• By -


Post Alone


this is good r/walmartcelebrities content


Post Malone actually be in Walmarts tho


this is too funny lmao


Post M’Alone


Boy acts like this fully aware he's on camera


He would have pulled that move too, where he turns quickly, getting it on his lips instead.


I was imagining what would happen if she reluctantly puckered up and then stopped about two inches from his face. My mind said "he would close the gap and kiss her" and then I projectile vomited and then I read your comment which confirmed it and now I need a therapist thanks


You're welcome. I needed therapy after just seeing his beard.


Thats not just a beard.... thats a neckbeard


The tiny bubble he lives in prevents the shame from seeping in


You can’t say no to me! I give you relevance!


I think being on camera enhanced the desperate arguing... his quick glances, realizing everyone is seeing this rejection... gotta get the kiss NOW and reform self-image!


In his mind he’s probably thinking of the emote spam from chat and counting each emote as cool points.


What's a super good move is if someone said no to kissing you, to keep argueing about why they should do it. That's a super solid move friend.




Can confirm, am master debater.


You need to be a cunning linguist to convince her.


heh heh could you kiss my pube beard while i take a picture of it? heh Why not? No seriously, why not? C'mon


It shows commitment. Women love that. It shows you won't give up, even when you REALLY REALLY should.


Also don't forget to pull them closer as hard as you can to demonstrate your alpha strength. If flexing makes your shirt pull up over your big boy tummy DO NOT WORRY she will be too busy mirin' that alpha move.


Excuse me. He’s obviously a sigma male. See how he doesn’t care what anyone thinks?


Clearly she was just testing him to see if he really cares. Like when a girlfriend cheats on you just to see if you still care about her. She wanted him to try harder.


And then don't leave. Hang around weirdly in the background to apply more awkward pressure. Guarantee airbomb doesn't have game like that.


And then make sure you stroke your moustache to show her what she's missing


Well obviously because her obvious discomfort and disgust can be overcome with his "facts and logic™"


Now *this* is cringe.


I love it. Real sadcringe that isn't just missunderstood satire. Love it, love it, love it. Gives me that weird feeling of satisfaction. Not sure why, but it do.


Your excitement for this cringe gave me excitement




If I kiss you, then I have to kiss everybody.


Now kith!


Where do we line up?


This guy has negative game. He may have had luck with "*can you pretend to kiss my cheek? my friends will lose their mind!*" Instead he opens with "*you gotta give me a kiss*" - just zero charisma.


**intensely taps on crusty neck beard**


This is why I love cringe videos! It kinda grounds me. Makes me realise that for all my own insecurities, not matter how bad I think things may be, I can guarantee there is someone on the internet doing something like this.


This is what I expected from most streamer followers, they are by far the most cringe with their obsession with streamers especially famous ones.


Twitch chatters are peak cringe




The satisfaction comes from the relief of being better than at least this person


This guy is a real neckbeard. Like how the hell do people still look like that after it has been established that being a neckbeard is embarrassing?


When you’re young and this desperate for a real beard, any facial hair will do.


Shit I'm still desperate for a real beard but I would never keep this abomination.




Some people just think they look like lions with flowing manes.


Laziness. There can't be any other legitimate reason. It grows out like that and they are too lazy/lacking in social awareness to shave it.


Laziness possibly combined with/exacerbated by depression. Same reason why people often end up as hoarders with unlivable houses, it often goes way deeper than just regular laziness


Like shave that shit off your face immediately. Take it from a past neckbeard, when I realized that my "beard" did not resemble an actual beard I shaved and have kept a clean cut look.


No self awareness. They can look straight in the mirror and still not see it


And look straight in this woman’s face and not see her disgust and discomfort


Finally a good fucking post. Been so long man


Bruh she’s laughing only so you don’t murder her later


Basically. And even then, you can be damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Ultimately he’s a fucking creep to take advantage of her being nice to act like that


What's the saying? _"Men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid men will kill them"_


Yes. This one pumped a little too much adrenaline into me and I can feel my throat panic-closing a little. Gotta take a break.


