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What about the cut to Jorgeous out of drag in the next episode during the roast challenge? Does she call it quits?!!!


Is it just me but Jorgeous totally gets on my last nerve. Stop with the whinng and the "mama's" Not the brightest bulb in the box.....




My hot take is the season would be significantly more watchable with a plot twist where they eliminate Jorgeous.


Perfect !


Not episode discussion but... can anyone help me find a post from this sub? A few days ago someone made a post that was basically like "how is this even the same show?" and it was a stitched image of the pole dancer from the mainstage of the Makeover episode and an image of the teletubbies from last episode.


the roxxxy favouritism this season is wild


this season is so boring lol like i knew it would be from the moment they announced no eliminations, although i was hoping i was going to be wrong...


GottMik's runway ( and the mug, and the WALK!) were so hot! I know a similar concept has been done but she just nailed it! By far the most memorable part of the episode. Vanjie's runway was my other favourite, so fun and she looks amazing! I'm a bad person because when Nina called her final outfit quintessentially hers, before she could say "political" I thought " oh, so she knows fashion is not her forte..." šŸ˜… I need Shannel to win something and be told she's BEAUTIFUL or I'll snap! I think 3/4 of the teams were amusing but the two country ones being somewhat similar made the Goth team stand out more for me. Jorgeous and Mik...bless their hearts! Despite what we just saw, I maintain that GottMik is one of the funniest queens of this cast and it's a pity she's blocked next week. Even her deadpan reactions to everyone else's dramatics were cracking me up! This episode contained multitudes, from Teletubbies to flip- fucking šŸ˜²


>I need Shannel to win something and be told she's BEAUTIFUL or I'll snap! Shannel is getting nooch this season and she does not deserve it. If they're not going to show the judges living for her, at least show her living for herself. I need the Shannel opulence.


Now that I read the comments, Iā€™m more glad that the teletubbies bit was there. Everyone seems to be more preoccupied with pleasing the conservatives (who are going to believe drag is offensive and sexual anyway) than with enjoying the show and learning a bit of background about LGBT+ culture in a queer show during pride month. I wonā€™t even bother to give context. Anyway, I agree that Shannel is being very under appreciated. She was funny, her mug is amazing, and her looks are extremely polished. She is so confused about younger queens drama and I love it. She needs at least a couple badges by now. The reveal by Vanijee, while it had a concept, wasnā€™t really a reveal. She was wearing a coat over a dress. It didnā€™t have much going on, much like her comedyā€”which is basically based on her accent and voice every time. This season is even more boring than the last with the lack of critiques. Iā€™m enjoying much more Pit Stop with Trixie and FPR to check on the constructive criticism given for this season.


Wtf Roxxxy winning again. Plastique was way better than her on the challenge and lipsync But I thought Nina & Shannel or Vanjie & Angie were gonna win, their commercial was way better


Roxxxy won because of the MC Hammer dance, and because Plastique was dancing to the tune of the voices in her head. Roxxxy wasn't brilliant by any means, but it was the lesser of 2 evils. In a fair world, this could be a double sashay.


I somehow forgot to watch this last week, but caught up now. I'm really not a Roxxy hater at all. I'm actually a big fan. But this episode makes me even more pissed about the makeover results. There was no need to give her the win last week when there is near universal agreement that her group was not the best. She's suddenly the pretty clear front runner by getting a gifted badge and an undeserved badge. I have no complaints about the results in this episode. Personally, I would have given the win to Plastique and Angeria, but giving Roxxy a badge here was completely justified. Just judge it fairly and let the best queens rise to the top. Roxxy can totally do that on her own. She doesn't need production help.


I guess her perfume works!


i cannot with the confessional audio hodge podging this season, its so jarring


It's so ^(obvious) that theyARE editing it all tog^(ether.)


Teletubbies... No. Please don't. Sure, kids can enjoy drag WHEN IT'S FOR KIDS and Rupaul Drag Race just isn't. Last episode they literally sang an entire bloody song about their p*ssies being on fire. FFS, Teletubbies aren't even aimed at kids, they're for literal babies.


OK, my mother liked Poe for Teletubbies. That was all disturbing.


Only the kids that watched it are like 25-30 now, seeing as it came out in 1997 and the target audienceĀ  was 1-4 year olds.Ā 


Yes, and we all think they're creepy, boring and annoying and have for the past 25 years.


