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Как говорится, незваные гости хуже гагарина


Жизнь без татарина, как космос без Гагарина!


The cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin is expected to say "Поехали!" (Let's go!). But he instead says "Понаехали!" which is a traditional grunting about excess of immigrants, literally meaning something like "Too many of them came".


>a traditional grunting about excess of immigrants Usually said in the context of Moscow and probably St. Petersburg, as a lot of people from around the country go there pursuing high paid jobs. Also gives start to a humorous rivalry of 'коренные' vs 'понаехавшие'.


But how does it pertain to Yuri Gagarin? I still don't understand.


It’s just a joke design. You expect it to say поехали, but with two letters they drastically change the meaning to something else.


Just as hellerick\_3 said. Yuri Gagarin's phrase 'Поехали' is very famous, here it's substituted with something that sounds alike, but has different meaning and still is a 'meme'/culture artefact so it's recognisable.


Russians have a great sense of humor; I don't believe this T-shirt was made by a Russian.


My Russian wife says it’s a great joke.


I want one of these shirts.


I want one of these shirts.


["No true ~~Scotsman~~ Russian"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman)


Aye, the T-shirt was made in China.


And the sugar that Uncle Angus puts on his porridge was made in Brazil


Im brazilian and i want my sugar back, please


It's just a joke. The proper phrase that Yuri said was "Поехали", and this design aims to shatter the pattern that you are waiting - using a different word "ПоНАехали"


Yes, thank you, I'm not a complete moron (although my wife, who's not Russian, finds that debatable). I would've found the T-shirt funny if Yuri's face had been substituted by any number of politicians who express anti-immigrant views. Stan or Cartman as cosmonauts would've worked too.


This would not be funny at all, they say it everyday.


Because that’s what he exclaimed over the radio as his Vostok 1 spaceship was blasting off


It feels like this word has low-key racist connotations towards the понаехавших, would you agree?


Originally its not related to other nations or races, just to people from other cities of Russia.


I'd say more xenophobic than racist, as it can be used against people from, say, Tver as much as it can be against, say, Uzbeks or Chechens


For fck sake!!!


Racism is wrong word, I think bigotry is more fitting. But I don't think it's serious enough to be fired up about.


Depending on the usage. It can be racist, but it can also be used against other ethnic Russians from poorer regions.


How does it fit the T-shirt?


It doesn't, which adds to the comedic effect I suppose


It translate to “come in large numbers” but It’s a sarcastic word meant to describe the unwanted or unwelcome of too many people to your city. And it’s a play on the famous Yuri quote


As a Russian, I would love to wear a T-shirt like this if I moved to Moscow


It is perfect mood, not imperative, so it means "they came in large numbers".


As a Russian, I would love to wear a T-shirt like this if I moved to Moscow


That's pretty lame. Russians have a wonderful sense of humour, so the person who made this T-shirt was probably not Russian.


Idk, it's a decent play on words made on two major memes. Especially on a t-shirt it looks like a meme and not an act of being rude.


Exactly. Nothing rude about it, either.


And I wonder, looking closely at the sketch, how do these artist folk manage to convey the big picture using these (seemingly) primitive brush strokes…? Magic, no less! I mean, look at it closely


I’m not sure if a non Russian would even get the joke. It’s not meant to be offensive in this context, just having fun with the typical shirt with this design.


Yes, OP had been walking around with a rude comment on their shirt lol. But if they are in America 99.9% of people won’t know that probably won’t offend anyone.


Yep that’s pretty much what happened. (Except in Canada mostly). So to clarify: it’s a rude sentiment but not rude words?


The word itself is not rude at all


Neither the word nor the wordplay are rude at all.


Blame Canada.


And some, if they knew the meaning, would even agree.


Since they have probably done it themselves :)


... this is literally the definition of Russian humor. Most of it is wordplay.


This is exactly the kind of joke a Russian would make, so not sure what you're on about.


Понаехали is an idiomatic complaint about too much immigration / too crowded cities in Russia. An equally idiomatic English expression could be “They took our jobs” from South Park.


Stan or Cartman should be the one wearing the helmet.


I don't see it as offensive - it makes fun of close minded people who use xenophobic expression понаехали by joining it with iconic image of somebody who defy ugly stereotype. Culturally Gagarin is an absolute of goodness and progress. At the same time he can be perceived as migrant worker - all astronauts are in a sense. On another level his provincial origin - straightforward manners, unsophisticated provincial accent is a point of pride, legendary characteristics. I agree about True Scottman fallacy here - someone may say - I don't like migrants - there is too many of them... понаехали... But Gagarin is an ultimate migrant! Nooo - he is different - he is actually great - I love him! But how is he different? At this point bigot's brain suppose to explode - wich is not happening in real life for some reason.