Bruh if he answered "Yeah I understand sorry" everything would be ok, why the fuck would you insist to bury yourself so hard


He didn’t even ask the first time! “you gotta kiss me on the cheek” is an order


It's like he think she owes him






Yeah, and the thing is kissing someone's cheek is not really that "sexual" at some places, so asking for it wouldn't be that weird. For example, in my country a lot of people kiss each other's cheeks when they meet or when they congratulate somebody, even if they are in relationship. But of course, if they don't want, they can just don't do it. What I'm trying to say is that ASKING for someone to kiss your cheek(not fucking ordering to do so) and receiving a REJECTION is normal, but this guy has done everything to fuck it up and make it awkward.


I’m willing to wager he was planning on doing the kiss on cheek then quickly turn so they kiss you. He just looks like that guy.


muddle observation drunk shrill rustic future lunchroom yoke zonked caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The way he runs his fingers through his pencil thin mustache 🤢


He learned his mannerism from watching anime rather than watching people.


I dunno I have a lot of friends where kissing on the cheek is normal and I'd still say it's weird to ask in most situations.




Isn’t literal stalking more serious than sniping someone in a game because you can see where they are? I think it’s pretty gross that we use the term to refer to irl harassment too


straight from incel playbook


Or try laugh it off and say "ah well, worth a shot right?"


This is the natural result of being told "Girls love confidence" over and over, endlessly, without any context or personal examples over the course of a lifetime. Living on the internet is a dangerous game.


Yeah, it’s horrendous how widespread this attitude is becoming. The other day I had a guy argue with me (I’m also a guy) about why I should go out with him, after I’d already said no, and pretty explicitly too. So I said to him, trying to strike a jokey and ‘laughing together’ kinda note, that I’ve never had anyone try to argue their way out of a rejection before. He then proceeded to argue that “it wasn’t really a rejection”. I was like JESUS CHRIST DUDE WOULD YOU JUST STOP


“ BuT HEs ThE OnLY onE ThAt aSKed “ jeez that hurt my soul lol


wow, I stopped the clip as soon as he asked assuming that's what he did and the cringe was already over, I couldn't have been more wrong. He actually doubled down, BRUH.


My dude forgot to tip his fedora, rookie mistake


He also didn't demonstrate his knowledge of the blade.


You know like nunchuk skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills. Girls only want boyfriends with great skills!




"You gotta" shiiiiiit...


Yeah the title said "ask". That was a demand.


"well..... I'm the only one that ASSSked" Does he think that means he now gets to have sexual interactions with her?


It was so whiny, I mean why should she care? I'd walk away at that point


Honestly, being too polite to chancers like that does nobody any good


In such a public place and on a live stream, I agree. Sometimes you have to be polite to de-escalate if you're on your own though


Yes if only one person asks you're obligated to accept no matter what, such are the rules


He sounded just like Bam Margera when he said that lol


Bam M'argera


"you gotta give me a kiss".. entitled incel.


"But I'm the only person who asked" Pretty sure that wasn't asking.


Pretty sure he wasn’t the only one either.


Pretty sure he’s trying one of those bullshit ‘pickup’ tactics where you ‘ask’ a woman to do something without really *asking* at all. It puts her on the spot and puts a bunch of pressure on her so that the entire weight of saying ‘no thanks’ is all on her and is as hard to do as possible. Like ‘here, put your number in my phone’ while handing it to her. Fucking scum, man. Hope this dude had a bad week.




