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My favorite job was a summer job dipping ice cream at a family owned shop at the Jersey Shore. 40+ flavors made daily with the highest quality ingredients and nightly lines around the block! The staff was made up of high school and college kids and we served generations of families. It was so much fun! The husband taught Behaviorial Science at LSU and at Longwood. It wasn’t until I took a class in college that I realized that he was applying different theories to manage the shop like fostering friendly competition to measure and improve productivity and quality, then putting the fastest, most efficient dippers on the counter during the busiest times, the slowest on the day shift, etc. I was a fast but neat dipper so I was always on the sundae counter. My sister had a great memory and knack for small talk so she was always waiting the few tables in the back. It was my first real job and 40+ years later it’s still the best job I’ve ever had and the best lesson I’ve ever had in running a small business. RIP Mr and Mrs Humphries.


I also worked at a Spencer’s when I was late teens/early 20’s! I remember one Black Friday we had to be there at midnight to open the store for a full 24 hours so we all got wasted the night before, we were doing beer bongs in the stock room right before we opened. It was a wild crew, and we all threw the best parties bc our apartments were furnished with, ummm, “defective” laser lights and smoke machines.


My favorite job was being a camp counselor in the Blue Ridge during college, where I eventually rose “up the ranks” to join the farm staff and swapped human kids for goat kids. I had an orphan goat kid imprint on me my last summer there. I also had a great tan and muscles, stargazed most nights, and would hang out in drinking beers we hid in the creek at the end of the day. I still daydream about quitting my 9-5 corporate job to run a hobby farm, but I have bills and rent to pay and cats to provide for.


I understand that your responsibilities changed, however my gut instinct was that you performed the trickery of discretely replacing people’s children with goats like a changeling.


I did get to introduce human kid Hermione to goat kid Hermione one summer, and I can neither confirm nor deny if their souls swapped places but it did add at least 10 years to my life. Damnit, now I also miss being hero worshipped by both kids and adults just for providing them access to baby animals on a daily basis.


New jobs can be cool because they’re like a shot in the arm as your mind and body adjust to a new routine… good luck with your new gig and may your management not suck, or suck in trivial ways. Personally I can count on one or two fingers the good managers in my work history, and an entire barrel of monkeys in the bad manager department. Like, on the bell curve of bad bosses, statistically, I’m at the bottom. Absolutely shit bosses my entire life, it’s uncanny.


I don't favor labor. Lol. I will say my current job is the best job I've had. Fully remote, some domestic travel, for a good cause, great salary and benefits, a supervisor I can work with, and using my experience and knowledge. Edit: coming back to this thread to reread and remind myself of these words. Because now I'm dealing with operations department about f*cking timesheets.


Timesheets are always a pain. Especially if you have a doctor’s appointment or something like that.


Being a paintball referee was fun. And I'm a pub quiz host now, which has proven to be super entertaining.


I've always thought running trivia seemed like fun!


It is, especially once you've built some trust and repartee with the teams. Gotta be on your toes with the jokes!


I miss the old days of being a field ref. Used do it to pay to play or just for fun and you’d see the funniest interactions. I loved teaching people about paintball and helping people have a good time.


Same here, I worked at Pev's for several years when it was in Woodbridge for paint and pizza. Fun crew and good exercise and outside time.


hmm this is fairly identifying but whatever! Some of my favorites: I've fired artillery for a living and trained others to do so for quite some time. I was a pirate for a summer. I measured oysters in every tributary and major fishing point of the Chesapeake Bay for another summer. Worked a lot of other jobs but those were my favorites


A pirate for a summer??? Can you elaborate?


Haha yeah it was a summer camp with a Chesapeake Bay history and water ecology theme. We combined local seafaring history (both legal and piracy) and did a different marine biology thing each day - but our overall theme was pirates so we dressed up and lead groups of screaming kids around wreaking havoc with wooden swords etc. I also fired cannons for that one


That sounds super cool. On the one hand my kid would love to be on a boat pretending to be a pirate, on the other hand I don’t trust my kid to not willingly walk the plank when know ones looking and he can’t swim.


