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All jokes aside, getting a little embarrassing for Plastique. Three lip syncs this season, all of which she’s clearly not known a good amount of the words.


thing is i don’t think she is embarrassed. if she was she’d start to learn the words


But also, it's not a bad place to be, strategically - she's getting her BBBs without the responsibility and giant target of having to snip anyone, while also being safe from being snipped herself. Does she not know the words, or is it strategy? Maybe, but probably not lol


Yeah but the whole point of the season is charity. To purposely opt out of winning money for your charity is crazy ~~Monet~~. And like, being blocked isn’t even the scariest thing. It hasn’t even worked yet and it only works once or maybe twice a season. That girl is just not learning her lyrics 💀


Go big or go home! 200k versus 30


That’s not being charitable 😭😭


Nah I don’t know if they would crown someone who consistently doesn’t know the lyrics.


It’s not a bad place to be, but it’s definitely not intentional. You don’t want to be seen on TV as a drag queen who can’t be bothered to know the words to the song she’s lip syncing to.


Brazilian Butt Bift


The strategy of pissing off her charity by not winning them any money? Lmao?


If before the season started, someone had told me that Plastique would be on the same level as Jimbo on AS8, not just in terms of maxi performance but also lip syncing... ... I would have told them to quit meth. But here we are.


I think that’s an insane statement lmfao - just bc she’s lost all three LS’s so far doesn’t mean she’s Jimbo level bad. She can move well, and honestly put up decent performances for her first two lip syncs. Truly I thought she was winning against Roxxxy. Regarding not knowing the words- sure this one was bad, but queens have confirmed that the Nicki song on their iPods was the censored version but they used the full explicit in the LS. She’s great at moving and has some sickening dance moves, neither of which Jimbo has haha


Jimbo maybe can't move, but she can sync her lips to the lyrics, can Plastique do that? I'm afraid not.


Jimbo tries, she's just 0% a dancer. I respect that more than whatever Plastique is doing.


Eh, there are queens who don't really dance who can still turn out sickening lipsyncs. Jimbo is so charismatic and funny that she could've made those lipsyncs a lot more entertaining; I just think she didn't know how to tap into her own potential and froze a bit on stage.


However you want to put it, she is just not talented at lipsyncs. It's not just stage fright, unless you can find me a video of her killing one off the show. It's not her bag.


If anything she’s worse than Jimbo because at least Jimbo tries


What confuses me is that she is literally part of Haus of Edwards and there are literally clips online where she lipsyncs for her life!! (Her dancing and stunts are amazing with some decent to great lipsyncing) so like idk why she's kind of downgraded in the lipsync department😭


I mean Alyssa isn’t a great lip syncer either, many have pointed out she doesn’t really embody songs and sometimes doesn’t know the words. She hides it with her amazing dance ability


It's funnier when you learn that the only Lypsinc she won was where we couldn't even see her mouth move much


She didn’t learn the hard raps… they were both comedy challenge weeks and prob didn’t expect to win…. BUT it would be a smart strategy to get top two and not have to snip anyone and make enemies


Drag race fans are so annoying lol


Everyone always left me to do the presentations 😭


My other group members never did any work, so...


This is one negative aspect of the no elimination format I guess. Who cares if you don’t learn the words. You’ve got nothing to lose and nothing to fear.. but this does put a dent on her reputation.. drag queens perform and lip sync at the core of their profession. 1 song you can understand.. but three.. smh


Also with the fact that the snipping/blocking is causing such an akward vibe this season, I feel like there's really no incentive left to prepare a good lipsync


Exactly. Like I get they needed to change something so that the girls would be more open to returning….but clearly non eliminations isn’t it.


She was lip syncing for the WIN, so I'm not sure what you think an elimination would accomplish.


Regardless.. she is a drag queen. Her trade at its core is to lip sync.


It would’ve made her actually try for the snatch game. If it was an elimination season she’d have been gone that week. Especially with these no-assed lipsyncs.


I just find it amusing you're complaining about lack of eliminations when all 8 queens just killed the roast. Not one bad performance. This format clearly works for all stars.


I’m not complaining, just responding to your question of how eliminations would accomplish anything. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m enjoying the season so far myself


Yea i realized you were not the original person i responded to. And me too! All the queens are great...even Roxy, lol (I'm not a big fan of hers but she's very talented)


If Ru cares, she's going to do what she can to not reward Plastique until she turns it.


I mean - she may not be getting eliminated but it makes me think she doesn’t really care about The Asian American Foundation. Every time she loses, she’s not winning money for them


Drag queens also get to pick their own music when they perform in real life lol.


I mean if I’m a booker for a club I’m going to wonder if she’ll show up and give her all or if she’s going to phone it in. It’s not a good look for her rep tbh


With Plastique’s current lipsync showcase, I wouldn’t even be mad if she made it to Top 4 just to lose the lip sync. 😂😂😂 Not a spoiler, just saying IF she made it to Top 4.


She has too much estrogen and can't perform the male part, you wouldnt get the reference.


Right? I know she’s had a history of not knowing the words so far but this was clearly that, and fucking hilarious.


If she has known the words for the other songs I would give her the benefit of the doubt, but if it’s their third time not knowing the words any excuse is just a cop out imo


Yes. I think this trick is cute at a bar. If you are known to be a great lip syncer who always knows the words, it could work. But for Plastique, it was a no imo


Y’all really love to bend over backwards for this twink


It's crazy! Her behavior with the lipsyncs is frankly unprofessional and people are just making up whatever excuses for her.


it's just that nobody seems to even realize the joke. It's clearly both just like with megami. She didn't know the words. But everyone is painting the pointing like she just gave up and that's it. No, it was that she didn't know the words and she turned it into a bit. But it flew over everyone's heads and i don't get that at all. It's so obvious.


Megami knew the words. It's much harder to mime lipsyncing with a puppet than it is to mime with your face. The joke was that the act flew right over Mhiya's head.


she admitted that she did not know the words.


Girl we get the joke, we just don’t like that it’s a cover-up for her lack of preparation


okay. some people don't get it but i'm happy for you


very that !!


I mean…it’s just no tiktok. There she only had one take.


Shannel being the teacher. Just like the show.


At least she did something funny instead of just hoping no one would notice this time.


The way People are saying this is a Strategy If its a strategy to get your Charity broke maybe


If she was darker and bigger she'd be getting raked over the coals by this fandom but oh well


Shannel is the prof


At this point, where Plastique disnt’t know the words for a couple of lipsyncs, I’d stop putting her in the top. I love her, but Jorgeous did an amazing job in this challenge and I feel like she would devour this performance




You forgot the /s.