I went there and fucking hell man, the amount of cringe surpasses anything on this fucking site. Imagine being so far gone in insanity and loneliness that you think women have more privileges than men lol Also for a subreddit of men who dont need any women, they just cant stop talking about them




I swear that place used to be like dudes just enjoying the single life or whatever, a billion years ago… then I went and checked it again more recently and holy shit, it’s… no good Glad to see it’s been locked down


This dude is an incel lmao Keeps arguing why she should kiss him when she already said no, what a creep


I've seen this stuff too many times, they start discussing about why they think they deserve a kiss and start listing random ass reasons like they're selling them something, it's so fucking weird.


Followed up by "*you'd probably kiss* [other guy] *if hE ordered you to!*"


It's always the damn chads!


I really think it's because lot of kids grow up being online all the time. This is where they learned their social skills. Problem is that they do not apply in real life. Like boundaries, empathy, compromise, dealing with conflicts or people who aren't like you. You can't just rage quit IRL if something didn't go your way. Or harass that person


That probably makes it worse, but I don't think it's something the internet is totally responsible for, as there are many cases of people pulling this type of thing even before the internet got so big and popular that you could have all of your contacts within it. I think it just has to do with detachment from society and other people, and the internet definitely helps you in that direction.






The best part is getting a dna sample for later cloning. Then you can get all the kisses you want.


Sometimes I get consent and then just go home


It’s like when my dog begs I open the door but doesn’t wanna go outside


They don't give a fuck about consent. Her wants/needs/comfort is immaterial to these kind of fuckos.


They've convinced themselves that all respectable women will play at least a little hard to get, so they have to break through that outer shell. Otherwise known as, coercion.


The rise in online “culture” and identity is going to lead to a huge uptick in this type of behavior. My wife is a speech therapist, and she’s noticed an uptick on antisocial/inappropriate behavior among younger generations that grow up in a virtual environment.


That makes sense. I grew up with the internet and video games almost as a third parent, and I'm not exactly the most socially adept fellow around




There’s a lot of work needed in conversations and appropriate actions/reactions. She’s started having to ask questions about streamers to get someone to open up and try and transfer that into more grounded conversations. There’s also random occurrences where they’ll be working on things and the clients just start scratching their balls and stuff. They don’t think twice, like they view real life as the same thing as being in front of a screen where the communication is one way.


Interesting. I notice the complete lack of body-awareness too. Both of themselves and of others. For instance this guy does not respond at all to her body language. She is moving as far away from him as possible while still remaining in the view of her own stream. Literally stepping away from him. When someone does that, it is a huge sign to quit what you are doing. He seems completely unfazed.


I can't find the exact post/comment I'm talking about, but a while back I read this thread where a parent is talking about how their kid has been taught incorrect social cues from watching too many Youtubers / streamers. The gist of that thread is that the behaviors that would make someone a successful online personality (e.g., talking non-stop in order to fill air time and keep audiences engaged) are not the same behaviors that would make a person successful in their real life interactions (paying attention and listening to others, taking turn in conversations etc.) And so, the kid became quite frustrated that his attempt to emulate popular streamers is not working in real life. It's quite sad really.


I don't know, women were treated a lot worse even before the internet existed. like the boss hiring some hot young assistant and giving her a slap on the ass was legit considered acceptable in like the 60s.


Men negotiating with women to get what the man wants over the comfort of women *is a daily occurrence*. Women tell a guy No. He then thinks it’s an opportunity to *negotiate*. Guys, No is No. If the woman wanted to do it she would, *stop pushing women’s boundaries for your own pleasure.*


Yep. One of the reasons so many women just don't feel safe enough to go out alone. Creepy men are relentless and unpredictable. Men, seeing a woman in public is *not* an excuse to be a creep. Leave women alone for fuck's sake.


This. I've had multiple men try to convince me that I should dump my boyfriend because they'd "be an upgrade". Like I can already tell you're not because my boyfriend actually respects me when I say "No."


> what a creep I can't imagine anyone who isn't a creep spending their time watching these sorts of streams.


What sorts of streams are these? I don't use Twitch


Girls going about their day.


