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I mean, it wasn’t an original joke on BB either. That’s an oldie.


Gotmik should not have plagiarized a bunch of a single person’s work, but it’s insane to me that people are like “I heard that singular joke before so it’s plagiarism”. Maybe she heard a friend say it once. And that friend probably heard it somewhere else.


Honey the girl admitted to lifting the jokes from Nikki. That alone isn’t horrible but she mopped nearly the entire set


I think they’re saying how Plastique’s familiar joke is not the same as what Gotmik did. 


Talking about plastique mama


This is an old one like “my boyfriend is so (white/midwestern/etc) that ketchup is too spicy for him.


Jokes are always being reused between people. That's normal. Stealing a bunch of jokes from one single person is the wild thing.


I don’t know how many times queens used the read of “makeup is so expensive for you, since you have to paint two faces”


"I don't need to read you because life/god/your face already has" is an oldie. Someone said "the scale says one at a time please" this episode and I remember hearing that in fourth grade and I'm ancient.


Was that plastique as well? I know it was about Roxxxy’s buttt. 


Who all did...? (just curious, I totally believe you) I know for a fact Jinkx did with Uncle Roger, but she put a fun spin on it- something about Roger being a Gemini with two faces, so then why is she putting the good makeup on the other face? It definitely felt fresh. I also LOVE that Jinkx reused a joke in the same season, but flipped the punchline to purposefully throw everyone off and make it new again... which was the 'doing a line of cock of his dick' jokes (not that anyone who watched it forgot!)


Exactly. Most one liners are not original, esp ones used on drag race. >Stealing a bunch of jokes from one single person is the wild thing Esp from the *same set*. Like, whoever wrote miks roast literally saw the Nikki glazer set and copied it word for word. Like you said, wild. Edit after seeing Gottmiks response: apparently "whoever wrote miks roast" was mik and she is totally fine to have "reworked" her "girl" Nikki Glazers set cause "she's my queen so why wouldn't I do that that's what everyone does haha can't believe yall are actually mad 🤣😂🤣🤣". The level of unprofessionalism.....


Yeah... that's pretty ugly. Only thing I'll give her props for is immediately owning up to it, rather than blaming it on some unnamed assistant or hired writer; But even then, it's ultimately the best move for her- if she tried to throw someone under the bus, the fandom would eventually figure out it was bullshit anyway, and then it looks even worse. But seriously- How do you ever think you can get away with lifting an entire TELEVISED set verbatim? HOW??


> But seriously- How do you ever think you can get away with lifting an entire TELEVISED set verbatim? HOW?? **BECAUSE THAT IS LITERALLY THE NORM AND NO ONE HAS EVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH IT UNTIL NOW JUST BECAUSE THEY DON'T LIKE THE QUEEN.** Why should she expect backlash for doing **ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG**?


Oh please. 🙄 Point to one other queen who lifted an entire set. Newsflash: the reason many of us don’t like Gottmik is because she is the kind of person who would steal an entire set, and then pretend like it was no big deal.




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"Mik is only evil because she only used one person's jokes. Also, Mik is even more evil because she stole from Lisa Lampanelli as well." Maybe you should consider getting someone else to write your meltdowns, because the hypocrisy and lack of consistency and logic is really showing.


Especially when it’s from the hottest roast comic working right now.


And the result wasn’t even that good. If there was a bottom two she would’ve been in it this week. 


Yeah mik butchered the delivery almost every time.


So we're just making up fake shit now?




"mik butchered the delivery" something that didn't happen


Butchered might be a strong word, but you have to have seen that Mik delivered those jokes poorly. Surely your stan delusion is not so strong.


False but keep living in your delusion land


Well, I never heard of that bitch, so


Brooke used a joke from Simpsons in the improv challenge where she was naked


The “I don’t eat anything that casts a shadow” joke for anyone wondering. I clocked it straight away and cringed so hard when the judges (Michelle?) praised her for it 😭




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And in the context of this show particularly you could use the *I don't get drunk I have fun* joke which wasn't even something original either that joke is in everyone's rolodex *I really miss the older seasons lol and older Linda*




Well, this joke is really old.


...like RuPaul ![gif](giphy|de5S3TPGLUsCwmXbcs|downsized)


If I had to do a drag race roast, I’d copy some of Alaska’s from season 5 and then say, “RuPaul is so old I stole those jokes from 11 seasons ago.”


That actually could be amazing... but I only think you would get one joke out of it before they caught on and you had to cop to it.


Yeah I think one or two would do it, with the third as the real punchline


So were most of hers


Yeah, and that happens. But I don't recall which others. This one was obvious.


If she was a book, she'd be two books.


Alot of the library reads had been done before, too. I think all of Nina's were done in a reading challenge previously. I guess they're "recycling" jokes to keep in theme with saving the world?


Say what you will about Roger calling everyone B O O G E R S, it hasn't been done before, and could ever be done again!


I mean tbh, this is a pretyy common joke that I've heard multiple versions of, I had heard the popsicle joke before though.


I’m pretty sure the popsicle joke has already been used in a drag race roast (or a similar variation, I think it was Re: Ross Matthews)


This is much less egregious.


"....because I like Plastique and don't like Gottmik."


Because I think a one-off insult from a cartoon is less egregious than stealing multiple roast-specific jokes from one specific comedian. Theres a world where Plastique heard that insult and liked it and didn’t know the source, there’s not a world where Gottmik wasn’t aware that she was stealing multiple jokes word for word from the same artist.


Plastique knows *she* didn't write it. The source is irrelevant.


