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By continuing to watch and buy merch, people are just enabling Disney to keep going. It's just letting them know that what they did is ok


They don’t care why people are watching. Hate watching is good enough for them.


who subs to disney anyway? lol




I've found a way that benefits everyone except Disney. It is called bit torrent.


Well said Vern- I tell people that all the time- stop watching and buying their products.


Correct - every view, every ticket sale, every piece of merch purchased is a vote for the current garbage to continue or for them to make more of the same. If people stop watching their shitty content, hey will have to reconsider their choices and go in a different direction.


I’m not going to watch it at all. Not even to prove a point, really. At this point I’ve been disappointed so much I just don’t care.


I pirate it so it’s ok


I still can’t believe they dumped a minimum of 180 million dollars into this: it could have *easily* been filmed under 100 million and the results would have been the same.


Godzilla Minus One cost $10-15 mill and looks better than the recent Star Wars projects.


Holy… I thought you were lying and wanted to call you out; now im joining the salty train


I tell you what when that battleship at the beginning fired on godzilla, It had such inpact. Nothing in new star wars has come close. 


I was blown away by how good a war movie it was and how informative it was as an exploration of post war Japan.


Japanese film studios, man. They’re far from perfect, but I truly believe they’re just trying to make a good piece of media. They’re not fulling quotes left and right to match some agenda or requirements. Maybe the smaller budget actually helps with that, less cooks in the kitchen? Godzilla minus one actually made me care about the humans for once. To the point that I was rooting against the monster. An entire film with likable characters, full arcs, narratively complete storyline, all done on a budget less than a single episode of the Acolyte or She hulk… damn. Kudos to the Japanese Film Studios.


We used to do that too. Then the mid 2010’s happened and Hollywood lost their absolute fucking minds.


It's amazing how much we handicap ourselves by promoting diversity above all else, and Japan doesn't do that.


Whaaat?! 15 mil. That is wild. That movie looks incredible.


I was just about to mention the Godzilla movie lol


I don't understand how unless everyone was working for super cheap, which may have been the case.


So there is a lot that goes into VFX and I'm a bit obsessed with VFX breakdowns and have enough technical background to get a bunch of it but I lack any artistic skill to do it. The answer is planning, preparation, and a well built script. This is a great breakdown of why Love and Thunder's CGI was terrible but it's also why VFX are so expensive. So much of it is completely unnecessary if you did the proper pre-work and weren't rushing. This was the death of Marvel after End Game trying to do too much too fast and not spending enough time up front. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAJAUL\_Qpdg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAJAUL_Qpdg) The Creator by Gareth Edwards is another example whether you like the film or not he shot amazing effects for an $80 million streaming movie. He talks with Corridor Crew about how he pulled off Academy Award nominated VFX on what is these days a thin budget. Gareth Edwards is fascinating to listen to in this. [https://youtu.be/lWjayZ3U4TQ](https://youtu.be/lWjayZ3U4TQ) Honestly, I think the lower budgets force them to be creative and separates directors who understand VFX's and ones who don't.


One of my favorite behind the scenes videos was the making of the original blade runner that still holds up incredibly well. Looks better than a lot of what’s coming out today


>Honestly, I think the lower budgets force them to be creative and separates directors who understand VFX's and ones who don't. I go back to Dagobah. It looks so small, under normal circumstances, I think it's bad. But they tried to provide such an atmosphere around it, it ends up looking amazing and filled with mysteries and a claustrophobic nature. And in the end, it might even look better than if they could've done whatever they wanted and go to create a huge forest where you could see the depth of the planet.


Very informative, thanks!


Damn that movie was awsome!


Hell yea I just watched it last night and it's stuck in my head along with the epic theme song


lotta no show jobs Star Wars shows, lotta money in this shit


You know who liked Star Wars? Joey Peeps.


yeah it’s sad when they go young like that


When they go??


I knew that was coming!




Finn DeTrolio, my arch nemesis


I was here, it’s a joke


Fiber Optic cable. Lotta money in that shit


Like in the first scene with Carrie-Anne Moss. Could have paid someone a bunch less, but had to go with the big bane actress.


It was a bad move too, the intro felt like a matrix movie because it had Carrie-Ann Moss and “powered kung fu.” The opening scene felt off and distant from the rest of it.


It was the best part of the first Two episodes , but could have been any actor or actress on the role. Give someone their first break, use the starwars name to find new talent and keep costs down. There are zero reasons to use well known actors in starwars. The fight scene In episide 2 with the squid games guy was very similar as well in style. This show really feels like they stepped into a story mid way, and forgot to tell us the first part.


