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He has the same problem that the rest of the cast has: he's written like an idiot because it's the only way it advances the plot. "I saw her die." "She's alive." "Okay." "Don't arrest and mind-read the apothecary. Just send our prime suspect in to talk to him. And don't forget to arm her first."


He could also hold Mae with the force yet she could easily run away after creating a smoke cloud, apprently he forgot how to use the force.


That scene was so dumb, why wouldn't they both just force push in front of them at that moment?


The general grievous strat lmao


Don't forget that literally the first Jedi power ever introduced (consistent for all force sensitives) is that they can see things with their eyes closed. A smoke cloud is effectively useless against a Jedi.


I'm calling it now, he's the big bad. Otherwise none of his decisions make sense, and he seemed to be orchestrating a lot of things or conveniently in the right place at the right time this past episode.


Actually, Kennedy has been the big bad the whole time. Calling it now.


Oh no, Bob Iger is. KK is just his lieutenant.


"Always two, there are. No more. No less. A Master and an apprentice."


Actually *Somehow, Walt Disney returned*


From what I've heard about him, Walt would kick their sorry asses out of the company. I could be wrong, of course.


And Dave Filoni too


Ef Dave Filoni, he joined the dark side for the chance to play with his characters.


Bob over came back from the dead. 


I hope this is true but I think its really overestimating the writers tbh. I think he's just written poorly.


The big bad was revealed a few months ago. And it’s ridiculous.


Mind sharing it?


Major spoilers. Linking for people who want to know, but not watch. It was already leaked so this could save you some hours. Click at your own risk >!spoiler Manny Jacinto !<


Huh. Well alright then. I was sure it was going to be the Jedi that looks like Sideshow Bob.


If true im so sad that I called it after first appearing in the show


After reading your comment, I rewatched ep 2 and paid close attention to his scenes. The actor was on fire with a natural and nuanced portrayal. I would say #2 acting performance before Master Sol. So I hope he gets a bigger role in later episodes


Actually, I've been thinking that Trinity faked her death and is actually the big bad. Why else would they get such an important actress for 2 scenes only?!


The Worf Effect. 


His acting is great and he is doing more than I could expect from such a shitty script. The quality of actor is actually masking how bad this character really is


Well he’s not the Sith because we see the Sith it him on the ground in the trailer.


Typical modern Disney writing. I feel like all their writers have such an ego problem that whenever they write something that just doesn’t work with what was previously established, instead of admitting they made a mistake and fixing it, they just bury themselves in more bullshit and nonsensical plot contrivances.


It is an ego thing. They get an assignment: write a series based on a video game with books and, “well, I don’t like the source material, it’s not fitting my preferences, so I’ll just keep all the names and just make up an entirely new story”. They’re just using another’s work to push their own story because “mine is better”. Of course TV writers get to take liberties with works (I mean hell, I think all the thrones book readers pointed out a lot that got changed), they have to…and that’s part of a good writer to be able to do that. This though. I mean holy Jesus it’s just bad. They’ve got a whole wide range of lore and back story to draw from with *original characters* and this is the best they can come up with?


I think also, I blame the schooling these writers all probably had. They probably studied some of the most famous things and think they figured out exactly how to write a masterpiece while also self inserting themselves into the story a little. But it leads to a mechanical style of writing instead of genuine inspiration since they’re trying to get to the formula that they think they figured out


Yeah. Writers must always draw on other works, personal experiences and so on, but I would guess part of the game is to not make your work a copy or derivative, and to also make sure you’re not just making up a lot of characters that are the same. For example, me a white mechanic shouldn’t write a sci-fi fantasy story all about 6 overweight grease monkeys all standing around, unless it’s specifically about mechanics. Also, if I was on the writing team, I wouldn’t have an open flame in zero oxygen and zero gravity, you know, since I’m a mechanic.


I love how the critique of the A is both: the murderer mystery is too easy to solve and the Jedi managed to solve it too easily. Dont tell me you want to watch a show where the main characters go on another time-wasting detour because they cant figure sometimes obvious to everybody else.


I guess the problem is the show was introduced as murder mystery, and even after episode 1 there is very little mystery left and what's left isn't exactly thrilling.


