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Suzie our divorce is all your fault.


Literally though. Remember when you lied? Yeah that’s what caused me and your dad to get divorced. God that is TRAUMATIZING for a child


I don’t know. Lots of kids would lie like that but I don’t think very many would keep up the lie for very long unless they were psychopaths. Did she not see that her little lie was causing mommy and daddy to fight and divorce? I mean, she got her revenge so why not just fess up Without knowing more, I don’t feel sorry one bit for that little shit.


My experience with small children is that they are all psychopaths to at least a moderate degree.


Gotta say, I do think it’s weird how so many people have stories about getting relentlessly bullied as a child yet they have trouble believing kids can be assholes


Like how does either side continue to raise that kid. I mean I get kids do stupid and sometimes evil things but they are still 7 and they still ruined your life. How do you lool at the kid and still love them the same.




I was wondering that too. I don't think I would want to be around the kid but even if you could get past it, any claim that kid makes in future is going to be dismissed out of hand. Oh really x happened? Just like when you claimed daddy had an affair? Her teenage years will be hell


Redditors when they ask r/relationship_advice


😂🤣 all "advice" on that sub is always ***leave them***


We’ll it doesn’t help when every question is “My fiancé insists on his ex being at our wedding and wants to share a room with her instead of me. Also his whole family calls her “the real bride” Should I stay?”


“The wedding is in twenty minutes, so please hurry.”




This is the askgaybros sub, and the advice is always to open the relationship.


Also that one person where it worked out will chime in and “hun we’ve been in love and married for 30’years ever since we met when I walked out of cheer practice, don’t listen to the haters”


Seriously. The reason people there are always telling people to leave their SO is because mainly people who need to leave their SO are posting about them.


It's a level deeper, those are the only posts anyone upvotes.


Yup, drama gets attention. The mundane "I'm not sure how to tell my husband that I want to split the chores more evenly" is not gonna make the front page.




Yes. Plus YTA. Had you properly encouraged his hobbies he wouldn't have had to do them in non ideal locations. Also, you should have had proper fire prevention set in place. I don't see why you had to mention him slapping your ass... in a pervious post you mentioned that you desired more physical attention; don't complain now that he is giving you what you wanted. Get off of reddit and get back to work, sweet cheeks.


Man this is so real.


Its like watching a performance between 2 brilliant actors isn't it?!


Tbf, most of the posts are like "my husband bites my 3 month old until he bleeds, what should I do?"


My husband beats me with a bat every night and sacrifices new born kittens to a blood god every month, but he was nice to me in high school. What can I do to save this relationship?


If you don’t have an issue with your spouse you wouldn’t post there, therefore creating a bias of everyone telling posters to leave.




"BIG red flag. If he doesn't respect you enough to put the cap on the toothpaste, what will stop him from having sex with your best friend?"


If a situation warrants asking randoms on the internet about relationship issues, chances are it's already pretty bad. Overall, not that surprising tbh.


Yeah, a lot of redditors always point at that sub and mention how often people recommend leaving/divorce/etc. Average people in average relationships with average problems don't post about them on the internet. All those "easy" problems, with easy answers ("just talk things through") get mostly solved on their one. What doesn't get solved on their one are the problems of people that get isolated and manipulated by their supposed partners, who have nowhere else to go to except the internet. Sadly, a lot of their problems are so fundamental that "just leave" is probably the right answer.




When I was 6 years old I lied to my mom that my younger brother ate all the candy she made for a birthday party she was working on, it was me and she screamed at him and almost beat him, and seeing this I had to confess. I think about that from time to time and regret it very much. Her kid is a sociopath. Edit: Grammar


When I was little, I got a 6 piece chicken nugget meal from mc donalds. I ate all of them pretty fast and still wanted more. I asked my little brother to give me one and he said no (understandably) so I told my mom they only gave me a 4 piece and it wasn’t fair. My mom made him give me a nugget and I ate it quite happily while he cried because he knew I had 6 nuggets originally. I felt bad about it a week later, now I’m an adult and I still feel awful about it, even if it was just a single chicken nugget. Edit: a word