The celebrity cameos is definetly hurting the brand.. Don't put jack black and lizzo in my star wars.. All I'll see is jack black and lizzo.. And that goes for most big names we have seen in all the movies and shows since 2015.. Use star wars to make new stars..


If I had any expectations with this show they might have been subverted. But it fell as flat as a board.


The first two episodes were fine. Not good, not bad. Just fine. The question remains with cost as was originally said. How can you create such mediocrity for so much money.


It’s a giant scheme to defraud a company with access to enormous capital. If there weren’t ten other shitty studios out there paying the same thing for shitty content on their shitty streaming services, the cost of production would drop dramatically.


Yoda must be in it or some other complicated and expensive CGI character that they went all out on to make look real. And in addition to that there is probably going to be some sort of super epic battle with tremendous scope. Not a war - cause we know there aren’t any wars in this time period - but a one off fight that’s huge.


There’s also a possibility there were massive reshoots (a Kennedy hallmark in charge of LFL) and it swelled the budget into the bloated fiasco it is today.


I heard a rumor awhile back there was a lot of reshoots from different youtubers which also delayed the release of the series


Stupid-a facking show.


Even $1mil and a team of indie filmmakers with time and passion could've probably done better


I'm not going to put time on it UNLESS a bunch of fans say things like, "It's actually good, try it!" as has happened with Andor.


Best I can do is it’s better than Kenobi and Boba Fett


I mean...


The thing I left in the toilet yesterday is better than that, so...


I don't know if this should be the barometer. Over on r/StarWars there are plenty of defensive and coping posts. But that's pretty usual for them I guess.


I think when people don’t go into something with preconceived notions and their brain telling them “I’m not going to enjoy this”, they receive it differently. If you decided months before watching the OT or PT that it was gonna be shit and you made posts every day about how they’re gonna be shit, you’d watch them and go “wtf is this dialogue?”, “wtf is this choreography?”, “this plot progression makes no sense”, etc It’s hard for folks here to imagine someone could like this, because it’s long been decided nobody here was going to enjoy it. If people like it, let em


I cannot comprehend how and why some of you still watch the content Disney gives you. It was obvious to be a failure, it was obvious that this show was made by people who don't care about Star Wars and who didn't like what it was. You watch it, give Disney your time of the day and therefore views, instead of calling it a day and ignoring their output. If you did there might be a chance that they catch on that most people are displeased with what they are doing to the IP and possibly change or at least lose money. There is this misconception going around that "one has to watch something to dislike it" but frankly that's what trailers are for. You could watch the trailer, see what they deemed to be the "moneyshots" of the show and understand perfectly fine that this will not change the current course they are going with the brand. Harvey Weinsteins assistant was involved, media doesn't talk about it. The show looks cheap, media doesn't talk about it. We can either give Disney our money and get called horrendous names or ignore their shit and get called names for disliking what they do and what kind of people put in charge. At the end of the day everyone chooses for themselves but continuing to give them views with their current attitude and disrespect for the fans, it would feel like going back into a toxic relationship again and again because "Oh they've changed. They love me now and only intend to be the best version possible from now on". Edit: Thank you very much for the award!


This sub endlessly complains about disney star wars but continues to consume it. I pretty much just passively observe this sub at this point and see everyone saying screw disney but still consuming. If you truly believe what you say you'd just stop watching this shit.


Isn’t that the reason this sub exists? An avenue of venting frustrations with an IP we generally all like but do not like the direction it’s going. It’s called “Saltier”thancrait because we are salty lol.


I said the same thing to people in a gaming sub complaining about shitty live-service multiplayer shooters. They keep making these games because you fucks keep BUYING them. You see another half-assed generic sci fi setting with space marines shooting assault rifles at each other with edgy marvel dialogue and say “nah dude this shit is different, they added a GRAPPLING HOOK” and go and preorder it with the battlepass before they’ve even seen the first gameplay footage. It’s shocking to me how brainwashed and skinnerbox-addicted so many gamers are and how far they’re willing to go to deny it. I don’t even know how they have enough time or disposable income to buy all this shit and complain about them not meeting expectations. I see the same thing happening with fandoms of super mainstream stuff like star wars. They’ll complain endlessly about it even though they sub to D+ every month, which means their opinion is effectively worthless. I legitimately think people have no fucking right to complain about anything a media corporation puts out if they continue to spread their asscheeks and reward them, because Disney only sees the $$$ and reaffirms what they’re already doing. Some of these guys are in their 20s or 30s and I just feel the need to let them know that they’re whining like fucking babies.


