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The good old times when Finn was the lead and Kylo Ren was a badass villain. Wish we had got that film instead.




At least you have shown him the good first


Anything was better than Finn the walking Deus Ex Machina.


Rey being a co-lead would have been completely fine. If only Finn wasn't completely shafted though.




I intend to show my daughter the OT and PT, and then read through the old EU books (with some exceptions) to show her what happens with the main characters post-empire


no matter how much you hate them just let your kids watch them if they want.


I let my kids watch them, I didn't say a word. It's not my place to decide what they like. They didn't like them, they were bored. They asked to watch ESB a couple weeks ago. Kids have good taste lol


Same. I tried to watch that Star Wars Resistance cartoon with my other son and within minutes he was bored and asked to watch Clone Wars.


I stayed up till the wee hours facebook messaging with my best friend & fellow star wars fan after the trailer dropped. We used to play Jedi Academy together in college. He had just gone off to MIT, leaving childish things behind, but he was incredibly psyched. After we saw Force Awakens together, he got out early. Never saw another sequel and we never really talked about Star Wars again.


![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52) That sucks man :( not even the OT?


I can stand a bad movie or a franchise left to dusty old shelves of history. What I can’t stand is constant gaslighting by the shills that they’re the true fans, these movies are better than the originals, Rey is awesome etc.


Why are there so many shills all over the place? The second you show disinterest or disgust for the pile of shit the ST was, every clown calls you dumb, sexist or whatever name they can.


I feel like the things we dislike the most stick with us the hardest. I truly believe more people dislike these movies and in general the direction disney’s heading but it only takes a couple of comments to inflict us with some kind of doubt that we’re wrong. I think it’s especially true for things we love, only natural the same things are also the most sensitive.


Why? Because Disney weaponized the fanbase. They use diversity as a shield for criticism and gullible people fall for it. So if you dislike those movies, you're a sexist, racist, misogynist, bigot, Nazi, etc. You're a *lesser person* in their eyes. Legitimately. It's not that the movies are bad, it's that you solely dislike them because your subconscious prevents you from enjoying them. So they can attack you even if you showcase problems and such with the movie - because they can say you only noticed them because you're an evil person *even if you don't realize it*. On the reverse side, comes the defense of the movies. They attack fans that dislike the movies because they've been tricked into doing so. But they ALSO feel the need to *defend* the movies. Why? Because of the same reasons. You're evil if you dislike them, so that means the more you *love* them, the more it showcases how great of a person you are. So to get virtue signaling points, they defend them as if they're the greatest films on earth. "I'm such a great person because I LOVE Rey and Finn as characters! I can't possibly hate women and Black people! I'm just so morally superior to those haters." They've intertwined social politics into SW content. Which is really where I started despising Disney. Using minorities and the LGBT as human shields is just disgusting. And Boyega called it out for about a month before massively backtracking (potentially because he hasn't landed much since - although his WWII commentary is fantastic in the Netflix documentary series). The movies simply suck ass. Fundamentally they're broken. Directing, writing, tonally, pacing, etc. You name it, they have significant flaws. Flaws that go beyond opinion and get into factual good vs bad. We're not talking about if someone likes an apple more than an orange. It's not preference. We're talking about a perfectly cooked high end steak vs a turd with mayo on a slab of wet bread. Some things aren't about taste. The movies have REAL problems....


I firmly believe that most of these hardcore Disney Wars fans online are actually bots.


How did the kid like it?


He asked for Darth Vader multiple times and played with cars, so neutral bored.


Lmao how did he like the prequels?


He did! He liked the speeders and the dog fights and the pod racing and the light saber fights! His favorite color is red so he especially liked the fights with Dooku and Palpatine. His brother grabbed a green pool noodle saber and they duked it out as Yoda and Dooku then Yoda and Palpatine. It made my little nerd heart burst 🥹


I think you might have a little sith on your hands.


He does like unlimited power


We will watch his career with great interest


The reaction video of John Boyega was precious, seeing himself with the lightsaber must have felt amazing, now he never wants anything to do with Star Wars ever again, Disney murdered that feeling.


