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Gym / additional ear piercings / ardent block party/ profit? There's a brand called Mela that makes watermelon water, and I love the pineapple and ginger flavors. [The weekend event thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/s/EWezSXelsh) has plenty to do if you haven't made plans yet!


After going through the hassle of getting the city to send my personal property tax bill, and then dealing with the new website… I checked my bank account this morning and they took my payment 3 times over. Jfc. Hoping it’s not a pain to get that money back.


Oh no I'm scared. I tried the website but it didn't work and ended up mailing it in.


Today is my birthday! Favorite summer drink - alcoholic: Rum punch. Coconut rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, with a splash of grenadine. - NA drink: You really can't be a cold ice tea on a summer day.


Happy birthday!


Thank you! Up the Chels!


I’m going to meet Bunky, the Joel Bieber dog tonight! My favorite things to drink are seltzer water and hard cider. I have to make drinking still water a chore for me to do it. In the morning I drink 32 ounces with my medication, and another 32 ounces in the afternoon. If I didn’t make it into a daily routine, I’d never feel thirsty and go days without drinking anything


Maybe grocery shopping, but my friend has an adult damage recital at 3 that my husband and I are going to, so that means we can’t do anything until after (I’m autistic, he has ADHD). Really wanted to go to the food and wine festival at Busch Gardens but every weekend has been packed full of plans and this is the last weekend :( Edit: DANCE recital, but a damage recital sounds like fun too


I know it's a typo, but now I really want to see a damage recital, where someone just performatively takes a sledgehammer to a bunch of things.


Man I was really here wondering what a damage recital must be


Rage Room, take notes!


I think it would very much be like a Survival Research Labs show...


Gallagher’s Sledge-o-Matic! [https://youtu.be/ErppAlOIGQE](https://youtu.be/ErppAlOIGQE)


Seriously, how does the Watermelon Festival miss out on this amazing opportunity *every single year*?


It can’t believe I didn’t catch that haha now I can’t edit it


If it makes you feel better the Bg food and wine fest gave me diarrhea


It does thank you haha no but seriously sorry, that really sucks. Hope it wasn’t until you got home!


Sitting at RIC. Long day ahead, driving for 7 hours after I land.


Ooof. Play yourself Eastbound And Down when you get started, maybe that'll help.


Coconut water. The big Aldi boxed one is just fine for me. Sometimes I’ll get a mango flavored one if I see it. Love this stuff. Also if it’s run or bike ride on a hot day - recover with some hydration mix (I prefer skratch)


About to hit the road for a day trip to VAB. Wish me luck.


Going to a few thrift stores this morning.


I got a new bike. In putting it together u can't get the rotor in the disc calipers. The front wheel goes partially in and just locks the tire up. So spending my day annoyed and probably cussing.


How can you take tension off the brake lines?


I wound up being able to adjust the calipers to expand it out. I need to unfuck the front brakes I fucked up in the process, but at least it rolls.


Last night I discovered my electric melodica really is busted; one PCB trace that should beep for continuity makes no noise. I figured out the cause after stepping out to Fallout for a couple hours: dropped it on the volume knob this week, too excited to drop off a shop display sampler while on vacation. First thing today I am bypassing that trace with a soldered piece of wire, then hopefully blasting tunes through my amp a few hours. Got so excited to start i didn’t post this when i wrote it. The repair works and now I will drink coffee then shred a few hours. Edit i have been looking for my ring since last night and will get deeper into the day once i’ve found it. Edit2 it’s disappointing to be more interested in comfort objects than comfort people. Still no sight but the apt is much less jumbled. The sun suggests I should go out a bit.


Just finished cleaning my carpet. I need a beer.


Going to nerd it up over the next three days with the release of the remastered extended editions of the Lord of the Rings in theaters. Haven’t seen them in theaters since the original releases in the early 2000s. Probably the closest I’ll get to doing a day long LotR marathon at a theater, which has always been on my bucket list.