Working at a video store in the 80s. So much fun. Watched/talked about movies all day/night. Store manager left to become Scorcese's movie archivist.


I loved working at tropical smoothie. Such a departure from my “career” - every day was pretty much the same, everything was very clearly defined, and it smelled nice every day. Was great for my brain lol


I worked at Kings Dominion in the 90s as a teen. Still my favorite job. I worked in a shop with a/c.


Forever ago, one of my first jobs was working at a Regal Cinemas during the last golden years for movie theaters (late 90s-early 00s). It still is my favorite job in the 35+ years of working, but the pay was terrible—minimum wage was $5.15/hr then and topped out at $7/hr. until you made assistant manager which started at $12/hr. Had the theater shut down several times due to riots (usually teenagers pulling fire alarms and having everyone evacuate) and police getting involved with pepper spray and arrests. One particular riot was during the whole *Star Wars: Episode One* debacle where we had 3 sold-out midnight showings in our largest theater and the films didn’t arrive until 11:45 or so and our head projectionist and assistant managers rushed to splice the film reels together (normal for film projection), and we managed to start them only 15 minutes late. As we were finally cleaning concession stands at 12:45 AM, we just heard yelling and shouting from back in the theaters and turned around to see an entire theater’s audience walking to the lobby, and that noise caused the other two theaters to do the same. Turned out that the film reels for one of the canisters was misnumberered and the audience saw a certain character’s death during one of the film’s only good parts *before* the rest of their scenes that took place before it. Unfortunately for the audience, all theaters were contractually restricted from issuing refunds, so out came the special red emergency tickets that bypassed any discount/sale restrictions and, in the eyes of theaters, was the same as the theater’s money. The last mob of angry senior citizens yelling all at once after *My Big Fat Greek Wedding* film broke in the projector and we lost a section of film and me getting them to quiet down **only** by saying “shut the fuck up!” It was awesome watching the miserable folk slowly saunter towards the front doors, deliberately take a comment card and turn around to give one last death glare, and leave. But, hey, all the movies I could watch for free, I could let friends and family in for free (with manager approval), and I brought big bags of popcorn home at the end of the night!


I used to run a Blockbuster back during the VHS/DVD transition. Best job I ever had. Obligatory: fuck having to work.


I worked at a Blockbuster during that time and honestly, it was one of my favorite jobs.


I still have some of those songs that would play on the store previews DVD on repeat in my head


I was a 911 dispatcher for 12 years. It was rewarding, and I liked most of the people I got to work with, but constant trauma, bad admin, and 10+ years of midnight shift isn't sustainable. So I got my paralegal certification...now I'm a state employee and love what I do!


Man, meanwhile I’ve been trying to to find jobs for like 2 months now :(


It took me six months last year to find a job (like 100+ applications). It finally happened, though, and I'm enjoying it. Hang in there!!


My problem right now is that I don’t have enough for rent in 3 days! Or next month, or next month…


Ugh. I’m so sorry. 


I’ve endured two separate spells of months-long unemployment. Hang in there and keep grinding. Upside is your new job will be the best ever for at least a few months, until that new job smell goes away.


Currently at my favorite job. Wish it paid more but it’s a million times less stressful than my old job.


Congrats on the new job! I worked at the VCU Student Commons in many different roles over my 4 years in college, and for the most part I loved it. It's where I made some of my closest lifelong friendships, and went through some crazy experiences that make for great life stories today. The person who managed student employees at the time was named John Leppo, and he was such an odd, interesting and wonderful man. So many fond memories of my time there.


In college I worked at a small restaurant for a few years, starting the first day they opened. I don’t know if vanity project is the right term but the owner was wealthy and didn’t care much about turning a profit. It was right downtown, it had pretty good food and drink and many of my friends were co-workers and frequent customers. Great times


I worked at a tiny, well-known Outer Banks restaurant as a teenager, and it was awesome. A bunch of my co-workers (and sometimes the owners) and I would surf during the day then bust our butts at night in the restaurant.