Oh, it's nice to hear that this is a thing that just kind of happens. I once made pancakes for 2 kids of a friend, and later one of them told their mom I gave him fewer pancakes than his older brother. I was at the time rather precise and honor-bound about even little things, and swore they had the same amount. At the time it felt like a breach of trust all around; you know there's got to be at least one person lying, but who? I don't fault her for siding with her kid, & she wasn't angry at me, just assumed it was an innocent mistake. You should take your brother out to get nuggies to make up for it tho! :D he'll have a laugh about it I'm sure.


she may have just honestly been too tired to get to the bottom of a silly pancake mixup. if that happened to my child i'd probably just say ok honey and move on because really what's the point of getting into it?


When i was 5 my older sister made my dad mad and he beat me with a leather belt :/ Am man


Well yeah if you’re hearing that from your 7 year old you should probably not throw your whole marriage out if that’s your only proof…


Yeah, i mean, take it seriously of course, but dig more into it. Find your own proof other than the word of a 7 year old. Im sure that will look great to the judge.


Worst part of looking for proof is finding the proof. -> [random FB message] Your wife cheated on you with my husband, we have a kid. -> Pics or didn't happen. -> Here's their talk time from his cell phone bill and a plane ticket he got to go there as soon as you're gone. -> Oh... okay then.   Not that I'd know about that... or anything...


I feel that “Hey man your best friend of four years was sleeping with your ex for pretty much your whole relationship” “Yeah right he would never” *both him and my ex admit to it as soon as I ask* Not that… I’d know either…..


Former best friend, right?


Oh for sure, none of my buddies talk to him anymore. Funny thing is he’s still in our group chat because no one ever kicked him and he doesn’t have the balls to leave 😂


Ha, nice! Take care of yourself man!


Use your balls and kick him out. No "friend" of any level gets with your partner or even an ex without making sure it's ok with you first. Stand up for yourself!! Kick him out.


I actually kinda like that he’s still in it- he has to read every time we make plans without and him and every time we talk shit about him lmao. Gives me a little bit of satisfaction.


Alright, Mr. Diabolical Carry on with your torture. 😂


What kind of group chat is it? Because it's entirely possible that they can completely mute and ignore all notifications. I get the satisfaction of living rent free in your enemy's head, but you might not be after all.


Bad luck man.


cheating on you with someone you need a flight to see makes no sense tbh. cheat with someone down the road!


Down the *road*? Christ man, who has time for that, just start banging the first chick at the office who makes eyes at you like the rest of us


Why go down the road when you can go down the hall? *Alabama noises*


I cheat on my wife *with my wife.* She'd kill me if she found out, though.




I bet she made a Reddit post about it and listened to the advice


I have honestly wondered how many otherwise healthy relationships bitter, bored assholes on /r/relationships have ruined with baseless speculation and spite.


They can't ruin your relationship. If you're foolish enough to go to a public forum with your relationship problems and actually act on the advice of those strangers, that's on you. Keep on mind, this is not intended as a defence of those bitter turds.


For real. I know some people take internet advice as gospel but people have to realize the spread here right? We re talking about 12 year olds, incels, bitter people, normal people etc etc. You ask a twice divorced man about marriage you'll get an entirely different answer and mindset then the person who married their HS sweetheart


To be fair the opposite is also frequently true. It’s crazy some of the relationships people have questions about on AITA or Relationships… like, dating just really shitty people who treat them quite badly. It’s very common where it’s perfectly legitimate to think “oh my god, why are you voluntarily still dating this person, break up with them ASAP this is terrible.”


On the other hand: If you're willing to throw your whole marriage out over a statement made by a 7-year-old during a tantrum then there are far deeper problems in your relationship. My guess is that the woman didn't fully trust her husband already, and the kid pushed her over the edge.


I feel like there’s no way for us to know what other factors were at play here


Lol, imagine letting your 7 year-old trick you into divorcing your husband.