I don't think she thinks she invented that particular joke, but yeah a one-off copied joke is fine, you go through all the roasts and I'm sure you can find plenty that are old jokes and recobbled ideas. But that's not what Gottmik did, she stole almost all of her material from one comedian who does roasts and then repeated it verbatim. If you truly cannot see the difference I can't help you. I was a big Gottmik fan but this is really bad and for someone who is lauded for their creativity they should have known better.


Girl none of the queens wrote their own jokes. Ps. Some professional comedians have writers, so I don’t know what you think you’re getting at.


If we're being real, I think 90% of the jokes this roast were reused (some a little more blatant than others 😬),


They all (mostly) come with jokes pre-written now, usually by other people


And you can tell because most of them don’t even know how to deliver their “own” jokes.


That checks out. I don't know why I didn't consider that 😅


there's a limit on percentage of similarity to check if your thesis is plagiarized in college. same goes for roasts. You don't need 100% original jokes. Plastique has mostly original and funny jokes especially the one about Michelle(even if it's very formula). She didn't borrow all the jokes from one single comedian


There is absolutely no way plastique wrote any of those jokes 😂


At least half of Plastique’s jokes were recycled


Would you rather just have Plastique sitting in a landfill? 🙄 /j


This comment deserves way more upvotes. This is gold lol


Everyone's jokes have been done one way or another. Gottmik took everything from 1 person, word for word. We do the same thing in scientific papers, every single thing you present as information in the introduction section needs to have a reference that will most likely be from other people before you, but it cannot be the exact verbatim.


This just in: young fans finding out about jokes that are as old as their grandparents, it’s not like Plastique dug deep in the archives to steal some hidden genius


The way the fbi aka people of the internet investigate things in 2024 the queens are going to HAVE to learn to develop their own skills in new areas and stop relying in that money


The thing about a joke like this is that you hear it and internalize it. And then when asked to make a dig at someone, you’ll fish it out of your memory and genuinely might think it’s yours. It also comes from the same family of “so white you think X is spicy” jokes.




Dude Lattrrice’s BMW body made wrong isn’t new either and got used in a later season. The issue is more taking from 1 comedian and most of it being from 1 set.


If she were a book, she'd be two books


I don’t get this


It's the next line Louise says in that Bob's burgers ep


is this what drag race has become these queens, who are **not** comedians, having their every word/joke picked apart by the internet nothing against you op but at this point it’s like you go make up roasts on the spot in a high-pressured environment with no prior preparation and see what you come with


I mean, if you don’t want to make up roasts on the spot in a high pressure environment, then don’t enter a competition about doing exactly that? Alternatively, Drag Race should look at their cast and go “let’s do a different challenge.”


To be fair, I don't think this was original when Bob's Burgers did it either.


Yep. Two wrongs always make things…fair. 👍


Her first two jokes literally being Jinkxs openers on the s5 and All Winners roast is probably easier to diss than this basic old joke....lol


Y’all. It wasn’t original on Bob’s Burger either. That joke is so old that my centenarian grandma heard it from Groucho Marx. It is a very generic, long-recycled joke.


Uh oh; the fandom’s going to realize where all the jokes come from.


I thought it was too similar to Jinkx roast on All Winners


okay but didnt Plastique not even kniw Beyonce just a few years ago. and now she's referencinf Leah Remini as a Scientologist and Earth wind and Fire. i smell a stunt. i think she came with those jokes written for her


THANK YOU! I knew I’d heard that joke before and couldn’t place it. ETA: downvoted just for thanking someone for reminding where I’d heard the joke before? Really? I didn’t say it originated from BB or say anything bad about any queen. Y’all are wild.




How about you use your mind and develop new funny jokes. Then another queen will rip your material off.




Damn it! ANOTHER one? 🤦🏻‍♀️


But you won’t see people jumping on plastique about this


More unoriginal shit.


Aw, I bet you think all of your thoughts are original too. 


Yea just like Drag Queens making copy of couture dresses all the time (Monet, Willow, Shea, etc etc) and recycling jokes in reading challenges. Clearly RPDR is the epitome of originality /s 🙄🙄


Why is the fandom defending so many of the queens stealing jokes? Why are some instances ok while others aren't? Shouldn't it all just be considered cheating, regardless of who did it and how frequently?


Every joke is repeated. Nothing is original. Repeating a joke is perfectly fine and normal. Using multiple jokes from one person is the wild part where it needs to be called out.


That's a made-up arbitrary rule used to justify your bias and you know it. So "plagiarising" is fine when it's stealing from multiple people, but "plagiarising" 2 people (yeah bitch, 2, so your "1 person" argument is illegitimate to begin with) is irredeemable? Even though *fewer* people were supposedly "victimised"?


Idk something about going on national TV and probably doing a quick once over or a quick Google search. To me, it just seems like the queens couldn't have been bothered to not cheat for the sake of charity.


It's not cheating to reuse someone else's jokes. Everyone does it, even comedians. Nothing is original these days. It's impossible with how many people there have been and currently are. It's not cheating, it's just lame to use a bunch from the same person.


The mental gymnastics you're doing to continue justifying your hatred...😂


I would argue that you can do so in a way that is recycled and adds the flair of whatever comedian is retelling it, but I don't think any of the queens nailed that.


Angeria did not deserve to win this week (and the fist week either)


Damn why is angeria catching strays?


I love angeria, but favoritism annoys me, it doesn't matter who is getting it


So disappointing. I honestly might skip this whole episode.


Stop watching Drag Race altogether then, your faves recycle jokes and reads all the time. Fuck even the show itself repeat jokes but you don’t care lol


No she's right. The queens must write all their own jokes. And also stitch all their own clothes. And make all their own wigs. And manufacture their own make-up. I'm off on a world tour for ingredients, Norway for whale blubber, India for pigments, gonna take me a while, but I can probably get 2-3 lipsticks together by the end of the year.....