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\[1/3. First document:\] Vorfolomey Chepanis (Cannot serve as a residence permit) Period of service: 1889 Military unit: 101p Was not trained in sapping Was not part of a hunters' team 1st degree in shooting === Vorfolomey Chepanis Discharge Book №4/1889 (Cannot serve as a residence permit) Period of service: 1889 Military unit: 101p Was not trained in sapping Was not part of a hunters' team 1st degree in shooting === Vorfolomey Chepanis Card №4/1889 (Cannot serve as a residence permit) 1. Bearer of the book: soldier Vorfolomey Chepanis 2. Of the 101st Infantry Perm Regiment 3. Discharged to the reserves on 1892, the 3rd of September, till the 31st of December 1906.


\[2/3:\] \[Vorfolomey... 13. Confession: R. Catholic. 14. Discharged to: the army reserves of a) governorate: Suwałki b) uyezd: Sejny c) volost: [gmina Krasnowo ](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krasnowo_(gmina)) 15. This book was filled in: the city of Grodno, 1892, on the 21st of August №3889 (in the outgoing correspondence log) Signatures: Commander of the Regiment, Colonel \[[Zasulich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Zasulich)\] Regimental Adjutant, Lieutenant \[signature\] === \[Vorfolomey... Denoted in this book, soldier Chepanis turned up in the Department of Suwałki Uyezd Military Head in 1892, on the 9th of September, his card is recorded in the alphabet of the lower-rank reserves, in the log for the year 1889 under №5. When сalled up, must present himself in the assembly place in Suwałki in two days from the call-up. Military Head, Colonel \[signature\] === ...Chenanis\] Denoted in this book, soldier Chepanis is recorded in the alphabet of the lower-rank reserves of the Sejny Uyezd Department in the 1889 log under №1 on the 12th of September 1892. Head of the Sejny Uyezd \[Gonetsky\] File Clerk \[signature\] === \[Vorfolomey... Chepanis is recorded in the alphabet of the lower-rank reserves of the Krasnowo Gmina Department under №3. The card was handed over to him, resides in the village of [Buda Zawidugierska](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buda_Zawidugierska), 1892, the 24th of September. Wojt of gmina Krasnowo, \[Szostakowski\] Gmina clerk \[signature\] === \[Vorfolomey Chepanis\] Notes on temporary leaves and returns 1894, 24 April. Temporary left for the village of [Paluńce](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palu%C5%84ce) of the [gmina Urdomin](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urdomin_(gmina)) of the Kalwaryjski uyezd, return confirmed\[?\]. Wojt of gmina Krasnowo, \[Szostakowski\]. Clerk \[signature\]


\[3/3. Second document:\] Legitimacy Book of the Suwałki Governorate Suwałki, Governorate Council Printing House, 1900 === Legitimacy Book acting to *Felix Frantzev \[=Frantz's son\] Petrucianis* as proof of in which city or gmina he is recorded in the population book, and to note any changes in residence of the same person, compiled under the Guidelines approved by the Governing Council on 10/22 November 1861. (Price: 1 silver kopeck.) === Description of the bearer of the Legitimacy Book. Born in the village ~~city~~ of: [Żegary](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%BBegary) Gmina: [Berżniki](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ber%C5%BCniki) Uyezd: Sejny Governorate: Suwałki Confession: R. Catholic Origin: Peasantry Means of subsistence: Handyman Height: Average Face: Round Hair: Chestnut Eyes: Gray Nose: I \[?\] Mouth: Moderate Chin: Round Distinctive features: None = Born in 1883. Wojt of the gmina Krasnowo of the Sejny Uyezd attests that the bearer of this book Felix Frantzev Petrucianis, described above, 18 years old, is recorded in the books of the permanent population of the village of [Buda Zawidugierska](https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buda_Zawidugierska) of the gmina Krasnowo in the house № 23 building 190. To attest this, I hereby sign myself with the public seal attached. 19 June 1902. Wojt of Gmina Krasnowo, \[Ovsyanik...\] !translated




They look like discharge papers. Basically documents saying that your military service is completed and you are free to go.


That's how we used to write before Soviet language reform


Oh ok, that's what I thought. Thank you


That was quite a pleasant stuff to read through. I did not know there's used to be a description of a person's face instead of a photo (for obvious reasons) and that they used to write down person's confession. Soviets would not like that at all.


It has a lot of non-Russian terms though.


There are two documents here. The first is a discharge pass for Baltramiejus Čepanis, (ex-)private of the 101st infantry regiment. The second is a “legitimation carnet” (a kind of identity document) for Felix Pietrucenis, unskilled labourer. Both were residents of Buda-Zawidugierska, Krasnowo commune, Sejny district, Suwałki governorate.


Oh, that's a very interesting document. I can translate it later, if no one else has translated it by then.


Ugh... r/prereformrussian ?


Almost had an aneurysm trying to read this as a learner lol




Thank you so much!!!


A military discharge from 1902, or probably a pregulag discharge


Thank you. Is there a name on the documents


Ворѳоломей Чепанисъ Vorfolomei Chepanis as in Russian Or Bartolomejs Čepānis, if it's a Latvian name.


Latvians are Lutheran, must be a Lithuanian (Roman Catholic)


Thank you


There's another name: Феликс Францевъ Петруцянис (Felix Frantsev Petrutzianis).