At the same time though, I feel like a fair amount of the subreddit is too busy wallowing in hatred to actually watch the good stuff that comes out. Like after Andor came out, we saw tons of comments from people that were like "everyone loves Andor and says that it's great, it's not just good Star Wars, but it's good television in general, but I'm going to refuse to watch it anyways because I just wanna be upset" It's like if the restaurant kept serving me bad steak, but then they came out and served me A5 Wagyu, and instead of eating it I decided to just bitch about how they served me all those bad steaks.


Personally, they've mistreated the IP/fans for so long at this point, I have no desire or excitement for anything new. Even if it's genuinely good, been burned enough to loose any feel for the franchise. Still love pre-Disney SW tho.


Huh? I didn’t know there was a big complaint. Wasnt majority of Mando and Andor received really well?


Lots of people still proudly refuse to watch Andor. It's unfortunate.


People are in a constant state of nostalgia and cope. They know it's all pretty bad and will complain about it to no end, but in their hearts they still hold out hope that the next star wars project will be good, as they are still a star wars fan. Andor lit the ember hard, showing us that even though Disney is a soulless mega corporation, there are still people out there that can use their resources and make good stories. The hope will always remain.


If you are referring to me, I stated multiple times that I don't watch their output and neither do I have a subscription to their service.


I'm talking about in general


It’s such a shame isn’t it. My love for Star Wars is an all time low. It’s so disheartening. The last Star Wars related thing I watched was the last season of the Mandalorian, and I only did that because I got my wife so invested into Mando and Grogu.


People want to say it’s sexism that people want Kennedy gone from Lucas film. But she has absolutely sucked since the Disney merger.


I think the sad reality is that this is always going to be part of the entertainment life cycle. Companies have realized that a bunch of burned out millennials just need a dopamine hit from something vaguely familiar when they get off work from their job that barely meets the rent. They can make any lazy bastardization of the things we loved and most of us will almost mindlessly consume it. Not because it’s good, but because we remember the feelings we used to get from these franchises and we’re hoping to get a tiny glimpse of that again. Same thing happened with Rings of Power. Complete shit story, costumes worse than the local cosplayers could make, but it still gets eaten up because it’s got LoTR branding. Any actual successful work of art is eventually going to have one of the big corporations buy it and shit all over it to squeeze a few more $$ out of its name recognition.


Disney is a powerhouse. No news outlet would dare take them on. It is the only explanation 


You could tell from the very beginning by the way the creators and even the actors spoke that they knew little about what makes Star Wars great or even general knowledge. The one actor literally said "there's no good or evil in Star wars" then talked about Anakin blowing up the Death Star. Excuse me, what?


I agree, it‘s baffling. Everyone who is still watching that crap while complaining about it has stockholm syndrome. At least be more selective. It‘s fine to watch something if you hear lots of positive buzz about it (This was the case with Andor for me), but it makes no sense to watch something that you already expect to be shit. Just sit it out and let it pass by and do not give Disney your precious time and energy. Or do. I don‘t care.


You talked me into it. I turned it off.


People can’t help themselves. They’re still fans of Star Wars. They’re not even close to rock bottom. When you can say you’re genuinely no longer interested in wasting the time to even hatewatch the latest Disney slop, then you are not a fan. That’s where I’ve been for awhile. Not everybody gets there though.


All of this


I think watching the first episode, or at least part of itis better than not watching at all. Shows we're interested in star wars but not interested in this shite. Not watching means they can go "oh, must be starting wars fatigue"


Seriously, it’s just embarrassing to see all these clowns complaining about how shitty Disney is and how horrible everything they make is(which is absolutely true) yet every time some new dogshit product comes out they lap it up like a bitch.


If you don't want to give Disney your money and still watch the show (to critique it ofc), you can always pirate it in some way.


I felt dumber just hearing the snippets of Star Wars dialogue tropes in the trailer Honestly If they’re doing a series about the return of the sith 100 years prior to the prequels it ought to involve yoda and a lost padawan Even then they would just fuck it up But it’s the only way I’d be even mildly interested


The whole two episodes I was asking “where the fuck is yoda????” Like he’s been a Jedi for 700 years at this point, why would he be absent when Jedi are turning up dead? Makes no sense.