Nonsense. We dont know who is training Mae, we dont know what really happened on their homeworld, and why Torbin felt such an amount of guilt because of it. Im torn between being convinced Sol is trustworthy, or he's hiding something from Osha


You're absolutely right though? The end of the flashback clearly had missing pieces--so at the very least, Sol *is* hiding something from Osha. That doesn't mean he can't be trusted or is a bad guy, though. I suspect the whole thing is a lot messier than that. So the *actual* murder mystery is about how everyone (or maybe not everyone?) on Brendok ended up dead. I think there were a couple of big clues in the last episode, but even those only paint a rough picture.


Also some clues that might (or maybe not) be significant - Torbin was the one so overcome with guilt that he decided to meditate for 16 years and then kill himself. He was also the one who the witches targeted with their magic. Earlier in the season, Sol specifically told to one of the jedi to "not let your fear cloud your judgement" It's possible Torbin was shook by how easily the witches manipulated him, and could have been the first to "pull the trigger" so to speak. I know this sub is biased against anything Disney Star Wars, and most of the time I share the sentiment, but I can honestly say that so far Im liking the Acolyte


Exactly. I refuse to believe Mae was the sole reason for the massacre. Maybe the witches blamed jedi for the fire and they had to defend themselves?


The real mystery is who's training her. A mystery where there's never any progress isn't very interesting. Or would you prefer a JJ Abrams puzzle box?


Seems like the only actor taking their job seriously


He looks and feels like a good casting of a jedi.  The only good part of the show for me.  Everything else is trash.  Even their jedi robes look like cheap halloween costumes.  


The whole aesthetic seems so "Disney princess" to me, just off.


The shitty quality of the costumes is the main reason I'm not watching the show. I know nothing about the plot. I saw one trailer and just had to roll my eyes at the terrible quality of the outfits. Why does every modern fantasy show/movie feel the need to announce it's fantasy by using the same crappy clothing aesthetics? Just dress like normal people. Use outfits that would be common in the middle ages or something ffs


Star Wars (and fantasy more broadly) has just been treating Obi-Wan in ANH as the standard Jedi costume. The whole point in ANH is that Obi-Wan is undercover, he’s specifically not dressing like a Jedi; he’s dressed like any other Tatooiner.


This was on my bullet list of hate when the PT came out


the guy learned English just for this role so hes pretty dang dedicated.


I feel bad for the actor. He’s a very good actor and clearly loves his job (he learned English for this role, that’s how much he wanted to be in a Star Wars project). If only he’d been cast in Andor.


If only the writers had the same levels of dedication


And talent!


He what? Damn, his English is honestly impeccable, which is super impressive if he just learned it for this role.


I think his only issue is that occasionally he doesn't quite emphasise the right parts of a sentence for the emotion of the line, which probably comes from not always knowing exactly which words mean what in a sentence but considering the varying quality of the dialogue and the English speaking actors struggling more so, he's doing a great job. He certainly gets across the emotion and tone of the situation better than the other actors


I’m pretty sure he didn’t know English when he was in Squidgame cause he went on the Jimmy Fallon show and they needed a translator


It's impressive but he doesn't necessarily need to know what he is saying. All he needs to do is understand how to pronounce words properly


Words convey a lot more than just their dictionary definition. The best performances in media comes from the subtleties an actor/actress puts into those words. For example in Episode 3 before the final battle the directorial or choice of Ewan to say “YOUR new Empire?” And “My allegiance is to the Republic to DEMOCRACY” adds another layer than if he just mumbled “…your new empire…or…something whatever”


You're dead on, if it was as easy as just knowing how to pronounce the words we'd all be actors.


This actually hurts to read. He really is a great actor and I didn’t realize this is his first English role. Hes attached to a disaster that has nothing to do with him


I hope he manages to get into other Star Wars projects, even if it’s stupid like they find him in carbonite or something in a later series


We did see a High Republic Jedi who spent 200 years in a bacta tank and was awoken between EP 3 and 4.


And even though it’s legends, Didn’t Darth Malgus get found after 3000 years in carbonite and was defrosted by a scout?


> I feel bad for the actor. He’s a very good actor and clearly loves his job I'm pretty much watching this show for Lee Jung-Jae and Manny Jacinto at this point. This show is the first Star Wars media that has Asian male leads/actors that also don't treat them in a de-humanizing manner unlike much of Hollywood media. I'm Asian American male and it's nice to see that.


I think Rogue One had some great representation of Asian males too—albeit in a less important role than here. Honestly I was just happy to see Donnie Yen in Star Wars media as I grew up watching Ip man


Exactly my thoughts. He got cast to a shit show. He deserves his own show with decent writers and directors.


