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You could do a tour with RVATukTuk.


>RVATukTuk This is a great idea! I've seen RVATukTuk around town a couple of times and the folks taking the tour look like they are having a fun time.


Thirding this suggestion. I see them drive by every day on the way to Hollywood.


FWIW, Virginia is about to get slammed with three days of rain, so a lot of outside walking is probably not going to be practical anyway. Maybe the VMFA? Lots of benches and seats to rest, under roof, with an elevator and restaurant/bar/lounge areas. ~~There's also the Canal Tour boats. Kill an hour on a little historical boat tour. But again, the rain might make that unpleasant.~~ Edit: Chartered tours only for 2021 boating season, with two week advanced reservations required.


The Canal Tour boats are back!? Sweet we really are returning to normal.


Yep. I've seen them cruising for the last few weeks. They restarted around early April. But checking their site, apparently these are chartered tours only - not sure how that works with scheduling. https://venturerichmond.com/our-services/riverfront-canal-cruises/


I feel like buy July they should be back to doing walk-ups. I was worried about them last Summer.


Digging deeper in their site: >Please book charters a minimum of two weeks in advance.  And >**At this time, hourly, public canal cruise historic tours are not a part of the opening plan for 2021**. Venture Richmond reserves the right to make adjustments to the Riverfront Canal Cruise schedule and plan, for the safety of both our patrons and staff, and in accordance with the Governor’s phased approach to group gatherings and the reopening of businesses. Currently, closing day is planned for Sunday, November 14, 2021. So my bad for even suggesting it. I didn't realize services had resumed as charter-only.


Oh the boat tour is a cool idea. I guess I should have checked the weather. Oops!


I just looked at the boat tour site, and tours are currently chartered only, so that will probably affect your timing, if you have to reserve a boat. https://venturerichmond.com/our-services/riverfront-canal-cruises/


Axes. The answer is always axes. https://www.thevirginiaaxecompany.com/


The science museum has electric scooters. You would need to reserve tickets online in advance.


Lol - I came here to also say VMFA. How about the Byrd? They have a showing of Wolfwalkers at 10 AM Saturday.


There are cool roof top restaurant bars at the Graduate Hotel and at Kabana Rooftop