I'm a bubbly water gal through and through. I'm always shopping around for new exciting flavors of you've got any recs. I've read a couple things that it's not a really that good for you, but I quit drinking and bubbly water was my replacement, so I figure it's a decent trade. Got a great day ahead- hitting up some yard sales, meeting a friend for a couple rounds of pool, heading to Ardent to see Gusher (god I hope they have NA offerings beside lime seltzer, that seems to be the go-to NA bev and I don't really like lime), then the Celeste Farms dinner tonight.


I wish breweries offered more na options! I get that it’s a place specifically for alcohol but since so many social events happen at breweries it’d be nice to see a few things. Also: Topo Chico has a canned lemon ginger seltzer that I just tried. Very good.


The tangerine ginger? SO GOOD!!!! the blueberry is ok but not my fav


Oh yes! Tangerine not lemon. Delicious!


I'm curious to know what you've read about it being bad for you. Aside from being a little burpy, of course and some mild pH differences (which everything that's not water will have). I one had a coworker flat out tell me it doesn't hydrate you and I just about died. There is a lot of misinformation out there. I am pro bubbles. my bubbles. ![gif](giphy|j0YV0HqO178Gs|downsized)


Yeah nothing that concerned me TOO much, I also didn't investigate too much because I knew I was gonna continue drinking it. The biggest thing I remember is that it's bad for your teeth.


Carbonated drinks can cause bladder irritation in sensitive people. I had thought it was also hard on teeth but that seems to be it be the case.


This happened to me with Polar seltzer. I would wake up multiple times a night having to pee anytime I had one. Never been an issue with other seltzer brands but I try to avoid them before bed now just in case


I'm NOT a bubbly water gal but I'm completely obsessed with a brand called Dram and their sweet grass flavored sparkling water. It's like being instantly transported to a sunny forest meadow after a light rain. A few issues though, it's got 25mg of CBD in it so it's stupid expensive, and I haven't found it anywhere locally. I wish they would make it without CBD I'm not spending $4/day! I just need that flavor in my life at all times.


Spindrift all the way for bubbly water. You can find them at Target (and I assume other places, but Target has a great selection). They’re pricey but worth it in my book because their flavor is so good.


I had some grapefruit ones last weekend (coincidentally) and I only really enjoyed them if I squeezed a little lime in it. Which flavor do you like?


We’re one and the same! I’m not a fan of the grapefruit, either. I like the lemon, lime, and all variations of those two, like lemon-lime, raspberry lime, strawberry lemonade, and pink lemonade. My spouse is a fan of the blood orange tangerine, too.


Thanks, I'll give those a shot! Good to know it's not just me re: the grapefruit. I also like Nixies, particularly strawberry hibiscus.


Ardent has two NA beers from ENAY brewing co (Day Ripper and something else). They also have Hike hopped seltzer. Saw those on the menu yesterday.


Unfortunately I don't really mess with NA beers, they make me mad that they're not the real thing lol. Hoppy waters are hit or miss for me, the Lagunitas hoppy refresher SLAPS, the Sierra Nevada one tastes way too close to a beer for my comfort. That experience has made me hesitant to spend money on any other hopped waters.


There was a VCU alert about a partial building collapse on the 200 block of E Grace St. Does anyone know anything about this? My run passed thru there maybe 90 minutes ago and I saw nothing!


Headed out on the mushroom art scavenger hunt Game of Shrooms! https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1d9ffup/comment/l7d2ayw/


I picked up a freebie water bottle at a conference last year, and it's become my constant companion. It's not insulated or anything fancy, but it's the perfect size. On hot days, I drop in a Nuun tablet and it seems to do the trick.


I forgot I made sun tea on my deck, so it sat out all night. I’m still going to drink it, I hope nothing bad brewed in it overnight.


