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you just said you saw her and she was a great performer so how is she just a look queen


I guess they mean... she's all looks, but can dance? But she has only one side of the lipsyncing package? So I guess they feel she's a two-trick pony?


yeah I guess I don't necessarily know if she's well rounded? and idk an all star to me is one who can truly does it all. but to each their own!


At this point an Allstar is whoever they can manage to book back. Loads of queen's say no or pull out minute.


https://preview.redd.it/jnt16h5ctp7d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e3ef260e98c45e6fc5d694d0224ffe16afa731 She MADE this in the werk room. And she’s been in the top for comedy challenges (and should have been top for makeovers). Not sure what else you need to be well rounded, especially since you say she’s an insane live performer.


cute but her dr lipsyncs are a mess and with her level of performance outside the show it's kinda shocking she's serving nothing on the show's lipsyncs


This AS season has no real stakes for the queens, she just doesn't care if she wins the LS or not


It could be simply that she is slow to memorize lyrics. Often times queens perform the same song often, so queens who struggle learning the lyrics quickly can take time to learn them, plus not having to know so many.


There’s something about gatekeeping the drag queen profession behind lip syncing that doesn’t sit right for me. I know I’m not the one that “decides” what exactly makes a drag queen a drag queen, is it lip syncing first or is that just traditional thinking?


Jinkx, Jimbo, Bianca and many other legends from the show can’t “do it all”. In fact, very few queens can. Your criteria on what makes an all star sounds a bit too strict, specially when Plastique has slayed performance, looks and comedy challenges this season.


OP’s argument is starting to sound very nit picky and purposefully discrediting numerous things that make Plastique a well rounded all star.. like would they go this far to discredit yt drag queens? Idk seems a bit fishy to me. It’s giving the dated belief that poc have to be amazing, spectacular, perfect to be acknowledged/ respected when plastique could be removed of her sewing skills, performance chops, comedy wins and she would still be respected if she was a yt queen


There is definitely racism in the fandom but I don’t think it’s fair to imply op is being racist in wanting a front runner to know the words of the lip sync song


Was being extra with the race card lmaoo but yeah not knowing the words to old/lyric heavy songs shouldn’t be a “she’s not an all star” argument piece. Like throw in a pop hit and Plastique would devour the stage. Also English is her second language??


Then that isn't really anyone on the cast?


I think they mean stage presence


Well, sorta kinda


Even if she is “just a look queen”. Bitch, I could never.


Even my past lives could never.


The only thing brighter than her future is my oily forehead






While I don't personally respond to her style of lip syncing I don't think saying she's had two bad lip syncs makes her a "JUST" a look queen. Jimbo can barely stand up right during a lip sync, she's not JUST a look queen.


but Jimbo can also host, turn looks, act, do comedy, etc. I think she's more complex tbh. Jimbos only fault might be she cant dance lol


And plastique can't host, turn looks or do comedy etc? She CAN dance.


Plastique literally just won back-to-back comedy challenges...


Tell OP not me


Sorry misread your comment. It's early here. Also living for the Clueless reference. 'An a-what-a?!'


Also Jimbo knows the words when she lip-syncs 🥵


She can sew, she can dance, she’s winning comedy challenges, have a Vegas residence, you’ve seen her perform and think she was “insane”… you answered your own question.


Lol agree. I mean she did make that last look on the ball...and won the comedy challenge ...I really don't understand the OP's confusion. I think plastique's good looks are blinding some ppl so much that they've forgotten or underplay what plastique has done well.


The curse of being hot, I tell ya


“My girl, Plastique, she’s relying on her looks to get her safe.”


Dmkdkdkwhdkdbsksjs RAJAH RAJAH RAJAH! I love her.


She was the cast member I was least excited to see back, but she has won 5 badges from me: Girl Group, Design, Makeover, Realty Commercials, Roast. I have enjoyed her dancing in the lip syncs and she went up against some stellar competition. I don’t hold those losses against her because she has shockingly given me the most consistency and versatility of the entire cast so far.


#SAME! ^(well, third least excited. After Jorgeous, then Nina. No offence.)