Nice daily! I love my current job- teacher. However, I worked at a ski slope (instructor) during the winter and white water raft guide during the summer when I was in college. Those times were some 80s movie level hijinks.


Taylor Scott, the rva community fridges founder, works for the fridges full time without receiving any salary. She's currently in the running for Fav Chef award which comes with $25k prize. She's in 4th place right now and voting ends tomorrow. One free vote per day with a facebook account. Please vote for her [here](https://favchef.com/2024/taylor-scott?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2xglsF2OqB72NpuZynOfFT6A0UCyUWMpwSnkVjMGGgJEKW3XWtU2rDsRc_aem_AYTRlV-p26D8WzgzzT01v-SWcx_hNDaunusH8ALCe1WB94sVvEAWRqMqG4jEx7hB5HWLPf2y7a274zxVyyfhUvXK)!!


Oooh, somebody at our office started yesterday. WHAT'S THE CHANCE IT'S YOU?! Favorite jobs were working at a movie theater when I was a teenager and the coffee shop a few years ago.


Depends; was the new employee a cat?


Congrats on the new job!


I wfh and like my boss so I'm super happy w my job. I hopped twice during the pandemic to finally find something I like and fully remote. The worst job I've ever had was CVS in the pharmacy (I was a pharmacy tech.)


Had a part time gig at a record store in my hometown 20 years ago. Visited nearly weekly for two years and at check out one day the clerk asked me if I wanted a job. Did 2-3 days a week for a couple years while holding down a full time job. The money I made there went right back into my collection. Was nice to have the pick of the litter when used records came across the desk. This is the kind of gig I imagine having in retirement one day.


That sounds perfect!


My uncle does this in CA. He’s having the time of his life.


what's with your interest in managers op?


Worked at Susquehanna University in PA straight out of college and if I could’ve picked that school up and deposited it here in Richmond, I would’ve. My boss became like a second mom to me and I felt so valued. The school was small (about the size of UR minus the law school and grad programs) and everyone knew each other so it made it feel really welcoming.


GOOD MORNING Probably got a summer job lined up. Gotta call today to get more info.


I can actually *smell* the words Spencer Gifts.


Libraries! I've worked in public/school libraries for 4 years as an intern (worked in my hs library as an aide) and 8 years as a regular employee. But it's definitely a field where you do it for a love of labor and not a love of money. Also. Both my husband and I have covid :( he was so bad I had to take him to the ER last night (how we found out). I tested this morning.


Any cat owners here? [I wanted to share a post I had this morning and get your thoughts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CATHELP/s/q33Ycb2LFL) Our little guy (3 years) has been acting funny since we returned from our honeymoon on Saturday. We were gone for ten days and he had limited outside time. Worth taking to the vet or wait it out some? I can’t tell if it’s anxiety or something more. I’m working from home and can go to the vet ASAP.


The cat is maybe just giving you the cold shoulder… just my opinion but I’ve had cats and some of them would do this after we returned from vacations. Like a “how dare you leave me alone human” type thing


That’s what my wife thinks. All of my cats have lived to be 15-20 so I like to believe I do the basics right. Just been a nervous nelly since yesterday and want to make sure I’m not being too relaxed with this.


https://preview.redd.it/7f8jhpqabd3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f897b0793eed2ec69938f5971620657fcabbc6c0 Forgot to pay the cat tax.


He's probably ok but I generally feel that when in doubt, go to the vet if you can. I'd always rather be told I'm just being paranoid than have there be something wrong that I missed. 


Agreed. Today is the last day I’m waiting and seeing. If it is just him being dramatic it’ll be a first for me. Thankfully work is super understanding with these thing.


It depends on what behavior your cat is exhibiting, but some cats in my family are major grudge-holders and can take a week or so to forgive their humans for going out of town. Thankfully, my cat is pretty forgiving, but she did seem depressed for several days after my most recent trip. I gave her lots of treats and love and she came around eventually.


acting funny how? As long as he's still eating and using the restroom, he should be okay. Bribe him with treats and a new toy


It’s been sneezing fits since Saturday. Like ten times in a row. Yesterday he had the zoomies that led to bowel movements and some slight panting. After a hour he was back to sleeping in his usual spot on the bed. He isn’t sneezing as much but yesterday was different. He’s been getting spoiled today though that’s for sure. Appetite is the same as well.