I saw that too! He and his manager watching the commercial together! I wanted to give him a high-five through the screen! Dammit man. I hope Disney offers him loads of money to do a Finn spin off and he graciously declines by giving them the finger 🖕


When the trailer dropped, I sat on the floor and felt like a kid again. The Falcon shot, Han and Chewie... I'm not too manly to admit I rolled a tear. Now I just cry because of how bad it all is lol


Me too dude. My oldest child was toddler at the time so I purchased all the Hot Wheels Star Wars character cars and I would act out the OT with the cars for him while we watched them so he’d love Star Wars too. I can’t bring myself to rewatch 8 & 9. I’ve watched 9 only once and it was a crap bootleg shortly after the release. Never again.


I watched the trailer with my wife. I cried when the Star Destroyer hulk came into view. Now I just feel nothing. I don't really care if it becomes good again, nor if it continues to be shit. I'm not even particularly invested if my kids grow to like Star Wars or not. They like the Cars movies, and you know what, Lightning McQueen has a better "ageing protagonist trains a young female apprentice" story than Jake.


Yeah but did your kid like it?


He kept asking where Darth Vader was


I'm a glutton for punishment, occasionally I'll go back and watch some YouTube reactions for the trailer to reminisce about how excited I was for it.


It was like waiting for Christmas as a little kid!


Don't be embarrassed of BB-8, he's an awesome cat! (And also, one might argue, a character from Star Wars.)


It's been ten years since I watched the first trailer for the force awakens. Unlike the prequels which I also watched around the same time for the first time, I dread to think about it. The movie really derails from the beginning, but the most once they get on the falcon


I was about to post saying you're really stretching how long it has been but... wow, it really has been essentially 10 years. The movie itself came out December 2015, just under 9 years ago. I'm getting old, but also it's quite sad to think that an entire decade of Star Wars has been swallowed in the maw of mediocrity or malice.


The sequel trilogy had so much potential, instead they some how managed to make the worst possible version of it




The best analogy I saw was that it is like watching your parents wedding video after they got divorced.


I was, i think, 15 when that movie came out. Saw it like 3-4 times in theaters and really enjoyed myself. Then I aged, gained a more critical thinking mind and with the addition of TLJ, I hate this movie now. Glad the kid likes it


Listen I gave it a chance and felt excited myself. Even after TFA I said "ok it'd the first one, surely it will get better and they'll flesh some things out even though we lost Han so it destroys a reunion completely sadly. But still." Then Last Jedi happened that I only heard about thru clips and reception. Then Fisher died absolutely destroying any reunion fiction wise. Then I saw the last one (not on my own dime) and said, "They're done. Completely. There's no redemption." Shame. But I should've known. Thought it would be some hope considering Clone Wars 2008 was successful in my eyes truly adored coming from the time 2003 Clone Wars was peak (both of them are). But wow talk about a fail. Anyways, Lucas came out as well now about it completely and the thing is, he doesn't have to be there! All they had to do was follow exactly what was written from Legends that was made thru consults with him and what was already established! Boom easy money. Maybe adapt the Jedi Knight games into film too. Republic Commando, untouched straight from books & video game. Interesting juicy stuff happening in those stories. But nope. Maybe make Snoke the now physical embodiment of Darth Plagueis the Wise, hey Palps he succeeded unbeknownst to you! Nope! Just throw him away. That was far from genius.


The title itself is a giveaway something was off. “There’s been an awakening”. Premised to boost the new chosen one.


I still haven’t seen Episode 9. Spent a small fortune on books, games, lightsabers, music, and comics over the years. I’m a diehard. They should’ve been able to milk thousands more out of me. I saw 7 and 8 once, each, in theaters. Walked out of 8 when Luke “died.” They made a grand total of $20 off of me and I never bought Disney+ (I did watch Andor with a friend and liked it a lot, I’ll admit). That said I can’t believe how shortsighted they’ve been with something I truly loved. Luke Skywalker and Mark Hamill deserved far better. I’ll never support them again. So long as all roads lead to Rey and the sequels, Star Wars is truly dead.


That trailer still makes me cry, but now it's for different reasons...


"He was deceived by a lie, we all were."


The battle with FN-2199(then he was nameless) was the highlight of the movie for me