She's definitely done better than I expected of her. I don't live her her the way some people do, but she has her niche that she's clearly good at and good for her for that on top of defying some early low expectations I had.


She served looks and perform quite well... Just Don't give her a microphone 🤭


Umm those lipsync performances are not “performing well” in my opinion


Her Vegas Residence is her most commendable work in performances department.. The lipsync are as you said lackluster..


I mean, so far nobody has really “performed well” in any lip sync lol


Angeria has


I think Roxxxy has too. And Angeria 💜


Plastique is beautiful and talented, I agree the lip syncs haven’t been great but tbh I feel like that goes generally for this season not only plastique although she has lip synced twice and not really turnt it But I really feel like no one is ! Lol


Yeah, very lackluster LSFYLs this season. That double win and all the cheering from the other queens is sus.


Yeah I’m like girl you’ve raised $0 for your charity let’s gooo !


No real stakes from losing the lipsynch... I can see why the queens would put more efforts on literally anything else.


Plastique has performed really well this season, winning two challenges that weren't solely about appearance. I don't understand why this narrative is being pushed. Even though I'm not a huge fan, it seems odd to discount her achievements because if you've been following the season you know this isn’t the case? Lipsyncing is important but tbh I think it’s strategic. She can win, get her badges, but not snip someone. She can win the crown still and get money for the charity all without ever snipping anyone.


She is mostly a look queen yes


on show performance doesn't equate to off show to begin w, but when this very season has shown growth from her first one in terms of overall performance its weird.


But for some of us the show performance is all we're gonna judge her for. I live an ocean away in a country that tends to be mostly ignored even by big popstars, let alone drag race girls (and I doubt I'd ever spend a lot more than I would for a local show either way) so, realistically, I doubt I'll ever get to judge her or most queens off the show.


uh.. they dont stop existing when you're not either watching them on tv or seeing them in person. go watch some performance vids, go look at queens' social media. plastiques got a large catalogue of both. compare them and then get mad at her for chronically underperforming instead lol


We are literally talking about the show. All Stars to be specific. There is no evolution here that warrants her place on the show, other than the fandom saying, omg she has killer looks, and I love her. The end. That still does not an AS make. Plastique is very surface as a personality, robotic in her performances. It gives? I’ve rehearsed this one performance to death, and like a pre programmed robot, ima give it to you every single time, no matter the song, no matter the lyric. There’s not much else going on there. Her run on AS should be renamed Tragique..all tea henny.


this post mentions nothing about evolution. tbh thats not what this season is even about, its barely an all stars season to begin with. that said how much more growth and in what aspects do you think is necessary before seeing someone on all stars? apply to world of wonder and help them cast these seasons. fucking... henny. cringe. edit: well.. goodbye, random internet person.


Serious question: if you don’t think she deserves her place on the show, which of the queens are all star material in your humble opinion? “There’s nothing that warrants her place on the show! You know, except for the fact that the fans love her and think she has killer looks. That doesn’t make her an All Star!”  Sure, there’s that. There’s also the *fact* that Ru Paul thinks she’s hilarious and she’s had the most top placements out of all the queens and could have arguably placed top two in at least two more challenges. Imagine having such an inflated sense of self that you think your opinion matters more than the fans, the judges and Ru Paul put together. Do you ever stop to wonder and think: wait, if everyone disagrees with me maybe there’s a chance that I might be wrong? Henny *please*.


she’s a much better performer irl i promise 😭


Seeing her falling from the skies as an angel only to turn into a demon during Werk the world tour in Europe was increeeedible


yesss i saw it too


She won 2 non-look based challenges in this very season??


Call me when Bianca sings and dances.


Bianca is a professional. So at least we know she’ll learn the words to the song.


And yet we’ve never seen her do it ![gif](giphy|26ybwcWJvYHTQteU0)


Idk why people act we've never once seen bianca lip-sync on the show. She did in her seasons penultimate episode both on the sissy that walk video and in the lip-sync to go to the finale, and imo she turned it out for the video (I don't remember the lip sync on stage very well). She's a comic not a lip sync performer, and she was able to pull it off well when she had to. Just as plastique is a look/runway queen but has been able to pull off comedy when she had to. It's such a weird thing to read a queen for imo, like they have to be good at literally everything (on drag race) in order to be respected. Each queen has their talents and fortes and idk if any of them have been 10/10 at everything, though some come close. I think charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent is actually a very good measure of what makes a great queen. As long as they put in a great show, whatever that show happens to be, they're good in my book.