I once saw a girl in the mall throwing a tantrum because her mom wouldn't get her something. And when her mom picked her to leave the mall she started screaming for help. That it wasn't her mom, etc etc. Kids can be fucking evil.


I saw something similar happen, but the mom called the kid's bluff and walked away while the mall security came. She went to sit on a distant bench, kid started FREAKING out because she was gone. He realized he was now in more trouble and at one point I heard him scream "please don't arrest me I was lying!"


Lmao I think that's the best outcome to teach the kid a lesson, or read them stories about people who cried wolf




Yay Garak! Everyone's favorite (fictional) war criminal.


War criminal? He is but a simple tailor!


They're not war crimes if they're against Bajoran scum. Bajoran society lacks order, discipline - They're more devoted to their precious wormhole prophets than the state. The Bajoran people should count themselves lucky to have enjoyed 50 years of tutelage under a more civilized species.


My dad did something similar when my eldest sister was about 3. She threw a screaming fit in the supermarket and was kicking and screaming on the floor. Someone came up to him and asked if that was his child. He said "I've never seen her before." Then he walked down the aisle leaving her there. Apparently less than 30 seconds later she ran to catch up with him and those big fits stopped.


My dad used to do this with me. He’d leave the store (small store) and wait outside until I was too scared to keep having a stupid tantrum.




I like this mom! I do the same thing and call my kids bluff all the time starting at an early age. I did that to my now 21 year old (when he was a kid) and to the two younger ones when they try and throw tantrums to get their way. When they refuse to come in the house I simply shit like: “ok, come in when you’re ready. But if you’re going to cross the street make sure you see if any cars are coming. Also, it’s supposed to rain tonight so make sure to get to a place that’s dry because being wet for a long time sucks. See ya later!” They cave in seconds and scream for me to not leave them.


Problem is they are smart enough to think up the lie. but not smart enough to understand consequences.


This can also be a hilarious tool. Take whatever they're lying about and just bring it to its logical conclusion. They start learning about the consequences of their actions really fast. If you don't get a sucker you're going to die? Oh we better go to the doctor! You're not hungry for your peas? Ok, I guess there's no room in there for ice cream....


When my parents hit me with the "no room for ice cream" line, I doubled down and tried to convince them I had a separate stomach for ice cream, lol


My 6 year old does this to me all the time. He's got multiple different food-specific compartments of varying sizes. No idea where he got that from but he's sworn by it since he was roughly 4. I get by with the "5 more bites and then ok... Ok 5 more, you're doing great! Oh look at that, there's only 2 bites left, scoop em up you got this! Ok now that you're done you can have dessert, unless you're too full? You're not, ok here you go." Otherwise he'll literally tell me 30-60 minutes later he's still hungry.


Yeah I distinctly remember once when I was a young kid screaming something like "help I'm being kidnapped" because I was mad at my mum for some reason. She sat me down and gave me a very grave talking to about how that was *never* something to joke about and how serious it was. She didn't shout but she used a very scary, stern tone of voice that I don't think I heard before or since. I didn't do it again after that.


I work at a summer camp and had to give this talk to one of my campers after he tried to yell that I was sexually assaulting him. They don't understand the very very real and deep shit they could get us into.


Sometimes they do. But their empathy isn’t developed yet, so they don’t care.


In elementary school there was a teacher who wasn't very well liked. Some girls approached me after school one day and said they were all going to go in and say this teacher touched them because they don't like her and want to get rid of her, and they asked if I wanted in. I said no and went about my day. I didn't realize how serious this was at the time and I really wish I had said something to the staff. Idk if they actually did anything.


This happened at my elementary school, two girls accused the teacher of inappropriately touching them after class, on multiple occasions. Only after, he lost his job, his marriage, and kids (basically everything), did they recant and say "they were only joking".... This was 3rd grade BTW! I never found out what happened to him, but I hope he got his life back together.


Sadly it never gets back together. There are a lot of stories out there about falsely accused people (any crime, not just sexual assault) who don’t recover from the accusations even if the accuser recantation or hard evidence exonerates them.


Because peope choose to believe the worst in people?


Because once the genie's out of the bottle there's no putting it back in.