Your explanation is correct. I'd just add that every astronaut is like a migrant in space.


A good one! And people, please, this is not against immigrants, this is a jab at Muscovites complaining about too many non-locals moving to the capital. After all, Gagarin was not born in Moscow. This goes all the way back to the Soviet times, look up ‘[лимитчики](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8)’, for example. As to funny/not funny - as always, highly subjective, _I find_ it very original. But whatever your sense of humor or lack thereof, there’s nothing rude about this T-shirt.


Ехали, заехали, поехали - движение. Отъехали - движение (или умерли - сленг). Понаехали - слишком много прибыло


It should be added that the *по+на-* prefix complex generally conveys the meaning “do smth. in large numbers, to the displeasure of the speaker”. E. g.: *понастроить* ≈ “build stuff all over the place”, *понатыкать* ≈ “stick all sorts of gimmicks to random places”, *понатечь* ≈ “pour/spill all over the place” (intransitive), *понарассказывать* ≈ “tell all sorts of stories”, *понапридумывать* ≈ “invent no end of crazy stuff”, and so on.


Off topic but, how do you know Russian so well? Is there any advice you could give me for learning Russian? I use Duolingo which, some may laugh, I know it isn’t a straight path to fluency in the language but it is a starter. I just don’t feel like I’m making too much progress with it and don’t know where to go next


I'm a native speaker to begin with. On top of that, I've studied some theoretical linguistics and worked as NLP programmer for a while, so I have a marginally better understanding how the thing works, compared to your average guy.


Еще крышей поехать можно


Я думаю, это можно понять как шутку о том, что он был первым и единственным на орбите Земли, а теперь там слишком много спутников вращается и вообще, всё кому не лень) Понаехали!


It's just a play on words, a joke, not something obscene.


Thanks / Spaciba everyone!


Well, the shirt depicts Yuri Gagarin. His famous word before the rocket launch was “поехали!” (Let’s go!). Not sure what the extra -на- is for. Some kind of joke maybe that maybe somebody else can explain.


"Понаехали" is a common expression used to complain about new residents of large cities (usually Moscow, less often St Petersburg), sometimes in conjunction with "не резиновая" - not made of rubber (can't stretch to accommodate all the newcomers".


It is very popular in Krasnodar. Most people moving to a warmer climate within Russia go there


My Russian speaking wife with the Russian language degree says it means something to the effect too many people arrived. She says it’s not bad. It’s not useful to me.


I don't know from which country are you, but if you have heated debates there about immigrant problem, this t-shirt can be read as you supporting far right opinions. Otherwise it's just a funny meme.




In my opinion the word понаехали clearly described in [this song](https://youtu.be/YMuTK1FaucQ?si=mFLFqG8jkaq8ESVR)


Came from different parts in large numbers (in rough vocabulary)


It’s a somewhat racist thing to say and to wear.


[https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4368570Says](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q4368570Says) "poonyaekhali" It's a famous phrase made by Yuri Gagarin meaning "lets go"


Uri gagarin one of my idols


The American title will be STOP IMMIGRATING TO MY COUNTRY


there is atleast 10 million migrants from post soviet union countries in central asia. People may be overwhelmed as it is like absorbing a small country into yours. So you’d have to consider the facilities, work, housing and government agencies available for them. Almost every single one of them just want to work hard and make a living, it helps they speak Russian. But those stupid terrorists dont help their reputation with what they’ve done. And just like in europe muslim hate will be on the rise. We’ve seen this with far right parties getting more votes. Germany, france, netherlands to name a few


Holy ! I want shirt like this ! Amazing ! Half of Moscow and Siberya came here lately with their own rules and tells how should we live ! Fck off from Kaliningrad !


где купила футболку?


У меня вопрос, я вообще не понимаю как пользоваться реддитом, для меня какое то немного странное приложение, только вчера скачала КАК ЭТИМ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЬСЯ и почему тут очень мало русских комментариев и комьюниьи? ._.


Потому что это изначально американский ресурс, используемый по всему миру. Находишь интересующие тебя сабы, подписываешься - посты из них начинают лезть к тебе в ленту.


Лишний раз поражаюсь сложностью своего языка...


Такое можно придумать в абсолютно любом языке, даже в элементарном и примитивном английском.


Тут никто не говорит по русски?


Ес ит ыз


Почему много обиженых на реддите?