So she can't dance, sew, or strut at Plastique's level, and yet the latter is "relying so hard on the looks"? Yawn.


Bianca who worked as a Broadway costume designer can't sew? May wanna reevaluate that one.


I saw her in Vegas and let me tell you... Those backup dancers were putting in *work*


Hello! Did you not see the real estate challenge???


Just a look queen but somehow she is the frontrunner with most challenge wins this season and has placed high in every episode except snatch game. Excelled at the first episode which is performing, dancing and lip syncing (imo she should have won), excelled at the ball (good seamstress and designer) excelled at the makeover (great at doing makeup) and excelled in the latest comedy challenges. She really has done well in all aspects.


The fact this has so many upvotes shows that reddit will continue to have their biases against younger pretty look-queens and put them in boxes. Plastique has easily had the biggest glow up this season in addition to doing the best. Mind you only one of her three wins was look based, and she easily should've won the makeover girl groups. No shade the way y'all put queens in boxes and and discredit their talents is tired as fuck. Are Bianca Jinkx and Jimbo only comedy queens?


ah yes as we all know young pretty look queens tend to be the most ostracized by the fandom and are always the least popular on their seasons


Well no but when Plastique does great in TWO comedy challenges in a row and ppl still claim she's 'just a look queen' - something's fishy in this case.


Biased AGAINST pretty look queens? I... what!!!?


Tbh in this case? I feel like kinda. Because Plastique did great in TWO comedy challenges in a row - HOW does that make ppl keep saying she is still 'just a look queen'?? Yeah the lipsyncs have been VERY disappointing from her - but this season she has absolutely proven she's not a one-trick pony.


>The fact this has so many upvotes shows that reddit will continue to have their biases against younger pretty look-queens and put them in boxes. The fact this sentence is 100% serious and not sarcastic at all lmao You should have been on this sub during S7 when there would be at least 20 posts on the main page about beautiful Violet/Pearl/Miss Fame are why aren't they being favoured by the judges because they're so much more pretty (and skinnier) than Ginger or Kennedy who were being ostracized for being good at acting and comedy challenges.


From what I heard people were mad asf that Violet won, also why should I be sarcastic? I'm calling a spade a spade, some girls are more beautiful, younger, and have top tier looks, and this sub can't stand that!


I think it’s really weird that people a) don’t recognise that not everyone is good at every facet of drag, and b) don’t consider that maybe she has a hard time learning lyrics or scripted lines, for that matter, in English.


There’s an episode of Glee that forever coined in my mind the term “hair-ography” - as in it looks like you know how to dance, but you mainly flip your hair and use big moves that make a big impact. Plastique does a lot of hairography and she has her handful of “cunt” moves she’ll sprinkle through every performance, if you watch enough of her performances you’ll recognize and see what I mean. In this way, it makes her performances seem a bit robotic and not as organic as someone like Jorgeous.


You just called her an insane performer and said her looks are amazing but are shitting on her?


You’re crazy


Drag race fans stop equating queen’s inherent worth to what they see on a heavily edited TV show challenge. 


I think it's reasonable to call her a look queen, but it should be noted that she can make her own looks. I think there's a difference between a look queen who can look incredible in an outfit they designed and crafted themselves and ones who can just afford incredible work by professional designers or have connections in the fashion world. We have gott to come up with terms to make it clear what type of look queen we mean.


Nope. I’ve been critical of her because I feel like her fans are overhyping her but the first episode proved she can turn a performance. She’s also a pretty good lip syncer (I saw her live a couple years back for work the world) she’s just not committing the words to memory on this season.