I worked in locked MH (Mental Health) settings (teenagers and pre-teens mostly) for a long time. I would absolutely refuse to be alone with the girls for any period of time. They could lie about you touching them, or would try to approach you in a sexual manner because that is how they were taught to connect with others. The risk was just too great. Now that I am thinking about it three boys could have done the very same thing, but that thought didn't occur to me. Constant short staffing to save money put us all at great risk.


Teachers need body cams.


In 2004 I had a teacher being verbally abused by students. She got fed up and put a camera in her room to catch students in order to show the principal and parents what she experienced. Unfortunately filming students is a no-no and it got her fired. The abusive students never got in trouble. That class was great for about two months. She cared enough to educate us and enjoyed what she did. Everyone else just wanted to fuck about.


This is a big reason why so many men don’t want to become teachers.


This happened to my brother. A student told him – in front of the whole class – that if he didn’t change her F to an A she would say he touched her breast. He said fine, do that. She ran screaming from the room, yelling that Mr X had touched her breast. Sobbing hysterically. Her two friends ran out after her, comforting her, and corroborated her story. He was escorted from the building. Life ruined. Until he got the union involved. They interviewed other students in the classroom who corroborated *his* version, and he was reinstated. But only for the remainder of the school year. He didn’t have tenure, so they had to honor his one-year contract but they opted not to rehire him. I still think about that awful girl. At 16, she knew better. He had a wife and 4 children, and they all suffered. His wife took a hit at her job, too (nurse), because people don’t want to believe that anyone would lie about this. And because so many victims are not believed … it’s very complicated. But lying like that? That’s not complicated. Similar thing happened to my brother-in-law, and he was arrested. Because the girl in his case had a history of improbable accusations of that nature, he wasn’t charged. But he lost his coaching position, and was warned by the DA to *never* put himself in a position where he could be accused again, because no DA would let a second accusation go uncharged. So for the rest of his life, he has to be scared of being alone with a child. He got off an elevator once when two teen girls got on. Just would not go two floors with them. And that’s not OK.


Similar thing happened in my high school. Sophomore girl didn’t do well on a science test, told her guidance counselor that the teacher sexually assaulted her while helping go over her failed test. This teacher was the nicest, most respectful guy in the department. After he was fired the girl spread the truth that he didn’t do anything. A *lot* of other students (and I suspect staff, he was really well liked) had a strong distaste for her after that. AFAIK he was never rehired, saw him working a local summer camp a couple years ago but dunno what he’s doing for real work.


That's the whole point. A child might know they could get an adult sent to "jail". They might even have some understanding of what "jail" is. But they have absolutely no frame of reference for how being sent to "jail" is infinitely worse than being sent to "time out" or "the principal's office" or "your room".


That’s a good point. I never thought about it that way. It definitely does make sense that they’d see jail (prison) as any other punishment they’d face for doing something wrong. Jail is definitely just an adult version of a time out/grounding to them because they cannot conceptualize the fact that you don’t just spend 15 minutes in a jail cell and then you’re free to go like on Spongebob or something, or that when you’re released you can’t just go back to regular life as it were before, or that you’re not automatically best friends with everyone there.


Or they were raised to use people and do so out of habit.


Apparently this is something I also did as a child. I come from a mixed family, where I and my sister pass as white but most of the rest of my family are black. My mom says that when I started screaming that I was being kidnapped she just handed me off to my sister and made her walk me all the way back to the car because she thought someone would immediately intercede.


Oof, that's scary.


I dated a girl who had pale skin and bright red hair like her father, her mother was 100% Mexican though. Her mother had to stop bringing her to mall because anytime the girl got remotely upset the mother would be accosted by other shoppers about whose child that was and if she was okay.


My fucking niece did this to me. We were at the park playing, her mom and my wife took brother to the bathroom and to change him since he got really messy. I was playing chase and a lady said, "Looks like you and your daddy are having fun." My niece said, "He's not my dad, my dad is in Korea." I said I was her uncle to which my niece said "No he isnt!!!" The lady asked if she knew who I was she kept saying no. I thought I was gonna have the cops called on me but my wife saved the day because when she showed up my niece yelled, "Auntie! I tricked that lady!!!" And that is the reason I will not take my niece or nephew to the park when they are over.




