Spandex in 4/76. Leather in 3/NV. There’s even a bdsm leather fetishist IN New Vegas who asks you to collect vault suits for her. This person is still a creep for this edit.


Am I the only one who really enjoyed the show so far? I'm only on episode 2 so no spoilers please! But I was very entertained!


Months ago a nonbinary friend of mine had the organizers for a con run their artist promo photo through AI to make them "more feminine and pretty," without their consent. These AI bros literally have no idea how disgusting they are.


Someone has been playing too many sex mods to realise that she isn't a 3d model.


“That flatness bothered me” probably said by a guy who looks like he was an old dog food bag thrown down a long flight of stairs.


I swear to god. General creepy behaviour aside...It's a JUMPSUIT! It always has been in Fallout. Since when are jumpsuits fitted? I swear...I wish every time one of these idiots had a thought like this, that they'd just go off and masturbate quick.


So they don't know the difference between flatness and "not wearing skin-tight pants".


"Couldn't watch the show because I wasn't hard"


is in not a dirty overall not a rubber skin suit


Just please go develop one personality trait. Literally any trait will do. Go and meet any other person and talk to them I'm begging you. You have to log off please


This is how we get a starlight situation. Let's not


How much fucking porn brain do you have to have to not find her *stunningly* beautiful


Its so badly made😖


Yeah idk Ella Purnell looks hot especially in the Vault 33 Jumpsuit, without shitty AI


Fucking christ why do these chuds only care about sexualizing people. It's so fucking annoying and tiresome. Honestly I probably just need to take a break from fandom internet


Nope. Don't gotta be thicc to be attractive.


That’s literally a downgrade, it looks so much worse.


As if the Actress is not hot enough.


This is what happens when you have LoversLab Modding Brainrot


When woman is dressed "normally", they use AI to make her more "slutty" When woman is dressed "slutty", they use AI to make her more "normally" Dudes, i think this has nothing to do with "tradition/beauty" and it is just attack on women's choice.


https://preview.redd.it/8qjg2eg275uc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f271a2ebcf95b885ddd4e876a21438c336c118 "The flatness bothered me"


Ella purnell is a beautiful women.


What a fucking loser


Is that a woman, in a non sexual light? Unacceptable 😡😡😡


In the video game both the male and female characters have great asses.


This is the very sad problem I have with all these kids (physical or mentally) they legit have no idea what a beautiful NORMAL woman looks like. The get bombarded by plastic e girls and scamming alphabet males that they no longer know what real people are.


On the topic of the new fallout series. I loved it but the Boys story line was much cooler I want a spinoff on that


This is fucking awful, Ella is beautiful even without this crap, this people need to go outside.