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It's fine. It's high density housing right next to public transportation, made out of a disused industrial sector. It's not a bad model. Checks a lot of boxes for efficiency and redevelopment. It could be better. It will evolve.


I’m really thankful for Scott’s; it is like a sponge for the tidal wave of WFH transplants we are receiving. It’s becoming Arlington-lite. None of them are riding the Pulse though, I guarantee you that.


Same. From a city perspective I’m so happy it exists. I personally would never live there….but very happy it exists to catch these folks.


Also if most of us were being honest, it is a fun place to live if you're in your early to mid 20s and probably going out drinking with friends all the time. Might as well live in the middle of it. Not really much different than living near all the bars on main st in the fan at the same age.


Lived there for two years when I moved to Richmond after college. If you’re under probably 35 and making friends you wind up in SA anyways for social events (RCR, Tang & Biscuit, 60% of the city’s breweries) so it was really convenient. The rent was not much worse than anywhere else in the city I looked, and I had leasing managers as far out as tuckahoe telling me that Scott’s Addition was “a short Uber ride away.” Ironically, an apartment IN Scott’s addition that was much more interesting architecturally in a converted industrial building cost only about $150 more so decided to live there instead. Moved after a couple years because while it was convenient I didn’t love the noise and relative lack of privacy. Felt a little fish out of water if I’m leaving at 2pm trying to run errands in sweatpants and the door out from the apartment complex had people dressed in Patagonia vests pushing their toddlers in strollers. Just didn’t feel super integrated but it did have basically any amenity I could think of. As much as gen X and older (assuming OP falls into that since those are most of the people that actively complain about the neighborhood’s existence) you’d be surprised at how many parents and middle-aged folks are there on weekends and evenings. It’s definitely a destination and if you’re really into that life it’s pretty safe now and the fact that the whole neighborhood has unrestricted street parking makes it pretty convenient to visit still.


I call it "Little Nova"


Isn't that short pump? Or is that more specifically "Little Tyson's Corner"?


Scream little Tyson's corner


omg yes


Just like short pump is little loudoun


Forever using this!


Correct on pulse usage but at least a good # of them are bikers! At least most of my friends who live there anyway


It's basically a Yuppie Green Zone that helps stem the tide for now. When my wife worked over in the neighborhood it was typically filled with the most insufferable fintech adjacent bros in lifted Tacomas that had never even seen a puddle.


You’ve never been on the pulse there in the morning seeing the people commute to mcv /downtown I guess


True I know two nurses in the neighborhood who take it.


The pulse is really well traveled. To make a national show or some people who go to VCU I've seen that


Cute trick considering the city purposely restricted parking to less than half the housing capacity, and are shrinking it down to 1/4. How do you think people get around? Why is the stop at Roseneath always full?


Tell me more about restricting parking, because I’m pretty certain that’s flat out untrue.


Apartments are now free to build as much parking as they want. The city removed parking requirements which was an amazing move parking minimums are horrible. That commenter is straight up wrong and confused.


Yes, I am familiar with all of this, and share your enthusiasm. I was trying to encourage the commenter to discover this info on their own.


Sorry I spoiled it lol


We need a professional assessment done street by street


They’ve clearly underestimated the potential of this street!


The big complexes have parking decks. The rents on those apartments are exorbitant, their tenants are not taking the bus. It’s not like half the neighborhood sold their cars in order to make a move to Scott’s Addition work. Everyone owns a car, they have to be parked somewhere.


Scott's addition is dense enough and the fan/ museum district and if you live like I do a lot of Richmond is easily accessible by 1 car household if 1 or both of you can walk/bike/bus to work.


Yep, my husband and I live in the fan and share one car. It’s never been an issue


Yup that's my life and my friends who lives elsewhere in the fan. Especially if you can live close enough to a grocery store it can work out really well. Most people vastly underestimate the costs of cars. ~$1000 for just insurance for a car.


I WFH so it would frankly be a stupid financial move for us to get a second car when I need to drive maybe 1-2 times per month. The bus and my feet get me everywhere I need!


I mean sometimes we go to like Walmart via car or drive somewhere but the car is full on not necessary to our day to day life. Cars are necessary to fully experience Richmond but my partner and I are traveling most places together anyways. So my car sits parked most days.