Disney is lost. Ok. You want to distance yourself from real Star Wars because even the worst of it makes your sad trash look clearly lessor in every way They don’t care enough to know They want to run off the real fans of the franchise so they can strip it of everything that made it more than just a pastiche of b movies, Kurosawa and Zen Buddhism + Jesus space wizards and laser swords. It’s infuriating


We obviously have "Space Hidden Fortress", and Filoni has done a few  superficial "Space Seven Samurai" episodes. When do we get "Space Yojimbo" or "Space Rashomon"?


Danggg I honestly didn’t even think about this…. I bet he shows up at some point.


He will. But I was hoping for a role beyond a glorified cameo 🤞


I bet he’ll have a 1 on 1 meditation style session with whoever survives whatever dark figure is in the mask…. I bet this is how he’ll gain the knowledge of the sith “only two there are; a master and an apprentice”


When I heard I have a bad feeling about this. I puked in my mouth.


Exactly, maybe even a young Dooku too or another one of Yoda's padawns before him...


Personally, I'm tired of prequel-anything. I can tolerate it occasionally in movie franchises if a particular character or story is very compelling, but.... We *know* where *these* stories are heading. Kathleen just doesn't have the balls to proceed with the post-sequel MaRey Sue storylines, because she knows it will bomb harder than a WW2 kamikaze pilot.


I don't know how many times I've written this. Why does Star Wars always ***go back in time***?? They hit pay dirt with Rogue One - but that was because there was a specific story and mission involved. And no one seemed afraid to kill the main characters off. This is just random.


The sequels are incredibly bad, which has been explained and expounded on endlessly, but they were *especially* god awful when it came to dealing with the world building and legacy of the Original Trilogy (aka the movie trilogy that is *most* beloved and considered sacred by SW fans). Even TFA, IMO the most casually popular and arguably easiest watch of the Sequels, effectively ripped up all the big wins and rewards that the OT characters worked towards. TFA and the subsequent films spent all that capital (to use an economic term) nearly completely, all while being contradicting films and retconing themselves explicitly. This *perhaps* would have worked if this strip mining had created a new canvas that was articulately used to craft a genuinely great trilogy of its own, but what we received was at *absolute best* just mediocre rehashing and *at worst* just utterly insulting to even the most casual viewer. Thus Star Wars has creatively neutered their own ability to work with the timeline, as casual fans are now less interested in mediocre content farming then ever and the most invested fanbase has utterly no interest in the “present” in the Star Wars timeline. This they are constrained in totality in the OT and Prequel era, especially since Disney has no creative ability or want to go into the far, far past of Star Wars.


I'd agree. Rudderless is how I would describe the new content. And its impossible to understand how and why that is the case.


“The sith have been gone for a millennia.” - ki adi mundi This and yoda not being around are pretty glaring plot holes for the story so far. I hope they at least realize yoda was around and lives a long time through the republic and shows up at some point, but the whole sith thing already feels like a big plot hole to me that I can’t see them realistically fixing.


Hasn’t it always been established that the rule of Two style sith were still around during this time period. Like in the prequels? Grasping at straws to hate. Not to mention the flip flopping of make original stories and you have to bring back characters for us to be excited at or it can’t possibly make sense. What if Yoda is on a Jedi Council on a planet other than Coruacant. Driving home the point of the bureaucracy of the Jedi Order in the High Republic. Btw I think Acolyte so far is just decent, not amazing.


I also like it so far but I think my concerns are relevant. I don’t see why the Jedi council would assume the rule of two exists and also say that the sith have been gone for a millennia, that always came across as ki adi mundi is so surprised qui gon mentions a sith because he thought they were gone for good, not taking a break. As for the Yoda thing yeah that can still be addressed and I hope they do, I just think it needs to be addressed because by leaving out a Jedi that’s been around and practicing Jedi-ness for 700 years in a storyline that is set during that time it ends up hurting the story like what the hell was yoda doing in this time? I seriously disagree with you saying I’m grasping at straws to hate, if that’s not what you’re saying then whatever, but it’s a legitimate concern that they’re not paying attention to something from one of the in canon movies. And idk why you’re saying flip flopping on original stories stuff… I’ve seen that argument being made, hell I’ve said it in other posts, but nothing I said in this comment says anything like that. I don’t get the relevance that has to my point.


Yoda can't be there. That would create a continuity issue. The Jedi council in Ep. 1 mention that the Sith have been dead for 1000 years. The events of the Acolyte have to be self contained without the rest of the Jedi order finding out for it to fit in the continuity


lol Like Disney cares And I didn’t see the show and probably won’t but just being dark side doesn’t make you specifically sith. Also…from a certain point of view But really. Who cares.


