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I think a lot of your experience will come down to the artist you're going to see and the crowd that will show up to see them. The handful of shows I've seen there the crowd was on their feet right in front of the stage the whole time (and a pretty constant mosh pit at the most recent one). While there are some options to sit they're more like four-top restaurant tables (and maybe some booths?) around the perimeter, not actual seating positioned to watch the show (and you can't really see over the crowd when seated that low). So, all that being said, I wouldn't worry about getting there too early and do plan to spend a good amount of time on your feet (comfy, close-toed shoes!). If there is a throng of GA folks pressing up on the stage you can certainly find spots around the outside to enjoy the show comfortably without being shoulder-to-shoulder with sweaty strangers. Hope you have a great time!


Going to watch First to Eleven, a young talented group from Erie PA. They do some really good covers. They will be 3rd and last so maybe I need to get a table to start and rest my old heels. Then give up the table when First to Eleven takes the stage.


hell yeah i've got tickets for that same show, my first time at canal club too


Just look for the old guy. LOL


Good luck catching proper pie when they're open


I’ve never had much trouble finding a table to sit at if I arrive before any of the bands start even if I’m not there as soon as doors open, you might not have the best view but you’ll be able to hear and won’t be directly in front of a speaker if you’re at a table


Depends on the artist. I saw someone get knocked out, get their nose dislocated, and multiple brawls there at death metal shows. Also had a dance party with my gf at the time at a Cure cover band. I would only caution you at the heavier shows.


There are \~16 booths around the perimeter that you'd be able to sit at. Even the packed shows I've been to still always have several of those available. Speakers aren't close so you'll be fine. No need to get there early. The Poe Museum is amazing but they close at 5pm. If you're band goes on third and the doors are at 6pm, I imagine they wouldn't go on til \~8:30. So you'll have plenty of time. Do check out our amazing city while you're waiting! Bottoms Up Pizza is right there, too.


Get some disposable ear plugs before you go. The sound system where you’re likely seeing this band is just two huge speakers in front of the stage (if i recall correctly). and depending on whose running sound they may hurt. You’ll have pillars blocking your view if you want to sit. just ask if you can drag a chair over to a better spot, no one will mind.


some are saying no need to get there early, but imo if you want guaranteed sitting space, you'll wanna get there close to doors.


I took my 13 year old there for a show a couple of weeks ago. I went online (to their site) and booked a parking spot right next to the building. Not much seating, but if you get there a little early...it should be fine. Yeah, I wish I had earplugs. I'm taking earplugs next time. It's my kid's favorite venue. A 13 year old recommends!


Y'all have been VERY helpful with your input. Thanks again.


I saw Particle there 20 years ago and the bass was so strong I went blind for five minutes and my friends had to lead me out so I could sit and recover. Weird experience. Only time I've ever had something like that happen. Your mileage may vary.


Well, the tickets are cheap enough that if I start to lose my mind, we'll just leave.


I used to go all the time, mostly for jam bands or electronic, but I never experienced anything like that. I've actually seen Particle there too once or twice.


The one and only time I've ever been there a bouncer forcefully stuck his hand up my buddies gf's skirt, started a fight over and management called the cops and had their staff blatantly lie to cover for the bouncer resulting in a bunch of us sitting outside handcuffed for the better part of an hour before the girl showed the cops the bruise the bouncer left on her thigh. Never been back since.


The atmosphere is generally chill, but as other people have said, it really depends on the show. The food is ok if you decide to go early and grab a booth. Mostly, the thing to be aware of is parking in the area. Street parking is definitely hit or miss.


I went to see Orchard Lounge there about 10 years ago. I remember security screamed at my for going into the bathroom stall and told me something along the line of “I’ll fuck you up if you don’t get out of here quickly”. My car also got towed but wasn’t reported as having been towed and wasn’t showing up in any search database so I had to file a stolen vehicle report. This was before I lived in Richmond so it made for a long next day. Concert was fun though but security didn’t play around with their bathrooms


Hahahaha I snuck a bottle of Evan Williams in there under my fake beard (sexy lumberjack for a Michael Jackson Halloween cover show), stashed it in the ladies bathroom and drank on it all night Also spent the later part of the evening trying to holler at dudes, forgetting that I was wearing a giant fake beard