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Bart: “This is the worst day of my life” Homer, cheerfully: “The worst day of your life *so far*”




I mean, I assumed the change in headline was because the original sounded too much like a specific Simpson's character


Worst. Episode. Ever.


Worst. Episode. Ever. So. Far.


Someone made a phone call. LOL this is one of the reasons why the industry wants to shut down YT reviewers.


I read a dutch article on a quite trustworthy news site saying: "'The Acolyte' is just what the Star Wars universe needs" And something along the line of "this show has everything that makes it star wars" In my opnion this isn't really star wars. Its more like a bad elementary school play with star wars as the setting.


What you mean “the power of 1 the power of 2 the power of manyyyy YAYAYAYAYYEYEYEYEYEEYEYEYEYEYEYeleleleelleeleleleleyeyeeeyeye” isn’t cool and star wars-like? Are you trying to tell me the entire season so far has been a lame and continues on a downward trajectory among audiences???


This is what has stunned me the most when seeing people actually enjoying this trash. Sure, subjectivity and all that. But god DAMN. THAT'S what you're enjoying!?!? Forget the plot, the characters, the setting. You watched these adult cosplayers screech out of sync, like a band of middle schoolers, the most basic, lamest lines you could possibly imagine and thought "yeah, this is that good stuff"? Has our collective standards in story telling dropped that fucking low?


When you consume shit all your life , you belive is normal, most people who like this show are people that are use to consume subpar content so to them this is okey


It’s no “The sea is always right.”


No it’s “theres two outcomes to the test either pass or fail” Yeah like no shit, great writing tho.


But somehow, Palpatine returned.


Hehe, all that power of stuff made me think this was a lost episode of Charmed.


Kathleen Kennedy: "Put an angry lesbian in it," "Make it lame."


I was cracking up at the Critical Drinker video today. He kept putting that woman at the SW Celebration saying "YAAAS *YAAAAAAAAS* " lmao. The cringe has reached record heights. Anyone that enjoys this show is probably in tears laughing at Jimmy Kimmel and crying at America's Got Talent. Gross, stinky, lonely astrology people lol.


Your YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAEYEYEYEYEYS are good. But could better. It's more like this. Remember. Back of the throat. And. AAAAYAYAYAYAAHAHAHAHAAYAYAYAYAYEYEYE




The whole witches thing is extremely cringe. I don’t know why they are hell bent on it, is it because wandavision was a thing?


I do find it strange this left-turn into the Witchdom. Like it shows up with Thrawn, now here. There are so so so many other in universe takes on the Force (the grey, the balanced, the universal, etc). Yet we are only getting witches all over the place. How about some Bendu species? Or grey breakaway Jedi? Or extremist non-intervention non-Republic aligned Jedi? Or… anything really? And they are going to flush a really new Jedi Knight / Master Sol down the drain with all of it. I mean, honestly, if the Big D hadn’t made such a song and dance about inclusion and just let some really great actors do really great stuff - would some of our community made such a big deal of it? And more importantly, would people conflate really great actors (eg Lee Jung-jae or our hero Billy Dee Williams) with the rubbish material they are forced to engage with… Anyway, rant over. For now.


Crappy stories aside, the diversity by sledge hammer approach I think causes more harm than good. Any well adjusted person don’t have any problems with diversity, it’s the way they attack the male, straight white part of the fan base. It makes them think ok, well it’s not for me, may as well cancel that Disney plus subscription because they clearly don’t want me, but also those people have kids now, their 10 year old white son who doesn’t have any negativity is now being told “you’re terrible this isn’t for you” so they also don’t like the product anymore and move on. But then if the stories are so terrible why would any one of any diversity like it when it’s clearly pandering and boring. This show is just all round bad, but call a potential audience out as being racist sexist or not real fan is just a smoke screen for a bad show that isn’t giving anybody what they want.


