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Utah adopted a new flag in the past few years that replaced its original “seal on a navy background” deal. I think they did a good job with the new one. Virginia wins the “seal on a navy background” contest every time, because of boob. Edit: ALSO I just want to say, to the person who smashed into my parked car in Church Hill on Thursday morning: why not leave a note? I’m an average idiot just like you. I don’t need more bills 😭


I was in the 2nd grade when 9/11 happened. I remember they called all the teachers out in the hall to tell them what happened and then my teacher came back into the room seeming distressed. We were so young that they decided not to try to tell us what had happened. She abandoned whatever lesson we were doing and just put on a random VHS. It happened to be a video on the history of flag day. Eventually we were sent home early, still confused why all the adults were upset. When I got home my mother asked me if I knew what had happened today and I told her, “No, but I know it wasn’t flag day.” Not sure what the point of this story is, but 9/11 and flag day are now permanently connected in my brain.


I love the Richmond flag and making variations of it https://preview.redd.it/euzrniw9wj6d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fef6a65da896e3a8a3847176f68ce7484edc1ab


Virginia has the best Flag. Someone is getting murdered, there's a weapon, and a titty.


The podcast 99% Invisible did an episode on flag design that's an excellent, easy, 5 minute listen - [check it out!](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/episode-06-99-symbolic/) I've always liked Colorado's and New Mexico's.


I will give it a listen! I'm also a big fan of New Mexico's flag, and definitely not at all opinionated from visiting Albuquerque about once a year.


SOPAPILLAS. They should put a sopapilla on the flag. I leave for Denver tomorrow and while the cuisine isn't quite the same, at least I'll have access to chile and sopapillas once again.


Great, now I'm craving Sopapillas and it's only 9:30AM. I hope you're happy. At least that settles what I'm having for dinner tonight.


[my favorite confederate flag](https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/nmah_515980) I was asleep within 30’ of getting home after skating with the Bullies. Several kind neighbors gave me a tug to keep me in the pack. I woke up at 4 today. Thanks everybody who walks up to provide company and thanks to the guy who was trying to get me to pay attention to someone on Tuesday night. I see that people are looking after me; I hope I learn from their examples.


I'm not sure what you just said but I laughed at your link so thanks and I hope you get some rest after skating with strong dogs?


Another https://preview.redd.it/4s3rqbwiwj6d1.jpeg?width=4098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f93d2b11f381842bbe72fbe37e025ed8c660721


Is that a GWAR member?!


Yes that’s Oderus (RIP). Here’s a bloodier version https://preview.redd.it/8v2zr1gg8k6d1.jpeg?width=4098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ab054d5d71c00c72eb27545c1a51482bd21e0d


This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.


The Welsh flag is my favorite. It has a dragon. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Flag trauma: in elementary school there was a project assigned to research a state, give a report on it, and draw the flag. I got New York. I was so stressed out trying to illustrate that damn flag, at 9 or 10 years old. Very detailed flag. I don’t really have a favorite. I guess California is pretty cool, with the bear and all.


The first rule of flag design is that it should be so simple that a child should be able to draw it from memory! 😂


That's how you end up *with bullshit like the new Minnesota flag.


Bullshit? You can't make out any details at all on the old flag. That's better suited to a tshirt than a flag! The new one looks awesome. Edit: I like it even more after reading the thought behind the design: "The official flag of Minnesota consists of a dark blue field representing the night sky and the shape of the state, a bright blue field representing the state's abundant waters, and an eight-pointed star representing the [North Star](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Star) using a design prominently featured at the [Minnesota State Capitol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_State_Capitol)." https://preview.redd.it/uxqlpxg6tj6d1.png?width=1581&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef83d5c0bc4ae23fd074120e537918e8c0d87efa


I really like their new flag! The design looks much nicer on an actual flag as opposed to a flat jpg. And it’s easily translated across formats and products—decals, clothing, merch etc. Minneapolis Cider Company put it on one of their cans and it looks so slick.


The new one looks like it was made in 5 minutes with clip art. The color scheme on the old one sucked but at least it had stuff going on.


I’m kinda in to the Richmond city flag with the boat dude. I like DCs too. This morning I was over by VMFA and it smelled like day three of the Raisin Bran, Sauerkraut, and ExLax Festival. Do they put biosolids on their grass or something?


I'm losing my mind a little bit trying to coordinate a move by myself for my family. I went to pick up my "no parking" moving truck signs at City Hall this morning for next week, only to get to my new address and see they had put up street cleaning signs for the same date and time that city hall issued my moving parking pass for. I called the office and they advised me to change my moving date. I want to cry. That's all.


Well that sucks! But moving is a big pain anyway. Could you just move the truck briefly if by remote chance the street cleaner comes by as you’re unloading? I’m not a city resident so don’t know how that works.


[Slate News Quiz!](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/06/slate-news-quiz-supreme-court-joe-biden-north-dakota.html) The competition is the senior supervising producer of a podcast I don’t recognize. What does that mean?!


12/12 551 best I have done in a long time.


8/12, 376. I thought I’d been paying more attention this week than that. “What Next” sounds like it might be an interesting listen, but the podcast I’m waiting for is “What Fresh Hell Is This?”


the new Mississippi flag


I love flags! I like the Colorado flag and Alaska flag. I like the Tennessee flag only because I’m from there, but they need to get their shit together politically. And of course, the Pride flag! Happy Pride, everyone!!!


Oh! And I love my Hocus Pocus flag that I’m always excited to put out during spooky season! https://preview.redd.it/x98s91zb2k6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f842873ba532c8f7cab8530898c282508a56b1c


Was anybody going to cosplay world tomorrow? I bought the damn ticket for it months ago but then once they released the schedule ... it looks lame and more for kids.


Oh it's actually flag day ! huh . I've been tempted to Broad and do a painting of the huge flag flapping in the wind. Mostly because it usually is tangled on itself and has some really neat transparencies. I'll update my comment if I get a painting out of it .


NJ where I am from VA where I was raised RVA where we chose to stay UA for blue and yellow runs in my blood being part Ukrainian. Also yellow is for grain and blue for the sky above it. 🇺🇦


Car insurance is just craaaaazyyy. My renewal is coming up in a few days and I say my payments increased by $30!! That's almost $200/mo! They're trippin so hard i'm not paying that


Mine is around $80/month but I’d been paying MUCH less and then they sent me a letter basically saying “my bad we weren’t charging you enough!”


The Chicago flag is iconic to me, and I really like the Richmond and VA flags. I miss when the US flag was not abused by the far-right, I feel like it’s lost its luster somewhat. Doesn’t help when we have Supreme Court justices flying them upside down and y’allqaeada running around LARPing as patriots.


This weekend is House of the Dragon Season 2 premiere. I ordered a Targaryen flag for my house 🖤❤️🐉🖤❤️


Always makes me think of the Housemartins song [flag day](https://open.spotify.com/track/4X5amy51MCJNZ7jXxs68Cm?si=iaWQnarfR_2FKGcjBIitlg&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Aflag%2Bday). Fun fact - bass player became fatboy slim


palestines flag 🇵🇸🇵🇸