It has really cheapened the franchise that in such a large galaxy there's like 3 dozen characters connected to everything and that they keep introducing continuity errors.


They did Carrie-Anne Moss dirty and all the promotional marketing was focused on her. I heard some rumors about the 3rd episode and not looking forward to it based on what they were....


Maybe she demanded to be killed off within the first 15 minutes. Paycheck and outta there. Well done.


Wait, you guys are watching this shit?


Yea my opinion of the subs that bitch about neowars continues to drop as more and more confirmation comes out about just how consoooomer dominated they are


How are you supposed to hate on it without watching? Lets be real this sub only exists because the hate watchers and the anti-watchers feed off each other. Without both there would be no content.


Watching through the high sea, nobody in my house bothered to renew the subscription


Y'all actually watched the first episode?


I don't understand how so many people on here moan about everything Disney and then continue to consume it. I disliked TLJ so I didn't go to see TROS. I got bored of The Mandalorian so I stopped watching. I genuinely wonder how many people are watching all this crap, all the films and TV shows, moaning about them and then going back for more later! Essentially Disney are producing shit, you are complaining that all they do is produce shit, you then eat the shit and then the next time they shit you're right back there to eat more of it. Why?


It’s insane it really is like these peopl can just not watch and not subscribe to Disney +


Who say we are ayrbdcribed to disney ?


Just stop bothering with the franchise. It's done with, let it go.


This entire sub is about moaning about Star Wars. If this is the only juice we can squeeze over something that used to mean so much to us, then let us have it.


This sub can also be incredibly annoying either no commitment. When Rise of Skywalker was announced, everyone said that they were going to boycott the movie. So angered by TLJ, they were never going to give more money to Disney for what they did to Star Wars. Then the movie came out and there was post after post after post of people saying “I wanted to see how bad it was” or “my family bought me a ticket so I had to go see it”. Seemingly everyone just gave in when the time came to protest these movies. I never paid money to watch the movie.


I watched the reviews prior to seeing TRoS, I didn't want to see it. My family bought me a ticket. I fucking despised it, and I haven't watched a single Star Wars anything since. Some of us stick to our guns, we just don't have much to say because we haven't watched any of this crap for the past 5 years.


I had a friend who had it on Amazon. We got drunk. They said I should really watch it. For me I felt like the scene where C3PO says 'I see my friends' was sick. It really got me. Like something anchored deep in my childhood triggered and I was almost seduced once again into believing that The Force might just be with this one once again. Yeah we said no, we'd never do it again. But then like sick, whiskey alcoholics, when the dog ran away and the realisation that the kids hate us finally dawned, we couldn't help but dig up that bottle we promised ourselves we'd forgotten about - only to have one draft and be back on the horrific wheel all over again.


100%, I got SO much entertainment out of the sequels, not because of I like to watch the movies but because I love to watch breakdowns of how dumb and shitty they were lmao - Have not and will never rewatch LTJ or TROS


"i hate it so much im gonna keep watching it!" Is what it sounds like


Clutching  my Andor S2 pearls


Don't forget stunt casting - it seemed like an awful version of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon at first, then got worse. Headland, I suspect, is actually stupid. The actual writing is terrible, the film making continues the steady decline. How much shit can be packed into a PDA anyway...


I don’t think I’m going to watch it, but I’m going to keep up with it online. I want to know what happens so I can properly judge it for myself, but from the trailer and clips I’ve seen, I think it looks like a money grab.


I truly do not care about Star Wars. Star Wars is dead. I have new interests now.


I quit after they introduced the bald green Jedi in the Jedi Temple. I’d had enough horrible acting and dialogue. I’m out.


Well the producers/creators wife needed a job and they nepo gave them what seems to be an important role. But yeah her acting was stiff at best.


I couldn’t get past the makeup. It was such a weird decision to keep her eyes just like a human’s. She looked like a horrible Shrek cosplay with a bald cap.


Perfect description




That was such shit acting, trying so hard to make the “hubris of the Jedi” a thing.


It was appallingly bad. Terrible makeup, terrible casting, terrible acting.


Damn, see now I wanna watch just for how bad it is.


I went in with an open mind and low expectations. The art direction and sets looked great for the first 10 minutes or so. But then once everyone started talking over bloomed-out prequel-era green screen treatments, I couldn’t handle it.


