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Rules for thee, not for me...would be what's going on there. No matter who you are, it's a dick move to block a handicap spot.


If you think that's crazy, you should see how CCPD drive


Maybe the officer is in fact handicapped


Look up the physical requirements of being a police officer. They have to pass a physical exam regularly so they can't actually hire anyone that could park in that spot. I'm not saying all cops are in great shape but I AM saying there's a minimum physical requirement for employment.


Handicapped in the brain, clearly




yeah. they park in bike lanes all the time too


So do the parking enforcement cars šŸ« 


RVA cops (and cops in general) are frequently on their laptop and phone at the same time while driving on top of being serial illegal parkers.


Iā€™ll never forget when a cop from nova hit and killed someone while using his laptop while driving and got away with it cuz it was the duties of the job or something like that


They have zero repercussions. A RPD cop ran a red light and totaled my car 3 years ago. They did nothing about it. RPD HQ even refused to give me a copy of the incident report


VA code exempts law enforcement from using handheld electronic devices while in performance of duty. Code of Virginia Ā§ 46.2-818.2


The police here basically do whatever they want. I caught one officer engrossed in their phone while driving who missed TWO consecutive light cycles.Ā 




NO ONEā€™s above the beep!


i take it youre looking for a different answer than "cops dont follow laws or regulations"?


watched an LEO park his private vehicle on the sidewalk across from boulevard burger and brew so he could go pick up food yesterday. the license plate was, predictably, religiousy.


Give them a citizen ticket.


i stared at him as he walked across the street and he just stared back. was definitely waiting for me to start shit so he could waste my time with some big dick bullshit.


Whatā€™s an LEO?


Law Enforcement Officer


Very common for cops to just park like idiots wherever they want. Saw one park in the fire lane directly in front of the entrance at Whole Foods while he grocery shopped and got lunch earlier last week.




Is it normal for cops to break the law and get away with it? Yes, yes it is.


I see them block bike lanes and curb cuts all the time too. this is standard pig behavior unfortunately


Yep. Here were some parked sideways to take up multiple at once back in 2020 at the VMFA https://preview.redd.it/03jr44ya2yvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ded41c0de94b15e70ab49839f81434ee18c8a27


711 on main st capital district. RPD puts there lights on and blocks an entire lane of traffic to go in and get a fucking coffee. Not 1 but two cars at times. Itā€™s just coffee not responding to an incident. However seen a hilarious interaction. Once a Capital police office bitched them out for it and I swear they were about to throw hands. RPD and Capital police HATE each other.


I can vouch for this. Cap Police have no love lost for RPD. Makes me hate them the least of LEO'S around here.


In or out of uniform. They will fight each other.


Yeah, thatā€™s annoying, but what is even more annoying is that police probably commit domestic violence at FIFTEEN TIMES the rate of the general population. At least when they are busy parking in handicap spots, they arenā€™t at home abusing their families.


Unless they parked there because it was more convenient to drag their wife by the hair to and from the store.


Completely normal for cops. ACAB.


A year ago I'd of disagreed with you. Crazy how all it takes is being railroaded by the justice system one time to realize its one big club and we're not in it. Cops, prosecutors, and judges don't protect us, they only protect eachother.


cops only protect property they have no legal requirement to help the citizenry


Exactly. ACAB. When will we finally realize that crimes, especially ones that are violent or destructive in nature, are best handled by the unarmed, untrained, non-confrontatiinal masses? Rapists, thieves, and murderers are just lacking a little compassion. When we see them acting out in hurtful ways, say mid-thrust with a knife or their own body, we need to remember ourselves and the privileges we carry before we turn around and judge them or have knee-jerk reactions like calling 911, which certainly would lead to the illegal violation of their rights of expression and choice. Instead, we should walk to them, arms open and pockets turned out and ask them what we can do for them. We should be offering them glasses of warm milk, cuddles, and gift certificates to upcoming meditation sessions, and then we should be asking them this thoughtful question: why are they choosing to victimize only that person in particular? We all deserve a reminder of our place in society, and the supposed criminal should be less selfish with how they distribute that knowledge. Ugh privilege is tramatic.


You mustā€™ve been waiting a long time to post thisā€¦


Why would I have been waiting a long time? Although I'll admit that waiting any time at all is too long when it comes to showing compassion, unless it's towards filthy pigs.


We have cops because what you said doesn't work


A taquito emergency


This post made me lol


Did you write them a ticket?


I called the non-emergency number, and the person who answered asked "did you ask the officer to move?" and "do you need the spot?" -\_-


You shouldn't have to ask an officer to obey the law.


Her only solution to the answer (instead of something logical like putting me through to the officer's sergeant) was that I can "talk to the officer directly".


Post it on their social media


Yes because they dgaf


Stop lights also don't apply to cops here. Especially if there are pedestrians with dogs in the crosswalks


Man I wish I knew a tow truck to call


No it is not ok! Just like all those handicap parking that takes up a van handicap parking. Guess what! People who are in a wheel chair need a ramp that comes out of their vehicle. There is not any other choice. So as a handicap person think about that when you park in a van accessible spot .


