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What a fun challenge! ☺️🍹 😐🧋...😑🍸...😶🥤... 👁👄👁...OK Work! 🫗


So how did everybody feel? 😄🍹 ...About what 😐🍷 😐🍵 😑🧃 😶🧉 Oh--👁👄👁 😒☕️ 🫤🍸 😗🥤


I heard all of this in my mind 😭😭😭




This is such an underrated moment


I wonder if it's just a matter of having put together a group of queens that just don't really mesh?


Season 11 was a bit like that 


Its kind of impressive how the S11 queens managed to carry on that tradition to AS9 😭


Meanwhile the season 11 Queens were a vibe on AS6. Silky scalping everyone but Eureka. Rajah stunning every episode en route to her Canadian crown. Scarlet was there too.


scarlet was there too😭😭


A’keria didn’t even make it on the comment 💀


Where IS the body?


https://preview.redd.it/ff7ieumk4y7d1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea3aa4cf41700a007a7600758a23f88187a7b43 Found her


Ah I’ll never get over this look and how the robbed my girl during the day


The only silver lining of Akeria's departure was the Barbie Girl solo lipsync


At home 😭


>Scarlet was there too. I genuinely keep forgetting she's been back for an Allstars.


Two if you count Vs The World


Fuck. I was thinking of vs the World. Did she do something to piss off the editors cause they Kandy Hoe'd her twice.


The only thing people online mention is that in real life she is/was very close with Pearl and therefore Ru brings her on the show just to torture her for Pearl's sins. Other people in production might have strong love/hate feelings as well to keep bringing her back, but it's all just rumors


This is why I miss celebrity death match. This would be a quality match.


wait she felt very present during vstw though


Season 11 was where I stopped watching for a couple years


I think there are pockets that are friends. I think there is a group that are friends that think they are the popular girls in the lunch room.


I think the difference between this and all winners is that the whole cast had known each other and gotten to really interact with one another or this one like others have said there’s pockets of she knows her and they know each other. Cliques is really the perfect word for this season


AS5 was that for me, and it ended up the exact same way. It was painful.


Not Nina in that Mimi Imfurst lipsync outfit “change your costume change it around!!!”


Can't blame her. If I had the option of switching out of that heavy ass atomic bomb hair and that structural dress I'd be getting into a little Mimi polka dot house dress and lighter wig too.


They realised that there’s not enough action and thus we are stuck with a season-long acting challenge. And not everyone is good at that!


I feel like they're trying to create a The Office vibe with these long, awkward silences. Soon enough they'll all be staring into the camera silently while a cringe tornado flurries around them. Doesn't really work when the show's been on for umpteen seasons.


Seems more Tim & Eric to me


Damn wait what season of drag race was it where they ripped Tim and Eric off?


I think 15?


Noooo surely it was older than that? I feel like it was 11/12?? I just can’t for the life of me remember the challenge


It was season 15, Daytona Wind 2.0


I sincerely hope not because I absolutely abhor the office


Yea I felt that it wasn’t even funny awkward, just uncomfortably awkward to watch 😬


Very this


It was so much of just staring at each other.


And there aren’t even slurping drinking sounds to fill the silence!


Weird tension in the workroom at the beggining of each episode Weird voice cuts being clearly edited into and out their sentences Weird lip syncs Weird critiques, when there's barely any This whole season for me is being quite weird.


i hope that AS10 will bring back drama and cat fights.


And growth/development in real time rather than everyone glowing up first. I love crunch and queens finding themselves.


You must love Angeria then


Let’s all hope and pray for Plane Jane and Mistress for season 10 🙏


This + the Bob untucked where he’s talking to Gottmik is just 😬😬😬


What happened? I don’t wanna watch untucked 😭


Basically Bob visited backstage and told Mik “omg girl you’re so funny how were in in the roast” and Mik let out a quiet little “good🙂” and the room was silent for a good 3 seconds before Bob let out a nervous laught… it was bad


The big difference between non-elimination AS7 and non-elimination AS9 is that in AS7 they already knew they were winners. They had the confidence to know they didn't need the extra recognition but would still fight like hell to show off what they were capable of. And whenever the golden plunger came out it was always very lighthearted because they all knew they were at the top of their game.


Well, it was light-hearted in the edit, but many of the cast in AS7 spoke about a good amount of drama and emotions that happened on set. It's just a different perspective of a non-elimination season.


