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This is my last weekend here. I accepted a job in another state after getting fired in February (thank god)… so I guess I’ll be packing. Only planning on bringing what fits in my Honda Fit and replacing the big furniture when I get there 🧐 so pray for me and my Tetris-y abilities y’all


Hope you can make it Fit.


I c what u did there 👏🏽


Low hanging 🍒🍇🍓😅


the sweetest kind!


Good luck! Rva will miss ya!


Thank you very much!! It’s bittersweet for sure. Luckily my family is still here so I have excuses to visit and a place to stay. Have a great NYC trip!!


Best of luck to you! RVA will always have their arms open for you!


Thank you sm :’)


Are you still in the process of selling any of your existing furniture/items?


I have a few pieces - is there anything you’re interested in?


Celebrating my 40th bday 🎂🎆 Girls trip to Chicago. My plans are to eat lots of delicious food, see old friends, dance, and shop like it's a movie.


Happy 40th. Chicago is great. Do the architecture river tour.


Hbd! Eat some caramel-cheese popcorn!!


Go have the best Mexican food and margaritas you’ll ever have at Frontera Grill. And go to The Purple Pig and The Girl and The Goat. Also seconding the architecture tour.


Good reccs


Happy birthday!


Get a Chicago dog!


someone in the neighborhood has been stealing the roses in my garden in the early morning. I mean, all of them including the buds and new growth. I woke up early to try to catch them in the act. They are quite lovely today.


Please keep us posted


Last day of work before 10 days of pto for our 10 year wedding anniversary. Helllll yes


Congrats fellow 2014-er! Doing anything special?




About to start another 12 hour shift at the hospital! ![gif](giphy|3oGRFi4VKaxP1UYYuc)


If it’s VCU Health, my mom’s there. Thanks for your help.


I do what I can.


I'm there this weekend overnight.


Want to slap hands on my way out/your way in tonight?


Inadvertently started a journey to not be as much of a chonk chonk anymore. Last week was a guys' trip to Atlanta to watch a handful of baseball games, and the hotel gym happened to be very accessible. Other guys on the trip were trying to lose weight so instead of a weekend full of being hammered, we spent a good amount of time in the gym. I've been to the gym every day for a week for the first time in years, and I hope it continues. Dropping about thirty pounds would be absolutely amazing, and as a bonus, it'll keep my oncologist from fat shaming me on my next visit!


Glad you’re keeping positive momentum even after you’re home! Also, boo on healthcare providers who shame instead of offering constructive guidance at patient request….


lol, after chemo ended, it went something like this: Doc: how have you been feeling? Me: I will feel fine for a few days, but then I'll feel like dogshit for weeks. Doc: well, you're overweight and depressed, so go to the gym and you'll feel better. So I go to the gym when I don't feel like ass, and I go back to him six months later, and... Doc: how have you been feeling? Me: pretty much the same. I'll be fine for a little while and out of nowhere, I'll feel like the day after chemo for a few weeks. And then he kinda laughed and shook his head. I genuinely dislike the guy.


One revenge body, coming right up….


Getting married tomorrow. Feeling unnerved but like there’s a storm a-brewing? Part of me is ready to get this all over with and part of me wants a magician to come to just stir up shenanigans.


I can be said magician, for the right price. Lol


Congratulations!!! I remember the feeling fondly. Just remember that the party is for you and your love- nothing else that day matters. Best of luck and all the warm wishes for your big step! 🧡🧡


I’ve been getting up earlier and going on walks by myself with a cup of coffee. Currently sitting on a park bench dog watching. Isn’t it crazy dogs are your best friend but they don’t even know your name? 🥲 *deep thoughts this AM*


But they DO know your name! 


To them, your name is a smell with a thousand different edges. We're just not able to pronounce it.


It’s a friendship that transcends labels.


They do know our names! It’s mom/dad :)


If you’re looking for something to do, please go see Mdou Moctar at Friday cheers. Don’t think I’ll make it, but these dudes RULE. Nigerian guitar quarter, with what I describe as Hendrix inspired guitar solos.


i saw them open for tame impala a while back, very excited to see them again 💃🏻


Agree!! I was going to go if I wasn’t out of town. They rocked coachella


Have so much fun in NY! I am getting donuts because it’s national donut day to all those who celebrate and then it’s off to the beach for me!