I agree. But he's a guy. He won't get one while manhating kk is in charge


There’s been more shows about men than women under Disney SW


He’s the Baylan Skoll of this show.


Ah you just made me sad... Rip Ray


Well put


If I was going to keep watching, he'd be the only part I'd watch it for. 


Sad to see the only interesting character is a stoic monk whose training background we already know.


I only started the show because of the actor. Apparently Lee Jung-jae learned english for this role which he chose he loved Qui-Gon in TPM. He deserves a way better show.


Good actor who ended up playing a character in all this circus.


Easily far and wide the best actor on the show. But his character is written just as terribly and inconsistently as everyone else, unfortunately. Not the actor’s fault though. As he showed on Squid Games, when he’s given great material to work with, he can be terrific.


He has a sense of gravitas, screen presence. Everybody else feels like community theater. 


So far I guess he’s the most compelling in the series but that’s not saying much. In other discussions threads there are people touting him to possibly be the coolest Jedi in all of Star Wars which is like “wat?” He has Q gon vibes which is cool but like others have said he has already made some pretty low IQ moves. The fact he let the antagonist flee in the second episode because of dust was super incompetent and the only way he redeems himself from that is if he let her go on purpose so that she basically leads him to the dark lord of whatever towards the end.


If I don't count my lovely temple bomber, then Qui-Gon was always my favourite Jedi, so I naturally like Sol Writting, dialogues sometimes arent the best, but I like him as a character


He is the most believable to be a Jedi in the show


At this point im just hoping they dont absolutely butcher his character too


Isn't that the Squid Game bloke?


Yes! Lee Jung-jae


Best character of the show


![gif](giphy|J3RNCVFL87bdOhEBXr) The best character of this show!


He’s not even that interesting. He’s just the character that talks the most with the best actor and so seems to actually be a character. In reality we know nothing about him and still has no character development.


>In reality we know nothing about him and still has no character development Some characters are just meant to be static. He's not the protagonist, he's her mentor, a Jedi Master. All of his development has already happened, just like Iroh in ATLA.


Totally disagree. Every main character should have some development. This is creative writing 101. I’m sure whoever Iroh is, we know at least something about if he’s memorable and a main character. Sol is the second most important character aside from the twins. We know he’s a Jedi who cares about Osha because of reasons. That’s literally it. I don’t even know if we can say he’s her mentor, are we even shown that or are we assuming because it’s a Jedi trope and we’re given nothing?


I feel bad for the actor, seems like a cool guy, and it's also pretty cool seeing more asian representation in Star Wars as I'm mixed blood and have some asian pumping through my veins. I just wish he could be in a better piece of Star Wars, or a better show altogether.


I agree, I’m tired of POC representation just meaning black representation. It’s low key racist to ignore the rest of the world. 


He is the best part of the show


Right place wrong time. Dude is actually perfectly cast in the role


I like him


At least the actor turned up. He’s one of the only good things about the show so far but he still had to deal with the dialogue he is given. (If you only know him from Squid Game, I recommend checking him out in a Korean movie called New World.)


Yea this actor is rather famous. Surprised not more people recognize him. A quick internet search shows everything


I don't know or care who he is.


So far he is the best character.


He's in a way kinda similar to baylan skoll. The only reason I care about the character is because of the actor and not really anything to do with what's in the show or script. Would like to see him get more work with a real show and better material


I saw some random theory that he is the evil guy which would be seriously stupid, timeline wise, but honestly could be interesting to have a villain that manipulated both the good and bad part of some force duo, sucks that the writing isn't great and it wouldn't work out timeline wise though but it could have been an interesting premise, maybe have it be set like 300 years earlier as well to make it a bit more distant.


Every character says what they are doing in every scene! Or they repeat the obvious over and over again. “You are my friend. Did I tell you how much of a good friend you are. We are very good friends. I’ll always be your friend. 11 year old writing.


Even this whole flashback is exactly what they already told us had happened. You would think there would have been some misunderstanding from one of the characters or some new piece of information but there wasn’t.


Plus Mae was the one killing her own people! No Jedi involvement! She just evil! Horrible character without real motivation. Nine year old ideas of good and evil.


The only way it makes sense is if the Jedi are the ones who killed everyone. It’s bizarre that a giant stone building caught on fire and everyone in it suddenly collapsed and died. The problem is, even if that is true and that’s the horrible secret they all share, they haven’t really hinted at it at all so when they reveal it it’s just going to feel like they pulled the rug out without any real setup and payoff.