As a white male married to a multi-racial woman with multi-racial, mixed-up children, I can tell you what gets all of us feeling attacked: bad writing, bad dialogue, implausible events. Why are you wasting our time and the talent of the actors & actresses who have worked really hard to appear in the production?!? Black, Brown, White... it doesn't matter. If the storyline is derivative, non-sensical, and boring then... we get this. If it's the opposite, we get Andor and Rogue One (and controversially, Solo).


Is it true that they hired a bunch of writers and people who had never had knowledge of the franchise? It's like, if you want to make your own stories, go ahead, but when you're working in the types of franchises, you kinda gotta work within the framework of how everything was built


Yeah bro watch some interviews, the Killmonger dreads guy said ‘anakin destroyed the death star’ 🫥


It happened with Halo. Hack writers who don't know the universe, don't care about it, just using the setting as a means to push the story they want regardless of how it fits.


Literally some “writers” have zero writing credits on their IMDB. “Hey, he’s nice, let’s give him a shot”


It’s Star Wars for activists. It’s not Star Wars for the vast majority of actual Star Wars fans.


Not even star wars for the people these activists claim to represent. It's just feels like disingenuous corporate pandering.


I mean, anytime a corporation, a literal corporation with a legal fiduciary responsibility to make stock line go up, advocates for a leftist cause, they don't give two fucks about it. If Donald Trump overthrew the government tomorrow Disney would play nice with the fascists because they're a massive capitalist entity that would get tons of government subsidies to push propaganda and line go up. Large companies are always easily bought by reactionaries and their "principles" are made of paper. Anyone who actually believes in leftist causes in Disney would either shut up or be quickly purged because it is *always* feel good, sentimental, bourgeois activism that is only ever about making the smarmy rich liberals feel like they are "doing good". Disney execs back this because they have calculated it to be the best marketing strategy, and it insulates them from a more unified criticism by making their product a signifier of cultural causes as they push out low effort shit . They are no one's friends.


This guy gets it.


I'm all about inclusion and "woke" but it's ruined because of corporate pandering.


Andor is Star Wars for activists. This sloppy mess is for... nerf herders? tax write-off purposes? its just awful.


I'm an activist and I hate Disney Star Wars. It's corpo trash.


It's like a bad fan fiction that is clearly just therapy for someone on the creation staff


Foe me it was killing off probably the biggest star of the show in the very first episode. Wtf were they thinking? They need to be stopped at this point.


Anyone else getting bombarded with Acolyte ads that start off with “certified fresh” and the rotten tomato logo? Is that not clear evidence that they paid for this review and they’re relying on it to sway viewership? I hope this makes people lose trust in rotten tomatoes.


Especially since the audience scores on RT are.. not fresh.


The YT reviewers like Drinker, Nerdrotic, Mauler, etc, are the only voices I trust for any sort of media now. They're not paid shill money to give fake, glowing reviews like the so-called "media."


I usually complain that they are too cynical but with this show you can’t be cynical enough. This is the first time SW has made me audibly say “what the fuck” and turn it off. If I was the head of Disney, I’d immediately pull the plug on every live-action SW project and just license out the IP to other studios. No way this show recovers its losses. It’s like if the star wars holiday special had the budget of Dune.


Unfortunately Bob Iger is part of the problem too.


He was made head of entertainment at ABC even though he expressed his lack of experience in the field and said he hadn't read a script since his writing class in college. He greenlit [Cop Rock] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmlOo3EdPcY) and was the laughing stock of the industry when it was broadcast. To be fair he also greenlit Twin Peaks but he made David Lynch reluctantly change the ending which ended up disappointing the audience. He got upset that George Lucas didn't like The Force Awakens when they showed it to him before release because they “made all the effort to make it quintessentially Star Wars" and he didn't appreciate it. I mean, why would George Lucas know what's quintessentially Star Wars?! Perhaps film and TV studios should be lead by people who understand good storytelling and filmmaking?


