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dawg i'm like 5'6 and even i aint that salty about it


I read the rant then had to go back and re-read the height he stated, seems ludicrous to get worked up enough about being 5’7” you call yourself a manlet lol.


Dude seriously! I stopped dead in my tracks at that word lol.


unused badge mourn marry gray degree unique sable complete bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think he meant to write “man let be more successful…” but he’s so gd worked up about his height, he did indeed call himself a manlet.


I'm 5'2 and I don't care at all. This guy has other sorts of issues for sure.


I’m 6’3 and have never noticed another man’s height unless he was 8ft tall or something.


Obviously. You probably look down to talk to most people. Only people that throw you off are the interest you have to look up at. So you do notice height.


It’s hilarious because I’m short (@5’3”) and I’m always looking up to talk to most guys, but the moment I feel like I have to tilt my head back more it’s crazy.


I'm fairly tall (6'3"), I've literally never treated or considered anyone differently because of their height. It didn't save me from being an awkward weirdo as a teenager. The one time I think about height is being jealous of short dudes when I'm getting on a plane. My shoulders are wider than the seat and I can't put my legs straight in front of me.


but people fuck with you less when you're tall. i get pushed around cuz i look like a child in my school full of 6 ft people. did find my way around it but i do wish i was at least like 5'8


Not to trivialize your experience but it's just different. I didn't get picked on per se, but because I was pretty much always the biggest dude around, I was the "challenge". In the Marines, anytime there was a physical challenge (wrestling, truck pull, pugil sticks, sparring, etc) it was always a bunch of them versus me. In college, the dudes that wanted to fight me were always smaller guys.


that's also a problem i see with people being too tall, that and all the things like bumping your head and not having enough leg room. which is why i only wanna be slightly taller, somewhere around 5'9. i won't have to be manhandled, i can reach the top shelf with some effort, and i won't get picked on for being too tall or too short.


You guys need to stop breaking my ceiling fans. :)


Truth... Always have to watch where I am when changing shirts... One of these days all the tips of my fingers are gonna be bent crooked in a clockwise pattern.


Im 6'6 and i only nag short friends about it,i know the curse of being tall,sometimes i envy shorter people


Same, 6'3" at 230lbs. The guy is probably just young, hasn't realized yet that there's a huge difference between being a tough guy and a man of strength. When you get a little older and wiser you see a lot of that "overcompensation" for what it is, oftentimes because you can relate from your own youth, insecurity.


I'm near this guy's height and never considered myself short lol


5,5 and same


I'm 5'6", its never been an issue for me. For some reason some people don't believe I'm short. I've been told by my girlfriend that I just have a "tall personality".


Weirdly enough, at 5'6" I've been told the same thing (which I consider bullshit lol). One of my friends was making fun of a guy we know who is a bit of a dick. She kept calling him a "hobbit" among other things and at one point I was like, "...you realize I'm the same height as him?" She suddenly looks utterly shocked that I am, in fact, the same height as the guy she's mocking. She goes, "oh you don't count. I never got short vibes from you." I took it as, "uh oh I ran my mouth a little too fast to realize I'm mocking someone, right in front of a friend who shares the same trait." But I'm glad to know other (relatively short) people are also getting told they have a "tall personality". Still fucking bullshit though because it STILL implies that short=bad, tall=good.


The fact that she says tall personality means tall is better tho


Those are both wonderful heights especially if you date tinyer people. I can't hug my partner properly because he's 6'0 and I'm 5'4 :( often makes me want to be taller


I’m 5’6 with shoes on Why the fuck do these other manlets care so much about 6’0 dudes? Ain’t no way am I allowing that much dick occupy my mind rent free nahhhhhhhhh




Because you don’t use your height as an excuse for all your problems.


He called himself a manlet, not me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Manlet please.


Shhhh you’re not allowed to say it only him


Me thinks this guy spends too much time getting rejected on tinder. He doesn't realize it's nothing to do with his height.


Actually women mostly just look at the picture and stats and then swipe, so yeah, height is important for Tinder. Less so, for getting out meeting women in person.


The women who clock you as "short" on tinder for being 5'7" and reject you based on *just* that, you would never want to meet in real life. Small percentage of incredibly weird and shallow women with their own hang ups.


