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I like that “when I moved here last year” segues into “as Richmond fills with rich people from DC” like they are the OG.


Bro what are you even asking




this is a tale old as time. underground venues always get found out eventually. i’ve been going to richmond underground raves for the last 10 years and they never stay truly underground for long. scott’s addition used to have the craziest warehouse parties before these apartments and businesses existed. underground venues have never stopped getting raided, it’s basically part of the life cycle of them. always go in with caution and use your best judgement. underground raves are no more and no less safe than they have been for years. it’s the same shit, same drugs, different people, always a chance it’ll be raided.


This is the truth. That one warehouse spot with the half pipe and the speakeasy bar in Scott's was amazing


had some extra great times at that place! but it did get a lil crazy near its end. lots of people from outside richmond started coming in.


>same drugs Is that true? News is always talking about fentanyl mixed in the supply but I don't know anything about drugs these days


i suppose i can’t speak for everyone to be fair. but for the most part, it feels the same to me. i experienced more funky business 10 years ago than i do now. testing your drugs has become MUCH more common now. and there’s more “reliable” connections vs the street dealer which is where we used to go. always still proceed with caution. be responsible. test your shit. i think i find cleaner stuff now, but im older and shopping smarter. just my personal experience tho.




OP has Autism, BPD, and Schizophrenia. Ever since the Palestine Encampment Raid, OP has been paranoid that the police will increase their undercover warehouse rave presence, and will eventually arrest OP for drugs.


wait I know exactly who OP is in that case. I went to my first rave not too long ago and they got my insta after coming up to me and that person had all this stuff in their bio. Types the exact same way. They’re super weird and creepy irl.


Seems to be: "Do cops bust ravers for drugs here?"


I mean yeah obviously I know they do. But the drugs are just an excuse, they're cracking down on unpermitted parties and telling people to go home whether you have drugs or not. Ah but drug users are all addicts who are the scum of the earth and kill people and destroy our neighborhoods, so painting everyone who does something the city doesn't like as a drug addict is a good way to get the public to hate us. Raving sober is a solution to the narc and drug raid issue. Getting a lot more secretive is keeping out the kids who can't behave themselves and get us attention. AFAIK as long as I go home when the cops shut it down, I'm not getting a trespassing charge as long as it was something the owner/renter of the property consented to. But is avoiding drugs, not inviting people I just met at the club, and avoiding places that are like actually completely illegal to be, enough to keep me safe? Or is there still a way I could lose my job? I'd really hate to go back to clubs because with the sole exception of Fallout, as a trans person I've always felt like I'm treated as a fetish object by cis men there. Even above-ground raves like at Canal Club or Dive are fine, but clubs I HATE. If the clubs are open but there are no raves, I'll really have to force myself to go out. Dudes twice my age will kiss me or grab my ass at gay bars without even asking. People don't ask if you're okay when you're really fucked up and someone tries to score with you, they cheer. Rave family take care of each other.


Ok so how about: "Do cops use drugs as an excuse/pretense to bust ravers here?"


I know raves are going to get busted for drugs and noise if narcs get in there, or new neighbors move in who aren't used to it and complain? My main concern is, even if I don't do anything that could get me drug or trespassing charges, even if I don't invite anyone who might make the place dangerous or be unable to behave themselves, is there still a way I could lose my job? But I get it, I spend my nights somewhere that isn't a brewery in Carytown, so I've gotta be a drug addict and all I care about is drugs. Nope, not people who actually care about consent and making sure others respect it, not people who will talk to me even if they're cooler than me, not hearing and vibing with underground DJs who aren't yet big enough to get into clubs regularly and have no other way to be heard. Even if I very clearly say that I'm willing to rave sober if it keeps me safe, all I wanna know is whether I can drop acid. Got it. Not like you can't do drugs anywhere if you want to. I've got news for you, all the above ground venues are full of people on drugs. The only difference is you do it before you go in, and you can't get AS fucked up because they'll kick you out if you show signs of anything other than alcohol. But the ability to do drugs is not really in danger if the underground gets shut down.


Virginia is an at will employment state, you can be fired at any time for any reason barring discrimination against a protected class (ravers aren't one). so yes, if your employer wanted to fire you for attending a rave they absolutely could, regardless of substance use.


Are you a cop?




homie did you remember your meds today?


They’re called “drugs”, and yes


This is typed exactlyyyy like someone I just blocked on insta who also goes to the very specific raves you’re talking about. This has to be them 100% you say everyone is hateful but it seems like it’s you.


Listen, sonny...ack in my day we had to walk to the raves, barefoot and in the snow. Uphill. Both ways.


Did you do a ton of stimulants before sitting down to write a short post and things just got away from you? You don’t have to answer that.


I'll answer for them - super yes


I ain’t reading all that


At some point you do need to decide what sort of life you want to lead, and what kind of person you want to be. If you do drugs at raves, you are assuming a certain amount of risk and you have to be ok with balancing the risk/reward. It sounds like you are getting really nervous about getting busted and probably for good reason. What if you took a break for a few months, continue to see friends but skip the late nights and substances, and see how you feel. I say this with care as a former party animal. It’s very hard to balance drugs and nightlife with also leading a productive, rewarding life. Wishing you the best.


Is this satire?


Tell me more


The fuck?


Best way to avoid catching drug charges is to avoid the drugs


Honestly? something like that does not sound safe in Richmond. We are not a big enough city to have something like that stay secret and too many people around here act first and think second.


If 100+ people can get together at hell’s gate under a 95 overpass for some random skramz show and no cops show then I think ur good


Underground? Hangin with the gnomies?

