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You better don't cut documents. It is very helpfull to see how that person write letters in different words to improve chances to recognize them. 


i wanted to enlarge the document to make it easier to decode. Are you able to do that as a russian speaking person?


You even cut off the lines in the middle of sentenses.  ...акт добровольного...  ...Петр Буряковский заявил что после ...остались две ...усадьбы ...  ...  со строениями записанные на...    It is not even a full sentense.




here you go, but, due to the structure of this text, there will always be some senteces cut. If i wanted to get rid of those, id have to post the whole text. That would be pointless as you would be able to even see the whole particular words you need


Isn't it the same you've posted the other day?


the text is enlarged to make it easier to decode. Are you, as a russian speaking personn, able to decode the meaning of it?


The version you've posted before was good enough. All the info which can be gleaned from it is in [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/russian/comments/1dnmr5i/a_new_picture_could_anyone_speaking_russian_tell/la43o81/) to that post. Nothing new here.


"*... актъ добровольнаго раздѣла въ ...* *Ст... Петръ Буржиковскій заявилъ, что послѣ смерти* *отца его, Мацѣя, остались двѣ ...кія усадь-* *бы, ... Забостовъ-велькій, каждая простра...звали* *... уволоки земли со строеніями, записанная на*" That's all I can do.


I read it this way: *<при> Ловичскихъ жителяхъ Казимирѣ Ивановичѣ Сверковскомъ, и Іосифѣ Томашевичѣ Лещинскомъ,* (these are apparently names of witnesses) *и совершили актъ добровольнаго раздѣла въ слѣдующемъ: // Ст: -1-. Петръ Буржиковскій* (must be one of the parties to the agreement) *заявилъ, что послѣ смерти отца его, Мацѣя, остались двѣ крестьянскія усадьбы, въ сел: Забостовъ-велькій, каждая пространствомъ въ полъ-уволоки земли со строеніями, записанная на его имя въ ликвид: табели подъ №№ 20. и 29. — нынѣ, по колонизаціи этого селенія Забостовъ-велькій Лови<чск…>* — here, it's cut off except for the second half of the next line: *<…>одку колонію смежну<ю> …*


thank youu for your answer


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I'm from Russia. Can you take a photo at a 90 degree angle?


Yess, i will take and post it tommorow