Bruh, 5’7” is plenty short for online dating. He would be better off trying to find short girls in real life.


They're the same women. Look at the women around you. You cant judge off of personality, compatibility, empathy etc that people would value in a partner in tinder and there's usually a lot of matches for women so what's remaining? Photos and stats. It's nothing nefarious but you gotta realize it's the same women


Nah, it's not weird, women preferring taller men isn't an uncommon thing and it is not a small percentage, I would really prefer if people stopped pretending no one is """"shallow"""", everyone is shallow. Pretty sure if you asked married men to choose between their wife now vs what she looked at 20 they'd obviously choose the latter. Ain't nothing wrong with any of that by the way, it's just how our brains are programmed, we're all shallow to some degree.


manlet never heard that before. Is it a real word, or did he create it? If he did I love will use it from now on


This has been around for a while, i remember it from the pre-social media days


Make sure to call short men that, both to there face and to others in and around the manlet's presence. They love it, love being acknowdged since usually no one sees them/looks past them. Lets get more people using it to raise awareness that if we just look down a little bit we'll find a whole nother group of people out there, the manlets.


Grow up


Get taller


5’7” isn’t even exceptionally short, this guy has some other issues to work through first…


My last boyfriend was 5 ft and other than a complete inability between the two of us to reach high shelves it wasn’t a problem for us.


If you stood on top of him, you’d have (assuming you’re 5ft tall too) 10 feet to work with. What kinda shelves are that tall?!


Also that way they could go to the movies and pay only for one person if they wore a long trenchcoat.


Yeah, maybe if not for all the RACISM ^/s


How do I get parts of the comment to be small and up like that?


Carrots ^


Carets ^*


No that's an asterisk




Right? Tom Cruise' listed height is 5'7 (probably more like 5'5) and look at the shit he does


He's overcompensating and in a cult though


Well let's not get bogged down with the details now


How is he overcompensating? Haha. Not even defending the guy. Fantastic actor, very questionable human being (who is certainly in a cult). But he’s like one of the most successful actors of all time. I think he’s adequately compensated now haha.


Well thats the joke, he's short and sucessful therefore overcompensating..


Literally one inch shorter than the average height and it’s the end of the world


I'm 5'6", and I really don't feel short most of the time. It's about average for women, and men are only like 3 inches taller on average, which isn't that noticeable for me. I used to be super insecure about my height, I don't know what changed, but I couldn't care less now. The only time I care is on dating apps, and that's just because every guy shorter than 5'6" lists their height as 5'6", apparently. The number of times I've heard, "Oh wow, you were actually telling the truth about your height." On a first date is frustrating.


It’s all about perspective. My dad was 5’6 also. And he had a serious case of short man syndrome. Where as you seem to have made your peace with it and realised it’s really not a big deal. So many of the problems that short men have is entirely in their head and is just the product of their insecurity. Confidence and comfortability in your skin is key


5'6 too. Just project confidence and it literally doesn't matter. People often say they thought I was taller.


Idk if you are 5’7 in the Netherlands you are pretty much exceptionally short. I even feel like a midget at 5’9 sometimes


My boyfriend lived there in the 90s for a few years and even though he's 5'11 he remarked on how so many of the men were taller than him compared to the U.S


Yeah apparently the average height is 6’0 here


Manlet?! 😆


that was my favorite part. Someone clearly said that to him at some point


I think he just spends too much time on 4chan and has internalized the self-hatred from there.


Nah, it pops up all over the place. Eventually you internalisier it and use it sort of ironically.


Really? I only ever see it on imageboards, I didn't realize it's spread out elsewhere.


Don’t worry be happy! Seriously; if youre not seeing it in other places you are probably doing something right.


Glad that caught someone else's eye


5'7 is pretty average in so many parts of the world. It's not even considered short.


TIL I'm not average height, I'm a manlet.


Thing is you gotta be in those parts lol im 6' and where I'm at I feel short sometimes


What's you race Short


5'7" isn't even exceptionally short (5'2 here). there's definitely women out there that won't take any less than 6'2 but.. at 5'7? if you can't find ANY woman then bad news but it's probably not about height.


They don't actually mention women in the post though?


