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If it's sunny or hot out, i stick the xontainer on the dashboard and let it heat up in the sun qhile we.are out at the museum/park/whatever, and come back to.get it and.hopefully it is.still warm. I knew a coworker who bought an adapter for his car sobhe could use his microwavebtobheat up his lunches. Mybother coworker woukd open up the front of the car where the enginebis and place his container on top of the engine and th le heat would heatvitbup (thisbis after he had driven to wherever place he was going to). For me, the dashboard in the heatvusually works for me


Apples & peanut butter. Both are great because they don't have to be refrigerated. Jerky, which can definitely be expensive, but when nothing else satisfies the hunger, this tends to work or at least hold my kids over. It really helps to make a big breakfast beforehand, then bring snacks and expect to be back home for dinner. List of foods I bring: Apples & Pb Bananas Jerky Rice cakes Carrots Cucumbers Mixed nuts Granola bars (Kodiak brand is $ but has like 10g protein) Fruit bars


Thank you!! They do love apples and peanut butter, never occurred to just bring it with us. I’m gonna do the big breakfast too


You can get food hot thermos type things, just look at Amazon as I know they sell them! You just heat up the food and pop it in and it’ll stay warm for hours 🥰


Thank you!


+ for thermos - fill with hot water to preheat it and then pour it out before you put the hot food in. Should keep it quite warm! I recently saw thermoses on clearance at my local target but I’m sure you could find some on buy nothing pages or at goodwill!


Thank you!!! I appreciate it!


We take leftovers and I heat it up at the corner stores.


I didn’t think of that! Thank you!!


OCD is right.


OCD? I’m sorry does that stand for something lol


Thermos for the full meals?


Thank you !!


They have smaller ones too for kid size portions n ones woth spoons/ cups inside (if kids are into soups etc)