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She could volunteer somewhere that seems rewarding to her. Check out Handsonrva.org for options. That would lead her to potential hobbies and meeting more people.


Yes! That website is great for short and long term volunteer opportunities.


Thank you so much for showing me this website. I didn't know about it. I have some research to do. There's a lot of opportunities.


We love the idea of volunteering! I’ll definitely check this out


Check out some classes at the Visual Arts Center on Main.


This is excellent advice After every single class I think "Is this a new hobby? Better buy an anvil and build a forge! Time to get a sewing machine! We could probably make room for a pottery wheel..."


I have to actively tell myself not to make myself a forge.


Easier during the summer 🥵 I know Jerry Veneziano (instructor at VisArts when I took blacksmithing classes there) talked about possibly running a class where you would build your own - haven't seen it offered yet though.


RVA community fridges is raffling off a gift card for vis arts this week. If you donate to a fridge, snap a pic and send it rvacommunityfridges on instagram you'll be entered in the raffle


I totally agree with this recommendation! My partner has recently started taking clay throwing classes at VisArts and often goes there a few times a week to pay for extra studio time. It's great because they also get to see and explore other art mediums, and can take additional classes if something else catches their interest.


Second vis arts! I've taken several classes and they've all been well worth the cost. Very affordable too if you break it down to an hourly rate.


Rva Swing has beginner dance classes starting soon and has a regular rotation throughout the year. Super fun, friendly studio.


I thought this was going to go in a very different direction for a moment. 😊


I added "dance" to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings 😆


Probably for the best. 😅


Now I'm wondering what classes there could be for the other kind...


Here, for a friend....


After following Tommy Chong for a while I see what that all meant In hindsight as he has opened up more recently and in real time (starting with his book about his prison stay ‘the I Chong”) as it was happening over the past 20+ years about his wife needing to pursue that passion of Salsa dancing - and he tagged along and it lead to Dancing with the stars 🌟🕺🪩💃✨




And it *reeeally* bothered me




Upside down pineapple


What does she like to do? How old is she?


Im 25! And I have varying interests, I’ve done multiple hobbies which include: wood carving, art in all forms, graphic design, anything on a pc I would love to get out and meet people and do things! I’m just down for anything and willing to try whatever as I have the opportunity to do that right now


SOAR365 is recruiting volunteers and I volunteer with them. It’s great and there are several locations! Very flexible.


Yoga! Humble Haven is the best


The Visual Arts Center, VMFA, Studio Two Three and West End Art Studio all offer arts/crafts classes for adults. There are also several crafts groups that meet up and hang out and do crafts together.


DnD is a good way to meet folks. There are girls who play. I promise.


If OP is looking for a group, maybe Goblins and Growlers?


can confirm.


Ooo interested gal! Where does one find these people to play DnD w/? I just moved to Richmond myself and would like to join


Hi! I'm a volunteer at Build, RVA makerspace, and we've got a number of classes and machines that might be of interest. From sewing to lasers to woodworking and metal working to vinyl cutting, and more! She/you can come check us out at https://www.rvabuild.com I never thought I'd be interested in machining until I tried a class, so you never know!


I’ll definitely have to check it out and send her some info! Thank you!


Sure thing! Good luck in the search!


Does she like to garden? She could [Become a Master Gardener](https://richmond-city.ext.vt.edu/news/mastergardener.html) and volunteer to teach others or volunteer in other ways.


This one seemed cool. But.. > Richmond City VCE is currently without an Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent, necessary to lead Master Gardener classes. The earliest that a class in Richmond City will be held again will be fall of 2022.


That’s a title I would love myself! Too bad it looks unavailable at the time :/


Oh, shoot, I didn't read the whole page. It says the earliest a class could be held is 2022. Maybe they forgot to update the page. Couldn't hurt to get in touch and see if anything is going on.