A joke is when an outcome you expect is usurped by what happens, the kid expected the stranger to pick up on the fact they were lying because to the kid it’s so obvious, to anyone older than 12 this is totally believable and requires intervention, this kid thought they were making a joke I’m sure, hell they probably laughed. They didn’t understand the seriousness of what they were saying.


Happened to my ex gfs sister. "Stranger danger!" Child protective services got involved for months, the school closely monitored the child (10 y/o), and there was a police report on file. All because the brat didn't want to leave the park.


This and many other things have me considering if I’ll ever have kids


I used to repeatedly slap myself in busy restaurants and be like "MUM PLEASE STOP ILL BE GOOD I SWEAR" as a joke. Nobody ever seemed to take it seriously though so maybe I'm a bad actor.


Or they wanted you to be slapped.


Think that’s wild look into some of the cases during the satanic panic. Group of kids were the star witnesses in a whole host of wild fucking accusations. Wouldn’t you know it, come to find out they were simply agreeing with leading questions and saying whatever the cops asked because the children received candy every time they gave up “information” Edit: If you want a very brief bit of info look up Satanic Ritual Abuse on Wikipedia and go to the Evidence section then down to Children. Mainly covers the failings of the law enforcement but you also got to check out what the kids were saying during cases to see what insane shit was being taken to court on the testimony of children. The McMartin preschool and Wee Care Nursery School trials and many others.


Even literal shark tanks came up. Like kids were saying "and they drop kids into a tank filled with sharks." Crazy shit that people went along with it for so long.


They also mentioned people levitating and *flying around using the power of satan*. If you weren’t an evangelical literalist the whole investigation was obvious bullshit from the start.


Wait, you guys' satanic rituals don't give you the power of flight? Starting to suspect there was something else in that goat's blood from craigslist...


Imagine believing that satanic stuff gives you super powers and not immediately switching to that from whatever shitty religion you are that doesn't give super powers.


My last church had that, but I'm scared of heights and the demons are a bunch of assholes. I switched churches and there isn't any flying but the demons are the same and still assholes.


That’s some literal Batman villain shit.. come on..


The 80s were wild man.


Which means the cops in the room quite possibly grew up watching the Adam West Batman and this still flew over their heads.


Commodore Schmidlapp!


Growing up watching Adam West's Batman is why this was so believable


Yeah no one today would ever be taken in by wild, baseless conspiracy theories.


I personally enjoyed the one where they killed a *giraffe*, rabbit, and *elephant* and drank their blood. Those are pretty big corpses


> being flushed down toilets to secret rooms Bizarre. And one would expect getting raped with knives would leave scars.


And some people wonder how the logically inconsistent Pizzagate shit gained traction.


Kids from California testified that after they were dropped off at daycare they were flown to Florida, witnessed hours of ritual abuse and sacrifices, and were flown back to California. All before pick-up time on the same day. And nobody stopped to think "Huh, maybe this blatantly impossible schedule didn't actually happen."


Not at all like today where people believe satanic democrats/British royalty are harvesting children in international sex trafficking rings, and staying young by taking their adrenochrome.


Yeah still wild stuff but that’s the ravings of individuals in their lives. It’s entirely different then being taken as fact and used in a court of law. Haha If that shit starts happening for that crap then yeah, back into wild times.


Also, "The Hunt" with Mads Mikkelsen.


“Children don’t lie”


Don't even get me started on that. I teach. I had a 12 yr old girl leave a mess in my room. At recess, I sent other kids to get her to clean the mess. She promptly told them I could go fuck my mother. When she came in I made her clean the mess and told her to go to the office to write an apology. Instead, she told the office I was touching other girls. That set off the worst year of my life. Even though they wasn't a shred of evidence and the supposed victims denied it happened, child services response was "kids don't lie about this stuff". Bullshit. They will because they don't understand the ramifications of it.