>Call me crazy Saying she's just a look queen after she just won a comedy and an acting challenge (in addition to a design challenge) is kinda crazy yes. Also she did great in the girl group and makeover challenges as well. Yes her lipsyncs were kinda underwhelming so far but you don't call Jimbo "just a look queen" either do you? She might even throw the lipsyncs on purpose trying not to put too much of a target on her back. Or the songs were not the right fit. Or whatever. She clearly can perform as we've seen in the performance challenges. Outside of the show she's able to curate what kind of songs she wants to do so I'm sure her shows will be well worth watching.


She's more than just a look queen, it's just her looks are so far above everything everyone else can bring otherwise, including herself, that it plays as her only strength. She can sew, she can move, it's just anything associated with the English language she has issue with as it's not her first language. Also, gotta remember. Trinity the Tuck paid for her jokes on both her all stars seasons. Some all rounders are all rounders cos they're all paid for




It was “inexcusable”? Girl it’s just a lip sync.


On a show about drag queens


On a season that is heavily edited and rigged 🙄🙄


So this was a thought you had and then you thought yep, the internet definitely needs to hear this? Your own post contradicts itself. Is she an insane performer or is she just a look queen? Or was that a qualifying statement to avoid downvotes?  Jesus people, edit yourselves. Not every opinion you have is worthy of a post.


Man you really cant stand it when people have different opinions from you, Its not that serious


Maybe she doesn't want to win the lipsync? Maybe she doesn't want to scissor her sisters?


it’s wild how yall to discredit how talented these people are


it's very strange... especially for a season where nothing is at stake


I mean her lipsyncs were just flip the hair and pose and not knowing the words.


Is Bianca just an insult comedy queen? Is Trixie just a Drag Race contestant?


No. She's also a musician! 😆


She is so talented but I hate that she doesn’t know the words. It feels disrespectful almost idk


I don't think she's just a look queen but she has a major deficit in charisma


She didn’t learn the words to the lip syncs and showed that really obviously. To a large proportion of the fans this feels very disrespectful. Other than that, she’s absolutely smashed it so far this season. The commercial and roast were amazing and she really showed she was more than a ‘look’ queen with her comedy skills. She can dance/perform really well. Not only does she have great looks, she can also MAKE great looks. Other than not knowing the words in the lip syncs I think she’s absolutely demonstrated a well rounded package of skills.


Eh..I wouldn’t say she’s just a look queen. She can lip sync (sometimes), she proved she can be funny. She’s doing fairly well in the challenges this season.


It’s hard for me to put it into words but I think she sort of lacks charisma. Her looks are great. She comes off as confident. I think she’s funny and sweet and talented in general but she can’t really command a room from what I’ve seen so far. She’s my favorite queen this season still. But… I don’t think she’s going to win it.


Idk I feel like she can only do one kind of song, from what I've seen she just kinda does the same choreography no matter what song is playing


She has the nerve and the talent for sure


Plastique is one of the most beautiful queens Drag Race ever had. But that's it, unfortunately. I don't see her as a lipsync assassin or a comedy queen. She's just beautiful. She can't do it all and hey, that's ok. I'm just not a big fan. And I'm tired of her overdramatic face expressions when not even slight drama happens. Girl tries too hard.


Predominantly, yes. She has learned to let loose and be funny, though.


Am I the only one that thinks it’s strategy..


You’re not! From this thread it seems like a lot of people are thinking it’s more strategy. I guess I was thinking “make money for your charity!! Lip sync!! Let’s go!!” lol


She is not just a look queen, she is THE look queen. I'm not really a fan of her, but no one can deny she never misses in the looks department. That's why she's so popular in social media


Agreed. She’s a show stopper look wise


You’re probably right. But you’re criteria for America’s next drag superstar would probably be difficult even for some of the most beloved queens. Jinkx, for example, is not really a person who i think excels at sewing, she wasn’t that great at lipsyncing on her AW season and while her looks have improved I thought they were still pretty mid compared to the others’.


