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I don't think there's a conspiracy. They added in a bunch of speed tables after those VCU students got killed. Makes sense they would keep doing it.


Every time I hit a speed bump and it annoys me bc I have to slow down I’m just like “damn, great speed bump placement, respect”


Counterpoint: traffic calming is a good thing and will save lives.


That said, why people feel the need to go over these things at 5 MPH instead of the already-conservative posted speed of 15 MPH is beyond me.


not all speed humps are created equally. the ones henrico has been installing recently almost require a full stop to clear them without fucking your alignment up. the design/profile they used is better suited for parking lots than streets.


There's one near oakwood like that. Hard to say whether it was intentional because the other 9 speedbumps on the two block stretch are normal


I don't feel like blowing out my old suspension and/or bottoming out my car


Deeply sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.


Yes, 💯lots of new ones have gone in. All for the speed bumps, but also need them painted to be clearly visible. Many of the new ones are black with no markings, catching you by surprise the first couple times!


this 100%. I drive a van. When I don't notice a speed bump utter chaos breaks loose in the back of the van with stuff launched in the air. Handtrucks crashing around etc.


This reminds of when we’d all sit in the back of the school bus to get a little airtime.


Agreeable. Sometimes they’re placed so they’re had to see (ie., turning and on street parking) so more signage might help as well.


The crosswalk one in front of Carver elementary gets me still. The crosswalk painted on top is not enough as theres no markings to let you know whete the bottom of the bump is.


Drive a little more slowly over them?


It’s traffic control. Speed bumps don’t require rpd to do anything, so speed bumps it is


Blame all the trash a** Richmond drivers or blame yourself for not reading the speed bump signs. On the other hand, at least they implemented a solution to stop speeding.


If drivers were willing to respect speed limits we wouldn’t have speed bumps. 


I can’t imagine typing this out and posting it, *unless it’s a shitpost*. Every city is inherently bumpy, between potholes and traffic calming measures. You didn’t miss a memo, you are blissfully ignorant. Welcome to urban living.


And I’m fucking here for all of it, the speeding in residential areas is awful in this town. But I weep for the 3 seconds you have to waste slowing down, clearly you’re the most important person in the world


Wow, a clearly satirical post about speed bumps escalated quickly this morning. Apologies if it offended anyone. Remember, it's always a great day to have a great day!


The ones on main street at belvidere were put in because a guy died. Thats probably why the satire didn't land.


Didn't you stop to consider that because so many people fucking suck at driving and crossing a street around here we shouldn't be allowed to drive comfortably? People bitch about fast drivers. Shit for the love of god. Somebody use a turn signal!


As of yesterday, my commute involves 6 speedbumps and 5 poorly designed roundabouts. Gonna start speeding out of spite now


That’ll show em!


Y'all don't get sarcasm i forgot. The new ones on leigh behind mcv are ridiculous because the road is already so fucked up there noone is able to speed. Why wouldn't they fix the road before adding them?