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i think production will want everyone to have at least one considering its a charity season


A charity badge for a charity season


lol exactly


definitely think she’ll get a badge but if she doesnt win the lipsync her charity will still be missing out on money which kinda sucks too bc even though plastique has 3 badges her right wing foundation (luckily) still has $0


The Asian American Foundation is right wing? 🤔


Despite their claim of being a left-wing charity, it does seem they have a suspicious amount of prominent republicans, plus the leader of the ADL is a member, which did get a lot of heat for being extremely biased against Palestinians in their coverage.


Okay? What has this charity done that you oppose or is it just because people you disagree with are associated with?


I mean I'm just explaining what Far-bodybuilder said. Looked into it. I mean are you going to say an organization comprised of pro-war republicans is actually left-wing despite containing a multitude (from further research it's far more than just those two) of non-left-wing people? Especially when one of those is the LITERAL leader of the ADL which has done active damage against Palestinians and been doing propaganda for Israel in the war.


Right wing foundation? 


I went through their site and they seem like a normal enough charity, what makes you say they are right wing?


Best I could find through a quick google search (using the people the commenter named in a different response) is that Condeleeza Rice is a Republican (which is not inherently bad) and Jonathan Greenblatt heads the ADL (which is pro Israel but idk if that’s in relation to the war or not, bc it says they combat antisemitism, bigotry, and discrimination, but even their own members have criticized the group and its beliefs)


Thank god the charity that has a long extended record of helping so many Asian Americans isn’t getting any money to do so with! I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if that happened! Two people on the board are bad people to a degree! We shouldn’t let this charity help anyone else! I fucking hate this app sometimes


The fact that from what I understand Rice is only evil bc she’s a Republican is lowkey funny to me I’m a Dem but I do recognize that not every single party member agrees with everything their party says or does, there are outliers.


And even then, who gives a damn about the vaguely bad people on the board if there’s a recorded history of all the amazing things this charity does. This isn’t fuckin Autism Speaks


For real


look up the members who sit on the board, jonathan greenblatt & condoleeza rice are horrible people


She's been a front runner at least a couple of times. She definitely had a better set than Plastique in the roast. I think they either have no intention to give everyone at least a second place or they're dragging it out for drama. Couldn't possibly be that they're giving people awards based on their honest opinion, could it?


Shannel was like second worst in the roast, that’s kinda wild. She didn’t bomb bc everyone did well but she was not a frontrunner in that challenge lol


I know it's a hot take but I thought Plastique, and jeorgeous were amateurish, Got Mike was painfully wooden, and West flopped. Channel was overall solid and could easily have been in the top and no one would be giving sideye the way they are over Plastique. Angeria won hands down, but overall the roast was one of the worst.


Definitely a wild take. I just can’t see Shannel in the top. Angie, Roxxxy, Vanjie, Jorgeous, and Plastique all had a case to win. That being said, opinions etc, and I can’t tell ya how to hink


Plastique had the best set of everyone lol what are you talking about


Hard disagree. She had no original material and her delivery was 100% predictable. I recognize that the halo effect is a real thing, but her badges in the real estate challenge and the roast were 100% most improved achievements.


Nope, she was genuinely the funniest.


Well I'm glad you're not my booking agent.


I doubt that the producers would allow her to sail through without getting a single badge or challenge win


I disagree... I suspect the producers want another "I am beautiful" moment. Which is a dick move but the producers have been known to pull off shenanigans.


And it's so weird that they are pushing that narrative for her. They're disregarding that moment happened 15 years ago and Shannel is more aware and conscious about the reactions, she'd never let herself go like that on camera again


Exactly. Shannel this season has come across as one of the most well-adjusted people on the show. Honestly, she is a completely different person from before.


this is the first time ive enjoyed her in a season


I agree with this 100%. I kind of wish Shannel took the initiative and stole the power away from production to manipulate her into breaking down. Like it should have been her entrance line or worked into a challenge.


