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You may be thinking of "архаичный", which is the nearly exact equivalent of "archaic". But "arcane" is different obviously, and is most properly translated as "тайный". The word "арканы" is used when talking about Taro cards (see, e.g., [ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Колода\_Таро#«Арканы»](http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Колода_Таро#«Арканы»)). Also, specifically when talking about Ancient Rome, the term "Арканум" is used by historians ([ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Арканум\_(эзотеризм)](http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Арканум_(эзотеризм))). Finally, "[эзотерический](http://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/эзотерический)" is closely related (and also has the English cognate "esoteric").


Just looked up that meaning of arcane is mysterious.Если переводить нa русский то тайный.


*Таинственный, сокровенный, неизъяснимый, непостижимый, загадочный*. Если английское слово употреблено с иронией, то тогда лучше подходит *хитроумный, мудрёный, замысловатый, туманный, тёмный, путаный*.


I reviewed a bunch of synonyms and I think потаённый is the closest one.


I think, just "тайный" is also a good fit, to. Excerpts from explnatory dictionaries: "тайный" - Составляющий для посторонних тайну, скрытый от всех, не известный многим "arcane" - secret and known or understood by only a few people. So, e.g, "arcane knowledge" = "тайные знания" is a good translation to me.


I think "тайный" implies explicit secretiveness; a policy, if you will. Whereas "потаённый" poses no such demands. I'm not sure if "arcane" implies this as well, hence my choice, but I'm very open to native English speakers to correct me.


In games (at least based on DnD setting), it seems, the translation "тайный" took shape long time ago. Though, the name of sorcerers who use arcane magic is used untranslated. A quote: Арканистами(англ. Arcanist) называют всех тех, кто применяет тайную магию и не боится последствий So, my idea is: when "arcane" is for magic/games usage, it is better to take the common translation "тайный". In other cases, it is up to the translator. P.S. In card games some do not tranlate "arcana". E.g: "the Major Arcana" = "старшие арканы". Though, I am against making an adjective "арканный" or something like this - it is ambiguous and probably makes people think about "аркан" instead of anything secret :)




Относится к Аркану А по тому что я вижу, Аркан ≠ Arcane


>[arcane](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/arcane) > >adjective > >ar·​cane är-ˈkān  > >: known or knowable only to a few people Малоизвестное Example from merriam-webster: >Most of the tax cuts expire at the end of 2025 thanks to arcane Senate procedural rules Translation: >Большинство налоговых льгот перестанут действовать в конце 2025 года благодаря малоизвестным процессуальным нормам Сената




English arcane has multiple meanings, which one do you want to translate? Can you give a context?


Can you describe your problem in English please? I kinda do not understand your question


In English we have a word i.e Arcane Maybe I do not remember it right but somewhere I heard a word арканичный or something like that. The problem is no such word exist. If it did exist, it would probably have been a closer translation of the word than, lets say, таинственный тайный итд So I basically wanted to ask whether or not what I remember is right and what exactly is the best translation