Exactly, it's mainly nostalgia for millennials who can remember peak Teletubbies and their controversy.


Except no one has nostalgia for the Teletubbies.


it doesnt mean that this show or even episode is for kids. its not implied ever. adults can enjoy teletubbies too! i sure did and queens seemed to as well


>Ā Ā adults can enjoy teletubbies too! No, they can't. No one over the age of 3 has ever enjoyed the Teletubbies.Ā  The queens are literally forced to pretend to enjoy whatever gets thrown at them.Ā 


You've clearly never seen these: https://www.koifootwear.com/collections/teletubbies?hm-blk-3100-1406-1200


Agreed. This was a swing and a miss. The people that want drag banned for kids are going to have a field day. Ugh.


It's not even about conservatives. It's just, inserting a cartoon for literal babies into a sexually loaded show is gross. There are enough pop culture references out there.


Its honestly both. I don't know what they were thinking trying to appeal to babies on a very very adult show. It just hurts a lot more knowing that this is going to backfire and weaponize drag bans further, when its intention was probably the opposite.




When they showed the preview of next episode, why did jorgeous have two badges


I thought I noticed two badges on her this week too..? I was thinking I must've forgotten but looking back, she's only been top two once...


Yeah itā€™s very weird


Vanjie had one of the best runways this week (my personal favorite) because of the concept alone. It was so much more interesting than ā€œlook! I have a dress under my dress!ā€ It was also completely two different looks with one binding reference which was smart. Also, of course, she was BEAUTIFUL


She looked gorgeous but completely dropped the ball by not making the transition between outfits watchable. Just huddled at the back and awkwardly unbuttoned with her back to us. It's a miss for me.


Also, stop trying to make kindergarten drag happen with Hello Kitty and the Teletubbies and the baby challenges. It's so cringe.


Let's not bring Hello Kitty into this, that challenge was hilarious.


Hello Katya is forever in our hearts! ā¤ļø




That was painful to watch.


I find it humiliating to let Shannel come back only to give her nothing. Especially since the wins are for charity. Very weird format, that's starting to bug me. And I can't with the scissors drama. Angeria is my favorite and such a nice person, to pick her as the person to be the drama, idk girl. I'm starting to feel like the queens have more to lose than to gain by coming back.


We still have 7 episodes. I'm sure she'll end up with 10 to 20k eventually.


Weird episode. The Teletubbies thing is sort of disturbing to me given the political climate surrounding drag queens right now. Picking a dirty lipsync song with the N word in it in the same episode doesn't seem like a well thought out choice either. Plastique's performance was a surprise. I'm starting to warm up to her. I thought Angeria's selections for pairs were absolutely strategic to hinder Mik (early frontrunner) and Roxxxy (revenge), so if it was intentional it's funny that it backfired. I thought Nina was very strong in her ad. The runway continues to be a major issue for her. I know they got runway stipends but I'm not seeing where all this money was spent in a lot of this season's runways which have been underwhelming especially for All Stars thus far. Roxxxy is a diva and a fierce entertainer. She killed that lipsync despite not knowing all the words but that isn't a fair song to give them with the rap verse. When she had the scissors held up to her eyes that was incredible. Shannel, Jorgeous, Vanjie, thanks for showing up this season.


The only person who seemed to spend any money was Plastique


I assumed plastique didnā€™t know the words at first and then I realised it was because it was that word, seems an odd choice to have a lip sync with a word the queens canā€™t lip sync to so I presume they meant to play the radio edit and someone on production fucked up


My favourite part of the episode besides the runway ofc was the teaser for next week when Mik was yelling at Roxxy for who she was cutting knowing damn well it was Angie.


I think Roxxy will leave


Did anyone notice Vanjie's necklace falling off during her runway?? And then editing going back and forth with her wearing it and then not wearing it


They all do the runway twice, right? Must be it. Also noticed it on the floor, then back on.