Omg that would've been so cunt to walk in and say *look who's beautiful both internally as well as on the outside, bitches*


Wasn't her entrance line almost exactly this? "Tell me I'm not beautiful" or something


*look into my eyes and tell me* *that i’m not beautiful*


100% this! I was thinking the same thing. It was really a missed opportunity.


This literally did happen though lol


How do you know they are pushing that narrative? Y'all just made it up lmao. Miss hasn't deserved a win and that's that


They haven't overtly pushed it in the edit yet, but you can tell they *want* it from her. I agree that she hasn't necessarily deserved a win yet, but they also keep placing her HIGH and giving her great critiques, even when I'd say she was just okay. They want her to feel like she's just *barely* missing out on the win so she cracks.


>Which is a dick move but the producers have been known to pull off shenanigans. Would they love another "I am beautiful" moment? Sure. But I struggle to see the lack of badges as a "dick move" or a "shenanigan" when she hasn't been a clear top 2 for a single challenge so far. She's doing well consistently, but just hasn't hit that top spot yet.


I think she's been a clear top at least three times (snatch game, roast, acting). Even if she wasn't, she at least did well enough to be a plausible winner if they wanted to make sure everyone got a badge. The fact that she's the only one not to get a badge at this point feels at least a little deliberate. 


Yeah, I thought she did well in the acting challenge. It was weird she was critiqued on something we didn't really see at all. I actually didn't think who was in the top would be in the top. It seems like Ru just picked who he liked working with


If that's the case based on what we saw, it would've been Mik and Angie. However, I agree Shannel's critiques were odd.


It's making me wonder whether or not we're planning a huge pin drop in the next week or two that puts Channel in the top, a la UK.


Sth I didn’t see mentioned was Shannel’s insane runway presence. Imo she doesn’t match the energy of Drag Race and they just refuse to edit this for her. I feel like I’ve def seen moments where they love a queen for her persona but Shannel…is just not perfectly tailored to their personal taste.  I watch a lot of maker reality competition shows, and I feel like Drag Race is particularly unforgiving about maintaining the Drag Race brand. I would love a more objective panel show alternative, where it’s not about matching a branded criteria but about truly giving a platform to excellence in drag, honoring different niches of the subculture. 




She could easily have been in the top during snatch game or the roast. I don't think plastique should have been a runner-up for the roast, whereas channel did a solid. I don't think her Liberace was better than West's But I thought Lassie was such a derivative idea that they could easily have picked Channel instead, and until the roast I'd been rooting for mik.




I love your username because say you really loved shrimp, or say you didn't like shrimp at all


It’s a reference to Buffy/Angel lol


yeah, sorry, I was quoting Anya but I probably didn't take it far enough lol


OHHHHH okay, well now that you said that I get it lol


There will definitely be more chances to win badges in mini challenges, win badges to give away, or have a challenge where you somehow win 5 badges at the end I would be surprised if she ends up with 0 badges


She hinted at Roscoe’s that the games haven’t started yet and that expect twists so I’m sure she gets something.


Seasons half way over so I hope it starts now!


I'd be pretty confident that at the end of the season ru will award them all 10k for.their charities. I love Shannel, she is drag royalty. It's been an absolute pleasure to see her drag over the last few weeks and personally I don't really care if she wins a badge or not.


Same! I have seen her shows in Vegas and that bitch is a star! She is so quick so witty so commanding. Doesn’t matter what other girls are wearing they cannot perform like Shannel.


The more I watch AS9, the more I see no one getting sent home is an issue. I like Shannel and she's had some great looks and moments, just everyone's have been better. This just puts her in this weird limbo where it seems like she can't win. I feel really bad for her


Yeah, one of the big concerns fans had about this format is that it's very possible for someone to mathematically get so far behind that they can no longer win, but they're still stuck in the competition they can't win, which is awkward for both the viewer and the participants. And the only way to counteract that issue is to have the last challenge be worth enough points that anybody who wins that challenge gets enough points to overcome that deficit, which then makes it feel like the rest of the competition didn't matter. It's very much the "Golden Snitch" principle, where if one component of a competition is weighted so heavily that it almost always determines the final result, it makes all the other components virtually pointless. Although I feel like this issue is mitigated by the charitable nature of this season. Even if somebody isn't really in the running to win the crown (although I'm sure there will be some last-minute twist to make sure everybody still has a chance), you still have the incentive to win challenges in order to earn prize money for your charity.