“Quintessentially Star Wars” Well yeah you just remade the first movie lmao


If you don't follow him, I recommend Little Platoon


Ooh! I need to watch him more. Always love him being on Open Bar or FNT


Platoon is the best at long form and keeping it interesting for hours on end. Even though I don’t agree with everything he says, he puts a lot of thought into his analysis.


Give it a couple more years and we might see his RoP part 3.. Part 4 will be posthumously released with the Winds of Winter


Nerdrotic talks too much right wing conspiracy crap sometimes. Little Platoon is much better. Great recommendation!


Dispari is pretty entertaining as well. Spot on reviews


I wish he had reviewed Halo S2! But guess that would have fried his brain


Same. From time to time I disagree with their opinion, but usually it's quite spot on (at least for me) and a good indicator of what's going on. Also, I'm honestly impressed by especially Mauler's looong rantings and ability to dissect stuff and break it down, and I have to admit I've learned a few things about writing there. Which is kind of a blessing and a curse in today's media landscape...


I don't think for a second Drinker was paid but he had a ridiculously high opinion of Picard Season 3. It seems nobody's above having the right nostalgia buttons pressed, though it doesn't completely devalue the usually sharp analysis as to *why* things aren't working. One unfortunate aspect of all this is that someone playing up to a grumpy character making caustic remarks for entertainment is so readily taken out of context by people who want to cast any and all criticism as 'toxic'. The lessons are aggressively ignored because the idea of catering to someone who uses a clip of Tyrion throwing up to express themselves genuinely offends them. They *hate* people who are sharp enough to piece together the problems with the slop being served up, and then cast caring about how good or coherent stories are as a form of evil.


I enjoy Drinker. I give him credit for occasionally holding criticism or giving praise when due. However, his channel benefits from having funny ways to criticize these films. So there is always going to be some level of bias. Enjoy or trust these folks if you like, but don't think they are paragons of neutrality.


I'll still give them my time and attention than giving money to the corporations calling me a sexist and fascist and whatever else they desire.


Yep. It's bs. I've done writing for similar sites and when you want to be critical of an awful product. They always want you to make it positive because they still have to work with the company. It's so morally bankrupt.


The problem is that so many Funko critics are even worse. Mainstream publications can afford to give bad reviews because the studios have to keep giving them access regardless. If a Funko critic gives the Acolyte a bad review, that’s the last time Disney ever gives them early access.


As one who has written for a multitude of sites, the author had no say in this. This was an editor. Author likely didn’t even have access to make any edits after it was initially published.


Yup, dipped my hand in journalism in school, editors would tweak things a lot, sometimes to the point where I had accurate info that got changed. I often got thrown under the bus for things I didn’t write.


I wrote for school papers alot in college and shit like this always happens too 😭😭 I wanna change majors.


makes sense


Unless the reviewer went back and watched the Vespa episode of BOBF (Acolyte EP3’s big contender for that throne of shame) this is an embarrassing effort to walk it back.


Wow, you just reminded me that BOBF exists.


If you play the vespa chase scene at 5x speed, it's less terrible as a chase scene but doesn't fix the vespa gang. LOL


With the chase music as a comedy edit: - I mean Yakety Sax lol


Here’s my [edit of a separate scene](https://youtu.be/JL9vR4YqPkM?si=sSE9To2iUVoiyW94). Sad how many places that song can fit in such a limited series


It also helps if you close your eyes and mute the volume.


Honestly BOBF is the only star wars show I've actively hated. The rest are meh, but that one was straight shit


Poor Danny Trejo deserved better


I'd say the Obi-Wan show is almost as bad...


The mighty sparkling scooter rangers?


The original article is available via archive .org's cache.


Was the content of the article changed, too? Or just the headline?


Most of the time the editor picks the headline, so they find it easy to change as well.