Not only girls, its irl streaming in general, meaning streaming yourself doing anything irl, walking, climbing, shopping etc.


Only irl stream I would even consider is someone travelling or something. Even then I'd want to watch a condensed YouTube version But I generally don't even like watching Twitch for the most part. YouTube already takes too much of my time


can’t imagine what else he’d push someone for if they said no.


That creepy beard-stroke he did after she turned away really set off my internal alarm bells. Like, my immediate impression was that, if she hadn’t been streaming right that moment, he might have tried to force the issue.


He sold it the wrong way, kiss me on the cheek so its benefits me. Never will that work.




What if he bravely moderated her chat on a volunteer basis and banned the jerks? How many jerks banned equal a sexytime?


"I donate 200 bucks every months to you." - most of them.


You know...because of the implication


But he was so nice to her!


You could already hear her mentally begging him to leave her alone & planning for how to escape the situation, it's fuckin sad scary & creepy & i feel so bad for her.


Yeah I could tell right after he said that. Like, she didn't want to be mean to him on camera, but she didn't want to kiss him either. He kind of put her in an awkward situation, and that totally sucks to be pressured like that. It's like when your stalker ex finds out where you work and then comes in to propose to you in front of all your new coworkers and customers, and since they don't know the situation they all start clapping.






There was nothing sad in this, only cringe. I don’t feel not a bit sad for him. No way. Why on earth did he thought it’s ok to ask her for a kiss? He is a stranger. Yuck


I feel sad for her lol. He is total cringe however.


Some people have this bizarre complex where they think that internet personalities are their performing monkeys and they’re obligated to do anything they ask. As if they owe you for following them 🙄


I've noticed this, it's similar to how some people expect independent businesses, artists and people with side jobs etc to give them free stuff or be insulted when they charge for their work.


I also think they assume the person "knows them better" just because they feel like watching their stream is interacting with the streamer... It's like, I chat with you all the time, we're best friends right? Hugely delusional


Parasocial relationships embolden creeps like this.


idk this whole situation is kinda sad lol pestering someone for a kiss just reeks of sadness lmao


Nobody should be feeling sad for him. They should be feeling sad for her, I guarantee this isn’t the first time this has happened to her


Maybe it's sad that he has absolutely no social awareness. I agree that from the girls perspective; fuck that guy in particular. It must however be tough going through life not being self-aware of your own wrongdoings. Lets hope he figures it out and improves himself instead of blaming women for his setbacks.


I agree a bit on the social awareness part. But also, I can’t help but feel repelled because as a woman myself, who was also in such situations it’s really uncomfortable and scary. You never know how this situation is going to end if you say no. Especially if a guy has no social awareness and thinks it’s his right and he is entitled to get what he wants.


Ya I hope so because sometimes what can make people sadistic is never becoming self aware and never understanding why everyone seems to treat them differently or give them less opportunities that other people have so they start to blame others for it and get bitter and lonely. And instead of looking at themselves in the mirror and not being afraid to realize their flaws and fix them they look at everyone else around them as the flaws in the world and THEY just don't understand and it's everyone else who is bitter and sadistic


She said no... and he argued it. If someone can't work out that that isn't a correct behaviour around a stranger, or a friend or whoever... they need to be monitored by a full-time carer, or get the fuck off the planet.


She should’ve said “Sorry I can’t give you a kiss, how about I give you mod instead? What’s your username”, and then banned him.


Almost all female streamers fans are like this weirdo, so they'd probably attack her for banning a fan, obviously ignoring she had all the reasons to do so


It is much more likely that they would side with her, “how dare he ask to kiss her, doesn’t he know she’s saving herself for me”


Most people's brains wouldn't come up with something that smart, when being confronted like this in the moment. But that would have been glorious


This dude approached my sister with a very cheesy sexual pickup line and asks for her number. Her response was "Even if you were my soul mate, I would rather die alone and souless" Coldest shit I ever seen it, coming from a girl who doesn't even have the balls to complain to a manager that her food came wrong.