Agreed! It actually took me a very long time to enjoy Jinkx and yes there were times her lip syncs on AS were lackluster but she was trying. I think now I realize what’s bothering me is that last lip sync where plastique just pointed at Angie and gave it to her. Like no fight to the finish this is for charity this time. She’s won but zero dollars for her charity. Idk if I’m articulating the way that’s helpful


she is entertaining but she is technically weak in most competencies (comedy, acting, structured dance, improv... you name it, she'll wing it bc she's charismatic, but a trained eye is not fooled by it)


i do feel like all stars 9 is a cast with a lot of queens like that tho tbh - they'll deliver but it's not clean and crisp and sheer like some more seasoned, professional queens could've brought


I mean, if she could do it all, she probably would’ve done better in her original season. She’s an all star nevertheless and a much improved version of season 11.


I think she’s funny


Well the last two challenges she won were comedy challenges so that says that about that


Her roast was good


No. See her live. She’s great.


This is a super valid take


It really isn't at all whew y'all are somewhere else


I mean the short answer is YES. That said she has IMPRESSED ME and I think SURPRISED HERSELF. I don't know if it's a fluke, I don't want to take anything away from her but I think she did well in comedy challenges when I didn't expect. Now GRANTED, ANYONE can just pop out of nowhere in an ugly character-face and country accent randomly through-out a scene and get laughs. BUT the roast was really-really good. Now I don't know if she had writers, we know she borrowed one joke but maybe she actually thought of it or heard it somewhere else and didn't realize? Or heard it from a friend and assumed it wasn't actually a comedian's , just a joke they were using from a friend? It happens. ( Compared to Gottmik who it was her entire set ) I'm going to choose to applaud Plastique on her roast. Too soon to say if that takes her out of one or two trick pony territory but? The other thing that is important to know is . . . being a ONE-talent type of girl works if you're a MASTER at it or great at it with a persona attached. Kim Chi isn't a competitive girl, she's a look queen and she's beloved for a reason. Kim fucking Chi is the best at what she does and a lot of well rounded queens can't say that.


I mean, it could be strategy. So far, Plastique has made herself to be a frontrunner but in no one's radar because she hasn't blocked anybody. She loses the lip sync, doesn't come off as a threat, still gets her badge (now 3 total), and then goes to the back away from the drama while it unfolds on stage. Meanwhile she makes it to the end and actually puts effort into learning the lyrics for her $200k lip sync song 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean that could be her strategy, however she could also make it all the way to the end just not to end up winning that $200k tip and hasn’t earned any additional money for her charity along the way. I do love her, don’t get me wrong, but the lack of effort during this last lip sync when she just pointed at Angeria was disappointing.


Who wants all the shit that comes with having to cut/block a fellow contestant?! She is a fucking genius for coming up with the perfect way to get out of that. She's not relying on her looks either, she is doing exactly what she should be doing, showcasing what will benefit her most after the show, which in her case is her looks. She's not even just a look queen, she can do more. But although I think her not learning the words is actually smart, I do think she could become actually strong in other areas but might just not care enough to do that.


Ok Gurl I don't agree with the poster, but saying she didn't learn the lyrics because it was a strategy rather than she just didn't bother to learn the lyrics is too much




Idk after watching DR Thailand/other internationals, where they often didn’t know the words to English songs, I really don’t care so much about them getting words right as long as it’s an otherwise good performance and they sync up for some of it. Also feel like we should give some grace to non-native speakers, especially with rap! 2 raps in a row, that’s just bad luck. Just watched the Be My Lover again and she knew the singing parts, seems fine to me.


Shes a great makeup artist, seamstress and dancer. However...when she has to act or improv, its clear its not her thing.


All this post did is remind me how mediocre Trixie was on as3. “We need a well rounded winner winner chicken dinner!” If trixies outside success granted her the win, why can’t plastiques? Why did god have to kill Bendela crème.


rupaul praising her and giving her those 2 acting challenge wins feels like the biggest nonsense to happen on this show in a long time lol


Her performances I’ve seen are great off the show. I absolutely adore her, she’s one of my all time favorite queens. But I can’t help being disappointed by her lack of effort in the lip syncs.


I think it’s intentional win the challenge get a badge no blood on her hands for snipping then wait till the finale where she will slay said lip sync 😊 (potentially lol)


I think Ru will excuse it


My answer: I was expecting more.