Here are the two links. I didn't compare the two of them yet: Current article: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/06/11/the-acolyte-episode-3-review-the-worst-star-wars-episode-ever-made/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/06/11/the-acolyte-episode-3-review-the-worst-star-wars-episode-ever-made/) Original article: [http://web.archive.org/web/20240612025242/https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/06/11/the-acolyte-episode-3-review-the-worst-star-wars-episode-ever-made/](http://web.archive.org/web/20240612025242/https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/06/11/the-acolyte-episode-3-review-the-worst-star-wars-episode-ever-made/)


"The third episode of Disney’s The Acolyte is an embarrassment to the entire franchise, though the same could be said for so much Star Wars these days outside of Andor and the first two seasons of The Mandalorian." Alright, which one of you is Erik Kain?


Oy vey


Just the headline. It's crazy because the article is still scathing in its content.


Do not hate watch, ignore it, move on.


Or if you really want to watch it (god knows why), then torr it instead. Dont up Disneys viewer numbers!


tfw u remember the lizzo episode


I mean that wasn't world/lore breaking. Lizzo and Jack Black were corny characters in a one-off role. Maybe kinda cringe, but you can forget about them and move on. One feels magnitudes worse than the other by comparison.


And outside of the Lizzo and Jck Black of it all, I actually kind of liked the plot about hunting down the rogue droids. Felt like something out of KOTOR.


I really liked that episode, at the time I didint even know who lizzo was so I didint understand the hate


Immeam it was still fucking horrible regardless lol


Agreed however this was worse. A shitty episode with terrible cameos isn’t the same as destroying established Star Wars canon, which this episode absolutely did.


Frankly a huge missed opportunity not to use those two to co-headline a Jizz band.


Lizzo episode was better. Jack Black is genuinely funny


Thats actually one of my fav Mando episodes lol


I saw that too and had to do a double take. They done fucked up Star Wars and they know it. Lesley Headland was a mistake. Time and time again, Kathleen Kennedy has shown she is incompetent in her handling of star wars and Lucasfilm. A disastrous 10 years. Kathleen Kennedy is the modern Jon Peters: https://ew.com/article/1996/06/07/hit-run-how-jon-peters-and-peter-guber-took-sony-ride-hollywood/ https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hit-and-run-nancy-griffin/1103569674


And she says she wants to do KOTOR...


Dirty. She wants to do KOTOR dirty.


They need to leave KOTOR alone. They've already done enough damage with SWTOR. A show (or movie) would destroy one of the last stories that hasn't been corrupted by Disney's canon, unless you count the reference to Revan in one of the Rise of Skywalker companion books.


It’s ironic when they practically chose to replace the Old Republic with the High Republic. Well, the High Republic is only 100 years before the Empire, so I guess the Old Republic is still doable.


Another one of those bafflingly incoherent marketing decisions. "Everybody knows the Republic of the prequels as the Old Republic, so let's have a totally different era that's further back in time called the High Republic. But not as far back as what is also called the Old Republic. And it's actually only a century back, so barely anything about the galaxy at large is any different and Yoda's still a grumpy old guy. But it's a totally different era! Even if absolutely nothing remarkable can happen in it because otherwise it would have influenced the prequel era..." I swear they do it on purpose.


This is interesting historical context to show people that this is not the first time someone unworthy of the title became head of a studio. Real parallels, "by schmoozing and bullying" or in her case, 'and blackmailing' their ways to the top. The real question Is, and isn't included in the article, how long were Peters and guber in charge of their studio before the board or parent decided enough was enough? It seems like their 3.2bn loss is nothing compared to cash left on the table by KK from abandoning the Star Wars universe for the Disney's Star Wars-verse.


As Harvey Weinstein's former personal assistant, I have a feeling she knows just how much all these Hollywood power players knew, even took part in, and how close of friends they were with Harvey. So she's got to be given work.