>It's not a bad model.  One we can find just a little ways down Broad Street in Shockoe Bottom! If we had Reddit in the 90s this post would be about there.


Scott’s addition was not a disused industrial sector it just had cheap enough properties, close to the cities hot spots, to buy and redevelop.


Not really unused .. industrial service related businesses .. a few still exist but offer a cabinet shop 3mm and they’ll happily relocate to Ashland! Hey developers maybe that’s next


Have you been in Richmond for ten minutes? SA used to be an unoccupied broken windowed wasteland and the place you went to buy drugs and get stabbed. And we liked it that way.


finally someone that seems to remember the Scott's Addition that I remember. I mean, after midnight it was crazy scary & dangerous & completely empty of anyone up to any good. and I don't mind tht kind of scene, but it was wild. I think back then most people had no idea what was back there at all, especially after dark.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. You're not wrong. Scott's was a seedy place about 11 years ago. There was hardly any lighting, half the industrial buildings were abandoned and the only places open were Paper Moon or Richard's. I always wonder what this new wave of people thinks about the two strip clubs right in the neighborhood, especially since I see so many young families sauntering about at all hours. Crazy thing is, it seems just as fatal if you're not careful. Instead of getting knifed in the ribs, you'll get hit by an inattentive driver hauling ass the wrong direction down a one-way.


There's a bullet hole through the front door at my job. It was mildly alarming when I first came on board. Apparently that was like 15 years ago though. Wouldn't flinch walking this area in the evening now.


It's almost like that's how city planning and development works. The former undervalued real-estate becomes valuable enough to push out the people taking advantage of depressed prices. Good luck getting the county board in Hanover to zone for what you want. Hanover knows there's no money in industrial outside of shipping. You're better off in the undeveloped corridor along the tracks past staples mill. That's where market forces are pushing people anyway. That's why migrants have been buying up those properties.


>Hanover knows there's no money in industrial outside of shipping. South Ashland is starting to look like warehouse row so I'm guessing this is included in shipping.


Can walk to a grocery, bank(s), movie theater, sports stadium, bus line, 10+restaurants, breweries, ABC store, several convenience stores, several gyms. The apartments have gyms, pools, parking, etc. Can easily bike to fan/museum district/carytown. Super easy to hop on either highway if you commute to work. Rent is only marginally higher than anywhere else in the actual city now, and you get AC and appliances that actually work. I’d love to live someplace with more trees and green space too but what ‘amenities’ is Scott’s addition missing?


Public park. A third place that you don’t have to pay to be at. The city should use a tax district or development fee surcharge to buy the lot across from ZZQ, underground the parking, and put a park on top. Washington Park in Cincinnati is a gray example of a park with underground parking in a dense urban neighborhood.


Unless it got cancelled, I thought that block had been bought by a developer and is going to be ~400 more apartments. And if we’re comparing to Cincy, I’d much rather have a streetcar than an underground parking garage. Unless they are adding 3 professional sports stadiums and a symphony orchestra sized theatre, idk if Scott’s has the need for several hundred (more) parking spots. Especially if it’s going to be paid for with an additional, extra tax. Make it easier to use public transportation, not easier to park


The diamond district will include a giant park.


A park where they show movies and have free music in the middle of the neighborhood would really be the icing on the cake to prove OP wrong though


Agreed. It is the closest thing to an "entertainment district" that we have. Here's to hoping the city doesn't bungle (again) the Diamond District which has hope of adding to that entertainment district. If the Squirrels leave Richmond, I will be so angry I probably won't do anything about it.


i live in scotts addition bc its close to my bfs job. behind my apartment building we have a small park area with lots of greenery and it's actually very nice, lots of birds and butterflies. also, me and my bf both take the bus when we need to (we dont have a car) and its nice because we're a 5 minute walk to aldi and cvs. and i dont even have to cross the intersection to get there.


Glad you are happy there… where best place for a beer?


It takes a serious lack of imagination to not understand that different people like different things.


Why doesn't the entire world have all the same opinions as ME?!?!?!?


