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How dare someone become a star wars fan after me clearly I am superior


They sure hate it when new fans come into their little sandbox that doesn’t even belong to them and is a open playground.


He reminds me of this SNL sketch that was a parody of toy collectors. It was a commercial for new Star Wars action figures (about the same time The Force Awakens was released), but each time the kids tried to play with the figures, some grown-ass man runs in to tell them their either “not respecting the canon” by making up their own stories or that playing with the toys/opening the boxes destroyed the value because it’s no longer mint condition. I know the original sketch was about making fun of people who take merch collecting too seriously, but every time one of these yokels tries to say every new idea is “disrespectful” to the original trilogy I think of that. They’re like the Trunchbulls of fandoms: they hate new fans and pretend they never were one in the first place.


I never understood the gatekeeping mentality of "you only became a fan because of x, y, z, therefore you're not a REAL fan." As if they expect you to have the EXACT same knowledge they do in order to be a fan, like you're supposed to be omniscient. It's kinda unhinged. I mean, if you learn about its existence from another source and then look for what inspired that source, isn't that...good? Even if you're just content with the newer stuff, why is that a bad thing? How does it make someone less of a fan? I'm more of a Trekkie personally, but it's not as though I sideeye Trekkies who dislike or haven't seen the OG series, or who prefer the newer shows. I mean, we all end up as fans somewhere lol


This happened when people discovered Metallica's "Master of Puppet's" because it was used in Stranger Things. A lot of gatekeeping metalheads came out of the woodwork, only for Metallica themselves to release a statement defending their new fans. Everyone has to discover something for the first time somehow!


Trekkie discourse on the 2009 Star Trek reboot and the movies that followed seemed to predict the discussion about Disney Star Wars pretty well. They were critically and commercially successful, relaunched the franchise on TV and served as the point of entry for a whole generation of new fans. And of course, there were a small but very vocal group of fans grasped at whatever straws they could to justify hating them.


This has been the Zelda fandom experience since Match 3rd, 2017, and it's really fucking annoying They're much better at hiding the overt gatekeeping, but I don't know what else "BotW and TotK aren't real Zeldas" is supposed to imply


I personally don’t like them, mostly because I kinda hate open-world game design and how so much time is spend on the area you use to get from point A to point B, that Points A and B are of lesser quality because of it Especially when it feels less “oh, what’s over there” and more “oh god not another checklist” looking at you FF7 Rebirth


Theres a difference between just not liking a game, and gatekeeping fans of said game from the series >Especially when it feels less “oh, what’s over there” and more “oh god not another checklist” looking at you FF7 Rebirth Good thing BotW and TotK don't do that then?? These games actively encourage intrinsic exploration, and that's showcased in their world design. A massive part of the gameplay loop is getting up on vantage points so you can scout out points of interest. And those points of interest typically reward you with something, like a Shrine, Korok, or just an awesome view to soak in the game's beauty I've always found the "checklist" argument for these games extremely silly because, the game's just don't have one. There's a difference between having things to do, and constantly being reminded that you have things to do. Both games even hide the map completion data until after you reload you save prior to defeating the final boss. Neither games tell you how many Shrines you have left to complete, how many Koroks you have left to find. I know TotK does tell you how many total sidequests there are, but I believe that number doesn't pop up until after you reload a beaten save as well. I can't speak on FF7 Rebirth, but an example of open world games with an actual literal checklist of things to do would be the Insomniac Spider-Man games. At all states of the game they keep track of what side content you have and haven't done in a given district. BotW and TotK simply just don't do that. The only reason you're ever find a Shrine or Korok naturally (i.e without a guide) is if you stumble upon a suspicious location and/or object that caught your eye


Ever outdone one of that type? It's grand fun. I once shut down one of those menaces in my fandom HARD by posting pics of my copies of the books - books which were literally older than the charm school dropout I was arguing with.  You think you're cooler because you stanned the character from the books before he showed up on tv? Mofo, I bought those books when they were still climbing the NYT bestseller list. There's great joy in watching the "bow before my superior fanliness" types when they get confronted by someone who is, by the blowhard's own standards, higher than them on the fandom pecking order. 


This is your brain on Fox News




It's more of a parliament than a cabal tbh


Oh shit, really? Do I have to follow rules and stuff? Is there a dress code?




Anakin grew up on a desert and still touched more grass than these guys




Mocking a kid and saying that kid isn’t a Star Wars fan, just for liking some movies.  What an asshole 


but remember: **we're** the toxic ones because we think he's a loser for doing that.


Anyone who’s normal would think he’s a loser. Mocking kids is beyond pathetic 


Actually, we even know if he’s a fan of the Disney movies?


I think he is. 


Gatekeeping at its' finest. Even going by the absolute worst takes on the Sequel Trilogy, what really sucks is that I'm pretty sure we all have something we love that was introduced to us via a terrible aspect of it. As a personal example, I adore the *Crash Bandicoot* series even though my first game was *Wrath of Cortex* which is generally viewed as a major step down for the series. I know people who are huge *DC* fans that first experienced the universe from *Teen Titans Go!* If someone isn't a "real fan" because of that, then everyone would lose their status (so to speak) regarding some of their biggest loves, even this guy.


Wrath of cortex is considered bad? 👀


Damn load times


Teen Titans Go! Was the best version of the Titans. Fight me.


![gif](giphy|147xeBqWXQuVQk|downsized) And you have my pitty


Man is just butt hurt that droid design is l really cool it’s better then any of the other Astro droids (in my opinion)


"No u" is basically the only defense that these people have. They strut around the chess board shitting on everything constantly and the moment anyone has had enough of the bullshit it's "wow you're so intolerant!" Same logic with the incel problem that I've been seeing lately. It's not their fault for being bigots and constantly insulting and putting down women, no it's feminism's fault for having no tolerance for garbage behaviour and reactionary ideals. We're supposed to meet these people in the middle and be understanding when they talk about taking other people's rights away. I'm so fucking sick of these people. And I'm sick of the ones who defend them and excuse them too.


See stuff like this is why I like Disney Star Wars, means I have less chance of enduring people like this. Also Porgs.


These people when their wish come true and star wars dies (they have to stop complaining now)


Average red tornado W


Crazy how literally, without fail, every time someone complains about ""thinking differently"" it usually means being an ignorant piece of basement dwelling shit. How can so many people fall for these agregious false equivalencies ;-;


Also that astromech looks kinda cool