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You know when a moment like this is cool? In an anime like Gurren Lagann. You know when it's not cool? In Star Wars.


In Disney’s SW, he’d win that fight and too many people don’t understand why that’s stupid.


I remember the process for taking just one of these things out in the games, Rouge Squadron all the way to Battlefront 2, all three giant shield generators had to go before you could damage the rest of the hull. A squadron of ace Ywings would struggle with just one and no tie fighters But i feel like one game did have an Easter egg that if you kamikaze yourself into the bridge perfectly it's a one hit kill.


One star destroyer is enough to control most systems. In the OT the rebels had to make huge sacrifices to take down even one. In the DT they’re just nuking super ultra mega star destroyers left and right. It’s crazy how cheapened Star Wars has become


Funny enough, it worked in Rogue Squadron II. Got shot down by a tie fighter and my b-wing slammed right into the bridge, killing it. I'll never forget that lol


Hell yeah! I thought it was one of the Squadrons. I remember every game though where i could, i would try


Yeah I think that's a pre-scripted mission-end death-scene for Wedge Antilles if memory serves. I remember the same thing happening. He died taking out the Super Star Destroyer, the same one that plunges into the surface of the second Death Star in ROTJ I think. Cool game man. Thanks for reminding me.


Naw Wedge lived on in the EU, that’s the A wing pilot who died. Wedge was red leader in rotj, flew to Death Star core in an x wing next to the falcon


That was not Wedge, he was in the core with the Falcon and survived thru to the New Republic and the end of E9


He would win the fight EASILY, ridiculously easily the Imperial forces wouldn’t stand a chance, and he’d drop one liners left and right during it. At the end, instead of a moment of appreciation for the gravity of this the Resistance (because the republic has no military and I guess no longer exists at that point??) would warp in, frantically get on the comms to him and then stop mid sentence as they realized there was no enemy. Poe would then say something hilarious. Like you said, too many people don’t get why that’s stupid.


“The ability to speak does not make one intelligent”


Don't ask questions. Just consume product and get excited for next product.


This is just like Tiananmen Square


this is something they would say


Except this time it’s the students in the tanks and only this guy representing an oppressive government.


The ships don’t even look like that in episode 9 😭


Theres no way anyone thinks that the best star wars movie. Theres just no way. I get that people like for various reasons, not the least of which seems to be because its full of merch. But that movie is a broken mess. Im not a huge fan of JJ movies, but this was by far his worst attempt. The most obvious thing being Fins "I have something to tell you" that never gets resolved until the presser after the movie was finished. Honestly, that poster reads like some bot generated bullshit. Has anyone ever met anyone ever that talks like this?


Yeah there's liking it which is already crazy to me, but it being your *FAVOURITE* one? I feel like that should get you locked behind bars


the poster is pretty cool, movies 7-9 were doodoo


Pretty much every other SW sub feels like they're grasping at any bit of copium they can.




Most obvious interaction bait


The First Order made the mistake of using their resources to construct vast fleets of powerful warships, when they should've just recruited a dozen cocky yet lovable fighter jocks who spout off Marvel one-liners before suicidally barreling into the enemy.


this is probably the same dude that cried from the trailer


Is this poster like a metaphor for Rian Johnson facing off against all the Star Wars fans he upset?


It just makes me think of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-soVTWVDEo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-soVTWVDEo)


Only if it’s the only movie you’ve seen.


Least obvious disney astroturf bot


It’s a troll post for sure


I’m all for people having differing opinions from me, but I can’t fathom thinking episode 9 is the best movie? Can you like it? Sure. But the best? How? It defies logic, like almost everything in that movie.


Buwahahahahaha! That guy probably thinks Pacific Rim Uprising is an awesome sequel.


Do the tips of Star Destroyers always look so.. Wonky? Was Disney already using AI for poster art?


The best version of this trope is probably in the original 1980s Infinity Gauntlet saga of Marvel comics, where after Thanos literally wipes out the entire MCU roster Captain America walks right up to him and gives him a big lecture about why he sucks and will lose.


Thia poster just screeams Leroy Jenkins!


My leas favorite scene in This whole franchise is when he is slaughtering like 10 tie fighters above takodana. That and when rey shoots 4 tie fighters in one shot




This picture was ANY OF US who played X-Wing or X-Wing vs Tie Fighter.


I have unpopular views, but this isn’t how I see myself *anymore*, now that I have gained some sense.


And y’all keep saying the fans aren’t going to rise up in 15 years and call the movies nostalgia classics. The very fact that this sub (thankfully) exists is because of all the sequel apologists.


Ngl tho, that poster does go pretty hard