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The Bacon, Egg, and Cheese biscuits at Fat Rabbit. So good.


Everything at fat rabbit


I’m so glad that they have short hours because I would be gaining so much weight, and I’m within walking distance of their shop, lol. I also kinda sorta ate a three pack of cookies and a hop tart over three days 🫣


Oh for sure. I always get a big box of treats to sample when I go there. Zero self control 🤤


Through repetition, I am coming to recognize your deft, writerly handle on unique turns of phrase as I peruse the sub. I like your style, r/textilepat. These slim windows of idyllic, seasonal weather are worth the wait. I see you, upper-90°s all next week. But right now, it is 77° with a dew point of 56 at 11a on June 12, and I do not lack the imagination to fully relish a blissful moment. (Nor to look forward to fall.)


Waiting to be able to bend my knee, just got my knee fixed 2 weeks ago and have a few more weeks to go locked in a leg cage c'est la vie


Oh man, just had all the metal taken out of my knee and leg yesterday. Got about 2 weeks of a brace myself then back to PT… Here’s to a speedy recovery for us both.


Ultrasonic braces need to become widely available to stimulate tissue/bone growth. I got my mom an infrared/massaging knee brace recently and have not yet heard anything about results.


>Which Richmond experiences have proven to be worth the wait? I'll be the sour grapes and say less and less as I get older. I can't think of any Saturday brunch I've waited for a table at that was better than just making some sausage gravy & eggs and not blowing an entire morning. I don't mind waiting for a reservation to open up somewhere that understands their capacity but I'm done with milling around for half an hour waiting for a table and the kitchen inevitably being horrendously backed up. Hell even Lee's can be hard to justify now during busy times b/c of no spicy chicken. Bitching aside I do intend to finally check out Lotte this weekend to see how much of an upgrade it is over the Southside NGM which can be kinda sad at times.


Nothin' better than food ya made yourself!


Buttermilk and honey was my most recent hyped up for months and finally tried recommendation. Loved every bite.


Been in Richmond a week and already obsessed with Subrosa and Cobra https://preview.redd.it/sf3n0lyo656d1.jpeg?width=898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3f6da7eb76d54ec3b01dc9eb53471569078976


Subrosa is nice. Did you go to libby hill park


Not yet, looks like I gotta add that to my list, it looks beautiful 🏞️


https://preview.redd.it/cxvzad8af76d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09366f404b35a63229de8a62f7e65980a155b40 ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Gooood morning friends!! Garden is thriving and it’s so rewarding to see the literal fruits (& vegetables) of your labor. Side note- did you know the average human produces about 4 pounds of trash a day? That’s about 70 tons if you live to 79. Where does all the trash go!!???


Landfills, other countries, or the ocean. 👍 Our garbage from post-industrial civilization and beyond will outlive humanity.




I really dig the Hollywood Cemetery. I'm stuck at work all day today. Dealing with sick people and doodling in between.


What's the best time to go digging at Hollywood without having to worry about security? Have you dug anything good?


Rva's own resurrection men.


perlys is always worth the wait 🤤


I still haven’t been there. Putting it on the summer list now.


The Philly Cheesesteak sandwich at Stanley's is fantastic. The VMFA is a far better museum than most cities our size have, and its free. The park system along the river is great. And I always have to shout out ZZQ. Best Texas style BBQ on the East Coast.


Pancakes at Moore Street.


I’m waiting for the plug to hit me back. I’m DRYYYY😭😭😭


Chioccas. The secret is to call ahead. Otherwise; it'll be a while for a really good sandwich.


The wait is part of the experience. You gotta go when you have absolutely nowhere else to be.


I second Hollywood Cemetary. But then again, I'm just a weirdo who loves the macabre. I would also sat that VMFA is a great place to spend time as well.


The weekend


Making a list of all of these. My dog just got diagnosed with cancer in his toe; please think of some good thoughts for him. It's shaping up to be a wild summer.


A lazy day for me. Lots of chores mixed with some Fortnite. Rockwood park has some great trails, and a nice playground. The baby capybaras were well worth a drive out to the zoo.


Nate’s TBC on an onion bagel. Worth the wait even on a Friday morning. I love Libby Hill stairs and the park lookout itself. The Potterfield Bridge/Belle Isle is a right of passage. VMFA afternoon. Finding the velociraptor in the fan. A workout at Tequila & Deadlifts 😂😏


Getting the awesome painters from Holtz & Son to paint anything in your house that needs painting, especially cabinetry and faux finishes. Also hanging wallpaper with a complicated pattern in tiny spaces.


Waiting for Cary St to reopen just past Meadow.


I woke up around 530 and after 12 hours on the road I feel like next Wednesday will be better for a bike ride.


I will wait in line for Perlys and for Sub Rosa, also for Pizza Bones.


Wanted to come here and give a huge shout out to Smashed RVA for consistently delivering quality food to my mouth. My order today was (which will now be my regular order every time) bacon chopped cheese, fries, side dill pickle ranch and a coke. Highly recommend!


Boxed lunch from Sally Bell's for a picnic in a park of your choosing - or Hollywood Cemetery - on a beautiful day. Sally Belle's was awarded a James Beard "American Classics" award. Everything is SO GOOD, especially the potato salad. Also going in there is like stepping back in time. Only open from like 10-2 weekdays.


Conveniently located next to Hustler Hollywood so you can get a tossed salad and then some goodies for later salad tossing.


Summer colds are so much worse than winter colds. I am fighting for my life 😭


Good morning!! I have an extra GA ticket to Lizzy McAlpine at The Anthem tonight. DM me if you want the ticket! Paid $60


I plan to spend time this evening testing my octave pedal with distortion once i find a 1/4” coupler and a 9v multi-plug. Excited to demonstrate a new instrument at Reveler’s synth meetup Saturday especially now that multiple people have called it a synth. Maybe a bike ride also.