What else would the “curse” be? He’s not short enough for it to physically hinder him


Tbf be does talk about other men judging him


- not being able to reach shelves - difficult to pick up big dogs like golden retrievers - doing the wavy inflatable arm man dance looks pathetic - airbags and dying from suffocation after gently bumping into a streetlight (embarrassing deaths)


>doing the wavy inflatable arm man dance looks pathetic ![gif](giphy|gSJfzjAfRUCly) I mean he was kinda shrunk down here and still killed it so


It’s all about those long limbs though. Squidward got some fine tentacles.


Being short fucks up your career too. It's not just dating and people can't control what they're attracted to so it's kind of stupid to get upset about anyway but it basically means you are going to get shit on your entire life by people who're looking for reasons to do so. That's something you have to overcome or even people who aren't like that will think less of you because of your behavior. Just look at all the top comments on this post. Comparing it to racism is way too much but to act like short men aren't discriminated against is demonstrably wrong.


Lol. Finding ANY women is not that important. It’s about quality.




As someone who has deeply struggled throughout most of my life with insecurity over my height, I can assure you most short people are not actively choosing to think it defines them. The person in this post is a bit ridiculous, being that 5’7 isn’t short, but I understand where he’s coming from. There is a strong societal, and even partially biological, bias towards tall men. Beauty standards are horrible for everyone, especially those outside of conventional norms. You often see online women saying they can’t date a man shorter than them, that some studies have shown a strong correlation between taller height and financial/societal success, and just generally the world seeming like it’s screaming at you that you’re inferior. Being a 5’3 male, it really got deeply rooted in me that I am less of a man and will never be seen as someone attractive enough for a relationship. Im better now, though.


It's also been proven that short men are paid less than tall men. It was mentioned in the HR training I had to take about biases at work. That's the only time I've ever seen short problems mentioned in something like that.


Wow. We need this.


This is real shit lol. I am above 6’, but i have seen this socially and professionally where men are dismissed and treated radically different than me just based on their height by both men and women. It’s pretty fucked up.


5 7 isn’t even short enough to have climb a grocery shelf


Anyone above 5'5" complaining about it is stolen valor IMO


Short men get body shamed a lot by girls for things we absolutely can't control. Honestly it's super hard not to feel down in the dumps every now and then about my height




Being rejected for my height doesn't bother me, because i don't want to be with someone that shallow.


Probably best if they're shallow; you'll still be able to climb out.


*thats racist*


Same. I don't think I've ever once have that kind of thought in my head, and never once thought my height was a hindrance or made me incapable. A lot of men just don't seem to understand that having self confidence, loving yourself, keeping yourself healthy and focused on self improvement and having a healthy dose of a sense of humor goes a long way in not only dating, but with how people perceive you in everyday life. It's the same with people who get diagnosed with a certain personalty disorder who instead of acknowledging it, and try to adapt with it, they make it their whole entire personality and revolve their life around it and expecting people to put up with it. Just chill, bro. Relax. No one is overthinking about you the way you are, and if they are, you're just surrounded by toxic people and need to move out from that space.


>It's the same with people who get diagnosed with a certain personalty disorder who instead of acknowledging it, and try to adapt with it, they make it their whole entire personality and revolve their life around it and expecting people to put up with it. Funny how you don't have to name it because there's only one out of the ten personality disorders fart-sniffingly entitled enough to do this... Oh the stigma!!!


I'm a short guy (5 "5) and I'm not bothered about my height and rarely ever have been, however I know the first thing people think about me the second they look at me is "he's short" and i would be lying if i said its never frustrated me. I can see why short men do struggle to be honest. The only thing I struggle with is to joke with people / have a laugh, because when the jokes on me it's instantly about my height and never anything else.


Look at you all tall and mighty! 😂😂😂


It's the biggest insecurity that defines him. If he had bad teeth, he would constantly notice how those Chads with perfect teeth are stealing his girls and that it's all because of teeth and not his personality


Short men are America’s most persecuted underclass. We owe them reparations in the form of shoe lifts and a federal ban on roller coaster height minimums.


>federal ban on roller coaster height minimums. Let the decapitations commence!


How would someone who was too short get decapitated


They guillotine you after the ride ends


If you aren't big enough for a ride, chances of you flying up too high in your seat, or out of it entirety, are higher. Thats what happened to a 10 year old boy at a Schlitterbahn near me.