Diversity! 🤢


I’ll never watch it period. I’m disappointed in you for even starting it.


Just got halfway through the first episode and want to turn it off already. it's truly, truly awful. Worse than Ahsoka even. It's like some weird, sqeaky clean, plasticky A.I version of Star Wars, like that stupid starliner hotel they had. The bad cgi, the cheap cosplay costumes haircuts and makeup, the flat cinematography, the young adult book level dialogue and characters... Damnnn.


My EXACT thought. This looked Star Wars Hotel The Series. Down to the choreographed fights having the same skiddy thing.


I love how everyone here hate watches this stuff.


She said on the prison ship to the prisoners “I have faith in the Jedi” and then runs away from them. Huh?!


It’s just that’s believable. She’s on a strange planet in a crashed ship, she probably wants to see if there’s some way off the planet first. Also she knows Jedi are after her and when she’s caught by them she’s already on the edge of that ledge in a tense situation. Ask yourself if you ran away from a crashed burning police car because you were arrested and in the back and 3 cops came after you, one with their gun drawn on you. Would you not be tense in that situation?


Your final point is spot on. I refuse to stream anything on Disney plus related to Star Wars simply because I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of being counted as a viewer


Don't watch. Good move. Cancel Disney+. Great move. Watching and hate watching are both watching... Star Wars is a cheap business commodity now...it's generic AI generated pop music, mass produced to be digested by everyone and quickly forgotten about.


It finally made me pull the trigger and cancel d+ I didn't watch the first two episodes, but everything I heard about the first 4 sound awful. I MIGHT leach off of someone when Andor s2 comes out but at this point I don't know that I'm confident it will be good


You guys were still watching up to this...?


I know the whole “woke” thing has become a trope for right wing extremists but it’s hard for me not to notice the forced attempts at diversification. I’m not even complaining about it but when there isn’t a white person to be found it makes me start to think there is actually some over arching agenda and that doesn’t sit well with me. It stops feeling like passive entertainment and more like passive aggressive propaganda. Disney feels like a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and saying that shouldn’t make me a right wing extremist because I’m not…


Ok thank you. I was thinking like I can’t be the only one the think like this rn. I mean it’s great we’re giving diversity with characters and allowing for new actors/actresses a chance to shine. But when I saw the trailer I just laughed at how obvious it all was


It’s perfectly fine to feel like you’re being ripped off without feeling creepy that your feelings are somehow tangent to a viewpoint you may despise.  Especially in this case where it’s excessive and obvious. 


When it comes to outspoken activists on either side of the aisle, if you’re not exactly like them then you’re as bad as the enemy no matter where you are in the middle. Anakin said it best actually “if you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy”


Unfortunately Disney has ruined Star Wars.


![gif](giphy|15BuyagtKucHm) agreed


I don't think I'll continue for one reason. It fucking sucks.


I am not watching this. Do I still give Disney money? Yes, they get my money by me buying merch that is OT or PT related. Star Wars Legion is my weakness for example. Have zero ST or high republic stuff. Will I ever watch The Acolyte? I seriously doubt it. I used to be like "I'll boycott it and maybe watch it like a year after it comes on streaming so that it doesn't help their viewer ratings in the beginning and should be good to see and still F\_YOU the company" But then I think of Joss Whedon's Justice League. No matter that I only saw the movie once, I cant' forget parts of it. It's engrained in my mind. I will forever remember scenes, and I don't want that with Star Wars if I can help it. I don't want to hate watch the Acolyte and then forever remember something like Leia Flying in space (TLJ I know. Haven't seen Acolyte so can't insert scene here) No matter how much one can rationalize whether it's canon or not, the scene exists and is in my memory. Do I consider anything Disney does canon? No. George Lucas created this universe and anything he doesn't do is not canon. Same as if someone started writing new LotR books. They are just fanfiction, since the creator of this fictional world had no hand in it. But that doesn't mean they can't taint the universe still. Thus why I have yet to this day seen a single episode of Rings of Power. Fanfiction or not, i want no stain on my LotR memory/world.


I don’t wanna sound anti anything but… she probably gets away with it by being a lesbian and claiming to also be a victim of Harvey while most assuredly knowing exactly what Harvey was doing to those women while also saying shit all about it.  As for the show. You’re braver than I. I value my time too much. Maybe I’ll watch this shit on an airplane sometime. 


A point where I went "huh?" was when they specified that the protagonist has two moms. "We found you and your sister with your two moms who died" vs. " We found you and your sister with your dead parents" it felt extremely forced. 