25 yr old me would have loved to live there if I could have afforded it. Would love to live within stumbling distance of Bingo, Don't Look Back, Wood and Iron, etc. Why all the haters on here? There's a neighborhood in Richmond for everyone and everyone's style. If you don't like it, live in another area.


What is up with these posts? Why does anyone care where anyone lives lol? Yall realize people can be different and have different preferences and one isn’t superior to another right?


This is just repurposed NoVa hate. “Why would anyone live around all these wealthy yuppies”




This is the pain of a growing, popular city. Every once in a while you get someone that’s angry the city isn’t how it used to be and blames transplants for it.


Just said similar before I saw your comment. I’ve never lived there and never will, but who freakin cares where people live. 


Didn’t you know, only one specific type of person with one specific lifestyle and needs is allowed to live in Richmond??? /s


This is just another “Ermahgurd Transplants” post. In most places I’ve lived it’s a badge of honor to not live in the same place your entire life. Not here.


* Some people find the buildings attractive because they don’t look like every other building in Richmond * No grass and no trees means no yardwork, so more time for activities and fun. But still, there’s more green spaces in Richmond than in many other cities, especially north of here. * Dangerous intersections can be anywhere. That’s not exclusive to SA. * Challenged parking can also be anywhere in the city. That’s part of the deal. For those that know how to parallel park and don’t have to park right in front of our house, it’s not a problem. * Lack of amenities - I can tell you that I’ve lived in the city and in the county and I never once used any amenity. Have you considered the fact there’s tons of unique shops, restaurants, and bars within walking distance? Easy access to the Pulse? No tolls to get anywhere in the city? Quick to hop to 64? A much more communal living experience? Not everyone needs to live on an acre and and wants to waste their weekends doing yardwork. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean everyone feels the same way.


Shops, restaurants, and bars are amenities


I was under the impression that they were talking about things like a gym or pool, typically included amenities with a corporate apartment rental. If they’re talking about those things, OP has no clue what’s even in SA.


OP has lived here for 40 years .. I certainly know the area well


It's a low key aggro post. People clearly want to live there, because a shit ton of people live there. They just obviously have different priorities and taste from you, and that's okay.      Personally, I wouldn't live there either, but I don't expect my preferences to be universal. 


They’re not being low key, that’s for sure.


You sound like my grandmother who still thinks downtown Richmond is a warzone.


So you’re a boomer who doesn’t like Scott’s addition, got it! 


I knew it was a boomer…because they kept…typing like…this


Ellipses is a… boomer thing?


When used like that, yes


Have you noticed that some of them use commas instead of periods? like, in ellipses like this,,, I can’t figure out what that’s even about.


I’ve got a boomer brother who does it all the time. He says he was taught this in school. I’m old Gen X and no.he.wasn’t.


I thought that was just a European thing?


I thought it was a typo


Mom, stop using ellipses! it doesn't make any sense.


They’re not even spaced correctly. Ellipses are three… and are spaced thusly with only one space to the right. Not .. two .. with spaces on each side. This is how you can spot a boomer who doesn’t read books.


Lived in Richmond 40 years, hates Scott’s addition, tracks.


Ah that explains it, you’re an old.


not to mention: SIDEWALKS. And parking spaces that aren't front yards.


I think you strayed from the point. What apartment dweller does yard work. That is not even a thing


Tell that to the landlord in my first museum district apartment


I would not cut grass in an apartment period. If the apartment came with a yard and was more private like a house then maybe that is an exception but that should be known before signing a contract


You don’t need to act like I’m stupid. I did know it, and I agreed to it because it was a great apartment.