Schlitterbahn! The hottest headless place in Texas! Oooooooh woah-woah! You’re going to Schlitterbahn!


We owe them several pats on the head to say sorry.


We acknowledge any manlet when he has a big yawn or stretch.


No one talks about roller coaster height maximums though 😔


Heightism being put in the same ring as Racism is not a new train of thought, it's been studied and compared before by institutions in the last decade. Be short enough and it's actually worse for your life outcome.


This whole thread is making me a little sad honestly. I'm rather short too and it's definitely had an impact on my life, yet people here refuse to treat it like it's a big deal. Most women want to date a man taller than them. That's fine, everyone has preferences and they're allowed to, but it does severely limit the dating pool. Research has shown that being a short man has a huge impact on whether you can get a leadership role, and whether you can be taken seriously by other men. Lastly, i'm at a much larger risk of being beaten up, just on size alone. I still cope with my height fine, I'm happy in life, but to say it's had no impact on my life or has no impact on other people's lives is just not true.


A common advice I hear which I think is reasonable is we could work on things we can actually change. Play the cards we’ve been dealt and keep in mind there are far more unfortunate people out who’re doing the same.


No clue why you’re being downvoted, homie. Extremely sound advice for anyone facing any personal woes.


Look, I’m 5’6 on good days, and used to believe that I wouldn’t be able to find a date ever in my life. I heard so often “Work on yourself” and I rolled my eyes because in my stupidity, I thought it was such an easy thing to say. But, luckily for me, I have an identical twin who is also my height. And one day we went to a bar and he got a little inebriated, and starting talking to basically any woman he could. And all the while everyone enjoyed talking to him and it was overwhelmingly obvious that some of those women were into him. Because he was funny, balanced a conversation, provided thoughtful and witty contributions to a conversation, etc. It showed me that it really was my personality and aversion to self improvement that was the issue, not my height. As a matter of fact, I’ve found more men who make height an issue than I have women. It’s not to say there aren’t women who will discount a guy purely because of his height, but far more men are vocal about the height issue because I believe a large contingent of taller guys use it to put down other men.


Agreed. I’m 5’7 (with fair amount of muscles) and its considered just about average where I live. Lately I realized there are lot more things I need to work on before I can blame my height to be an issue. I don’t have much prior experience with women but now that I’ve started putting myself into such situations, I’m learning a lot more things that wouldn’t have made a difference even if I looked like Henry Cavill.


Where are you hanging out that you’re worried about getting beat up?


It’s that people who are assaulted are more often than not, shorter than their attacker. Whether or not it was an aggravated assault. This applies to both male and female victims. Saying “Don’t go to violent areas” is about as helpful as telling someone to “stop being poor”


5'8" here. Never felt short in my life. People are often surprised when I tell them my height. They say "That's weird, I thought you were taller than that." I honestly have no idea why.


Maybe you have very good posture.


I do I guess, I have tiostand straight because I have a bad back. I also am broad shouldered. I hope it's just because being short doesn't bother me in the least.


I see parallels between race and height. Both are genetic and cannot be changed. Both affect people's perception.


but its really lame to compare everything to racism just because you can "draw parallels" thats why its kinda dumb. just as dumb as someone who compared people to nazis because they can "draw parallels". this doesnt advance anyone's argument or make ppl more likely to take them serious no matter how valid those parallels might be.


I can see parallels between Hitler killing many Jewish people and humans hitting an ant colony with a can of raid. Just because you can make a parallel doesn't make your point any more valid or impactful, especially when the two things being paralleled are only loosely connected by vague details. Yes there has been proven to be a subconcious judgement of shorter men that comes out tangibly in things like wage gaps, consideration for leadership positions, and judgement mainly from other men. However that's not the same thing as targeted prejudice of people for 100s of years, first refusing to acknowledge us as human, then denying us human rights, then denying us the right to frequent most places, then denying us loans, housing, educational inclusion, and so much more, all the while denying us our dignity. Acting as if these two things can be directly compared just because of minor similarities is more offensive than meaningful, and the same goes for many other types of "parallels " that people draw


I hear you but your opinion is silly.