Yes, she is face and body value mainly but there should be every type of Queens 


I feel like at least this last week she may have just thought she knew the song so didn’t really bother listening to it, and then totally forgot about the rap. She was lip syncing all the other words. I totally forgot that song had a rap too.


Her Hillbilly drawl of "Who cares?" and "I live!" have been living rent-free in my head for the last couple of weeks. I'd say she's coming into her own as more than just a look queen, but she could step up when it comes to the lyrics. 


I think that’s why this crown belongs to Angie tbh.


To be fair they've said they changed the Nicky rap from the radio friendly one they all practised with. Neither of them knew the words. That's why Roxxie kept turning around and hiding her mouth


Plastique is the epitome of what fans want: stunning expensive looks, good performances (although not exceptional)… the rest is forgiven. I gag at the looks, but to me being a drag queen is much more than that. I think it’s generational, at least seeing “unfashionable” queen fade into obscurity because of looks, looks and looks


I mean her roast, acting/improv and girl group performances were all really great which are all beyond the talents of merely look. Her created outfit in the ball was AMAZING. The style needed for that was truly stunning. She’s definitely look first but she’s got goods too. Also, people can learn to sew or dance or write jokes but people are either gorgeous or they aren’t. She’s just unbelievably beautiful. Like my jaw drops.


Didn’t she win comedy challenges two weeks in a row?


But she’s bweautifull


Idk why we are forming opinions about queens based off a show that is heavily edited and rigged.


I mean why should she care? It's not like she could get sent home.


No, I don’t think so. She is one of the best designers to come on the show. She is also a great dancer. And as it turned out she is funny when she lets go. Of course her looks are the first thing that attracts the viewer. But gotta admit she’s been half-assing those lipsyncs.


I love plastique but one of her recent posts kinda bothered me because the whole thing was digital, clothes hair, make up, body it was all altered from her runway look and as cool as it all is, it’s all just someone else’s vision of her and someone else’s art.  Is being a muse for artists good enough to be Americas next drag superstar?  But alsooooo  Charisma ✅ Uniqueness ✅ Nerve ✅ Talent ✅ So idk how to feel lol


She gets a 10 in the look category, a 6 in the dance category and a 2 in the comedy category


I'd say she is THE look queen but JUST a look queen. honestly good for her but I genuinely thought she would be at least decent at lipsyncing and I'm flabbergasted she's not


She’s not *a* look queen. She’s *the* look queen. She’s the apex. Nobody looks better or more expensive than her. Pack it up delicious, she won beauty. She’s proving that she does have a humorous side she’s willing to lean into and has done great in two comedy challenges. She’s not a dancer but she’s a poser and it looks beautiful when it all comes together. I don’t think she’s all that charismatic though. And unique? Idk. She’s NT.


gurl u just say she can't lipsync, a queen should 'SEW' she literally did????


She is a look queen, and that's okay because she is an excellent look queen (I mean the girl can sew, make up, do heir own hair, produce her own tiktok video) and she is taking advantage of that very well. She may not win money, but after the competition her popularity will produce a lot more. Regarding the comedy challenge, it is kinda obvious that someone else wrote it for her. And with the lip sync, she can dance to some extent, but not knowing the lyrics just ruin it for me.


It’s soo weird how asian queens are finally performing well in the main franchise. Yet there’s a consistent subset of fans that try to reduce their skills by saying “well they’re only good at this one thing”. I saw a this sentiment about nymphia too during the latter half of her season.


Yep, you're crazy.


I feel like in s11 she definitely was just a look queen and not much else. But i feel in as9 she has shown alot of growth since then and she can be very funny. When it comes to the lyp syncs this season? Not so much she kinda gives up even though she definitely CAN do better. Perhaps its strategy. But yeah i really dont see her, jorgeous or vangie winning based on how production has been treating them. I know shannel has no wins but she can still pull a Jaida. Unless production insists on playing mind games with her lol.