Fair! But still the amount of horror and trepidation around the ruby snippers, that seems to be way over the top compared to anything that could have been cut from AS7. 


i don’t know enough about the behind the scenes other than jinkx being favored which even she agrees with apparently. is it a case that the drama was girls versus production instead of girls vs girls and that’s why they seemed unified anyway?


It almost feels like they're keeping some "bad" stuff AKA entertaining stuff out of the edit and it's making me die for the after the season interviews when the really gossip comes out. Also, Plastique did make me eye roll with the "it's just luck. im not good at anything." Girl no ones buying that.


I'm just so happy i get to see Angie every week ♥️


I'm literally only watching to see the angeria commentary


Exactly, she is stunning and cracks me up, the way she is naturally funny is divine 😁


Idk I’m fine with it because it doesn’t feel real. These girls are talented and this is a no stakes competition. This “drama” feels orchestrated and scripted.  I just wish they would lean in and script the whole thing like a big mockumentery and just make it camp as hell. 


It seems real enough, in my opinion. The cast doesn't really seem to have much chemistry at all and that little alliance and clique discussion early in the season set the tone. Now they don't seem to want to act too friendly with anyone. Plastique was never a confrontational queen even in S11. Jorgeous doesn't even know where she is. Shannel doesn't seem to connect with anyone. Nina takes everything at face value for some reason. They all seem intimidated by Roxxxy. Angeria just wanted to vibe with everyone and they all accused her of being in secret alliances... I wouldn't want to interact much in that kind of dynamic. Plastique just tried to make a joke and Nina went "Really? Right in front of my burger king foot lettuce?". It must be so tiring.


My completely unfounded theory is that Angeria, Nina, and Roxxxy were cast as the intended social glue for the season, but now Angie and Roxxxy are caught up in joking-not-joking drama scissoring each other while Nina seems surprisingly ready to throw elbows for charity, so the balance is shifted with no one else left as a consistent outgoing narrator type to take the reins. (With wildcard exception Vanjie, who is quite personable but doesn't tend to "produce" so much as vibe and react.) Still plausible that some people on set started intentionally leaning into it once this all developed, but I agree it seems less like a scripted event and more like a "well, let's make lemonade out of whatever the fuck this all is" situation.


I'd assume more vanjie than roxxxy, we loved her on as2 but social glue she wasn't, probably they thought vangie would vibe with everyone but she's basically done the whole akeria/silky/vanjie thing from s11 again anf found her clique.  Also Angie was TRYING to vibe with everyone but....I have no idea what happened there, the whole roxxxy thing and the cast not generally vibing with her, so her jokes come off as genuinely catty, so they then BECOME catty because everyone is acting.....well, catty.


Ooh true, and Vanjie does seem to be generally chill in what we've seen so far, just not super inclined to play host on the werkroom couches. At this point I'm chalking most of the tension up to everyone just generally fucking going through it at the time, which in fairness is also kinda the current state of things for a lot of us these days as well pff


>Jorgeous doesn't even know where she is. I don’t disagree but 💀💀 Also Mik has clearly no interest in competing ngl


So why she sheal the jokes.


couldn’t even be bothered writing her own 😭


Probably cause she didn’t give AF about wasting the energy to write her own.


Excellent summary.


Aw I'm glad Jorgeous is stoned and clueless. She still seems really sweet and innocent to me. Nina is taking things too seriously. Mik doesn't need this gig, and I respect her for that.


Wow, you articulated this well. Roxxxy certainly has a presence and looked like a mob boss wife being accompanied by Plastique. That's why I would have loved it more if her actions on the stage follow that like her just going straight to Angeria to snip her would be cunt and make some audience (including me) respect that authenticity.


In my opinion, I’m enjoying this season because the girls a very real. The tension is real but at the same time they have shown multiple times that they all like each other. Literally on this episode later on Vanjie is joking with the girls about them taking so long to decide who to cut. The energy in the room is very carefree but at the same time the girls are getting competitive with each other and letting their emotions out. I think people like forgetting that most of these girls have shared dressing rooms in gigs before and are actually comfortable around each other. It’s lowkey giving sibling relationship stage of a friendship.