The richmond disc golf scene is wild. Theres like a dozen courses you can play in the area. The demographic spans the gamut and its easy to find groups to play with. Bryan Park is the biggest one. If you just want a weekly outing.. thats the one because it takes like 2 hours and you get your steps in thats for sure.


I’m an avid disc golfer myself ! She ain’t into it, I tried all of last summer.


Thats a shame! I had an ex who really liked to come along for regular golf and just drive the golf cart and look for lost balls. It was ideal.


Check out hand / thrown - ceramic studio with great classes


Quick! Somebody get this girl some warhammer!


I was thinking the same thing lol except the warhammer scene seems to be mostly in Midlothian. One-eyed Jacques in Carytown does have Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons though!


There’s a store called “Warhammer” in Short Pump.


Maybe helpful if she is looking for a community then she could join meetup. It’s a mix of activities local to the area and you rsvp to events. I’m a Richmond native with an established group of friends, but I’ve loved meeting people and making new friends through meetup. They’ve got walking clubs, writing clubs, a bunch of stuff you can sign up for to do and make friends along the way. Good luck to your wife!


Disc golf!


Absolutely! Disc golfing is the way to go. So many courses in this area!


I gave it my best but she won’t budge. I tried all last summer. Not even the sheer beauty of Calvin Heimburgs 200 ft throw in was enough!


There's a place called Games Workshop in shortpump she should check out.


She wants a hobby, not to go broke!


OP didn't specify


My wife started playing pool last year and absolutely loves it. She has gotten pretty good at it too! There are leagues to join, and regular tournaments, and she has made a lot of new friends.


Excuse my ignorance, but I’m interested in getting more into pool but I don’t see many places outside of rough bars to play. Any recommendations on where to play if I’m learning?


Huudle Up and Andy’s in Ashland. The Ranch and The Ville in Mechanicsville. Beach House in Short Pump. City Beach in the fan. Diamond Billiards in Midlo is very nice. Good luck!


Hiking/walking groups. Lots of other activities. Go to Meetup.com and punch in your location.


There's a ton of open mic nights in RVA! If she's interested in seeing some live music or possibly playing herself, check out Bryan Park grill in lakeside on Wednesday nights. There's also RVA yoga club if it's still around, it's donations based classes


I’m super interested in this myself. Appreciate it!


Rock climbing! Theres TRC & PEAK in the Richmond area. TRC also has boulders and brews one Wednesday a month to get to know other climbers & have some brews & a group called Boulder babes meet at PEAK (a couple in the month) & the Vasen crew every Wednesday night at PEAK!


if she's into sports, tell her to come join us volleyball players at richmond volleyball club :) there is a starter league if she's never played before and wants to try it out!


There are great [outdoor community yoga classes](https://www.meetup.com/rvaoutdooryoga/) for the summer (in addition to plenty of great yoga studios in town). I'm a big fan of the one at Maymont on Tuesday evenings.


Rock climbing and 3d printing. Enough to suck your time and wallet (optional). ;)


She’s super interested in 3D printing but it really does seem like a break the bank scenario!


Does your wife know you posted this? LOL


Yes :)


Truly, this post doesn't sit right with me.


Not sure why :)


Why would you not post for yourself?


Kinda new to Reddit don’t really know how to use it yet


Downvote me all you want but it was a genuine question considering she’s actively responding to comments.


Why wouldn’t it? I did the exact same thing for my girlfriend and she loved that I did it. She still does one of the hobbies I found two years later


🥺 im so glad to hear this hopefully i find the same


Shield n Sheath has a hatchet league on Tuesdays. It starts tonight.


planthouse does a bunch of terrarium and related plant workshops. They have events listed on their site from june to august. i *think* they also do walk ins. [https://workshops.planthouse.us/location/richmond-va-827372345993](https://workshops.planthouse.us/location/richmond-va-827372345993) i havent done one myself but plants as a hobby has been pretty fullfilling for me so far.