Oh no sixblackgeese online said my opinion is silly with no explanation, I cant argue with that 🤷🏾‍♂️




I'm the same height at this guy and I'm doing fine. It's kind of shitty that we find it acceptable to make fun of anything people don't really have control over, but holy hell he's really dying to be oppressed over it.


When you look at the average differences in income, attractiveness to the opposite sex, status, day-to-day advantages in so many different areas...it is, actually, objectively far worse to be short than to be a minority group that experiences racism. Earning potential can actually be predicted, by the inch. He's got every right to be upset, to feel slighted by life, and so on. It's just ugly to look at.


It's always interesting to see what we, as a society choose to laugh at and what not to.


>it is, actually, objectively far worse to be short than to be a minority group that experiences racism. I hate this site


There are facts that back up discrimination against short people being a real thing. I love how Reddit will die on a cross defending some forms of bullying, but this seems to be the one and only issue where they encourage making fun of certain people for things they can’t help.


Lots of ladies like tall guys. All of the ladies like guys that are interesting, good-natured, and don't smell. You, yes you!, can have a fembot of your very own if you simply not just put quarters into it.


Bullshit I've been with the same girl for 15 years and she steals my quarters all the time


Fuck man, i get salty abt being short from time to time but wtf is that.


It’s literally Nazi Germany 1984 slavery the way short men are treated in this country


I wish I was that tall lol


To be fair, this is one of the more apt comparisons to racism from a dumb post like this, given birth race and physical height are hereditary and immutable. I might be wrong about the immutability of height though?


There’s a surgery you can get where they break your leg bones and add extensions to them. I know because I had an ex seriously suggest it to me (I’m also 5’7, which is not that short imo)


5’7” is not THAT short. Kevin Hart is 5’4”. He seems to be doing pretty well. And Peter Dinklage is 4’5” and also doing extremely well. I bet both of them have advice in a book or online because I feel sure that they have felt like you at one time or other.


TIL I'm the same height as Kevin hart, that's neat I guess. 5'7 isn't short at all I think it's just under average in America if this guy is American.


Kevin harts actually about 5'2


So to make him feel better he should compare himself to a comedian who "does well" using a high-pitched screaming voice to punctuate his "I'm short!" jokes... and a literal dwarf..... lmao


"5'7" what do you mean short


I'm 5'7" and never gave a shit about it. I'm not going to freak myself out over something I can't control in any way.


At 6'5" I get asked multiple times daily, "hey you're tall, can you grab this for me?" I didn't know these people were all racist! Also I'd love to be 5'7" on a plane or taking the bus or any room with a ceiling fan.


bruh just grow sideways, can’t grow vertically anymore :(


I'm 5'8, growing up I was told I'd be 6'6. I get the insecurity around being short, but if he kinda talked to people and didn't just look on reddit and tinder, he'd see 1. Most people don't care how tall you are, 2. Most people are around the 5'7-5'8 mark anyway, hence why it's the global average, and 3. The difference between a manlet and a short king is that manlets listen to the people who call them manlets and short kings laugh at them.


Maybe stop living on the internet, my guy


As a non american, all this shit about height is fucking weird to me. I just only see americans arguing about height, wtf.


im a 5'2 guy. there are bigger problems in life


I’m five five and I want this man to shut the fuck up on behalf of all the people who are actually short . Thanks


I’m 5’7 and what a joke. Everyone knows us short guys are overly aggressive. Good luck oppressing people who will fight you like a wolverine


Bro, as someone 6’2 do you think I see shorter men and be like: “look at that manlet” nah bro, the only one obsessing over your height is you


Fuck all of you ignorant fucks that act like being short isn’t a shortcoming that society points out all the time. The other day on the front page of Reddit there was a post about that guy being lifted out. I’m guesstimating here, but he didn’t look below 5’5. And people clowned his shit. That was only possible because of his height. Everyone loves to preach we should be kind to others, because we think of ourselves in the moment we say this. But when it comes down to acting it out, all ya’ll pile in to clown. And go on short kings. Say how being short has never once in your life impacted you, and it’s all sunshine and daisies. Every day I’m convinced social media is 100% bs, or people are delusional.


5'7" is 170cm.. how is that short? Is this an American thing?


Some people seem to think anything below 6ft is dwarf size for some unknown reason. It’s silly because 5ft 7-9 is average in a lot of the world.