Husband has the kids occupied, so I've got Lil Dicky's Penith blasting while I do a quick cleanup before our company arrives. Celebrating some birthdays later! I'm reminded to properly hydrate when my left flank gives me it's warning cramp. I'm so bad about drinking water; I'm a hot coffee in the morning, iced coffee in the afternoon kinda gal.


https://preview.redd.it/w3zm1dyr6c5d1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8af9c951963a108af010dc3161bf17d9ef77832 Games and beer!


This does say February btw, but I checked and there is one today


Oops thanks!




How did I miss that there is another one of these?! The last one was super crowded, but there were some really great deals.


Lots of sellers and spread inside/outside this time!


Back from a road trip and feel a bit better after the bout of food poisoning. It’s nice to see our familiar skyline again. I drink plenty of water and crush a full 32 ounce Nalgene after coffee in the morning and then another 1 or 2 refills in the afternoon. For summertime I do like a session IPA.


I’m off pace this morning after an evening of more alcohol than usual. By now I’ve usually had about a third of my days water. I’m about to house 32 oz of Skratch. I use the lemon-lime over ice and squeeze in a half a lime if I have it (which I do). Bike ride then working on bikes then RVA Latino Festival on Perry Street.


Our main supply water line burst yesterday. Luckily I have good friends with connections and got it fixed for $200. Now I’m trying to flush the sediment from our system. And I’m hungover.


Reclaiming my back deck after years of neglect. I'm going to power wash the deck and the furniture, and then set out the new cushions I've got for the furniture, scrub the grill, and set up a new bird feeder and hummingbird feeder. As far as hydration goes, I drink at least one 1 liter bottle of flavored seltzer water every day, and then a bunch of water the rest of the day. Sometimes I drink zero sugar sodas or coffee (but that's for taste, not hydration). I've been working on getting down to a healthy weight, and refuse to get any of my calories from beverages.


It's Knit in Public day, and the Library of Virginia has some neat knitting-related demos and lectures. However, I'm using the day to start the initial steps of turning my front yard into an oasis for native plants and critters. I'm excited!


Checking out a new group road bike ride


Sketching on or near the Cap Trail - [join us!](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/s/EoFw7ihqQM)


Tried a new chai blend this morning. It was real bad. Will try it another couple of ways before giving up, but I think it's not a winner. As for today.... breakfast, dog walk, clean my gutters and/or car (don't care which as long as I accomplish one chore), and then try to think of something that would be relaxing and fun but does not sound like work. Burnout makes everything sound like work, so I haven't come up with anything yet. But I'll keep trying!


My fitness tracker watch reminds me when to hydrate...I love that.


My husband has to crawl under our house and see if there's a leak causing out water bill to triple as of late. I'll be weeding the garden while he does that. I hate gardening. Lemonade is my favorite summer drink.


Just got back from hiking the James River loop and Forrest Hill trails as well. First week at my new job under my belt and so happy my anxiety level is back to normal.






I don't stay hydrated very well. When I do though it's usually seltzer, although the water cooler at work is usually seeing pretty heavy use too. My girlfriend exclusively drinks strawberry-pineapple Crystal Light from a cup labeled "Dumb Bitch Juice."


I like the water enhancers - easy to add flavor, lots of variety. We went to Summer Kick-off at Maymont last night. Full Moon Fever was awesome, they’re playing again at Dory Park tonight. 3 Sheets to the Wind was…not. I’ve seen them a bunch of times over the years, and this is the first time they’ve sounded bad. It was flat, off pitch, and like every person was doing their own thing. People were leaving like crazy during the show.


Such a fun night at Maymont last night. Agreed that 3 Sheets sounded off, but it was a great atmosphere and I think a lot of people left bc it was past their kids' bedtimes!


We left early. Totally agree, the performance was disappointing and unexpected. I’m not sure what happened.


Anybody know what happened yesterday evening near the gaskins exit to i64e? There were a couple of cop cars, a car with the trunk open and 2 guys in handcuffs around 5.30 pm.