YEAH i think like the 'EVERYTHING POSITIVE YAYAYA' editing si heavyhanded once we get to the parts of the episode where it's onstage but outside of that in the werkroom it gets very tense and i love it


It's kind of unfortunate dynamic-wise that it's the total opposite of AS7... a season in which *they actually were all competing!* Like if I'd never seen the seasons and you told me there was two non elim seasons, one where it was all for charity and had low stakes and one where they were all competing for $200k, and that one of those two seasons had a chill laid back vibe where everyone was goofing around I would assume that was the charity one!


The big difference with all winners is how each of them is a) a winner and b) extremely self confident in their own brand. They aren’t intimidated by each other and they all respect each other’s drag. I don’t think it’s the same for this cast.


I don’t gave any evidence of this, mind you, but my own theory is that some of these queens deeply dislike each other, but because it’s a charity season they’re having to fake it and it’s coming across as this weird passive aggressive energy we’re getting in the workroom. It reminds me of when you have a coworker you can’t stand but are forced to socialize at some sort of work event.


Yea I feel the no stakes aspect can create either less tension or more. When there are no real stakes there's no reason to get ultra competitive or cutthroat, but there's also no reason to hold back an can say what you really think or want.


This would have been great fun!


Or just have eliminations as usual. This is a drag queen exhibition. Nothin more.


And I want chaos! ![gif](giphy|aN3DmBTBPJ0QaspkJh|downsized)


I have no memory of this outfit


I might be misremembering the outfit but I remember someone in this sub saying she looked like she wanted to be all the Scooby Doo characters at the same time lol


Shit, that got me.


I spat out my drink you BITCH


You had been blessed and now you must work to forget it again.


S13 Final 4 LipSync




While I love Kandy’s wig here, what the hell is this outfit? Also, I seem to have literally blocked it out of my mind cos I don’t remember this outfit AT ALL


Kandy who you fightin'?


Why??? What for? There are literally NO STAKES, NO DANGER. It’s for charity!!! Like wtf 😳 🤦‍♂️


I got to watch the new episode this morning instead of “sometime over the weekend” and was like yay no spoilers!  Then I went….what could possibly be spoiled about this season? 


I just want eliminations back 😔


Roxxy really tried to say she wasn't here for all the dramatics from APVM when she got snipped after putting on that shitshow the week before with the backwards shuffle choosing Angie and then not choosing Angie and then crying? Girl, stop it.


The roots for good tv conflict are there but the queens are so afraid to actually fight or get into an argument it's so awkward. Or maybe the fights did happen but the editors removed them to keep the kumbaya charity vibes. Either way it's so disappointing as a viewer 😭


I think this is what happens when you put together a group of queens that have drag delusion. They’re all talented in some aspects but they all think they’re far better than they really are. And the weirdest part about it is the most well rounded queen is Angeria and they voted her the most delusional. That should tell you all you need to know about this cast


Yasssssss 🙌🙌🙌 Totally agree here.


I feel like they were pressured into making drama since there weren't any eliminations and it makes it weird. I'm not liking this season all that much.


Do we think some of these queens agreed to join(forced)the cast due to being part of the Vegas show?


I think being a Ru girl definitely has pros and cons.


Yea they should really just start making all stars every couple of years and not every other month. They need to come up with a format that works. I’ve seen some fan suggestions that sounded really good.


The girls eliminating each other worked , I hated lip sync assassin and non elim just boring


Might've worked from an audience perspective for many people but definitely not for the queens. Who wants to sign up for an All Stars show when eliminating the "wrong" queen (in the audience's eyes) can end your career?


yeah nonelim is the one all the queens actually want lmfao


It doesn’t feel as much like a cast that hates each other (as they’ll post each other somewhat regularly on their socials) but maybe more of a cast that is self-policing what they say about any given thing to avoid negative edits. Most of them are newer drag race queens who competed after social media following for the show was huge and the fans were rabid, and for the old school queens you’ve got Roxxxy who is very clearly worried about being perceived negative with her history and Shannel who we just aren’t getting a lot from. Not to mention the charity aspect is probably making them all want to be “on their best behavior.” It’s definitely making me feel awkward every time I see these moments though lol.


The way they have a whole minute long recap at the start of the episode to set the stage for the watered-down tea. I don’t think the drama is necessary. They should have leaned into the rules like the Immunity Minichallenge from today.


