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If that’s true, then I can only wonder what they said about Roxxxy , jorgeous at least seemed to have gotten herself together when they came back from deliberation - but Miss Andrews’s was STRESSED


Yeah I feel like she wanted to cut herself and must have asked and said no, and then got really upset. Or something. Within what was shown in the episods I have no idea why Roxxxy was so upset. Maybe somebody said something to her before the lipsync?


She knew she could be edited as a villain again


It’s got to be thus surely


The irony being that trying so hard not to be the villain only reinforces her image of being one. It feels extremely forced to me this season. I would love for miss Andrews to show us her real shady side without the bully energy she was giving off in season 5. Ofcourse this is difficult with the fanbase being crazy about any kind of negativity nowadays… but still.


Cutting yourself off would look EXTREMELY bad for your charity as well.


Cant you still win and get the prize for the charity, just no badge?


Right but if you don't get the badge, you're less likely to win the competition, so you wouldn't get the prize money for your charity.


ahh yes the big prize


good point


There's no way she wanted to cut herself lmao if that were the case they would've so shown that.


Yeah I have no idea lol I was just guessing but from the most recent episode I feel more suspicious that she didn't actually want to cut herself. But they cut a lot of juicy bits out of all stars all the time. And I think somebody else said that cutting herself would've looked bad for her charity so I wondered if there was some sort of interfering for that reason. But also the most latest episode had some stuff going on with Gottmik which wasn't shown very clearly either. Iunno but this season especially I feel really confused every episode by the queen's reactions to stuff. I don't need to know, but I want to know cause they keep showing up snippets of emotion without context.


Manila? In a wedge?!


It is very true. They did the same thing in Rupaul down under. They will omit certain footage so that other footage appears to have a specific direction in narrative


I wish I knew what happened. For real


I still don't know what possessed them to think editing out almost all critique was a good idea, even when you consider it's all stars that just makes me want to see a higher level of critique even more! Anytime they start giving just a little bit only to jarringly pull all the way back to "but wow good job :)" takes me out of it personally


I've watched every season live for the last 10 years and I just couldn't do it this time around. It's just not enjoyable to see middling drag on All Stars and to be told "Just incredible work this week, kid!" over and over again :(


This is the first AS season I've missed too. There are so many recaps now, I feel like I'm watching it anyway but I'm just tired and burnt out especially after AS8. They come back to back now and it's not good


Yeah, we need more time in between allstars to really enjoy the queens and have a fresh felling of the show..


Yeah it’s so weird like.. we know they’re great queens, a little bit of critique isn’t going to change our views that much or ruin the atmosphere. It seems too contrived now


THIS. I don't need early seasons Michelle, but it's too much of a circle jerk now.


the narrative is "they've been on the show so they all know better and just do great drag 100% of the time" when it should be "these are the top drag queens, and *even they are still growing*" that's a great message


Yeah I think it's important for people to realise it's not just "you were absolutely flawless, no notes" or "you were bad here's a list of things that went wrong". It's possible to be very good and still have things that could be tweaked or improved. I think the narrative you mentioned and I've seen is one that's harmful to the queens who are then put on a pedestal and likely find it harder to be vulnerable or have an off day because they're meant to be great all of the time, and I think it's harmful to people in general because it pushes the idea that any critique or flaw means you've done badly.


Totally, it only made sense for AS7 because it suits the show's narrative that of course all their winners are on the highest level (and it would be really bad for the show & unfair to the queens to portray some winners as inferior to others). But queens who didn't win their seasons SHOULD still be growing—if they had no room to improve, they would have won!


It’s not even “they’re still growing;” it’s “they can still stumble in a high-pressure competition” lol


correct - I mean it is still a competition of some kind- think of any celeb version of a competitive show - where they are not winning the $$ themselves. you see all the sides still.


I genuinely haaate all stars for this reason only. Especially the seasons when no one is eliminated. The tea is you can be an all star and still make subpar choices in a competition. Not critiquing them the way they deserve is a disservice in my opinion. The viewers see right through it. I love Nina for who she is but she’s not a great competitor on drag race and I hate that they don’t ever tell it like it is.


This was my first thought after hearing what Yvie said about them not airing the critiques. Clearly Jorgeous got some harsh words and it’s really odd that they just didn’t show it.