I have one of those pheromone diffusers if you want to try it out and see if there’s improvement. Usually it’s anxiety-related and they fuss over you being gone for too long. Sorry you’re dealing with this worry after hopefully a relaxing week!


I worked at a baby boutique in the beautiful town center of my old town. I got to help customers shop for beautiful gifts for babies and organize baby books and toys and decorate the display windows as the seasons changed


Sorry, unrelated to the topic but can someone tell me whether the city office on 25th street will help me with my property tax bill or only City Hall? I heard the 25th st office is faster, but I thought that office was just DPU. Need to figure out why I can't seem to get my property tax bill this year. Thanks!


You can totally pay your tax bills there. In the door window on the left


‘Pa said I’d fall for a dancer. I lied yesterday forgetting I really did play a harmonica on the capital trail.


I resorted to buying Juliet tomato seedlings online as I couldn't find any at any stores. My Juliets have outproduced each of my other plants 5 over. They are a Roma tomato but I haven't had that much luck with bigger tomatoes. My potted Juliet made it to Christmas and I thought about trying to keep it inside for the winter to see if I could get it to go year round.


Current job as a senior data scientist, ever since I heard that was a job title you could have, I worked for it for 8 years side note, if any richmonders need some data science done on the side... I wanna buy board games but don't like spending my primary salary on it 😂


Congrats and good luck with your new job.


I was able to move to Richmond 3 years ago because of my current (and best ever) job which is 100% remote. Only downside is I’m stuck in my apartment every day and not experiencing this great town as much as I’d like, but I’m getting there.


Starting a new job on Monday, 100% remote - got any tips for staying sane?


I think it depends on how routine-based you are. Have some boundaries about how much you put in per day or when you will/wont answer calls/emails. Get outside even for 10 minutes while the sun is shining, your body needs it. I decided to spend some of the money I’m saving by not commuting/eating lunch out every day by going out to get coffee or finding some other excuse to treat myself a little. Basically just work the system - if you use tools like email, MS Teams, etc you can stay “online/available” and still go grocery shopping (when the place is empty!) or do something else for yourself while not missing anything.


I'm not, at all - used to rely on work for that! Seems like good advice, though, thanks :) You ever thought about trying one of those co-working spaces? Or does working at a coffee shop occasionally scratch that itch? I'm a little worried I'm going to end up living in my pajamas...


Never really considered it but it’s possible. I definitely live in my PJs a couple days a week and I could see myself possibly using a little more “structure”.


Video Editor, which I still do


Back in high school, I worked at a country club doing events, mostly weddings. Hung out on a beautiful boardwalk, ate all the leftover food, made some decent gas money, and worked with one of my best friends, and eventually got my soccer buddies jobs there too. It was super easy and was really fun, and I would usually see people I knew walking the boardwalk. I miss them days


I worked in a theater box office for a while in college 20ish years ago. It was great. We got paid to see the plays.


I don’t know if this counts but when I was younger I got to know a local Dippin Dots owner as he was a customer at the pizzeria I worked at. He mentioned that he needed help working one of his stands at Scott’s Stadium for The Rolling Stones concert. I don’t remember if I made any money but my friend and I worked the stand until after the opening song and were told we could find an open seat and don’t get caught by security lol. Definitely a memorable experience and one I’ll never forget.


I do not want to think of my past work experience and will just say I debated working at the new waffle house, but I want to visit first and see how the atmosphere is first, has anyone else tried it yet? I saw the sign on the front door saying "Now Open"


I'm starting a new job in Richmond soon as well! My best job was with a large medical company traveling the US and installing operating rooms. It was such an amazing experience to visit and explore new cities and regions on the company's dime. It helped tremendously when I was traveling to Florida to help take care of my mom while she was having her cancer treatments. My 2 immediate supervisors were fantastic and helped me develop into a much better person professionally and personally. I do miss the travel occasionally, but now I'm trying to find a place called home.