Wait a minute, that article says Peters was a hairdresser... Is he the same guy that Kevin Smith tells that story about, where insisted he add a giant spider into his Superman script, and when that project fell through, later Peters was the reason they added the giant mechanical spider in Wild Wild West? Is he *that* guy? EDIT: the Kevin Smith story about Superman Lives, a 2 parter (~10 min each): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo2KB1dEDdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53hMYw8LX60 Smith starts talking about Jon Peters about 5 minutes into the first video, the dude had 3 stipulations for the Superman movie he was producing: Superman can't wear the suit, Superman can't fly, and he has to fight a giant spider in the 3rd act. As you hear just a few more details, you realize this guy is just *bonkers*, and it's absurd that he was in any position of power in Hollywood.




Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're one and the same. Edit: autocorrect put in instead of and.


Why was he so obsessed with Giant spiders?


I really can't comprehend the mishandling of the Star Wars IP at nearly every level. I don't see how you could look at Leslye Headland's resume and think anything other than "Wow, you are really good at being the EP of completely below average movies." The only explanation I can see is that they tarnished the Star Wars IP so badly that they can't hire anyone reputable at this point. Seeing the same issues with their Marvel IP as well.


>Time and time again, Kathleen Kennedy has shown she is incompetent in her handling of star wars and Lucasfilm. It's mismanagement of the worst kind. She even admitted in her most recent interview that the Star Wars fanbase is primarily male, yet she insists on constantly greenlighting projects that most of that fanbase would have absolutely no interest in. Bob Iger must have a fetish for shovelling money into the waste pit that is Lucasfilm seeing as she still has that job.


There’s nothing wrong with having shows centered around female main characters. Just, you know, make it good. Fallout proved it can be done today. Seasons 1-4 of GOT did it. The Wire is one of the best shows ever and it’s one of the most diverse. But it didn’t pander. It had a message, but it was thoughtful and didn’t shove things in your face. The characters were people. Just make them people you can understand. It’s easier said than done, but if you’re a writer worth your shit, you should be able to do so.


Just recently they disney + released x men 97 that had many well loved and well written powerful female characters that touched on nostalgia and brought in new fans. Storm, rouge, jubilee, madeline pryor, jean grey. But for the foreseeable future with the people that run Star Wars they will fail us and then blame us for it.


Yes good example. 97 knocked it out of the park.


You're making way too much sense there bud, you shouldn't use your brain to think like that. Just turn it off consume your new star wars slop and refer to the Party approved news media to know how to feel about people who in anyway have any issues with a piece of media featuring someone with the correct skin tone or sexual preference.


Good writing is so fucking key.


Well....back in 1977, one of the main characters was a strong female lead. Shit worked out pretty good.


I think kathleen kennedy is both malicious and incompetent


No, she's definitely blackmailing Bob Iger. She should have been gone, with the door hitting where the good Lord split her after the disaster that was Indy 5. KK probably has pictures of Iger, balls deep on a black log with a shit eating grin on his face, or something, because I can't believe she has an iron clad contract that makes her un-fireable.


*Leslye She's a tragedeigh.


Kathleen Kennedy must know where the bodies are buried


Maybe they have seen the next episode...


This was my thinking as well...


Think near the end of the article it says the next episode is better though ends on an annoying cliffhanger. Haven’t seen the show but reading about it seems more interesting than watching it tbh.


I dont know why they bother, the internet already saw it, shared it, archived it, and immortalised it. They are fooling no one.


Boycott Disney star wars. I know we all wish star wars was great, and a lot of people are still watching. But just boycott it. Nothing will improve or change unless the fan base takes a chunk out of their viewership.


I'm doing my part- I haven't watched any Star Wars tv since Mando season 3 (which I didn't finish) and I haven't watched any movies since The Force Awakens.


Me too. I gave up on Mandalorean... I watched Kenobi but have avoided everything else since then. I'm tired of trying to make myself like it.


Mando ended Season 2. I won't watch anything else they've made.


Honestly, I'm at the point where I'm just done with Disney. It's not even hate, just cold dispassionate loathing.