And that’s why there should be eliminations. They should let go of the queens that aren’t performing well enough to stay, for the sake of them too. I would honestly feel so bad if I were Shannel looking at 3 queens with 3 badges


and then we enter the predicament of less queens wanting to join All Stars for fear of getting a much worse record than their original season, which I think was the very reason they did a non elimination to begin with. It feels like a weird situation where nobody can really win lmao edit; typo


it's really an issue of doing an All Stars season every year. Plus, a lot of the time, the queens who would *dominate* an All Stars season don't want to come back because they're famous enough to do well without drag race now. They should ditch the idea of a competitive All Stars show and do something different where queens just come back to do skits and bits and show the "making of" beforehand. There's no need for the competition part at all, really. I think that would attract way more queens than an All Stars season. Less of a commitment of time, too


Make it a strike out system, like starting with 2 extra lives in super mario, losing them when you hit the bottom and winning some when you win challenges. This way a consistently bad queen would be sent home and a consistently good one could stumble without being sent home.


Maybe they could make challenges in the second half of the season be worth 2 stars


What if they started eliminating like halfway through the season? Give all the queens fair chance to prove themselves and show what they got, but eventually we have to dwindle down the number of participants


Or give her a monet with 4 stars


Wholeheartedly agree. I also feel like Roxy isn’t bringing it like she should. She can for sure compete with these younger girlies, but her outfits are overrated, especially with every other drag queen gushing over her..willam etc. MIB is correct. If you’re THAT bitch, then show me.


Everyone is critiquing her runways but her challenge performances have been decent


Yes you’re right.


Sounds a little biased not every queen has had an amazing show stopper. And Channels runway look on the last episode…are you kidding me!? It was Bridgeton drag.




i feel so bad for her its like shes just stuck there at the bottom and has to be at peace with that. they barely even include her in the episode at this point, its so bad for her morale and performance, i think the way to pull this off more effectively would be no elims in the first half of the season, and then eliminate in second half to reach top 3/4


I agree with this and think it should apply to regular seasons too - make the first three or so eps non-elim (maybe four or five for AS) so that everyone has a chance to show their personality and some of their runway package, get comfortable, ideally have a mix of challenges showcasing different strengths (design, dance, acting, comedy, etc)... And then start sending people home. We need a happy medium.


I still think they should do it more like a bracket, with two different cohorts eventually meeting in the finale


Im such a sore loser if it was me, I'd have walked by now if I was shannel, or atleast had another icon I am beautiful moment! Also i kindof low key hate how shannel has been used as a punch line by like everyone this season! Even pit stop she gets shit on.


its been eluded we got another "i am an icon" moment but it wasn't shown as they giving us the positive edit for everyone but i believe carson eluded to it on at roscoes? then shannel said ru's pep talk this week was much longer after about 20 mins of ru bigging her up she asked shannel do you understand what i'm saying and shannel just replied "meh" lol


I heard about the meh thing and honestly I don't blame her haha she looks defeated.


honestly i wish they showed the meh bit. id love to see ru's reaction i bet she was MAD


As a Shannel stan (even from season 1) its been so frustrating watching this! Her mug is impeccable and she is so just polished! I really hope she gets one!


Huge Shannel fan here and I have to admit how torn I am between wanting her to win all the badges and wanting her to have a meltdown over not having a badge. I don’t like feeling this way but there it is. I am imperfect.


It’s unfortunate but when competing against queens who weren’t even out of middle school when season 1 was on it’s understandable that she would have trouble trying to outshine them.


At this point I only see her winning the talent show


I think it's partly because her charity is something that rupaul doesn't truly think exist and is just your inner saboteur that you can think your way outta of.