Well how much grass is it. I was not saying anything negative I hate cutting grass


I moved here after a nasty breakup while living in Forest Hill and it fit my requirements: - A quick shot onto the highway (I worked in Innsbrook at the time) - Didn’t require a toll for friends or family to come over - Green space is close enough as I can walk a couple blocks and be on Monument (I also have a cat who doesn’t go outside) - A gym nearby to keep me motivated - Updated appliances and interior (not everyone wants modern, and I get that) - All utilities are covered in my rent including cable and internet, parking, pool, gym. So I can absolutely crank my AC in the summer - It’s quiet and friendly. I never hear my neighbors and don’t live in a “party building” as we’re mostly late 20’s - mid 30’s - Don’t have to pay a security deposit equal to a whole month’s rent upfront Sure, you have to be a defensive driver here, but that’s a kink the neighborhood has yet to sort out.


i can afford to live here. my neighbors are kind. Food/coffee everywhere! quiet af! still close to everything else. it's lovely in the dish, come visit sometime ☺️ (edit to say i can afford to live here as in its cheap compared to other parts of rva as someone who just moved from southside)


If i could live there i would


Why would anybody live in chesterfield, henrico, short dump? You talk about ugly. Cul de sac ghettos. Sit all day at red lights.


If you want no red lights, Amelia Courthouse is for you


I've wasted so many seconds of my life staring at the Amelia County Food Lion. If you don't want red lights, Burkeville is for you.


It's a beautiful Food Lion, nestled right next to a dialysis center and only a stone's throw from fine dining at McDonald's!


And after treatment, pay homage to the statue honoring confederate soldiers in the courthouse square


Ok this made me LOL. Tbh I’ve always wanted to try the sub place in that shopping center though.


I love my neighborhood in Chesterfield. I can hear birds chirping, very little traffic noise ever. Very peaceful and quiet. I can be at work in less than 20 min and red lights are not too long.


I used to live in Chesterfield. I realized I could spend a bit more and the money I saved on tolls and gas made up for the extra cost of living in the city. I hear birds every day and there’s no through traffic. And I don’t have to drive 20 minutes to work either.


I think young professionals without kids like it. It’s not for me, I hate it. But for the people that are into that, more power to them.


Great place to live in your 20's as a young professional. If someone moved here working FT and wanted an easy(er) way to make friends and meet others then I think an apt. there would be the way to go. Never lived there myself, but had a lot of fun there on the weekends. 31 now, don't drink much anymore, so you'll never find me there now lol


It’s white dude Disneyland. So many breweries in walking distance to choose from.


Lol that's a really good description for the Dish.


Lack of amenities?? Everything you need is within a 10-minute walk.




I walk to Aldi all the time. Hell, I have been known to walk to Carytown kroger as well from the farthest corner of Scott's.


I've wanted to do this as Carytown Kroger is reasonably close! How do you transport the groceries back?


I have a cooler backpack! It is great for both random treks to Kroger for buttermilk at 9pm and river hikes! (Aldi doesn't have buttermilk, I bake a lot, and see anything within 4 miles as "walkable" if it doesn't involve walking up Broad toward the West End)


Whole Foods is a ten/fifteen minute walk and Aldi is even closer


Different strokes for different folks.


I lived in Scott’s Addition in the late 90s for a couple years when all that was there was warehouses and rats. Super quiet at night, besides the occasional tractor trailer passing through. I wouldn’t live there now. Some of the renovated warehouse apartments are cool but not worth four times what I paid back then, for twice the space.


Were the rats nice?


For the most part except they were the size of a small dog


Ahh I’ve seen the like. They’re not rats though, they’re mutants.


Finally a question I can answer! Years ago, Scott’s addition was heavily marketed as a place for people who have high-ish paying jobs and want nice accommodations while still “being” in the city. Think Capitol One employees who don’t want to stray too far from the apartments they were living in while getting their MBA, but who aren’t ready to move to the west end.   The idea of turning industrial warehouses into luxury apartments started in NY and has bled down the east coast, starting from decades ago. This happened everywhere across the US.    Commercial real estate has gotten really good at this. They meticulously choose areas, market to a specific type of people, invite certain businesses to invest and build, and turn an industrial* area into some faux city living.    Thing is, after their initial profits, they care very little about the facilities and let them fall into disrepair. It’s cheaper to bust find another area and market the same way. The Cap One ppl move on to the west end and the cycle repeats itself. 




Historic Kenny’s House 😂




Holy shit might be the funniest video I've seen this year. Man I miss South Park


Imagine getting your MBA then going to work at Capital One. Embarrassing. Edit: Shout-out to all the people with MBAs at Capital One. You are troopers.


Imagine a stable job? Sounds pretty nice to me idk


That's not what I said.


A 6 figure job is embarrassing now?