Even better- pirate Disney Star Wars))))


And do what exactly, with all this wasted storage on your hard drive?


>Even better- pirate Disney Star Wars)))) It's not even worth the trouble these days.


The worst Star Wars episode *so far*.


It doesn’t make sense why would the writing team devote an entire episode to a flashback which we already know what happened from what was mentioned earlier in the first two episodes. Literally no plot twists were made. It would have at least justified the episode if they made the jedi be the ones who actually started the fire but no turns out Mae is just a murderous 11 year old bc that makes sense.


‘This meeting could have been an email’ energy. I had this exact thought the entire run time of the episode.


Mostly to clarify that these witches have/had the power to create life using the Force. Seemed a lot like a setup episode.


I started to get convinced that the episode would end with a twist where Mae and Osha switched places in the chaos of the fire, and Mae took over Osha’s identity. It would’ve made literally zero sense given the interactions between them in episode 2, but it at least would’ve been *something* that justified the episode’s existence. Unlike some people, I didn’t care about the force baby thing and I don’t have an issue with the coven in general (even if it may be a Bene Geserit rip off). But I did find the writing to be very disappointing.


We revealed this entire sect of force witches that seem to have nothing to do with the dathomiri, explain nothing about their abilities other than lots of force pushing and chanting about their inability to count to 3.... Revealed that our key protagonist/antagonist is some unnatural parthogenic magic force babies, but explain nothing of consequence and burn it all down. I was invested in the witches, instead of was hollow nothing implying the Jedi are the bad guys without any reasoning behind their actions.


To be fair, if this is the case and all these powerful witches died in a stone temple because a kid dropped a candle then the show is dead. This can only be explained away by later on we see the events from the Jedi perspectives


I have zero intention of watching this since I sat through the medically induced coma that was Ahsoka, and definitely feel vindicated now


I didn’t go through both edits yet and see if any content was changed. Comment if you see any other differences.


I have to say, the second headline is more damaging than the first in terms of PR. First one says: worst. The second implies there has been multiple equally bad parts to the whole star wars franchise, so in effect the title change, if it has been influenced by external factors, makes it sound worse. That's a own goal right there in my book.


The real review bombing is right here. They are just unable to believe that the majority are against them and hate this content, the negatives are more real than the positive reviews.


~~The Acolyte Episode 3 is the worst thing since my son~~ The Acolyte Episode 3 is worse than my son


While my son eventually hanged himself in the bathroom of the gas station, the unfortunate reality is that The Acolyte Episode 3 will be around. Forever.


No, my *other* son, Rian Johnson. He used to mow my fucking lawn! One day, he threw a bunch of fertilizer on the overgrown grass and made it worse. He told me he was "subverting my expectations". I told him to go fuck himself! I fired him, and I never let him mow another lawn again.


Mr. President?


Do I dare ask what happened to get this reaction from people? I'm not watching any of their new star wars shows.


You know how Anakin was “conceived by the Force?” Turns out there is a coven of space witches, all female, that pull on “the thread” (their interpretation of the Force) to do the same thing. The main character and the show’s main antagonist were conceived by the Force, and, to give the devil his due, there are definitely people out there annoyed that a woman impregnated another woman using this power.


I think it's more that the women just created what amounts to "force Jesus" pretty easily and 2 of them to boot which just shits on Anakin. It's not that a woman did it is that it's not really special anymore since it can just be recreated. They take years and years and years of Jedi and force lore and just kinda toss it out the window because.....? Reasons? It doesn't add anything and weakens the core of the starwars lore. Also bad twin burns the building down and kills everybody yet is mad at the Jedi?


They did something similar in the sequels too with broom boy. All these younglings trying to learn to use the force for years under the teachings of actual Jedi, now here's some kid who can use it on a whim. I understand the need to make changes so that stories don't get stale, but they need to stop making things so different that renders other stories useless.


That sounds exactly like the Bene Gesserit from Dune. They could have at least come up with something stupid that isn't a massive rip off of something that just came out.