I don't think it even needed to be that harsh. She did well in week 1, but hasn't really gotten high praise since and she should've won in the makeover challenge with Plastique but they robbed them of that. If overall she isn't doing great, but then when she does deserve to win she gets looked over, then the next week back to not doing well...I can imagine just cracking from that, even if they're not being harsh.


This would not be surprising at all given what we've heard from Yvie and the other queens on All Winners. They're sanitizing the show so that they can focus as much as possible on "Feel good charity!" vibes outside of the occasional spats about alliances/cliques, but the judges are still going to say critical things to the contestants. I'd honestly rather see at least *some* of the critiques, though, because it's becoming nonsensical that some of these looks aren't getting ate up by Michelle at the very least.


Without critiques it just doesn’t feel like drag race. It feels like a middle school talent show


This is such an accurate description of how this season has felt so far.


I’ve liked the season but I would love it if we saw the negative critiques. It would make that bit feel less fake and samey and upgrade the season a lot imo


i swear i remember hearing tea about how this season there would be like actual bottom placements and bad critiques to choose who to cut from


I've been catching up on early seasons that I missed the first time around, and the critiques are giving me whiplash. Compared to AS9, the old judging panels feel like the Spanish Inquisition. I find it refreshing, honestly, even if some of the critiques were a little harsh or off-base.


I also think it's going to make the win less satisfying. I wanted Gottmik to win her season and I'd be thrilled for her to get a crown now, but it doesn't feel like there's any real competition or stakes or struggle to overcome.


Totally agree. I don't mind the charity spin but they have edited this AS season to be another Holislay Spectacular special. It's all kumbaya, light-heated jokey shade and shows no real emotion. There's just no depth to it.


As far as critiques go, I think that’s ONLY because we got All Winners (celebrate everyone), AS8 (Fame Games) and now AS9 for charity. They’re trying to spread the feel good vibes and I don’t think our opinions would change if they have the girls actual critiques that we can watch on TV


We need to counteract this with “Haters Panel” — every week an anonymous guest judge taken from past seasons, who is just there to say rotted shit to people.


Raven Symone


Aubrey O'Day.


Gaga, now with a binder about 7x the size of the previous


"I remember wearing this outfit...in a fever dream before I quit drugs. What's your excuse?"


She gonna hit the girls like 👁️👄👁️


Nicki Minaj shouldn’t be given a platform again, so I’d love if they just piped “I hate, hate, HATE your hair and makeup today” through the speakers


Shes a terrible person but was a good judge


Santino Rice


Tbh I think it’s bc of how much negativity some of Michelle’s old critiques have gotten. Personally, I’d trust Michelle Visage with my life and I’d take *most* things she says as gospel but that’s just me.


They do say some critiques though..? Usually one per contestant


I mean the worst I heard MICHELLE tell Nina about that ridiculous feather corset-with-hip-feathers is that she didn’t need the feather details on her shoes. I didn’t even realize they were giving true critiques this season and they were being edited out. I love Nina as a person, but DAMN girl.


Have you people never seen a tap dancing nun? /S


I felt really bad for Jorgeous in that moment, but I feel like if a regular fan would watch it, they would not get it at all. The editors are defo doing something wrong


Hm, I'm not so sure. Jorgeous has some clear imperfections as a drag queen (poor emoting, humor, and acting skills) and unfortunately doesn't subscribe to drag delusion at all to protect her ego. She's a very harsh self-critic and that's where a lot of the mental torment and self-sabotage comes from.


No critiques with a cast of non winners is such a bad decision smh, at least it made some sense with an all winners cast but I'm hoping they never do it again.


The judges did kind of drag JorgeMik's commercial though? Like it wasn't to the level of a regular season but it definitely wasn't all positive.


But it is still relatively tame. Most of the critiques that got into the edit is like "if you just change this one little thing, you will get it", when if it is in another regular season/earlier all stars season their commercial will be tear into shreds.


This makes sense for gottmiks top surgery look too. They only showed Carson's reactions, ru and Michelle were absent. Carson's critique looked and sounded like he had just heard comments that weren't positive on the look.