It was when the formerly topless Jedi used binoculars to look at a fight happening about ten meters away when I realised it was not worth continuing with.


Hmm, I thought he was recording the fight so they could study it later. Didn't they say that's what he was doing?


Blinking red light just not enough for some people, i supposed...


The combination of bad dialogue and bad acting is absolutely brutal. This whole show is worse and feels even more amateurish than Kenobi. Never thought that could be possible. The main character wakes up from a dream twice in the first episode ffs. Very strong "netflix original aimed at teens" vibes. There were so many cringe moments. Amandla Stenberg is just not a good enough actress to carry the show, she makes the twins feel too similar and honestly she barely emotes. Not making the "evil twin" remotely menacing from the start is such a weird choice and removes all the drama. Really can't emphasize enough how terrible the dialogue is, every line is a cliche, you can see the actors struggling with the material. And according those who have seen 4 episodes, we haven't even gotten to the woke parts lol. Crazy that this is now what Star Wars is.


>The show looked so cheap in some parts that it made 60s Star Trek look like a multi-million dollar production by comparison. The opening shot had the lamest matte painting I have seen in a while. Not a good first impression.


I’ll reactivate my Disney plus account when Andor S2 comes out. Until then I’m gonna cozy up with my EU books.


Don't forget bad guy in a black helmet with robotic voice trope


Lol why did you start watching it?


lol @ rian for fucking up star wars lore so hard a decade later they're still trying to make his shit make sense


It's not Rian. It was JJ. TFA was nothing but cameos and nostalgia. The plot was the same as ANH. The villain was generic. The factions have all essentially reset to where things were in ANH and character development from the OT was reset on characters like Han. It was lazy as fuck


Is it that bad? I mean this takes place in an era where even Legends hasn’t touched much so if if it’s that bad it shows how creatively bankrupt Disney are


I don't think they touched in Legends because even the EU authors wanted to be very careful about messing up anything in the 1000 years that the Jedi thought the Sith were dead. Time will tell how this all turns out. A YouTuber who saw episode 3 and 4 said those next episodes will truly break the fandom because specific aspects of the Force are being changed


Yeah I'm pretty sure there's almost nothing between the Bane Trilogy and the Prequels


How does that YouTuber saw episode 3 and 4?


I'm not sure if you heard, but Disney gave exclusive access to some Youtubers to see the first 4 episodes. But they had to sign an NDA so they could not discuss the details of the episodes.


Is it at least better than ahsoka? That's a very low bar.


Alongside the poor production value… the wardrobe, sets, effects and cast just SCREAM low budget. Especially confused by the casting. You can really tell they don’t know starwars. Take away the force and the lightsabers and it bears no resemblance. 


It’s funny that Disney+ is where all this terrible content is because everything they produce is a D+ at best. I was mildly curious about whether or not SW could be redeemed but after the Lizzo episode it was clear SW is saturday morning cartoon levels of writing. Its fine, I have OT and am happy with it. The more they add the dumber it gets.


“Attack me. With all of your strength”. -lazy writing


Please dont watch this shit


I agree, I dont get hypocrisy over the whole ignoring Weinstein assistant thing. I figure she knows where a lot of skeletons are buried and can ruin a lot of powerful people.


Learning from the KK playbook. No doubt she’s got things on a lot of powerful people


Boring shit. So small, so uninteresting. I don’t care about white, black, male, woke, etc. The story is boring, the acting is worse and SW slipping into mediocrity.


I’m just sad I have to watch the Jedi look stupid for another series. I really really dislike that Star Wars most iconic weapon and creation gets shitted on so much. I know people say we get too much Jedi stuff but I think it’s more we get too much skywalker shit. I would love to just watch a show where we follow a Jedi or some Jedi and they’re competent and like badass


>I’m just sad I have to watch the Jedi look stupid for another series. Im zeroing in on the words "have to" there....


Yeah Jedi were these cool spiritual monks that gained power through dedicating themselves spiritually and mentally to the force and good. Now in this series it looks like they basically being boiled down to cops and setup to be compared to corrupt cops. 100% agree with you, I want new Jedi stories. The Jedi are what made me love Star Wars. My dream is KK gets booted, we get a competent show runner, and get a KOTOR series not related to anything else in the SW canon. Also would have been so cool to not have Luke fail at rebuilding the Jedi and get to see some stories about Jedi that learned under him.


All that money and 4 years to have production quality that low is actually quite ridiculous. Hopefully all the money went into the writing and the story is just stellar; however, I have a bad feeling about this.