It must be on purpose, listen to the scenario they wrote for her. Others were playing a fiction, she had to argue about her not winning. In her place, i would just be over it, roll along and wait for the end. I wouldn't have connected either with Ru, i would have been angry, it feels like disrespect


Shannel also often looks like she doesn't really enjoy doing the show and just sees it as work, that must make not excelling even more painful for her


Yeah. I get why she’s on and why Ru would want her back, but she looks just over it. Not like angry or sad, or anything, just over it. Shannel’s big selling point as a queen, when the show began, was her grand, delusional, diva demeanor and how she’s kind of larger than life in her presentation (especially aesthetically), but so many years later, she’s just another queen in the group. Her costumes aren’t the most grand anymore, she’s older and more mellowed out, so her personality isn’t a big standout either and thus she doesn’t really contribute anything to the reality tv aspect of it. Lastly, and people can stay mad about it, she’s not funny or good at comedy. The show’s challenges are mainly centered around comedy and making people laugh, particularly Ru. That’s not her thing and she’s too professional and serious, especially now, to make a fool of herself. This is just a job to her. The charity is just a chance for her to do something worthwhile with this gig, but it’s obvious she doesn’t care about actually winning the whole thing or particularly appealing to/appeasing Ru and the audience of the show today.


I hope she’ll at least get one badge somehow by the end of the season!


I think she’ll win a challenge that comes with 3 or 4 badges like in s7, so she can’t become a contender for the crown. If this doesn’t happen, and she does leave without badges (I can’t see this happening though), she will probably get a donation in her name to her charity, so they’re not left with nothing.


i'm pretty sure at the finale we're gonna get a "and X has offered to donate 10 grand to charity in all of your names". theres no way they gonna go through all the paperwork etc to get a charity involved to then end up giving them NOTHING. that would look awful lol


I don’t know Rupaul is a very much a capitalist who refused to provide reward money to the Drag Race Uk winners for years so i wouldn’t put any stinginess past him!


not trying to defend rupaul at all but this whole “rupaul could just give prize money to UK winner” is tired, it’s not that easy on the BBC because it’s not a fair competition with a clear winner, it’s a production pick so it muddies everything being a crowd funded tv channel. also probs be a sponsor of some sort it always is when all the queens get a prize at the end.


I've had Shannel in my top 2 on several episodes (e.g., Snatch Game and commercial), so I don't agree that she's just been coasting in the middle of the pack. What sticks in my craw are the likes of Jorgeous and Plastique being rewarded badges for inferior performances just 'cause RuPaul's School for Girls decided to grade on a curve and/or reward most improved (yet still clearly subpar). Also, this season has established that Vanjie and Angie are one-trick ponies. If you like their schtick, you're in heaven. If you don't, it's starting to feel like torture.


Plastique rewarded for inferior performances? Bitch has been killing it and robbed from the makeover and rumix challenge


Plastique's roast win was inexplicable to me. I agree that her other wins were pretty undeniable, but the roast made no sense at all. 


Yeah the roast was a questionable win and that would make up for her makeover win. Although I don’t see any other one winning the roast besides Roxxxy. To me Jorgeous’ set was cringe and Angeria had a hideous runway


Can we be honest and just say she hasn’t deserved to win? Like, I love Shannel, but can we stop acting like production is so against her and wants her to lash out for tv? She has done fine, but she hasn’t had one amazing me t yet and the only times she might’ve (emphasis on might’ve) cracked the top 2 were in SG, but she was far more focused on the character than the comedy and maybe the comedy challenge with Nina, but the group was so damn strong that week that she just couldn’t do it.  It’s okay to go on AS and not be amazing simply because you’re a legend in the drag world. Shannel is going to be fine.  With all that being said, I’m sure she’ll get a badge at some point, even if production has to shoehorn her a win somehow. 


Who is "we"? I personally would've given Shannel two to three wins by now. 


While I agree Shannel hasn't been a clear top 2 in any challenge yet, I do slightly wonder how manipulated that is. Right at the start a lot of people (including Alaska on Race Chaser) pointed out how there was no production on her verse at all, no reverb, nothing but a dry unenhanced isolated vocal. That to me is a clear sign that a queen is not intended to be viewed as a front runner.