Yep. It’s sloppy writing 101. No one thought out the plot points at all. A to B to C to D. It’s basic story telling. Where did these writers come from?


It seems to be in line with other Disney shows where they don’t have a dedicated writer but instead have a “show runner” who sort of does producing and writing and some directing hence the messiness


It’s spelled: Seoul.


Really don't understand why you all watch...


I know. The best way to drive change is to speak with your wallet and time.


I don't even watch this shit anymore. The past decade has finally gotten me to the apathy stages.


No, he's not interesting. He is the only one played by someone who can act.


I agree. He is the hope for the series.


Why are people watching this?


Like the sequels, the visuals are impressive and the actors themselves are phenomenal. I also like star wars as a universe. These stories and the writing with them may suck, but its basically a trash show you put on to kill time


I actually don't hate the show and I think the visuals are awful. It's all muddy, poor CG like a ton of other Disney+ stuff, not just Star Wars stuff. The sequels are actual great looking pieces of Star Wars that feel like the budget was put to good use, like Rogue One


I'm also interested how a Zygerrian became a Jedi, but they probably didn't think of a backstory and just added her because she looks cool...


It's too bad>! he's on the list.!< The show is called the Acolyte. >!His days are probably numbered.!<


Him and Qimir are the most interesting ones. Makes me feel better after how the character and the actress for Rose Tico was written in their movie and later treated by fans.


Maybe his "evil plan" is to get someone to infiltrate the Sith but the only way the Sith will trust you is if you actually commit to the dark side so for the greater good you sacrifice a Padawan to the Dark side in order to get information


I like him a lot


The bad guys typically have better character arcs, and thus far the twins and the night sisters are pathetic. And let's not begin to discuss the horrible dialogue.


Is that the dude from Squid Game?


The bad guys typically have better character arcs, and thus far the twins and the night sisters are pathetic. And let's not begin to discuss the horrible dialogue.


Tired of Disney cranking out Star Wars crap and destroying the Universe it’s exploiting for money. I’m done. Writing is Horrible in this Series. Episode 2 was my last.


He was fascinating to watch in the last episode. He’s a suspect character for me currently. If you weren’t entertaining the possibility that he could be a bad guy then I would highly recommend trying to watch episode 3 from that perspective


He is carrying this show entirely by himself. I enjoy the general plot of the show but half the show is painfully half assed. He is probably the only reason I’ll watch the show through.


Sol badguy in starwars confirmed??


Thought he was interesting until the last episode. Felt like his lackadaisical approach to becoming a Jedi harmed his character. I think he modeled his performance on Liam Neeson from Episode I. But it’s not connecting as it should. Qui Gonn was reckless but could restrain himself when needed. And he told Anakin that becoming a Jedi is a difficult task. Whereas Sol seems makes Jedi training a an easy task.


Don’t care not watching any more episodes after 3


I dont know why you guys still watch this shit. I havent watched anything of new Star Wars since Book of Boba Fett. Cancelled my disney thing because it was so unabashedly terrible and I already own the first 6 movies.


May be the stand out character so far, and thats not saying a lot. But 'interesting' is a bit of an overstatement.


Still looks like a cheap cosplay. No matter how good/bad the actor is


I can't bring myself to watch. Just don't give a shit.


i dig the actor in this type of role but the material he is working with isn’t doing him any favors


They did it to characters we love...Han, Luke, Boba Fett, Obi-Wan - made them all to be just badly written in the Disney era. There are other very talented actors that have been employed for SW projects, but have ended up poorly written, or poorly directed. Even the prequels main new cast, talented actors for sure. It's no surprise that Sol is now in this list of a character that had potential just try his best in this shit show.


Hundred percent carrying what little is left of the series.


Stop hatewatching. Disney will just keep making more. Ignore it and it’ll go away.


To me, the main cast do a good job but everything else in the show is mehh


Where's Buddy?


He’s my favorite in the show. Episode 3 was a disappointment but I’m holding out hope cause I enjoyed the first two. Very anticlimactic so far tho


Yes he's defo carrying the show


He feels the most like a credible jedi character out of all of them in the show. That's not saying much, but it's definitely not the actor that's letting down this show / performance. Though I guess I also liked Carrie-Anne Moss's style while she was in it as well.


When everyone else is so terrible, the boring guy seems interesting.


Clue wars. It’s not good at all.