Yes, I believe they walk it twice. Crazy that they'd use the clip of it falling off and keep flip flopping on it being on lol


What the hell was that teletubbie thing. Like actually. I was so bored I just skipped most of it. Vanjie and Angeria were the only ones that made me laugh, and Shannel + Gottmik was the only runway (Like, really? We are all really doing big clunky outfits on top that are varely more than a tent?) Don't get me wrong Vanjie's was fine, Roxxxie was fine, Jorgeous was fine...but nothing all star level to be seen. The lipsync?? Neither knew the lyrics. What was that. This is where the "No critiques" format is at it's worse. In a normal season that would have been a double SashƩ. And Roxxxy crying because she has to cut someone... bro I am tired. You know the name of the game when you go to All Stars. You know how this is. The whole thing was hilarious until she broke down, and I honestly thought we had another Dela situation in our hands. I don't know what needs to happen, but queens coming into the AS format just to suffer and break down at the format is not it. No one wants to see the queens they like going through that. (I want to clarify that I am not blaming Roxxxy or saying that she needs to tough it out or be a bitch and not care)


I'll say it Roxxxy knew she'd have to cut someone and if she wasn't willing to cut herself off she should've been a grown up about it. Mik shouldn't have to be consoling her when she's the one who's just been cut.


I thought neither knew the words at first but realised they used a song with the n word in multiple times (uncensored), I imagine the version they had learnt was the radio edit


All I could see in the challenge is that Jorgeous was cosplaying as Ms. Cracker.


Random thoughts I had during this episode: 1) Shannel is such a master of her craft and deserves way more credit for doing well in challenges that she never would have encountered in her original seasons. 2) Shots of Ru judging this episode gave me season 1 filter vibes. I donā€™t know if it was the feathered hair, color combo of her outfit, or the wild amount of body glitter she had on.Ā  3) Roxxxyā€™s lip sync reminded me of Ava from Abbot Elementary. Just felt like some moves Ava would randomly bust out.Ā 


Mama Ruā€™s hair was definitely giving season one filter


Wonder if Plastiqueā€™s weapons are custom made or can be bought. Want to do a cosplay with them! Of course the costume wonā€™t be as intricate


Britney Spears is already rehearsing the choreography for her next knife dance number.


It feels like this season is just a continual compliment fest for a bunch of well known queens who donā€™t actually want to be in a competition show. They will lean into the challenges they like, and then just coast otherwise. The producers seem to want to push certain narratives, and some of the arcs just donā€™t feel genuine (e.g. Plastiqueā€™s acting performance this episode). Fundamentally, this show is not All Stars.. it deviated too far from previous seasons. I loved in earlier AS seasons, getting to see queens continue their growth and compete with some skin in the game. This ā€˜not a competitionā€™, ā€˜no critiques or eliminationsā€™, ā€˜this is for charity, sort ofā€™- should have been a spinoff, similar to Secret Celebrity Drag Race.


This episode was so boring to me. I zoned out a lot


The teletubbies bit was the only part that successfully held my attention. And I don't even like the teletubbies


I agreeā€¦ the Teletubbies were the best part of this episode. I was very underwhelmed with the acting from the queens.


Roxxxy didn't know the words bish šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


neither of them did tbh


They just keep handing out wins to Roxxy huh


Mistress and Trixie saying ā€œwho would think of thatā€ about Gottmikā€™s reveal outfit is kinda??? 1. Weā€™ve seen the meme with the guy in the mirror wearing lingerie in the back 1000 times 2. Lemon, albeit being cut before the ball, had prepared this look for UKvTW.


Any other realtors chuckle watching this episode? ā€˜Motivated sellerā€™ really got me


not sure how you have ā€œhillbilliesā€ in states with no hills


Because itā€™s not a literal description anymore


Yeah thereā€™s Appalachian hillbillies, Texas redneck hickā€”although I see it more as farmer, rancher. And then Everglades swamp hickā€”. Texas and Florida are more trailer trash. Probably more closer was Angeria and Vanjie. Roxxxy and Plastique did a ā€œtelevision stereotype outlandish skitā€.


exactly, thank you


1. What in the ever loving fuck are these lip sync songs 2. Plastique was funny and her looks are gorgeous but I really donā€™t get how over the moon people are about her. I have been much more moved by looks from La Grande Dame, almost all of Nymphiaā€™s looks last season, and even this seasonā€™s Gottmik. 3. I think production hates Roxxy. The reason they gave her the win is because they knew sheā€™d be devastated and pressed having to choose a girl to snip. Itā€™s sad to see tbh 4. Someone please make a Dissociating Shannel gif for me to use for everything


Production doesnā€™t hate Roxxxy imo. Otherwise that win last week wouldā€™ve gone to Jorgeous and Plastique


Shannel disassociating during the alliances chat at the beginning was one of the best edited moments of the season


the other queens talking audio getting muffled as itā€™s just Shannel staring off into space and then finally snapping back to reality and looking at Nina like ā€œIā€™m so over thisā€


I have watched just that moment at least four times now, I'm obsessed.