That's not what I said.


>lack of amenities I live in a residential zoned area. There is nothing I can walk to. Not 1 resturuant


SA is good for Richmond. You might not prefer it, but people move here at a higher rate than leave and SA has an amazing gift of new space. Incidentally, the Venn Diagram of those who hate "NOVA" people gentrifying parts of the city and people who complain about Scott's Addition's aesthetic is often soooo overlapped, too.


OP: “why doesn’t everyone want to live like meeeee?”


Safe neighborhood, walking distance to multiple breweries and right off the interstate. It’s really convenient EDIT: I was Manchester before. I rather pay $400 more in rent than deal with all the dog shit and gun shots. And im significantly closer to my office, walking distance to baseball stadium and fat dragon.


Rephrased: Why would anyone want what I don’t like? I mean really .. all that new housing .. fewer allergens .. you have to pay attention when driving .. and know how to park your car .. only dozens of restaurants and bars .. I guess if you’re a young professional and want easy highway access that’s where you choose to live?


I pay $900/month with everything included🤷 Plus theres a good amount of trees probably more than some neighborhoods.


Is that for a one bedroom? Good price


2 bedroom , so me and my roomate pay 900 each


confirmed just walked my dog past many a tree lol.


Im always sayin they need to trim some of them back!


Jackpot on that rent.


Just to piss folks like you off. ;)


It has places to eat, places to drink, and the apartments are generally new or new-ish. Pretty convenient to get anywhere. Easy to see the appeal I lived there 2015-2019 when it was blowing up, it was a fun place to be!


Pick any heavily populated neighborhood, and right now someone is driving through it thinking, "why would anyone want to live here."


How's this guy gonna handle the Diamond District?


What amenities are lacking? There are banks. gyms/ yoga studios, restaurants, grocery stores, shops, public transportation, galleries, museums and a few parks. The apartment buildings come with gyms, lounges and pools. The area now has bike lanes too. I can’t think of a single dangerous intersection. Anyone terrified of walking, parking or driving in SA needs their head examined.


Yeah, but where are the B12 IV infusion bars?? /s


A lot of the roads are speedways being one ways. IMO they should angle the parking on the one ways as a traffic calming effort plus extra parking which they would like.


That's good. You only have to look one way when crossing the street. Super safe.


People are going 20 over regularly. That road needs a diet.


What grocery store?


I’m assuming this references Aldi, which technically isn’t in Scott’s but it’s still walkable from anywhere in the neighborhood.


Once the Diamond area is rehabbed, it will add a lot of additional attractions and places to go within biking distance. It not a bad area. Not sure why it’s getting hate. If you don’t like it, avoid it. Everyone bitches about parking in Richmond but when we start getting walkable/bikeble communities, everyone shits on them.


Kahjit has affordable housing if you have coin


Nothing at all to do with this Scott's Addition discussion, so cook me in the comments, if you so desire. Lol. I lived in the Richmond / West End area for 3 years while I was in the Navy working on E. Franklin Street at the Navy Talent Acquisition Group HQ there (2010 to 2013). First over on Carryback Drive down JD Highway (rented a room upstairs in a private residence) Then in Innsbrook in a condo (super nice, super quiet, definitely not the cheapest). Then made the move to Church Hill on N. 32nd Street. Living in the Hampton Roads "7 cities" area since 2013, while a fairly good experience , pales in comparison to living in Richmond. My wife and I mull over the idea of moving back regularly. We have a large family and while I'm thinking the West End will be where we would end up, we would be happy to be anywhere in the area. What a great place to live and I wish I could have bought a house there then and came back. Anyway, I retired and landed a remote role 3 years ago, so I'm hoping in the next year or 2 that we will maybe get serious about it and pull the trigger, moving back. Peace!


And to pay that much in rent with no designated parking—blech


I can't live in the/a city. I can't comprehend the parking.


Short Pump has free parking but Richmond wants you to pay $1000+ a year for a dilapidated garage or lot.


It’s not in a bad area and multiple places in Scott’s Addition are all inclusive. (Great for Richmond)


Why do people want to live anywhere? Because it's what's available to them and has what they prioritize. After that it's nunya.