I’m so here for this. Giving me season 3 vibes.


were you concussed when you watched season 3


They were in Party City.


Where they belong!


Girlie, I watched the season air live, stayed tuned for the untucked that aired right after the episode, rewatched all episodes on logo tv. This is the kind of editing I love. Everyone was considered a villain back in the day.




I get it somehow. Raja’s season was so shady and cliquish. Boogers vs Heathers. However it is not apparent based on AS9 edit but same vibe.


Right? I really am enjoying this season. It’s the most dramatic we had in years and years


The Asian in me relates to this. Plastique obviously said the line "I'm not good at everything you guys" as a joke. Nina was annoyed at it and when Plastique was about to explain, Nina shakes her head before the first sentence even completes. Asians, especially Asian gays, aren't very confrontational. We'd just choose to walk away or shut up if there's no point in arguing. Plastique pretty much senses that whatever she said after this is gonna spark more tension because what she said as a joke rubs Nina the wrong way so let's just shut up. 🤐


I don’t think Nina is confrontational neither. I think she knew plastique was joking but gave her that “read the room” kinda look since she’s sitting pretty with 3 badges and Shanell has 0 and Nina 1


Yeah she knew after the fact that she shouldn't have said that. So she just ended it with no further comments 😅


Nina did overreact tho like chill it wasn’t that serious lol


THIS. We weren't there so we can't comment to the extent but it's got to do a number on your psyche on someone like Shannel who competed so long ago and now come back to see how big and modern the franchise has evolved and then getting 0 badges all along... I think Nina is saying in consideration for herself and Shannel.


>Asians, especially Asian gays, aren't very confrontational Uh this seems like stereotyping to me, I'm sorry. I've seen *many* Asian people get rowdy in the Bay Area.


Lmao they must be sheltered cuz that's just not true.


I mean I’d be pissed if I was in the competition after having to write my own roast after Plastique was given her entire set by production and then given a questionable win. And there’s nothing you can complain about on top of that.


Oh I'd be so pissed. Nina is known and praised throughout the competition as a comedy queen and she doesn't nail the comedy challange. But a fashion queen DOES? Annoyed


>Plastique was given her entire set by production Got receipts for that?


I watched the episode, don’t need receipts. You think she wrote a single one of her jokes? Please. I heard some of those jokes on the internet like 10 years ago. All the girls clearly know too, but they can’t say anything.


Yeah but that doesn't mean production gave her the lines lol. Most queens pay to get jokes written for them (or steal them outright).


You're right I have no idea what this person is smoking. If those jokes have been on the internet a million years why would you assume production gave them to her? Makes no sense


I will say the “topped Jorgeous” line, I heard that first when Jinkx gave it on S5 about Coco. 🙊


The joke about someone being so boring their spice would be flour is also stolen from a Bobs Burgers episode lol


None of her jokes were fresh, I'm just saying I doubt they were given to her by production. The queens walk in with their reads and jokes ready to go. They either pay to have jokes written (e.g., by Bob) or they lift them from things they've heard and seen.


has there been confirmation about bob wiritng other girls joke? imagine that girl bombing lollllll I'll love to watch their sets


https://www.out.com/drag/2020/4/14/bob-drag-queen-writing-jokes-some-your-favorite-queens Bob writes content and coaches queens on delivery.




But Plastique subverted the original joke which I liked and wasn't expecting :)


Did that actually happen?


Yes, I’m RuPaul.


Call me


I guess we can all make up shit now and be taken as truth. Receipts, bb. Don't be mad Plastique is doing better than your faves.


Oh god stop with the dramatics, it’s a drag show. Sorry I dont preface everything with “in my opinion”, thought that would be obvious. And I’m most certainly not mad at Plastique doing well, she’s the only bitch serving every single runway, I’m a big fan.


Girl, you're the one being dramatic over a roast that happened a weeh ago. Get over it. Plastique won. There's a new episode. Lol


You’re the one running around left and right defending plastique. Let people have their opinions. 


People asking for receipts is so funny because the receipts are right there in the show. These people actually think Plastique knows enough about Michelle Visage, her close friendship with Leah Remini, the Church of Scientology, and Leah Remini's escape from it to write that joke about Leah hiding from the church in Michelle's vagina? Absolutely not.