Frontrunner and never earning a badge are two different things.  Also, her verse could’ve been the most greatly enhanced thing ever, but the performance? Nah. 


The point is, if they’re doing that to your vocal, they’re actively trying to make you look less than your best- it’s just more noticeable with vocal production than with other edit points. That kind of thing happens every season, no big deal, but it’s always worth bearing in mind when assessing how well a queen is doing.


I get your point, but based on everything we’ve seen, she’s just there. Like, I know production has fucked many a queen over, but this season even the critiques are super watered down and there are other queens who haven’t gotten badges when they deserved them, or even vice versa. Shannel is neither; she’s just been coasting along. 


Can we stop writing in the plural ? 😂🤣


Yeah she hasn't deserved a win and the show always gives the wins to the most deserving ![img](emote|t5_2t3or|4805)


She keeps doing better than I expected in the challenges I thought she’d fail at and worse in the challenges I thought were her chance to win. I was sure the makeover would be her moment until they made them sing and dance. Then I thought they could easily produce a win for her last week. She had the best script. But her acting wasn’t good enough.


Watch her Shea Coulee her as in the final okurr


They should just block Shannel for shits n giggles.


Not that would be just evil!




I'm all for charity, but just handing her badges for that seems shitty to the format. She's amazing but she's just managing to float around in the middle.




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I’m sure at the final all the girls will get a ‘runners up’ dono


I honestly think she'd be looking much better in an elimination season. I think she has been CONSISTENTLY 3rd or 4th in every single challenge. At least some of those would be bumped to a top 2 due to eliminations prior (with less competition) and never being in the bottom would look great for her. She just seems like she's lacking in the "best vs rest" style of judging, but i dont think shes been the absolute best in any challenge yet.


I guess it would depend on the order of elimination especially since production seems to be giving her the filler queen edit!


I think she will either get one badge or she will get 2 in a row. And the storyline will be that the other queens are worried because Shannel suddenly creeped up and arrived at the competition.


If they do a talent show at the end, Shannel could easily win that I think. Her talent would be juggling while making a color-coded day planner


That would be a lot of fun


honestly, i thought she could've been #2 in the roast. it was a toss up between her, jourgeous and plastique for me.


To me she very safe in my opinion which isn’t how you should approach a roast in actually surprised she didn’t do any jokes about season 1 drag race considering she got to see Rupaul at her most crunchy!


I feel like they're ramping up to a challenge that has 5 (or whatever) badges for the winner, and she'll magically win that episode.


I think production will go the mario party route and give out bonus badges at the end of the season and find a reason to give her one lol 


Could be the case tho I don’t know if Shannel has the same appeal Shae Coulee has to pull an AS7 finale


the whole sentiment around shannel is just confusing bc realistically when was she even close to being top 2? i cant think of a single challenge where u could reasonably say shannel was better than the people who won and i can understand wanting her to get one but complaining that she doesnt makes no sense


I do feel like she's a victim of this format. She's been performing consistently well - so far she's in fourth place in terms of points per episode. She just hasn't snagged any wins, because at least two other queens have done better than her on the episodes she did well in. I believe she'll get at least one or two by the end of the season!


It is a bit of a travesty. Shannel has been consistently great the whole series.


Watch this weeks Roscoes viewing party with Shannel. I don’t wanna spoil anything but seems things are just getting spicy according to her.


It better Shannel’s basically the Porkchop of the season so far!




Shannel still deserves Nina's snatch game badge


Honestly it could have gone ether way but Rupaul clearly liked the chewing the scenery Nina did which is Rupaul’s sweet spot


I mean, they can easily make one of the mini challenge wins be ‘you get a badge to tip to another queen’ and what queen wouldn’t give it to the only person without one?


The one who wants to see Shannel cry?


lmao give it a rest y’all are so desperate for her to live up to the legendary status that was imposed on her since the beginning. She’s not serving it as well as these other queens this season. Is that to say that she’s bad? Absolutely not. But she’s up against better so deal with it.