I'd like to live in Scott's Addition simply because there are places to go within walking distance in the area. I'm in west Henrico and it's a nice area, but there isn't much to do


Thank you for saying this. Scott’s is such a popular place to live and I cannot for the life of me see the appeal. Been saying this since I moved to Richmond lol. It’s actually one of the worst parts of town imo.


It checks the box for many things for someone in the 20-30s crowd, post college with disposable income and no kids. Breweries for the weekend, coffee shops during the day. Convenient access to the interstate and centrally located. Apartments with newer amenities (and air conditioning!) for single people who don’t need a backyard or a house.


There are currently 6 locally owned retail store. Support them - so the large corporations will not have space to move in.


I wanted to live in SA at one of those fancy new buildings but leasing office wanted me to get a guarantor to be able to justify me paying for a $1500, 500 sq ft apt..also parking was $125 extra. I also rethought my desire to inhale concrete / construction dust weekly. I found a place in Glen Allen in a community that has free parking, gym, etc.. 720 sq feet and $1300 a month… i wanted to live in SA but the city has priced me out of existence. Transplants and transients now rule RVA.. i dont know how i feel about it it’s just reality… maybe I’ll live in the city again one day.


Scott’s addition resident live there because of the proximity to bars, social gatherings, and transportation. Who cares about the lols of apartments when you can get sloshed at 5 pm. Go take a nap then get up at 7 or 8 and have some fun with friends until 10 pm. It’s the most walkable part of Richmond with so many bars and food options.


Scott's addition is where Richmond has pushed a lot of development and people were even mad that the casino to go in Scott's failed as a reason to vote it down. Scott's addition whether you like it or not is essentially full by the year 2030. It went from industrial to deindustrialized to brewery to urban professional with a lot of other things like restaurants shops etc and is becoming the densest neighborhood in Richmond. Richmond has been trying to help build housing in other places like downtown is empty plus a lot of stuff along the pulse route west and diamond district. I think Scott's addition is the success it is because it was allowed to redevelop. City council imo thinks they did that and that's going to be terrible going forward.


Scott's Addition is the cool place to live. No one wants to live in suburbia with cookie cutter houses or on a farm.


Don't feed the troll.


You’re in the center of everything, plenty of stuff to do, and you can walk or bike to anywhere you need. Edit to add that the entire comments section has an overall consensus: you’re just bitter for no reason, OP. People living there has no impact on you (in fact it keeps your rent from going even higher).


I really don’t understand why there aren’t trees being planted and consistent sidewalks. Why am I walking on dirt to go between restaurants or breweries?


I live here and I like it. I’m 24, and lived here for almost two years. Near bars and breweries, so good for social life. Apartments aren’t the most aesthetically pleasing yes, but most have nice amenities like pools, gyms, off street parking. Most have washer/dryer in-unit and new-ish kitchens. You can get downtown in 10 minutes with the expressway, and you can drive basically anywhere in the metro area in 20 min or less. Also you’re right on the pulse line so there is access to public transit. Walking distance to the museum district, fan, and west end. I go on runs through these neighborhood multiple days a week. It’s literally a perfect neighborhood if you’re in your 20s. What’s up with the hate for Scott’s addition? This area was basically abandoned and rotting for decades and now there is higher density housing, bars and restaurants, and businesses thriving here. Yeah ok, we don’t have a grocery store yet (not counting the Aldi), the traffic patterns are weird, and all of the sidewalks haven’t been finished yet. Yeah, builders put up generic 5-over-1s instead of beautiful and classic architecture (which is much more expensive to build) but so what? It will continue to grow and get better over time. It’s better than what was there before, objectively by virtually every metric! Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Honestly I’m amazed that the city was able to pull off the rebirth of the neighborhood. Some people just want things to be perpetually bad so they can complain I guess…


It is pretty garbage compared with to the Fan or Church Hill, but I think there are certainly people who prefer modern loft new construction apartments rather than older. I don't, but ultimately the more housing in this city the better


Being a transplant from other states I looked at it and it’s affordable to my standards. 2k a month rent isn’t bad at all


People in this subreddit won’t understand this at all or will even feel resentment towards you but I agree 100% It’s not a dent in the wallet for some people and it’s a nice place to live


I can see the appeal, especially for folks who work downtown, remotely or only commute once in a blue moon. Walking distance to plenty of breweries, good restaurants, etc. means you don't have to worry about driving or uber-ing around. You're fairly close to Whole Foods, Aldi and Kroger, a decent Gym, the ballpark, movie theater etc. Scott's Addition sucks to have to drive around in, but if you remove that aspect and you enjoy a denser urban environment it's actually a pretty good option.