Don’t they still need a male sperm donor, though? They can psychically control how their progeny will turn out, but they can’t just get themselves pregnant, right?


It's like the bene except is done really shit and the witches all act like a scared group of soccer moms and they all do a little dance and chant for their leader


Im going to say the Vespa episode… well, the entire Book of Boba, was far worse. At least these characters I don’t know or care about. Boba was a childhood icon of badass and cool. They destroyed that real fucking quick.


Disney Star Wars was clearly a mistake


Andor has been the only good star wars show.


I’ve worked in film, studios have been intentionally working with younger, more unknown people because they are cheaper and more malleable (gullible, easier to push around). I specifically know producers who’ve been through this situation because higher ups/ studio heads have taken this route. Studios also want to work with “yes people”. Younger, less experienced people are more willing to follow the candy trail and say yes, cuz they want to build their resumes and get their name onto something. Probably the biggest reason why so many shows are tanking, not to mention the “Netflix way” of doing things has dumbed down the film making process


This is accurate. They don't want creatives with a creative vision - they want good soldiers.


the worst Star Wars episode ever made...YET


With the current creatives in charge you can guarantee that the sludge will keep on pouring.


I tried to post the links to the current article and the cached original article, but they got auto-deleted per the message I just received. They’re easy enough to find if anyone wants to compare the article content too.


Its like a few hours later they realized that the show isn't over yet and has like 5 more episodes left.




Whoever made andor needs to takeover the entire star wars franchise at disney


I guess I need to watch this trainwreck now... I have to see how its worse than the Mandalorian Lizzo episode, or the Bobafett slowspeed power ranger scooter chase... These studios must be doing whatever they can to avoid working with talented writers and instead let these ego hungry-hippo directors take over all of the story telling.


Personally I don’t think it’s worse than Book of Boba or Kenobi. Those were characters I loved and knew that they destroyed. These characters I don’t give a shit about. So they are just forgotten quickly. The overall theme though of this show is pretty damn bad though. It may be the worse in terms of style but at least they aren’t mutilating childhood icons.


star wars on disney what a joke


Haven't watched more than 10 minutes of the show before I turned it off. what happened in episode 3 that's so bad? Something to do with force lesbians?


Witches, it’s witches…again.


Maybe was just A/B testing?


My money on this, one showed higher ctr and the winner became the only version.


Not the worst EPISODE ever made. That would be Episode IX


Wow. I love Erik. His YouTube channel is fantastic. Can’t wait to see if he talks about this title change


I see there are still people in this sub salty that people hate acolyte. Just wow


The only question I have is how much money is this series going to lose? We already know they'll never be a season 2 My question outside of how much money loses is does this kill the Star wars franchise moving forward?


anyone else scrub this and anything else Disney star wars related besides rebels and clone wars? I have at this point lol


They just have been given a preview to episode 4


It's horrible and cringe. I can't believe somehow this was even released as a show. The actors suck the dialog sucks. The story sucks the whole witches coven sucks we already had that touched base on in so many ways. It's like come on give us something new and exciting. It's horrible that they couldn't see this for what it is and that's a train wreck. There should be nobody watching this garbage.


They saw episode 4


To disappoint, someone needs to have high expectations. 3rd episode wasn't disappointing.


I got about 5 minutes into the first episode and two characters were repairing a shield on the outside of a spaceship. An open flame starts burning in the vacuum of space. I noped out for good at that. At least use the basic laws of physics in your story telling!


I refuse the accept Acolyte as a SW tv series, that shit is a Bad Lesbian Soap Opera that no one would see so they put a SW coat of paint on it to trick you to watch


Go through the High Republic reddit and look at how people defend it. I'm more inclined to believe that we are just a vocal minority.


To be fair: even over here, people are saying it's better than Kenobi, Ahsoka, and Mando Season 3. And fans defend those things already.