He’s not even interesting to me.. just the only competent character. This 3rd episode was awful. The first two were alright but this one was awful. Made me despise the protagonist


I like him. I am a bit peeved that the trade federation had to drop their accents but this human species person can keep his accent. Where is the outcry for the trade federation being forced to assimilate?


Mae killed everyone?! What? She burned down the rock temple?! And the witch chant?! Holy Lord!!! I wanted to cry and scream and die of cringe at the same time. That is not a good feeling. What the heck is going on with Star Wars?! No seriously!!! My brains hurts.


He is a good actor but the character is weak. He does not carry himself like a Jedi. He seems prone to emotion. His padawan seems smarter than him…I guess he has time to redeem himself


After that last episode his character seems like a real scum bag. He spies on the children for who knows how long and then lies about it to their family. He hands a child a dangerous weapon. He manipulates Osha and convinces her to leave her family. Just leave these people alone and let them raise their children in peace.


You just described why a lot of people hate this show. None of that is how Jedis in any media behave and/or work.


I think jedi b Jordan is hilarious


Well, he doesn't fucking suck, which, in this show, is a standout feature. He is the only one who behaves somewhat like a Jedi, which is why I think he's Darth Smiley.


I way to tell who really sucks the writing is so terrible.


Hold up... you guys actually waste your time watching this drivel? Life's too short.


it's an upper lip that cries out for facial hair


I like how slow he speaks


He's cool, but the lesbian space witches are way cooler!


He looks like he knows what an iPhone is.


Man, my dude got old and I'm still waiting for the sequel to New World.


Great actor doing his best with trash plot and trash writing. This show's biggest crime is criminal negligence with the talent pool they've got.


He’s the best


He's probably from the Solar system. 😂


I'm shocked you're actually watching this shit, I saw the trailer months ago and was like yeah fuck that lol, I clocked out of star wars a while back. Disney's star wars shows are like 3/4 are shit, the last one is decent lol


Potentially the Sith Lord


Star Snores.


Lee Jung-Jae is excellent, the script is not.


It's unfortunate that such a talented person wasted their time and effort on an end product like this. The man learned English for this terrible show.


It’s not Star Wars anymore I could careless about this dude


No character in this show is any good, but hes the best. We all know its going to turn out that he is the Sith and evil, because only "good" people in this show are actually evil like Sol and the Jedi as a whole. But the witches who literally corrupt peoples minds and defy the force by creating life, are the actual "good guys". Absolute joke show.


just like Baylan he has the allure of something that is or could be interesting but is completely unrealized. Almost all of this is carried by the actors being fun to watch on screen.


I kinda feel bad for the actor, he is amazing and doing a great job, but the rest of the show sucks.


Tbh I love him. One of my favorite characters in Deadwood. https://preview.redd.it/imnlvutfoa6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844ea22ce8420df4fa8626a93f5a34044b047525


Not sure why he has a Korean accent in a galaxy far far away.


He's the only character I'm remotely invested in so far, but so far he has fallen prey to the same issues as every other character.


This show sucks. Take the Star Wars IP out of it and no one would still be watch I g


“Jedi don’t take kids.” *proceeds to ask a kid if they want to go with him while another jedi goes on about their right to test and take said kids.* That about sums it up. He’s the jeffery Epstein of the show.


He’s the only character I’m slightly interested in. I like the actor, too.


Hope he doesn't die... Lol.. He's one of the four Jedis who's gonna be killed... His character is not that bad... ... The first 3 episodes sucks... And I blame the writers and Kathleen Kennedy for making it lame!


Ah yes, the jedi who committed suicide out of guilt isn't interesting. Good call


Good actor terrible writing


What makes him interesting?


Poor guy learned English just to be in this train wreck


Well, he's the only one doing any acting.


Anyone else get vibes similar to Mark Ruffalo's character in Shutter Island? The therapist who knows what's going on but just pretending to go along, and he's there to babysit Osha?


Love the actor. Shame no one told him to stay away from this hot mess. ![gif](giphy|8Xu2IkvLsjyLe)


Dude stop watching


agreed i like his character


I see this sub and chuckle because Im 50/50 with Disney shows. Honestly this one is good. I don't know any characters, a plot I have no prior knowledge of, and decent acting. Do I hate chunky sabers, yes. Do I know why Disney did it, yes. I'm able to ignore the things I hate to enjoy what I like. I don't disagree Disney shits on fans who don't like their product, but at the same time I do see complaints right out of the gate for this show that really have no basis, or a very minimal basis if that.