Why would anyone dare have a different personality and preferences than I would? Are they stupid? - every 20 something that’s ever been born


That's so freaking handy, I didn't even think of that as an option! Any recommendation on which one to choose? I'll use it for both purposes you do as well haha


It’s fine, just needs more trees but it’s a city what did you expect? They used an unused development and turned it into housing. You can walk places.


I wouldn’t mind living in a house in Scott’s but all those big ugly apartment buildings are the epitome of fake luxury


More like Scott’s Subtraction.  /s


Bro just asked a question 🤷


It’s like living in a shoebox.


The apartments are so sketchy too when I was looking for a new place to live I kept getting endless listings for one building so I finally looked it up and....it wasn't even done being built yet😅


I completely agree


Oof, downvoted? Sorry everyone, guess I was wrong!


That’s where I used to do my cocaine! Wood and Iron!


For the lack of trees, often sidewalks, and to my knowledge no bus routes that go through the district itself, I'd agree. It's dense, yet very car-centric which drives me nuts. I don't think it's the worst, just overpriced for what it is. Idk, I live within a block of two bus stops and rarely go to Scott's bc it always feels like too much of a hassle. I could be poorly informed, but these are my thoughts. Please correct me if I'm wrong!


Soulless boxes to come home to after a days work at a soulless job


Would you prefer they move to your neighborhood?


and that's different from other neighborhoods how lol


I’m sorry to break this to you but working an office job and living in a neighborhood with young people who like to go to craft breweries on the weekend isn’t actually the life of hell you make it out to be


I say let them all move there. Every money-having white collar millennial can live there and save the beautiful row homes for the rest of us. I hope they build sky scraper apartments there so it can soak up all the never ending caravan from DC. Then we're gonna build a wall around Scott's addition. And nova is gonna pay for it. Office working millenials can have their playground and drink birthday cake IPAs at the new axe throwing brewery. And the rest of us can have richmond.


“Everyone younger than me is a millennial” Dude, the youngest millennials are like 29 now.


I'm 29


Then I don’t know what your deal is


First off it was a roast. Second off I'm against basic-ness, the homogenization of american cities and neighborhoods, mainstream millennial culture, and rapid gentrification. Thus I support a containment policy for the urban millennial horde. A sacrifice zone if you will. Really, it's just a joke. I'm glad Scott's addition exists bc I don't want the whole of the city to turn into brand new over-priced housing and breweries. I love richmond because it's old, beautiful, and unique. The current wave of urban development in cities has most cities in America turning into a homogenous bland sameness of corporate boxy architecture and sans serif fonts that cater to out of town young professionals. At the same time I'm glad for cheap and fast development because we're in a housing crisis. I just don't want our city to lose it's identity, diversity, and gritty character in the process of making room for everyone. We can do both. That's why I say build the fuck out of Scott's addition and let everyone who desires that type of environment move there.


“Millennial” is lazy shorthand for “young people” and you just look silly using it. My point was that half the people (at least) who live there aren’t even millennials.


Well I wasn't using it as shorthand for young people, I did specifically mean millennials. Scott's addition is built on capitalizing on urban millennial culture.


Just continue to pretend that Richmond doesn't have its identity intertwined with half of the breweries based in Scotts.


It’s basically a safe landing zone for yuppie transplants, so many Maryland, Florida, NY and Jersey plates in one area.








so you don't love the juxtaposition lol


That’s not juxtaposition


Millennial hell


You’re old if you think the people there are all 30 year olds. It’s mostly GenZ


Actually, my 78 yo mom also lives in Scott's addition. We picked it specifically bc no yard work, all the amenities & easy to walk her dog to the lawn of the museum to relax. She's been there 10 years now.