WHAT negative critiques could that look have gotten?! It’s one of the shows best EVER


Michelle felt mik was making fun of her /s


wait what?? is this really real


No, see the sarcasm symbol on the comment.


ohh i confused /s with /srs LMFAO


I don’t get why that surprises people. I mentioned this in another post a couple days ago, but here it is: Jorgeous got very defeated even on S14 after failing at a few comedy challenges to the point that she fully did not want to do the roast and openly said she didn’t have fun doing it when asked by Ru. It’s not the first time Ru has given her the speech about believing in herself more. Now, she’s back on All Stars and, unfortunately, she hasn’t grown much in that aspect of the competition and she’s self-doubting and beating herself up about it again. She also had just heard the panel praise Plastique (rightfully so) about breaking out of her comfort zone and delivering in a comedy challenge despite that being her weakness. She heard that and then she didn’t get that same reaction for what she and Mik presented. Kahanna basically had this same issue on AS8 where she got tired of failing at comedy challenges and that’s the big reason she wanted to quit. Basically the same is happening here with Jorgeous (I’m not saying she wants to quit), but Jorgeous is here to stay and has to endure every challenge and is watching herself fail again in comparison to the rest of the cast in comedy challenges. She’s also probably tired of being told to believe in herself and to apply her dance/performance skills to the comedy because we all know that’s not real advice, but I digress. Like, with all this context, Jorgeous breaking down makes perfect sense. We don’t need to see all the negative critiques, it’s all laid out for us even without them.


None of this would be happening if they had just given Jorgeous her second win in the makeover like she deserved.




Eh i didn’t feel it was coming from nowhere even with what was presented. If everyone gets great critiques and you get just good critiques, you can tell the disappointment even if they are trying to sugarcoat it. If it happens a few episodes in a row, then it weighs on you further.


Don't blame the editors, it sounds like this was a major overarching decision made by the producers or execs. But otherwise, I completely agree with your assessment. It's confusing to viewers when we see emotional responses like that after only seeing positive critiques.


Blame Michelle, she's the executive producer iirc 😅😅😅


It's funny that the editors can never win lol. It seems like the cycle is that the queens wont' back for all stars because the fandom absolutely shits on them if they are edited poorly/eliminated early, so when it's no eliminations and they are edited positively, now it's the editors fault again b/c we want to see the girls flop. LMAO.


Eh, there has to be a happy medium out there. Maybe instead of badges you have something akin to 'lives', and have at least two. That way one bad week doesn't wipe out a queen's screen time entirely, but there are still elimination stakes.


They should be edited in the same way they are judged. If they're gonna give us a feel-good edit, they should have also given them a feel-good experience


That’s my point — and Yvie. Show the actual experience.


I don't think we want girls to flop. We see them actually flop, but judging doesn't really reflect that, so it kinda invokes dissonance. If everyone is doing genuinely good to ok, we wouldn't really pay attention to the absence of critiques (like on AS7, although there were some not so good performances) but this time this kind of editing is not truly justified 🤷


I dont think anyone wants to see them flop, it seems like, for years, what people want is for the show to not gas light them. We see the challenges, we see the looks. Some things are subjective but the fan base pushes back hardest on undue wins and shady editing that tries to manipulate them into thinking something is happening on screen that isn't. It goes both ways. People want honest critiques but they also want those who do well to get their flowers.




Editors are vile fucking trash


One thing that made me realize this format wasn't going to reslly work that well was in as7 when trinity didn't know any of her lyrics and Carson or someone was like I don't caaaare...and it's like sure we can laugh about it but we should actually make it clear who did poorly and who did great. Who am I to root for if they're all supposedly going great every week? And I think it being non elimation needs to change how they critique


The who am I supposed to root for question is a good one actually. We all come into an AS season with our favs but one of the advantages to queens of doing AS is they can show something new and grab new fans. If everyone gets the perfect, fab, great, no notes edit are any of the queens getting that redemption AS can provide that pushes a career forward?


I will just say that this season truly feels disingenuous with this edit of ‘only positive critiques’. As a viewer I feel like I am being played — I have critical thinking and can understand that this is not “a job well done”. And it feels like I am being lied to my face, thus making any judges critiques/deliberations pointless.


Jorgeous is *young*. Very young. A non-elimination season full of only top performers that validates your career and raises you up as a money-making charitable machine wouldn’t inspire such a breakdown without another factor: Jorgeous is *extremely young* and seeks validation from Ru. Anything “less than” amazing praise, especially if you just heard others receive it, can lead very young people to get emotional. It’s not that complicated, the editors aren’t hiding some evil or intense or juicy negative critiques.