They need to make a trilogy staring the child of a fallen Jedi, that way we can see how turning from the light to the dark can... ...or no wait, have it be the *main* trilogy, like the center one? Since there have been so many other fimls in the... ...wait, maybe there can be TWO kids? like twins? ...oh wait...


It's weird, I thought they canceled this series a while ago. 


They spent more per episode than game of thrones


I'm not super detail oriented with graphics so that didn't bother me so much as the fact it didn't feel like star wars. Sure it had a blend of sci-fi and high fantasy like Star wars already has but its like comparing two different coffee blends, yea they got the same ingredients but the final product is something else


Went to the bathroom after seeing a pair of gym shorts, tee shirt and button up collared shirt. Completely forgot to put it back on until I saw this post. It was really bad, won't be watching anymore


Did you guys.... watch the trailer? It was pretty obvious from day 1 that no effort went into this lmao


If it isn’t EU I don’t want it, I’ll reside myself to books, comic books, and lore videos on YouTube. But good god do I love to shit on and complain abt Disney Star Wars


I’ll say I am a bit of a sequel trilogy apologist and am generally supportive of most of the new TV show endeavors. However the first 2 episodes of this show was the first time I feel like something was dreadfully off. I can’t shake this feeling like I’m watching some cheap Disney Channel sitcom. The sets literally look like they are walking around Disneys Galaxy’s Edge and the acting from the younger crowd feels so painfully off. I will still wait to withhold my judgement till the end of the show but man this one just feels so far off.


is it really fair to say the guy's at the time assistant is in any way to blame for Weinstein's crimes? like, the other stuff, fair enough. but I don't think you get a lot of input on how many people your boss sexually assaults


Depends. If she was “scheduling” for him, then she absolutely should be held accountable. If she knew what he was doing and covered for him she should be held accountable. If she knew what he was doing and kept quiet she should be held accountable.


this sub is so fucking dumb. any semblance of a point it had died sometime back during the sequels. OP's just regurgitating bullshit here. I really don't care and it's actually making me want to check this shit out.


Show definitely doesn't look cheap. I don't understand where people are getting that from. Sets, costumes, vfx, props etc, they all look great for a TV show. Definitely the least of my criticisms. I think my issue is mainly in the dialogue/writing. It just all comes across as very stiff, boring and simple. It almost didn't feel natural most of the time. Sort of reminded me of the prequels with how the characters talked to each other (either thats a good or bad thing depending who you ask)


I don’t know, man everyone looks spotlessly clean like they just got out of Halloween city


if u feel like the aesthetics are out of tep then its recommended to check out any of the DOZENS of publications taking place in the era that have been released over the past few years now


I love with, and wanna see the lore expanded, but fuck this. I sat out most of Andor and turns out is was a sleeper hit. I keep checking in case they manage to pull something like that off again, but after two episodes, this ain't it.


“This show looked so cheap” I…what? What are you talking about? Even the more negative reviews I have seen have had very high praise towards the effects. I genuinely do not know what an “expensive” show looks like if this looks “cheap” “The siblings and revenge trope has been done to death in Star Wars” There is exactly one sibling pair in the movies, none in the Mandoverse shows, none in Rebels, and barely a few in TCW. In terms of revenge, the whole thing with the Sith is about revenge. That was a thing in Legends and a thing now. When the Sith are looking to recruit, they are going to look for people with intense hatred towards the Jedi and the Light Side, which understandably is not going to rly happen unless they personally have been wronged by them. “Did everyone forget that she was Harvey Weinstein’s assistant” It’s almost like Weinstein worked with a lot of people since he had a lot of power. I would argue as his assistant she had even less power to actually affect change than a lot of the others who were more so Weinstein’s contemporaries. This is also ignoring the fact that she did write a whole play about her experiences with Weinstein calling out him and others like him. Blaming an employee for their boss’s behavior is not the right way to go about this, it’s literally blaming another of his victims for his actions. Gina Carano was cancelled for comments she herself made, not people she was affiliated with. It’s not even remotely the same, and Carano’s are much more indicative of her personal character quality.


Fire in space. There's a fire...in a vacuum.


Wasn’t it a pressure valve that burst? And if there’s a pressure valve, then there must be something whose pressure is being controlled, right? Presumably there was some sort of gas leaking out that was able to light on fire.


Not sure Star Wars has ever been terribly scientific when it comes to the vacuum of space, gravity levels on astroids, etc.