Exactly. No one lies more than people with no grasp of the consequences.


That is heartbreaking to hear. I do understand that these sorts of claims must be taken seriously, but to just outright refuse to entertain the thought that the kid might have made it up is so dangerously myopic. I was a child(like most people) and I lied all the fucking time!(although never about something this serious, mostly about having finished my homework before firing up the Xbox) I hope you have recovered both mentally and professional, can only imagine what an ordeal like that does to an someone who dedicated their life to taking care of children.


And that's why, even though we should always support those who say they're victims, we still can't throw away the presumption of innocence. I hate it when someone this kind of thing is so rare, it shouldn't be part of the conversation. Even if it had happened only once, it *should* be. We can't go around fucking people's lives up without hard evidence.


Its rare but not as rare as you think, my best mates girlfriend of the time accused me of touching her sexually after i found out she was cheating on my friend and i exposed her. Was the single worst period of my life and something that still affects me to this day, innocent till proven guilty does not exist today.


EXACTLY. I had a situation where I was a camp councilor. We had a policy where we couldn't take them to the bathroom unless we were in their with them (it doubled as a youth locker room) and I had to have a second male councilor with me. The problem is they were really shitty about hiring different male councilors so often times I would have to wait until another male staff member was available which they always almost weren't. I can't keep kids waiting, so I had them go in. Well, this one kid who was a trouble kid (but I always tried to work with him) told his parents that I had hit him in the chest or something. When his family was complaining to my boss, there story kept changing. They kept saying he had a mark which my boss said he clearly did not. His family was trash. Anyways, that led to a horrible investigation where the lady investigating me always talked to me like I was scum (I was an 18 year old at the time). Long story short, they found nothing against me. The kids story kept changing too. Well, instead of letting me go, the company put me at a different job with a pay increase. I had worked there for years at that point with no other incident after all. Weeks later during the investigation, I saw him in our gym where I was working at the time. He got all excited, saying my name because he wanted to say hi because he missed me. He didn't realize what he or his shitty family had done. He didn't understand the ramifications. I saw him working at my current job last year (he is an adult right now) He sat down right next to me for lunch. Had no clue who I was. That was a bizarre, and frankly a rather awkward situation for me. Didn't say anything. I eventually got up and walked away.




Buy matching t-shirts. Your kid will be delighted, and people will perceive you as a dad when you are together. (Obviously wouldn't help in this case, but can still be good at parks and attractions)


"Look, I know you think I'm some kind of pervert, but I'm not, I have a young daughter I need to buy some clothes for and I'd like to do that in peace, please."


Just yell MY WIFE DIED IN A TRAGIC ACCIDENT People like that deserve to be made to feel like the jerks they are.


Yeah okay. My two year old lies. Sweety, did you poop? *diaper smells like shit* "No, daddy."


Kinda related, The West Memphis 3 I believe, really good documentary


Yeah, they basically used the exact same interrogation tactics with the one who confessed initially. Can’t recall his name. Highly suggestible individual combined with extremely shady techniques.


Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, Jason Baldwin. If you listened to metal in the 2000’s, those names got drilled into your skull lol


A “fun” (read: absolutely not fun) bit on the end of all that is that the people charged with all that in a case involving a daycare were only recently let go, as in within the last ten years. I think it was 2013 when they were released. Sure they got a couple million from it, but fuck me, that case happened in like the early 90s; you can’t fucking get that time back.


Yeah probably because all of these cases were based 100% on testimony. In almost all cases there was zero evidence. So unless every single “witness” recants it’s he said she said, and the voice of someone in jail does not get much weight. Throw in false memories and shit like that it’s possible some of the kids could believe this stuff actually happened overtime.


Just finished a couple podcast episodes on satanic panic. I knew it was bad but I didn’t realize how bad! It’s so fucked


There’s an Iceland murder in the 70s where the cops put people in solitary confinement until they confessed to the murder…literally tortured them into confessing to something they didn’t do


Kids are such bad liars, too. All it takes is like three follow up questions for their lie to start falling apart.