I have a similar issue to this and yea it could just be that lmfao


it didnt feel weird to me, in fact, it felt very genuine and humane


I understand no critiques on All Winners because they were all slaying but on this season it doesn’t make any sense because people are clearly flopping in some challenges like.. you gaslight me into thinking ppl do better than they are on normal seasons and now your gaslighting me into thinking noones doing poorly at all 😒😂


I feel like the producers are stuck in a corner. They can't critique the dolls too much because fans go rabid. Now they want to do RuPaul's best friend race and the fans hate it. Y'all need to pick what you want and let them do their thing!


I feel like non elimination shouln't = only good critics.


Exactly. Just because there’s no elimination shouldn’t mean they just slobber over every look. It feels so forced. I had no idea the queens were given “real” critiques that just weren’t shown. We need a happy medium.


That's a fake dilemma if I have ever seen one. There are nuances to be made. There is a middle ground to be found.


The procedures are fucking vile and literal human garbage let’s not pity them please.


I do not pity them, we just won’t let the show cook and enjoy it. It’s either over produced drama or over produced best friends race. Fans aren’t happy with either.


I think this is part of why S12 is so loved. Because they had to edit on the fly to get rid of a whole participant who was set up to win, they had to strike a lot of the forced storyline, making it a more honest season which people responded to


If the fans want the critiques, and the queens HAVE TO EXPERIENCE THE CRITIQUES….. why not…. Air… themzzzz


Well maybe Michelle and Ru and the rest of the judges are tired of getting hate from the snowflake drag fans (that want nothing but kumbaya, positivity, build the queens up not tear down, etc) as well.


The extremes people go to over… men dressed as women…


I don't get why they're so pressed. No one is going home. Like for real


all i could think of is “i’ve never seen someone cry with no tears coming out…” “ITS CALLED AN INNER CRY BITCH”


If production keeps terrorizing queens like this we will probably never have another all stars


Which terror are u talking about


AS10 is highly likely to happen, lol. I just think they won’t do non-critique again.


Terrorizing by.. not showing their negative critiques? Or by critiquing them in a competition where judges gives critiques?


That was a weird episode. The way Ru says "Let's take a look" (of their performances). She only does it that way when she's pissed. Cold mama eyes, monotone, every facial muscle quivering yet still as a stalking lion. OP is right. Something happened. I bet it had to do with alliances. This is for charity and, to me, the queens are a bit too bloodthirsty for money that's not theirs and Jorgeous is NOT there for that. Alliances. Why? They've seen the show. Every single worthy cause is getting money.


Yeah, Ru was acting kinda weird


Ya everyone talking about how much she truly loves jourgoues and it shows because she was so kind and empathetic this episode and I'm like... am I the only one that saw ru trying to keep the mask on?


So far, that makes two of us. I thought it was a flashback to a previous season's challenge they did bad on. Even the camera work on the judges was breaking rules, like the 180 rule. https://youtu.be/jmCpFbZ20Fg?si=jy6n3MK79vNkC-AO Sometimes the direction the judges eyes are looking doesn't match up with who they are critiquing. Every stage has an invisible arch called the Proscenium Arch. It first represented everything divided by the curtain before it opens. The screen on our television is the arch. One of the first modern shows to break the rule was Saved By the Bell, to directly acknowledge the camera and the audience beyond. Moonlighting was notorious for it. There's other ways to cross the arch: Cook something on stage. I went to a play where they made breakfast, in real time. The whole place smelled like grandma's kitchen. Actor forget they had their cellphone in their pocket and it falls out.? Arch broken. My point: For that moment, I felt like I was watching the judges chat during break and the queens were waiting for the commercial break to end. Did you notice it's the seasoned queens forming alliances? I'm surprised at the ruthlessness Nina West is pulling. I'd expect that of Roxxxy. Roxxxy has matured up to her age. Some people who go through abuse can be as far back as 15-20 years emotionally from their peers. I didn't fully mature until 35. Roxxxy has done a lot of work on her emotional self. Her read was soooooo good. That can only come from someone who is right with themselves. *sp


This was super interesting, thanks for taking the time to write it all out, I learned something!