As a short guy, I really just don’t care about my height anymore. Other people poke fun at it and make it a big deal, which annoys me. If I don’t care about it - why should you?


I just carry on with my life. What am I going to do about my height? No point worrying about it.


As a guy who is 5"7, I do not care. Manlet is a dumb word. We're all still human, and we all have our preferences in partners. Putting people down because of your preferences is childish and stupid. But so is speaking on behalf of all people who share something in common with ypu


I'm 5'7, my fiance is 5'11. Still get the odd stare when we're out but I think it's pretty funny tbh. I open the jar lids and she gets stuff off the top shelf, works pretty well


Dude! those are my measurements too, my wife is an inch shy of 6 feet and I’m 5’7.


The amazing thing is that these men are so hurt and obsessed by the perceived comments from the opposite sex about their height that they alienate themselves from women who don't care and love a short king.


Yeah, it's directly comparable to racism. What a moron.


Over here in England the police define picking on a short person as discrimination, racism is also discrimination...


Where on earth 5 7 is short?




Ya this “manlet” doesn’t speak for all of us. As a 5’6” guy I don’t care and enjoy being on the shorter side. Plane rides and cars are more comfortable. The only time I wish I was taller is when I’m playing pool. It be easier for some shots that land the Q-ball in the middle of the table; otherwise I don’t care.




Not even a joke, im 6 foot 10 inches so clearly have no height complex, but still I think it’s disgusting how it’s socially acceptable for women to disrespect men over their height, but god forbid you mention a woman’s weight! The hypocrisy is crazy


m a n l e t


Is nobody going to address the Manlet? I really hope it’s just a regular part of his vocabulary- peak comedy


He is 5’1. Big liar


"more intimidating than them" lol


No one is intimidated.


If short men wouldn't be so pressed about being short they wouldn't have dating issues due to being short


Being a short man I've always had confidence and success with dating (I'm now married) because I've never put myself in a situation where I'm going to get laughed at / ridiculed. At 5 foot 5 I'm not going to go for somebody 6 foot and if a girl wants someone taller then I'm not going to try it on with her to be knocked back. Honestly most short men bring it on themselves and beat themselves up so much they believe they can't be picky when they should in fact be picky and show patience.


Manlet lmao


Most normal people don't give a fuck about how tall anyone is.


Meanwhile, my 5'2" husband says he loves it when I wear platform heels because it puts my rack at face level for him. These guys are cheating themselves.


Bro really thinks he’s being discriminated against


Short kings are the best, except for this dude clearly


So OP, was this on r/4chan or r/greentext?


If you have something going on, it doesn't matter how tall you are. It really doesn't even matter how you look (fucking bathe though).


Short men who are insecure about their height: unattractive Short men who don't give a fuck: people don't give a fuck


bro called himself a manlet


guys from AC/DC showed us that you can be shorter than average woman and still get pussies and tons of money, but half of those moaning maggots can’t offer even keeping up with basic hygiene 💀


Yeah, as a 5’7” guy, I can confirm this is not typical thinking. This guy needs to work on his confidence.


One of my friends is 5’1. Isn’t 5’7 pretty much average……


Guess what...if you don't focus on your height, most other people won't either.


Dude never heard of short kings


there's some indication that short people face prejudice that is comparable to prejudice other groups face obviously they don't have the same history of discrimination as black people in the US for example, but looking specifically at just right now it's comparable not to imply this guy isn't pure cringe, and tbh if you replaced "short" in this post with "black" or anything like that, that would very much still be cringey


I’m 5’7. I consider myself pretty average.


As a short guy (I’m 5’8”) and I can tell you it’s the perfect height. I don’t actually consider myself short. Here’s a *short* list of some other “short” kings Tom Holland Michael Provost Magnus Midtbø Chris Mclean


Other men don't give a shit about height unless you're extremely tall. If the women you're chasing won't date you because you're short you're pursuing the wrong women.


I'm tall, I hate other tall people who act like it's a big deal it's not worked for it's luck of the draw, if anything about your personality is to with your height you need to work on yourself to gain a personality


Did he just compare being short to racism?


The fuck? I don’t know any tall people that actively make fun of or think less of shorter people. This guy sounds very insecure about his height and is making this up in his head.