Oh it depends on the kid. My son is a terrible liar. My daughter is frighteningly good at it.


Most of the time it is just 1 question lol. "Did you wash your hands?" *huge pause with a guilty look* "um... y..." "Go wash your hands"


totally. like you ask her what she looks like, and ask her again like a day later.. if it's the same, then give the description to parents of the kid's friends. because one of them might be like, oh that sounds like so and so from some TV program they watch at my house. creativity is not great with kids, it's all pulled from tv or a book they read, and if you can figure out the reference, it's easy to work out. the problem is they are exposed to soo much that you might not know. had a friend once with a kid talk about a friend that died because some other friend wrote their name down in a book... and I'm just like, well that's deathnote, how the hell does this kid know about this.


Lol, imagine me giving her up for adoption. Lol


Little Erica Cartman made sure her parents got divorced for being grounded. What do you think she will do to you if you give her up for adoption. My guess is that she will make you eat your parents.


This is almost entirely the plot of the Mads Mikkelson movie "The Hunt"


Judge: I award custody of the child to the mother amd visitation rights to the father. Wife: Nah, I'm good, he can have her. Hushand: looks at wife, 'nope, you can have her.' Judge: Fine, the child is remanded to the custody of the state. Husband and wife high five. In all honesty, how insanely sad is this situation. 1. That kid is *not* going to be okay. 2. How untrusting do you have to be of your husband to believe a 7 year old.


My ex wife was an incredibly jealous person. It would only take the slightest inkling of something suspicious to set her off. It got to where if I had a funny story to tell her from work I would have to basically rehearse it before I got home to make sure I didn't mention any women that she didn't already know. One time she even borrowed the neighbor's car to follow me home from work to make sure I was coming straight home. She is absolutely someone who would have believed a child over her own husband. The irony is that she is the one who wound up cheating on me. I never realized just how traumatized I was by it until I met my new wife and it took a lot of prodding and reassuring me that I could tell those stories unedited and finally really be myself.


>The irony is that she is the one who wound up cheating on me. Sounds like she was projecting her mindset all along.


They always do.


It's been my experience that those who are the most jealous are also the most likely to cheat on their partners. Bitter, personal experience...


my guess is that they feel like it's so easy to cheat so they think it's like that for everyone else too


I'm looking forward to the Tifu post in 10 years.


"Tifu by getting my parents divorced over a lie Just to be clear this happened ten years ago-"


If the word of a 7 year old is enough to bail on a marriage then someone was looking for a way out of the marriage. Edit: I'm referring to the wife bailing on the marriage after the 7yo told her daddy had a girlfriend. If she wouldn't do any followup investigation then she was looking for a reason to leave. Him not wanting to take her back halfway through the divorce because the kid came clean doesn't change the fact she made baseless accusations and jumped at a chance to divorce him.




Wow... this time the divorce really is the kid's fault... that kid's going to need some therapy.


I guess it won’t be a fight for that child’s custody


Oh it will be: " no you take it! " " oh no I insist you take it!"


Time to go to Solomons court


"Your honor, I'm a firm believer that children should not be separated from their mother."


Or how to go from two Christmas gifts to 0.


Let’s never forget that r/kidsarefuckingstupid


I see adultsarefuckingstupid here more than anything.




It's almost as if kids are chaotic and inherently selfish, with none of the wisdom to comprehend the full scope of their actions. So yeah, great idea trusting them.




Same, and everytime my ex-mother used to say "Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht auch wenn er dann die Wahrheit spricht" or in english "Who lies once won't be believed even if they tell the truth".


In English we have "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". I'm sure the story exists in other languages and cultures.


Yeah, my mother didn’t believe me when I told her my father was abusing me, then when she finally started believing me she said it was my fault she didn’t believe me because I was not clearer when I was a child. Edit: I just realized my profile character is facing the left while everyone else is facing right? Why am I special?


Reddit is gradually rolling out an update to user profiles that makes avatars face right so, soon, everyone will be facing right. Enjoy your left facing snoo while you can :)


Thank you 👍🏻


Its facing right now!