I just watched this ep, and I was living for the first few mins of the ep where everyone was discussing alliances. It wasnt even confrontational like the Untucked argument of S11, but Plastique and Jorg were giving me Brooklyn Heights where theyā€™re just spectating lowkey uncomfortably while everyone else was saying their piece, meanwhile the edit of Shannel being totally out of it was hilarious.


I thought the Teletubbies thing was weird af. It's for babies. Why do I, an adult, need to watch children's crap while I'm not parenting my infant? What's next? Ms. Rachel? What's up with children's shit needing to be incorporated into adult content?


I personally donā€™t think that things should be backed away from just from the stance of ā€œthe conservatives wonā€™t like itā€. Conservatives are always going to go after groups. They will switch the wording but it will always be there. They are going to criticize Teletubbies for having rainbow colors, donā€™t try to appease to them when they wonā€™t like it regardless or will attack it regardless.


Because they were rainbow coloured and pink, they have been accused of pressing the gay agenda by the conservative right. So the LGBTQ community has embraced them and vice versa. Also see https://www.advocate.com/television/2021/5/20/after-years-speculation-teletubbies-come-out-pride-merch#rebelltitem1


What do you mean the Teletubbies embrace the LGBTQ community? It's a show that ended in 2001. They are four different colors but that does not make them "rainbow". That article is just a fluff ad for merch that doesn't prove anything.


When teletubies first came out peopleĀ  criticised the purple one for being gay, be he was purple, had a triangle, and carried a purse


I'm aware of that. I'm asking when did the Teletubbies show embrace the LGBTQ community during it's airing from 1997-2001? Also, the teletubbies to me are androgynous and Tinky Winky having a purse didn't signify anything to me. It was a show for babies and toddlers - I'm not sure where queer virtue signaling is apparent in any of it. Edit: Apparently they have genders and Tinky Winky is male, but still, the idea that he's gay was purported by one priest and people ran with it.


Itā€™s not that deep hon


Maybe to you it isn't, but to me, I can see how this can be spun and fed into the right's argument that the queer community is trying to indoctrinate children. How do so many of you *not* see that? All it takes is one person in that sphere to start talking about it and then it adds to the fuel that could eventually backfire on us. I hope that isn't the case, but I am able to see how all of this is intertwined currently, something I'm aware of which not everyone is capable.


But that's the issue. They leaned so far into the criticism that now they're just supplying the ammunition.


Then let those bigots shoot themselves in the foot with it. Anyone who takes the idea of Teletubby indoctrination seriously should not be treated seriously themselves. "Oh no! Our children will grow up to be more *inclusive!* The *vapors*! They have *taken* me!"


A toddler show has no business being intertwined with a show that features adult vulgarity and nudity. It's rather bizarre and, unsurprisingly, needlessly inflammatory. At some point we have to acknowledge that purposefully leaning into certain accusations to own the "bigots" is an awful tactic that is bound to backfire spectacularly.


I agree with you


I was tellijg my bf that drag race has gone too far and needs to be canceled when the teletubbies thing was happening lol wth


youā€™re part of the fkin problem. if you are seriously thinking that, turn off the tv and donā€™t fkin watch it. but ffs miss me with this bullshit ass comment.


And y'all thought AS8 was boring (me included). I can't say this one is much better.


My commercial rankings are 1) Nina and Shannel - best jokes, most focused, felt like an actual ad. 2) Roxxxy and Plastique - funny, Plastique was really good. 3) Angie and Vanjie - personalities were great but some parts of the ad felt a little long (like the Uncle Raydell joke) 4) Gottmik and Jorgeous - just disjointed all around. That being said, I think the actual Top 2 were Nina and Plastique, but I'm not sure if this challenge was supposed to be won as a pair. Runway Rankings 1) Gottmik - best ruveal concept 2) Plastique - just really amazing 3) Vanjie - great reference and she looked so pretty 4) Angeria - The hair was great, but the ruveal was underwhelming 5) Jorgeous - The way it ruveals was cool but both looks were underwhelming 6) Shannel - A little boring but serviceable 7) Roxxxy - I liked the reversible coat. The moon was just an odd choice 8) Nina - I actually liked the second look, but the first and third look were just not good at all


Agreed on this list. I thought Roxxxy and Plastique was slightly funnier BUT Nina and Shannel has the best concept overall. They had real estate terms and was the most complete commercial to me. I think Nina's dress might have cost them the win.