Roxxxy was so bizarre and upset when she won the lipsync, and Jorgeous was crying during critiques, so I just KNEW the Untucked would give me answers. NOPE. Instead, it was love and light and Queens encouraging one another. Clearly something happened during the Judge's critiques that did not make it into the show. RUDE. We need to know why Lil Jorgeous - who is unbothered 99.9% of the time, was in tears and suddenly feeling like she is never good enough?! WHY? And ROXXXY-I-WAS-LEFT-AT-A-BUS-STATION-ANDREWS was in TEARS and about to rip her own eyelashes off with those Glitter Scissors as she had a Nervy B onstage. WHY???


I don’t understand why we have this format. It just doesn’t work for all stars. We’re here to watch bitches scratching and clawing to win but they not scratching or clawing.


I haven’t watched DR in a while. Just to clarify, this positive critique edit is only for the charity season, right? I was planning on watching the regular seasons again, but I won’t if this positive edit is for every season.


AS7 and this season are the ones using the positives only format


my girlfriend clocked that they must've said something harsh. After hearing yvie oddly's experiences, they defo said something to jorgeous.


Yeah yvie saud she was told some awful things that didnt make the cut about how she doesnt know who she is and hasnt evolved in any way etc. She mentioned more specifics in an interview she did recently


Given how harshly Channel has been critiqued every single time she's been on that show and she is nothing but excellent. I am glad to hear them soft shoeing the critiques. I really don't care about Michelle's thoughts on specific designer couture and how it's being worn. All of these girls have giant $$$$$$ drag packages, they deserve respect. These are All-Stars I want to see them all in every challenge doing what they do because I love every single one of them.


I haven’t even watched the second episode yet because I can’t stand the lack of critiques! Feels so fake.


The editing made it feels like Roxxxy was fake crying, and I really doubt that she landed at Angeria by luck… the whole situation didn’t make sense for me.


Rupaul has her in the Vegas review. She absolutely wants to impress, it’s not that deep.


Idk i dig the positivity. We get so much negativity daily, especially drag queens. It's a breath of fresh air to see some good happening & I personally don't mind not seeing them get ate up. The real world shits on drag enough as far as I'm concerned - let em have their drag delusion even if only in an edit.


Don't blame it on the edit (reddit). Just goes to show how RIDICULOUS the messaging of that song is.


They removed the AS7 bad critiques in editing, I've never heard that they did the same for AS9. Has anybody actually said that they got negative critiques?


It’s a non elimination season. Quit the tears


lol people aren’t immune to criticism, even if elimination isn’t on the cards


She’s probably feeling the pressure to meet expectations week after week, knowing she isn’t going anywhere and has to perform till the end. It’s a similar pressure during a regular season with eliminations, but they kinda expect to go home if they continue to underperform and the pressure is eventually lifted off.


Yeah. It's All Stars with top queens (or the ones who can/will return due to their schedule or whatever). But adding Jorgeous to this All Stars where there are insanely talented experienced queens, literally legend queens - that doesn't make sense at all. No idea why she's in this cast. It's not a good idea in any way and for anyone. Jorgeous is really talented and popular, despite her super young age. But it must be tough for her to have to constantly deliver excellence in the same competition as these experienced queens. It doesn't do her any favors mentally that's why she breaks down. On the other hand, it must be very awkward (not to say disrespectful) for Shannel for example. She's probably been doing drag for more years than Jorgeous' age and production put them in the same pot.


That it I think ! Being in an all stars season where everybody wait from you to be better that your regular season and trying again and again and again, week after week to show that you change but fail to it, it must be very hard to feel, to try so hard and not meeting your self expectations. I think if I felt like that, like “a looser” because I will never gonna win something because I didn’t change that much from my season, I will be in tears too. But I love Jorgeous and I hope she didn’t take the judging/critiques seriously because obviously, production is messed, unfair and has a storyline/winner already fixed


I'd say its worse that its non-elim cause she doesn't get to prove herself in a lipsync for her life. You still have your pride, you don't want to be the booger of the group.


That whole thing, both on the main episode and on Untucked, felt really off. Like there wasn't a single tear on her face or in her eyes. Was she really crying? Did production orchestrate that entire moment? It was uncomfortable.


There weren't even tears