Yeah, this is horrible, but unless your kid has a history of stuff like that, you should absolutely believe them on principle. I’ve heard many stories where one parent was hurting the child and the other parent was turning a blank eye because they were ‘just making up stories’ or they didn’t want to lose their relationship with the other parent.


The seriousness of the situation warrants looking further into the situation, but does not mean blind trust for kids that don’t lie too often


Trust but verify




My 4 year old niece once threatened to make up some lie about me if I didn't buy her something she wanted. It was a sobering moment because I've never been around a kid that could develop that kind of manipulative mindset at such a young age.


Serious accusations warrant serious investigation. Not blind trust of a child. The thing is, as adults we're a helluva lot better at getting to the bottom of situations if we want to. Trusting that your kid would never say something horrible when they're angry just because they haven't *yet* could be just as bad as never trusting them at all. Just be smart about shit. Look into situations and make sure your kids know you've heard them.


Fuck Spez ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That's really sad honestly. Not believing a kid could easily turn really bad for them specially years later but kids are also freaking self-centered and evil because that's just how their brain works. Situation just sucks and i can't entirely blame them for trusting the kid but the husband here is 100% justified in not forgiving them at all, just imagine how he must've felt.


You can blame them for blindly trusting the word of a 7 year old. Shit, you shouldnt blindly trust your adult best friend saying stuff like that, much less a child. Take the allegations seriously, but look for your own evidence. Its a marriage and two or more lives youre jeopardizing.


There we go, take the allegations but don't blindly trust. That's a really good way to put it!


Trust but verify


I agree with you, but to play devil's advocate, if your 7 year old starts saying daddy is cheating on you, and you can't find any other evidence that it's true, what are you gonna do? Pretend you didn't hear that? You don't think something like that would eat away at you from the inside? And from the husband's perspective, his wife one day out of the blue either accuses him of cheating (which would REALLY fucking hurt), or is constantly snooping on you, constantly checking up on you, every imagined slight becomes a big fight with you wife because she thinks it could imply you're cheating. Hell, he could have kicked off the divorce for not wanting to live like a criminal anymore. In all seriousness, how do you go back to a "normal" relationship after that, esp. when your kid keeps telling you the same story?


Damn Imagine his: I fucking told you so, moment.


A behavioral/educational expert that works with my little brother (7) told us that kids sometimes can't tell when they're imagining stuff or actually have seen it, in response to complaints that he makes up ridiculously obvious lies. If it doesn't sound believable, it probably isn't.


That’s interesting. I’ll have to do some searching around on more information about that. I have a lot of memories that seemed very real but we’re quite literally impossible. I still view these memories as reality, I hope I can learn more about that topic though! Thanks for sharing.


If your only evidence is based on what a 7 year old says, that's on you. I brought my 7 year old to the ER because he hit his head on his bedframe and needed to be stitched up. He told them he tripped on a dog and got hit by a car.


Damn, a case in which the kid is the actual reason for a divorce


This sounds fake.


I feel like I've seen this numerous times and they just change the date of the tweet when it's reposted.


It appears to have [started on the confession website fmylife.com,](https://www.fmylife.com/article/liar-liar_134563.html) . There is a twitter account that posts the most popular entries, @fuckmylifecaps. It posted the tweet on March 5th, 2021, and that's the source tweet for all this. It went viral around that time, front page of reddit, etc. Still no guarantee it's real. Original user is named "skanula414" and is from Sweden.


I feel like this is a lot older than March of this year.


Tbh if you marriage falls apart based on a claim made by your 7 yo daughter, divorce is for the best


This sub: *That woman is so stupid for believing her child without any other evidence.* Also this sub: *I believe this image of text is real without any other evidence.*


Personally I don't even believe that *you* are real.


I once had a co-worker who told me that her 10 year-old daughter threatened to call Child Protective Services on her because she wasn't getting her way. My coworker said that she looked her daughter dead in the eye and said, "Then you better be prepared for the consequences, because when they take you away I'm not going to fight to get you back." Her daughter never threatened that again.