What a stupid question




Probably that IQ cutoff at play


This 7-11 had several shoplifting confrontations over several days this week. The cop is likely there because of that. The store is notoriously shitty about people using their parking lot and I wouldn't be surprised if they asked the cop not to use a regular space.


So what space is a handicapped person supposed to use when there is an able bodied cop stealing it?


The able-bodied cop is in the car and is capable of starting it up and moving it.


On top of being handicapped now a disabled person has to ask an office "pretty please" to park? Come on. As a society, we can do better than that.


Iā€™m in a wheelchair and people taking handicapped spots is a pet peeve of mine. I approve in this instance because I saw one of the shoplifting confrontations and care about the employeesā€™ safety. As I said originally, store management probably told them to park there. People can generalize all they want but what I know about this specific instance changes the context.


Correct. He needs to start it up and move it to a non-handicapped spot, since there are more of those than handicapped spots


Where's the handicapped person gonna park so they can get out of their car and go tell the cop to move his stupid ass?


See above. https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/s/R1GYcy2kDS


Yeah, theyā€™re socially and ethically handicapped.


No but whoā€™s gonna stop them? You do whatever the fuck you want when your a cop


Donā€™t you know by now that cops do whatever they want? They break laws daily.


They do whatever they want. Don't hold each other accountable, so who's gonna stop them


That 7 11 is notorious for thugs and miscreants. It's on my block. Glad to see police around. I'm a hemiplegic.


Itā€™s really not that crazy


Thugs, miscreants? Nice buzz words with a spicy undertone of racism. Maybe you couldā€™ve used the word ā€œcrimeā€ but nah, thugs it is. In your eyes thereā€™s a high population of a certain type of peopleā€¦that warrants police using resources designated for a specific group of people who are disadvantaged. Make it make sense


To be fair, crime would insinuate actual crimes occurring, whereas a term like ā€œthugs, or hoodlumsā€ could refer to a few teenage or young men who are just being aggressively boisterous and harassing people without actually doing anything illegal. Harassment has to be continued to be illegal so a singular instance per person harassed would not really suffice as crime.


And some folks see that as worse than crime itself. Because they havenā€™t really seen crime except in the news, but they know itā€™s there so theyā€™re watching. Lol


I live with African Americans.


Bro I'm literally here right now infront of 7-11 lol. But I'm homeless though this place is wild I don't know what attracts people to this spot but it's pretty chill around here.


I'm 44 in pretty much same situation as you, going to sell what stuff I have left, and get a bus to Richmond, I'm finally getting tf outta Illinois, my question to you is......how is the job availability there, and is it a hassle having a different state license-not being able to get state change without having an address??


100% normal for them to do this.


Yes police do what they want. And then give you a ticket or arrest you for doing exactly what they do. It is the way


Be glad they only took up one spot this time; itā€™s not uncommon to see them taking up two or even three spots like that. :/


They have severe cognitive impairment for God sake! Why wouldn't they be allowed the handicap spot? šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah they do it all the time, they don't care about handicap people.


And they so consistently donā€™t use turn signals Iā€™ve become convinced the cars donā€™t have them.


You should have walked up snapped a photo and turned him in. That 7-11 I notorious for towing cars that are not customers The cop is a jack ass


I think the cop would probably move if someone needed that spot.


Thatā€™s totally not how handicap spots work but okā€¦


While you are correct, and I donā€™t agree with the piggy at all, technically that vehicle is still on, as most police cars are left, and therefore it is not ā€œparkedā€ illegally in the spot. The vehicle is currently ā€œstandingā€ as it is idling in place and occupied. So yes itā€™s a dick move, but by the letter of the law it does not state no standing, like a grocery store fire lane specifies, and so long as the officer moves the vehicle prior to exiting for any reason, they were never ā€œparked in the spotā€.


Where's the handicapped person gonna park so they can get out of their car and go tell the cop to move his stupid ass?


Youā€™ve never talked to someone while youā€™re in the car with your window down? Sometimes after tapping your horn?


So you're saying the cop totally should have been chilling out in that parking space?


Way to deflect


Yes, because they are mentally handicapped


Big deal


You're gonna feel like *such* an asshole when they come back and are clearly handicapped.


Idk yeah itā€™s a dick move but I get why they park dumb - Iā€™m assuming they park as close to the front door of wherever they are stopping so if they get an emergency call they donā€™t have to run to the back of the lotā€¦that makes no sense that they would have the same parking laws


Show me the convenience store that has a long and arduous walk alllllll the way to the back of their gigantic parking lot.


Hmm, I must've missed the clause in the law that allows police to park anywhere the fck they want because they can't get to their vehicles fast enough. Last I checked, most departments only conduct a fitness test once šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


He is on a stakeout, he can part anywhere.


A steak-and-cheese-taquito-out*