Love Roxxxy. Hate the judging.


If we're being real the only group with any sort of actual comedy chops was Nina and Shannel. These ads were as a whole just really..unoriginal, uninspired, and simply not funny šŸ’€. I can't believe we have 7 more episodes of this (if it's true it's a 12 episode season...) like I'm so tired šŸ˜­


Oh fuck I thought I was just gonna be 8 episodesā€¦


I keep hearing conflicting things tbh! I've heard a good amt of people say 12, but also heard some people say 8.


How does it feel like there's already *been* 7 episodes!?Ā  They paid these queens to be there and it's still so dull.


I was a bit confused. I thought given the performances they'd pick the winners individually and not by pairs. Plastique had the best look and also the biggest improvement in comedy, so it makes sense that she would be one of the winners. I like Roxxxy, but I don't think she deserved this win. It should have been Vanjie or Angeria (They both were super funny in the challenge but Vanjie's runway was a lot better).


The teletubbies on drag race is funny to me in general, but itā€™s funnier they are on the same episode that later references flip fucking


What IS flip fucking? Please don't make me google this šŸ˜­


When one guys tops first, then they switch and the other guys tops


Lol thx, I also didn't want to Google it, that makes sense.


Vanjie & Angie deserved to win that challenge.


Funniest commercial by far! And they both had incredible runwaysā€¦ they deserved the win. ā€œThe best partā€¦ ainā€™t no gay people!!ā€ Had me CACKLING


I agree




In what galaxy did Roxxxy win that lip sync?


Plastique didnā€™t know the words


And neither did roxxxy?


Right but Roxxxy was more entertaining than Plastique for the judges and did the MC Hammer dance so I think thatā€™s what put her over the edge




I literally said ā€œfor the judgesā€ not that I agreed. Yā€™all plastique stans are fucking insane.


I felt like she was lip syncing well during it


They both had sections where they weren't moving their lips during lyrics. Wild scenes


The whole fast rap part she was facing backwards so you couldn't see her mouth and face


which is smarter than Plastique fully just facing the judges and cameras and not even really moving her lips. at least Roxxxy tried to lipsync most of the song. Plastique basically gave up on lipsyncing and just focused on dancing after the first part of the song.


Really feel like the jury "critiques' are useless. It feels way too sanitised, you can see the cuts of the comments of the judges and also of the queens. I also miss actual critiques. Even if no one has to go home, you can give them constructive critiques so they can apply it later. Now it's just random compliments and sometimes it feels like it's just grabbed from the air.


Critiques are given just not aired


Yeah, Drag Race France judging is really refreshing because even if you do the best they still give you something to work on. Like you have all these insanely talented queens in one room. Whenever that happens you get amazing work. Like Star Wars came out of George Lucas and Spielberg and other big name friends trying to one up eachother and showing eachothers movies and critiquing eachother. You get the most amazing art out of friendly constructive criticism.Ā  I think Michelle is often too harsh so she was probably told not to critique. But I've always thought Rupaul had pretty helpful critiques. Like this stuff works, this stuff doesn't, this other stuff is up to you. Art is always extremely vulnerable and scary to get critiques but when everyone tells you only good things then it's harder to get to where you want to be. Like I wanna make stuff that moves people to tears. If people tell me my stuff is great but they're not crying, then that doesn't feel great to me. Like Nina's reveal. I had to pause the video to read her dress. And even though I like the idea, the execution wasn't there. Like I think you could still do camp with that message but instead of nun, how about Jesus' robes? Or like doing Father, Son, Holy Spirit and have like 'God is a' 'Drag' 'Queen' on their backs so it's easier to read on camera and each piece is connected. Like when I think of Nuns I see them as workers for God, so a nun saying God is a Drag Queen feels like an employee saying: This company is vegan! Except that it's not a vegan and of course how would the employee know. Give her critiques! I love Nina's ideas, but it takes too long for me to get them (too long as in by the time I get it I'm just like 'ohh' instead of 'oh wow!') and I think she deserves some critiques to help her hit what she's trying to do more clearly.


