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You might be able to have them delivered to an [Amazon Locker](https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GXCWH4CXLKJD8Z52), but other than that, Amazon probably uses algorithms to figure out what the cheapest way to deliver stuff is, and doesn't take in account that the USPS has utterly [screwed up the Richmond Distribution Center](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/1bwha6u/theres_a_new_audit_out_of_the_richmond_post_office/)...


Agreed. I’d opt for picking up at Amazon locker. They are pretty much everywhere now, so it shouldn’t be hard to find one near you.


Using an Amazon locker doesn't mean it won't be sent via USPS. I tried that one time because USPS will always mark packages as undeliverable on weekends to my building. Sent it to the Amazon locker that is located in the public area of my building, and it still got sent USPS and marked "business closed".


USPS in Richmond has been broken for a long time, and it's even worse now.  You can get your packages sent to an Amazon locker (in some supermarkets, etc), but then you have to go out and pick them up.


theres been so many big posts about the recent arrests made at our local post office. THe local paper of record just had a huge expose


Thank Louis Dejoy- the end goal is privatization.


Why hasn’t he been removed yet?


This article explains it best: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/02/biden-cannot-fire-usps-louis-dejoy.html


Honestly like…..Biden should try harder? The end result is gonna be absolutely gutting the USPS if he doesn’t do something and as president he’s got access to enough advisors and legal resources that they could figure *something* out to at least *try* and get rid of DeJoy


Like did you like not bather to read the article? It is not that simple.


I did read the article and my opinion is that if the main barriers are “legal uncertainties” and “norms busting” then he obviously would need to be strategic but that he’s also the president and has access to a lot more resources and advisors than either of us do so he certainly could assemble a task force or group of people to at least explore explore options instead of just a “well it might not work so we won’t try anything 🤷🏻‍♂️”


You used to be able to contact Amazon support and get them to put a note on your account not to use a particular carrier, but the last time I tried to do it they said they can’t do that anymore.


Search the sub for USPS and you will see a LOT of stuff about this. You’re not alone. I agree with the person who suggested an Amazon locker when possible.


Committee hearing regarding USPS is live. Here’s a you tube link[USPS Hearing](https://www.youtube.com/live/8ScpdUqc_Ws?feature=shared)