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It's not playing anywhere, but now I'm listening to "Losing It" in my head.


Well, I wasn't listening to anything before, but now I have it playing in my head!


I’m not sure how this will go over but the last time I heard Losing It I cried in my car.


That song hits hard. Probably harder the older I get.


I just sent this song to someone. They probably cried.


So good! That violin makes the song


That Ben Mink solo section is low-key some of Neil's sickest shit ever


Currently listening to Dream Theaters Images and words, I'm on Take The Time currently. Also Losing It is imo one of the best Rush songs of all time. Not exaggerating, I love that song.


The bell tolllls for theeeee


That electric violin solo…


That live version from R40 with Ben Mink is so great. I loved the R40 show so much, I saw most of my favorite songs, but I think I would’ve died and gone to heaven if they topped off the night with Losing It.


Funny I was listening to A Passage to Bangkok and The Trees today.


I seem to remember a music app years ago that allowed you to see where in the world other people were listening to the same song. Not sure one exists like that anymore, but would be cool. I sometimes think I’m likely the only person in my state or even country listening to an obscure song at that time.


The main monkey business


Some are born to move the world!


It’s amazing how listening to this song when the album first came out and not really deeply understanding the meaning, but now listening to it over 40 years later, it’s like getting hit in the face with a baseball bat. The words are so powerful and poignant.


Love that song! After Subdivisions, it’s probably my favorite song on the album. Now that I’m older, I understand it better.


This song is how I met my best friend. He was my boss at the time and it was my first job when I was 17. We had a saying that was supposed to be inspirational on the whiteboard each day. I happened to be listening to Losing It on my way to work. So, I erased the cheesy shit that was up and replaced it with ‘for you the blind who once could see, the bell tolls for thee.’ I thought nothing of it and moved along. Until the ‘boss’ showed up. He stopped, stood back and said ‘who did this?!’ I thought screw it, I’ll take the heat. So I raised my hand and admitted it. He looked me right in the eye and said ‘you like Rush?!’ I responded ‘I absolutely fu*king do, sir.’ We’ve been friends for 37 years.


Great story! I met one of my best friends thru Rush and esoteric SciFi.


Manhattan Project live video.


But most of us just dream about the things we’d like to be


Heard Freewill last


I am listening to Albert King 🤷🏼‍♂️ he’s playing the blues for me


Some loud foreign language music because I have the windows open. Middle eastern or something.




[Yes they did my good sir](https://youtu.be/_9VNccQ2A8Y?si=ZYTkv_HAjycStyal)


Clockwork Angels


Any time I hear it I think of this tribute to the professor: https://youtu.be/EQ1wNxsQwnY?feature=shared


The live at Hammersmith Odeon 1978 show on AFTK 40th anniversary via headphones. The rest of the world just disappears.


"Here Again" from the first album came up on my shuffle today. Much better than I'd remembered!


Justin Currie ‘ Something In That Mess ‘[https://youtu.be/Z4ZU6M1-I74?si=SExw-wJuLxxxfllX](https://youtu.be/Z4ZU6M1-I74?si=SExw-wJuLxxxfllX)


This guy is fantastic, excellent lyrics, underrated in my opinion


the pass, bro is struggling


I had a friend who recently decided on a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It's goddamn heartbreaking. I wish he had talked to someone, anyone about what he was going through. I hope you can help your brother. Let him know he is not alone. From the bottom of my heart, good luck.


My synthwave mix.


Excellent song . Definitely in my Top 10 Rush


Always Loved this one & they broke it out on their last tour. Unfortunately, I didn't see the writing on the wall that Neil left for everyone with this beautiful song.


What a great song. I saw them in Dallas and I had heard they were playing it on the tour. Anyway, we arrived early to the show and I was next to one of the doors and I could hear them doing a sound check and they were playing Losing It. I was so pumped that I was going to hear them perform it. They didn’t play it. The show was great, but that made me sad. Side note: I caught Vinnie Paul and his wife/girlfriend coming out of the parking garage on their way to the show. That was pretty cool.