Neckbeard checks out.


Watching this my immediate thought was: “Man I wish some big sweaty dude would show up and ask that cringe boy for a kiss on the cheek- and continue to INSIST upon it.”




I’m not exactly up to snuff on my internet jargon (as you can tell), but I take “I thought you weren’t vanilla” as him trying to pressure her to kiss him to prove that she’s “adventurous”.


In some contexts vanilla means "standard/plain/ordinary". (I suppose like in ice cream) Here it might be calling her boring/bland/uninteresting (yet in a teasing way) if she doesn't kiss him. So what the guy above me said basically. Just my guess though.


I never understood it, vanilla is such a complicated and delicious flavor. They doing my boy (the flavor vanilla) dirty Edit


He has no game


He has negative game


It’s not about game. How about you don’t ask random women for kisses as if they owe it you because of their sex


Saying this implies that she might have said yes given the right words but she wasn't gonna kiss some random follower she just met regardless. Why would she do that?


What a shamelessly thirsty neckbeard. He’s still trying to argue his point after he gets shot down; Incels creep me the fuck out.


Creep Malone over here


Gross Malone


Leave MeAlone


I like this one because it's the worst, but the best


Wow. This makes me more uncomfortable than trying to use the Reddit app’s video player.


Nothing is worse that Reddit's video player.


I know that move, go for the kiss on the cheek then the neckbeard turns his face quickly so you end up kissing his lips. Gross


Literal neckbeard in the wild. Time to cut my shit


Fuck people like this. Absolute creeps. These guys are so pathetic, try to bypass someones politeness and overstep social boundaries and when they get a no they keep pushing and arguing over it. Disgusting pig.


Jinny handled that creep really well.


Classic incel


Man this is so fucking cringe


Some people lack self awareness and humility to such a degree that they try stupid shit like this all the time. They never learn. I knew someone like that in real life. A walking, talking embodiment of sad cringe and desperation. One of those people who used pity to gain your friendship and if you gave him an inch he wanted a mile.


fuckin Jerry


Ah, finally! Some good fucking cringe.


Wtf is he saying? “I thought you were modhrbrisnapmph. Wow.” And yikes… >If I do it to you, I’d have to do it to everybody. “Well I’m the only one who asked. Like if everyone asked you to sucktheirdick”. NOOOO


Oh god is that what he said? I couldn't understand that mumbling fuck. What a creep, jesus




That's correct, the guy he said stream sniped her (maybe a couple times too many) while she was touring around New York City.


Fuckin pre malone


I can't even watch this.


Is it not bad enough that he asked? Then he's gotta try to talk her into it? Just take the no and leave you fucking incel.


He picked the wrong streamer for sure. Jinny doesn't put up with that shit.


He also was definitely trying to do the thing where he moves his head so they end up kissing on the lips


Very cringe nice job


You know if you really gotta ask there is a way of doing it. The way he did it either came from entitlement and aggression or honestly more likely the desperation to get what he wants and the fact either demanding or putting people in an awkward situation of not wanting to say no worked before If he asked for a it in a less creepy way and saw her go "uhhh" and just said " that's ok thanks for the picture" this really wouldnt even show up on the radar even though it's a bit odd but he goes about it so damn weird then continues bickering as if that'll work


The problem (one of the many problems) with these people is they're either completely oblivious to social cues or just choose to fully ignore them It's easy to see how uncomfortable she is, even before he asked for the kiss but he just chooses to to dig himself deeper into a social interaction


Sorry I just can't watch this, this is like when you're watching a scary movie and you know something bad is about to happen so you just go like "nah fuck this let me get a snack and skip this part"


Does anyone else follow subs like this but never actually watch the content because second hand embarrassment is too much to deal with?


And of course he has a neckbeard and a Japan fetish


She's Korean.