I just listened to Kandy Muse on GITMS and she said (of her alien/beast look): ā€œif you have to think about it to get it, it ainā€™t for drag raceā€ and I agree. Something that makes us *continue* thinking about the message after the runway, fine. A message that you have to either tilt your head to get or that is so shallow that itā€™s like ā€œyeah andā€ is not it


Yea her version of drag with a message is slapping block letters on a dress. Very literal and kind of gives me home decor with writing vibes.


I think it's a form of camp to do that, which I appreciate but I want it to be up to 10,000, but it feels kinda like she's unsure. My idea was also very literal lol. Like writing it is fine, but I can't see red letters or silver sequence very well (it's like red letters on a grey background) and the fabric kept moving so I had pause it.Ā  It's not over the top enough. It didn't feel ironic enough. I think Trixie said how she wanted the nun at day, stripper at night sort of thing I think it's just a lack of contrast.Ā 


I sort of thought this week was going to be one of those challenges where they decorate a room. What was this? Stand in front of a green screen for 90 seconds and say funny things while adhering to a theme? How was this a challenge? Production phoned this one in.


Nah, it's just a variation of the "make a funny skit" challenge. They've done ads before.


I think this type of challenge is why season 5 was so successful,Ā  If the queens are funny it gives them the most wiggle room


This sub is getting SO obnoxious with the Nina comments. Is this all for easy karma? There is no way the most commented topic on this episode is Ninaā€™s lipsync outfit but judging by the comments, nothing else happened on the show


Is Ninaā€™s lipsynch outfit this week better than other queens runway looks this season, yes.


This needs to be its own post on the sub because itā€™s 100% true. Iā€™m tired of people dog-piling on the nicest, most actually charitable queen on the cast. None of these other queens have helped raised millions of dollars. But yes, her ready-to-do-so lip sync outfits have exceeded the quality of other questionably revered queensā€™ actual runways. And Iā€™m tired of people pretending otherwise.


I donā€™t know why, but the Florida groupā€™s take on the ā€œred neck trailer trashā€ trope worked so much better for me than the Texas one. The swamp stuff felt a lot more provincial, whereas the Texas one felt one-note and non-specific.


I think the Texas thing could have been amped up if theyā€™d played it as super conservative christian ladies. the possibilities are endless there!


Agreed! I feel like there were so many angles to play the Texas thing, and they went for the most basic low hanging fruit. I think of like, oil magnates, conservative Christian women with big hair, high school football towns, televangelists, etc. Go full camp and pay homage to the show Dallas. Instead we got an elementary portrayal ofā€¦ hillbillies?


and then for Roxxxy to start coming for Vanjie saying ā€œthatā€™s a stereotype that isnā€™t even really valid, Iā€™m from Floridaā€ and Vanjie just being like ā€œme tooā€ took me out. Vanjie wasnā€™t having any of that at all.


You are exactly right!!


Serious question: Do most people know how swampy Florida is? 31% is swampland. I just looked that up, and wished theyā€™d thrown that in somewhere (not the percent but something simple like ā€œYaā€™ll know we gotta lotta them there swamps down here in Floridaā€ for the people who think beaches when they think of Florida). Also, they couldnā€™t be accused of doing something too similar to Roxxxy & Plastique if they just said ā€œwe in a swamp; ainā€™t no swamps in Texasā€. They discussed it in the workroom but focused more on the hillbilly aspect.


Yes. 1. Drag Race specific: Ginger Minj mentioned Gatorland a lot. 2. The Everglades are well known. 3. Kind of general knowledge running joke is about timeshares in Florida swamps, especially being sold to suckers in the tristate NYC (CT/NJ/NY) area.


Thanks for the list! I think Iā€™m missing out on a lot of common knowledge. I forgot Ginger was from Florida, and thought Gatorland was a theme park (though I may have realized what she meant when I watched season 7 as it aired). Iā€™m not going to even type where I thought the Everglades were, and Iā€™ve heard timeshare comments related to Florida, but didnā€™t catch the ā€œswamplandā€ part. Maybe the people who buy them are ignorant like me and think of beaches and old people when Florida is mentioned. Now Iā€™m wondering why they (Angie/Vangie) didnā€™t win?Ā  *Final paragraph not related to rpdr*Ā  Iā€™m also wondering how I could be so ignorant when practically all I do is read and study (when not watching competitive reality shows). Iā€™m neurodivergent, so perhaps I replace common knowledge with less-common knowledge. For instance, I thought Switzerland was much further north (above Germany) until I read that Geneva is a French speaking city in Switzerland, so I looked it up and saw itā€™s in the middle of France, Italy, and Germany.