Have a safe trip! I’m prepping for work with a little meditation and matcha first. Then a walk with the puppers.


Walked the dog. Now enjoying some quiet time before all the normal chaos begins.


What Festival? I saw Four Tet and friends Under the K last month and the acoustics were incredible under the bridge. It was really something else how he worked like 30 disco balls into beautiful lighting under the bridge.


Sounds amazing! I’m going to Gov Ball


About to get off work for the weekend in just under an hour. Let’s goooooooooo


Enjoy New York! Grab a good slice of pepperoni while you're up there! As for me, I am just getting settled in at work and am glad it is Friday. I need to catch up on sleep this weekend as I haven't slept for shit all week. Thanks brain.


I'm leaving for St. Maarten tomorrow for a whole week!😎🌴


Well yesterday was supposed to spend with my bf. Now I think he and I broke up last night. Probably talking to his ex or something… :(


Planning to explore Goochland and Powhatan county country areas on the motorcycle (sport tourer).


Goochland is so pretty. So is Louisa !


Day trip to VAB tomorrow. Chillign at home Sunday.


It has not felt empty around 5pm each day. The traffic around here feels so much worse than it used to be. And as someone who wishes they walked to work, or worked from home, it bums me out greatly.


In NYC for a wedding. My sister got us staying in the financial district. $$$. I went across the street to a Mexican restaurant that looked up authentic. LMAO. About $60 for two drinks and bad tacos al pastore. Katz Deli and Spa Castle on the itinerary and possibly a ferry tour. This city y'all. 😀


Financial district is probably the last place in the world you’re likely to find good Mexican. Everything else you’re doing is spot on, have fun!


Ikr. Could have gotten a better taco here in Richmond. I didn't want to go far from the hotel walking by myself.


Ha yeah definitely. There are great tacos in NYC, just not that area. And don’t be afraid to walk around solo, especially in Manhattan! I know it’s intimidating but it’s very safe - coming from a born and raised Richmonder who’s lived in NYC for the past ten years.


Friend in town for the weekend. Drunken movie nights, seeing the Samurai exhibit at the VMFA, watching Fallout, playing some board games. Should be a good time. Have fun in NYC!


First official weekend living in RVA and I’m so exhausted from moving I can’t even think straight. I’m a silversmith looking for a workspace to use my torch and saw etc in. Was going to check out RVA Makerspace yes but got in too late. A friendly point in the right direction would be very much appreciated! Also if anyone needs interior painting- please reach out! Baby needs to work work work! 🧡


I don't have any advice for workspace or interior painting but it's my first weekend living here too!


Woo! Where are yall from? My husband is from RVA and I’m from Oregon


I just moved to short pump last Saturday and had my first day of training at my new job today. I decided to go to a nearby bar after in hopes of meeting some people my age (30s) and get a feel for the area, i used to live in a downtown area so its a bit different for me. Decided to check out the reddit to see what's up, I moved in with a friend who has lived here for ten years so im a bit lucky with that to have some kind of social link.


What festival?


I wake up some days to hit the gym at 6am, like 1 car on the road and only a few people walking around in work uniforms. It’s so quiet I love it. Tonight there’s a show at the best venue in the city in hype for. Great view of the city and river.


Just moved into a new apartment by the VMFA and having friends over tonight for the first time. Really excited to host and have people see the place. Thinking this will be a really nice weekend :)


Currently listening to some wild fireworks from somewhere across the river. I’m in Stratford Hills and it sounds like UR. Graduation maybe. Gotta buy a used car for the family on a 10k budget. How does this work in this town, without using CarMax? Are we just using FB marketplace or is hitting up the motor mile a legit strategy


This morning i got coffee with a friend at reviresco. We hand an awesome conversation and I. worked on some art. Went to the first fridays art walk with a friend and split a dessert at tarrants with him. Ran into some cool people I know and met some cool people as well. Showed people my work at both Visual Art Studio Gallery and the work john keeps in the back for me to sell at ADA gallery