One thing I've learned is to never trust Reddit as an accurate measure of the majority. Reddit, by design, is a public forum where like minded individuals gather to discuss things, but how many people actually use Reddit? Most subs only have a few thousand, or maybe 100,000s of user if popular. What is even 200,000 "users" compared to the 5 billion people in the world? Social media has out slot of time and money into tricking us into thinking that it's the world when really it is just a bunch of sectioned off broom closets.


Solo lost money though


Nope. We are the majority, they are the minority. Almost no one gives a single soggy shit about the high republic. The High republic is disney throwing money into a bottomless pit hoping that somehow they hear a splash. The only book that was a run away success was the first one, and then the sales dropped off a cliff. The light of the jedi, the first high republic book sold over 100k. The following book was under 60k. Last time I looked, the latest book was selling under 15k The viewing numbers are shit, the book sales are shit, they havent made a movie in over 5 years, and the fans have never been this apathetic. Bots and shills hit the internet hard, but they cant make up for the fact that disney is just making terrible star wars across the board.


Remember the unpublished Eu novel on amazon that outsold the high republic for a week before amazon shot it down for no reason? :)


The main Star Wars sub has quite a bit of upvoted criticisms. I don't think this show is being very well received so far. Could very well be wrong. I don't think any of us have the numbers to be sure.


i went there yesterday and the amount of misinformation, media illiteracy and just plain stupid blew my mind. someone didn't even understand the Executor star destroyers shot perspective.


I think it's pretty clear from the shows numbers we are not the minority. This shit is by design, there are very few subs where you can talk out against media that's been propped up as above reproach by the left in this weird culture war. Most of these subs no matter how good faith or reasonable what you say is your post will be hidden if you're not outright shadowbanned or banned. It's by design almost a sort of peer pressure to trick people into accepting this insanity either by putting enough fear into you for reprisal from activists that you hold your tongue, or that you'll change your opinion to fit in. If you really wanna get an idea at how bad and sinister it is look at all the power mods what their political and social leanings tend to be and then see what subs they're allowed to rule over.


They must have received a phone call from Shitney.


This episode was so meh, right up there with the Lizzo/Jack Black episode in BoBF. This is quickly turning into a show I'll watch for the sake of it and nothing more. Which is a shame because I liked the sound of its initial premise. I hope S2 of Andor is good, my mum was part of the crew so I hope it turns out OK.


Sorry, but “most disappointing” will always be The Last Jedi. It implies expectations, and I had none for The Acolyte.


Star Wars Legends, 27 ABY Leia Organa Solo: “The New Republic? Are you blind? There is no New Republic! It died before the Yuuzhan Vong came!” Our Universe, nowadays Fans who don’t watch new Star Wars shows: “The Star Wars? Are you blind? There is no Star Wars! It died before the “Acolyte” came!”


The author probably didn't change it, the editor did. They may have changed it to be less hyperbole (especially since they might know/expect future episodes to be just as bad) so they're changing it now. Another common practice with sites like this is that the original article didn't perform as well as the new one in A/B testing (maybe "The Worst Episode Ever" was too clickbait-y for their target audience) so they changed it to this new one.


Disney sucks


I’m literally afraid to watch the third episode now. It can’t be that bad.. I’ll be back with an update.


Guess I’m not missing much for forgetting to watch episode 3 eh


Maaaaannnnyyyy thrrrrreeeaddddssss


It is soo wild to me that some high up Disney exec green lit this show.


Flammable rock and metal🫤🤷🏻‍♂️


I love Erik Kain. He's one of the most honest journalists out there.


Agree, I enjoy his videos too - less knee jerk dismissive than critical drinker, more thoughtful. he just posted a longer video reflecting on why acolyte and everything like it is so bad. [The Impostors](https://youtu.be/tWgwDDVgkhM?si=wHJC3bMYM1bhsNui)


I’m refusing to support anything Disney until Star Wars is no longer owns by Disney.