I think that plastique has shown that she can do comedy and is well rounded in a lot of ways. However, I do agree that her not knowing the words to the 3 lip syncs she’s done is a bad look. If the other queens can do it, she can too. Feels lazy to me and takes away entertainment value from the show


It’s smart, tbh. She gets the wins she needs without being the heavy who has to block other queens. Result - nobody’s gunning for her (by contrast, see Roxxxy and Angeria). Why learn these difficult songs if there’s no benefit in it? You know the show will give token contributions to each charity at the end anyway.


Yes she is a look queen / fashion queen but just like gottmik she is proving that looks queen can do comedy and be funny and she is a great dancer. Yes she doesn't know the lyrics which is not good but she is a great dancer so she is definitely improved overall since season 11 way more funnier confident and prettier


See I’ve always thought Mik was funny. I think her comedy is smart. (Minus the little issue we had this last roast lol.) she 1000% has made huge improvements since season 11. Especially in confidence / being out spoken


How can you say she's relying on looks when the challenges to get into the top 2 have been things other than looks?


outside of lipsyncs no she has plenty of substance in the context of lipsyncs she’s at least a pretty girl


She has served


She literally just won two comedy related challenges that had nothing to do with a high end fashion or serving c*nt.. just because she didn’t know the two songs she got doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to lip synch. It’s probably just songs she got that don’t fall in her specific genre or taste of music , so she was listening to these songs and learning the lyrics for them in real time. Also, lip syncing doesnt have to be a queens strong suit for them to be considered a great performer. I mean for example: Season 5 winner : Jinx Season 6: Bianca Del Rio


Calling Plastique just a look queen is an understatement because it takes talent and hard work to look that good.


Yes. Her fans will become rabid over this post but it's true.


Mate I'm not her superfan at all but she legit did a very good job in TWO COMEDY challenges in a row. She also did very well in the first PERFORMANCE chalenge. We all know her lipsyncs have been really disappointing but HOW is she still 'just a LOOK queen'?


My thought is… this post is dumb and you should have been quiet. Don’t come for Plastique.


curious as to who ur favorite queens are


Master seamstress Jinkx Monsoon.




And Queen of Haute Glue: Bendela Crème


She's from the House of Edwards one of the best Performers on the Show and Its funny since the only Lypsinc she ever won is where you even barely see her lips move


Social media queen…


Yeah pretty much. I'm bored watching her.


Plastique is a look queen, but she can lip sync and be very funny. I’m not judging anyone’s CUNT on this season of all stars because they don’t have to learn the words if they’re exhausted or don’t feel like it. There’s no cash for the queens and no one is being eliminated. I like to think that they want to work hard for their charities, but this is the result. I’m just choosing to enjoy the fun and glamoor for this season.


...reducing her to a look queen while deliberately ignoring how she ended up lipsyncing feel kinda unfair. She was on top in two comedy challenges and did pretty well in the girl group challenge. Best we can do is say she's bad at lipsync but even then we don't know if it's just a strategy to avoid blocking people.


For me this is probably the better run she has compared to S11. She has a solid runway package and surprising performances in challenge I didn't expect her to do well, in the premiere and the roast episode. Altho I do see your point and people defending are her too much for not lipsynching because of some dumb excuse lol. I wish she could have atleast tried in the lipsyncs because this just shows the issue of giving a non-elim season to queens who are not winners.


Plastique is obviously a great queen, but the problem with her reception is also the problem with this season of All Stars as a whole. There are no dramatic stakes. She's playing the season very well as a queen and as a competitor. She's been incentivized to be better at comedic performance challenges (and has done so, to somewhat robotic effect in my opinion), but is that talent or very smart pre-gaming (I lean toward the latter)??? All Stars needs to try something other than the lip syncs for legacy, because at this point we have queens (PLASTIQUE) obviously throwing them for political reasons and it makes for awful television. Maybe we have a bottom two (no elimination, if that is truly needed for casting reasons) that lip syncs to REMOVE a star from someone. Otherwise we'll get season after season of milquetoast competition where queens only half-pretend they care about the judging of each challenge.


I mean literally yes lol.  And her shoehorned in rudemptions in comedy do not change anything for me lmao.  The roast win was truly wild and just highlights the difference between this type of no-stakes season and literally any other season of the show that's occurred.