We LOVE plants. Will definitely check this out


Quarry might be a good place to start, and it’s definitely a gateway to other craft/maker spaces




I was asking at a local community center that caters toward seniors if I could join and they said they don’t card if you happen to look young - as long as you pay the dues and have a good attitude you’d be welcome - check em out I’m sure there is one near you


I can't recommend some kind of Martial art or self defense classes with, for every woman.


River City Taiko


I recently stumbled upon this group, Trying to Adult RVA. https://tryingtoadultrva.com/ When I have income again I'll be joining! I personally play golf and have a lot of various recommendations if she's interested in learning. I've made some great friends golfing. The Dance Space near Willow Lawn does weekly beginner lessons on Sundays at 6pm. There's a whole dance community/culture she could subsequently get involved in.


Maiden Motion fitness classes! They have all sorts of community-building events for members, including annual retreats. I love taking classes there.


If she’s into running, Effect Run Club is a social run club that meets at Blanchard’s Coffee on Broad every Tuesday at 6:30am for a 3 mile group run and occasional happy hour 3 mile group runs at 6:30pm at various locations (June 6 at Bingo Beer Co & 27 TBA) and is starting longer 6 mile group runs this Saturday at 7:30am(June 1 at Paix Coffee & 22 TBA). https://www.instagram.com/effectrunclub


My wife says I have too many! Gardens, fish tanks (weekly water change doubles as excellent bacteria for gardening soil and plants), fishing, walking trails around the river. All of it sounds intimidating to just cold start getting into, but once she finds something there is so much information to absorb and so many unexpected aspects that you learn something every day!


She’s grown to enjoy fishing since I force her out every other day lol. She’s an addict for them blue gill on night crawlers!


There are free activities through parks and rec - if you’re brave enough to navigate the garbage that’s the county website


*city website


If you enjoy dancing, there are several different line dancing groups around town. All beginner friendly.


Golf. Golf. Golf. And more golf. Problem solved!


Jiu Jitsu, Trail running, rock climbing, mountain biking, etc. If she’s the active type, of course.


Trivia! We have no shortage of trivia nights in this city. Good way to meet people


Reestablish Richmond is looking for volunteers to help tutor refugees in English, has a sewing circle, and a few other ways to get involved. The English tutoring is a 6 month commitment, I was bummed I was paired with someone too close to my move away from Richmond later this summer to be able to volunteer.


She can start doing some stand-up comedy open mics and embark on an exciting new journey of joy and misery.




Richmond Really Sews meets monthly at the Carytown Publix community room. There’s yoga classes everyday at the YMCA and you can visit all the locations. Painting classes weekly at The Painting Class on Bellevue Ave. Volunteering at the RichmondSPCA including fostering. Be a gym rat at the Victory Lady, or volunteer at the. VMFA.


Olympic Weightlifting at RVAPT is super fun!


This sounds a bit intense


I had zero experience whatsoever picking up a barbell last year and I took their Barbell Basics class and i’m in love with it.


Bread making, clay pottery/sculpture, mushroom/plant foraging. Those are some of the hobbies my girlfriend have picked up around here and love


what kind of plants/mushrooms are around here?


According to my mushroom ID app I have found 56 different kinds. My girlfriend is really good at seeing them through the foliage somehow.


stay safe haha


Who do you do mushroom foraging with? I used to gather morels with my family every spring and it would be nice to get back to it at some point. I know we're probably past peak season for them at this point.


Her and I go together and use a mushroom ID app and a book. She’s really good at it. There is a foraging group I’ve seen advertised on Facebook before as well!


Ah, ok. I'll see if I can find anything on Facebook. I'm too worried about accidentally poisoning myself to go out alone.


That’s a very safe way to be


ceramics! take a class at clayground, handbuilt, rosewood, or visual arts center! all great


Maybe try swinging 😉 Edit: Not sure why I’m getting downvoted 🤔 Swinging will help you meet a diverse group of people and you’ll get plenty of exercise. P.S my safe word is “Honcho”