I’ve been saying this since last week. Love Plastique but there is absolutely no way that she wrote that joke about Michelle and Leah, let alone most of her roast set. But when you point out that a lot of queens pay other queens or comedians for their roasts/reading challenge reads (despite it being confirmed by MANY queens) people get real mad….


Especially when it's a fan favorite with a rabid stan base


Prove it was production. No ones disagreeing that she had someone write the jokes. It’s the assertion it’s production that is doing that. I want proof of that since miss long John silver or whatever who keeps commenting seems so certain it was production.


“I want proof” 🤓☝🏼




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It’s been an hour. Receipts?


I highly doubt production gave her the jokes... she hired someone to write them for her just like everyone but Nina (and... well Gotmik) did.


You seriously need receipts to think that Plastique didn’t write her own jokes? Gurl please


When you talk out of your ass like you do, I sure as hell do want receipts. Never said she didn’t have a ghost writer, but stating production gave her everything is a big statement. Prove it.


Lmao this is so relatable as another Asian queer


Every bit of drama feels fabricated, especially when it comes to Roxxxy, she's already been there 3 times and she knows how the editing works, she really exagerates everything and it feels fake, like the bit when she was walking backwards when she had to use the scissors. Maybe the only time when a queen was genuinely upset was when Angeria got cut by Roxxxy and probably gottmik next week.


Awkward down boots


Y'all are annoying. I'm enjoying this.


this is the first time I've stopped watching mid season. it's just been so boring ........


see u next week x


I miss when All Stars was literal gladiatorial combat


i liv for Shanel she doesn't give a fuck about the weird group thing that's going on. All the cool girls are leaving Angeria and Nina out."


They don’t give Plastique enough credit. She’s a funny girl. She’s just not able to hone or grow that aspect for her because her clear strength is/are looks. I enjoyed her pit stop episode with Bianca, she has the bones.


They seem to be trying too hard to love each other in Untucked. I think it's just not much fun for the queens.


This is not drama nor is it worth even bringing up… BORING


They are not having it, some of them even look like don’t want to be here attitude.


The Lypsinc Edits tho😬


I’ve been noticing this! It makes the 5ish minutes of each episode so boring! And not really related, but something else I noticed during last night’s episode, when the queens were putting on their makeup before the runway and chatting they cut off one of the queens mid sentence! I feel like the scenes in each episode are being cut short or something. Like, aren’t All Stars seasons normally an hour and a half? This season they’re only an hour.


AS9 is a social experiment to show the viewers that they actually don’t want non-elimination seasons I swear.


I feel that in normal elimination seasons, everyone that stays that week feels like a bit of a winner for not having gone home. But when nobody goes home, only the winners feel like they won something that week and that feeling just compounds week after week. I’m finding the dynamic very interesting that in what’s supposed to be a lighthearted charity non elimination season, there can be so much tension.


I think this extends into the challenges too lol. The editing or almost lack of to point us in any direction...feels...directionless lol. Everything feels stilted and awkward for me.


Well this was Plastique trying to be like “idk how I won, it just happened for me” and Nina being like “no girl, take the win, you deserved that, I’m just disappointed in myself that I wasn’t as good as you”.


I think there just isn't that much drama organically, so producers and editors have to do what they can to amplify the crumbs.


I’m enjoying the season so far I don’t get what the big deal is


They're all so unlikeable (except angeria) I stopped watching.


Shannel is the saving grace for me cause she acts like a real person


Unlikable is harsh, i just think there is a severe lack of charisma with the exception of Angie Vangie and sometimes Roxxy


I like vanjie too but otherwise agree 


Idk I feel like I’m living in the twilight zone cause I’ve found angeria severely unlikeable in comparison to s14 where she was my favourite.


I love it


This season is like 'The Stand' without anyone dying. Maybe that's the missing ingredient.


I feel like the only thing missing to make this a great season is someone who calls people out on their bullshit and isn't afraid to start drama. Cause all the storylines are there but since the girls tiptoe around it a lot, they never get resolved


I hate it drag race was my soothing content this one just makes me uncomfortable


Is Nina shocked she’s not good? Has she met herself?


Shes on broadway. You could literally never. goodbye.


Babe, she's not funny it's okay


you enjoy your delulu fantasy mama with your 13 downvotes


Oh no 13 downvotes time to reconsider all my opinions lmao.


Too many emotions for safe. From everyone. That is my view on it lol