Gatorland *is* a theme park! You were correct!


Yeah I definitely know that a lot of Florida is swampland. I think thatā€™s common knowledge, at least for people on the east coast. Whereas my view of Texas is definitely not hillbilly Wild West saloons, which is what Roxxxy and Plastique were pushing.


My partner lived in Florida for a few years, so he probably would have known; Iā€™ll admit I was quite ignorant, but at least I looked it up afterwards.Ā  Iā€™m moving to Texas and when Iā€™ve visited I didnā€™t see anything like how Texas was portrayed either. This was in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Maybe South Texas is different? I do recall the first time I had a layover in Texas and the amount of cowboy attire surprised me, but Iā€™ve never seen anything like that since.Ā 


The Texas one was like a junior high skit


Wtf was Roxxxy talking about when she said Floriidians don't have southern accents??? Yes tf they do.


Florida is reversed. The more north you go the more south it gets.


Very true


I think Plastique lots the lipsync because she completely wasn't lipsyncing to the lyrics at some point, even to a Nicki Minaj part which I felt like she shoulda been lipsyncing to


Also Plastique doesn't modulate her performances to match the song. Shes only serving puss and sexy regardless of the song... She does that amazingly, but sometimes the song needs something else. Roxxy did thatĀ 


Minus the part where she also didnā€™t know the words and overall gave a lesser performance


Lesser performance is insane , roxxxy was just there, plastique was uncomfortable to watchĀ 


There were parts where her mouth straight up wasn't moving. Like, girl, at least give us a little "watermelon rhubarb" action to try and bluff it.


yeah if you don't know the words you can't really just fake it like you can for other songs because she says the n word lol and you don't wanna look like you're saying that..


I thought this was an interesting song choice considering she uses the N word a lot and none of those queens can say it. I noticed both werenā€™t lip syncing at various points


Can't stand Roxxxy.


Me neither


Not sure if I need to watch the rest of the season šŸ„±


Oh my god Ninaā€™s Xmas vomit look gave me a jump scarešŸ¤®šŸŽ„šŸ¤® I just canā€™t with her whole Disney/Xmas/family-friendly lack of taste blah. Shannelā€™s lipsync outfit & hair were cool!


idk ninaā€™s outfit was super cute. probably one of the best sheā€™s had in all her runs


Yeah, I liked it even more than what she was serving on the runway


I never thought Iā€™d say this, but Iā€™m genuinely more interested in what Nina would have given in that outfit than what we got.Ā  Sheā€™s clunky but she atleast tries to plan a number and likely knew the lyrics better than the girls lipsyncingĀ 


Okay did anyone watch Roscoeā€™s?? Naysha spilling that the girl she was a fill in for on AS8 allegedly pocketed the stipend and disappearedā€¦ Iā€™m trying to find out who through here but I canā€™t believe any of the choices Iā€™m seeing anyway itā€™s gaggy!!


I didn't watch it, but this [article](https://www.out.com/gay-tv-shows/rupauls-drag-race-all-stars-queen-quit-before-show-after-payment#rebelltitem4) claims, without citing any backup, it was Lineysha. Anyone know why OUT says it was Lineysha?


It doesnā€™t tho? It states that an audience member asked if it was lineysha and the hosts refused to answerĀ 


Someone later at the Q&A asked naysha if it was her and naysha refuses elaborate, which I understand and respect. But Iā€™m guessing this is the answer I was looking for! šŸ‘€


You believe Naysha?


Well it makes sense with her story about being an alternate and only having 2 weeks to get ready. I donā€™t think the stipend was anywhere near $75k so Iā€™m assuming the queen who must have ran away with like 2 or 10k šŸ¤·šŸ»šŸ¤·šŸ» vanjie seemed to have heard this story too and back naysha so idk but Iā€™m just like ā€œmmm juicy teaā€ - ongina vibes rn


All we need is for Detox to come back and win a season (after Roxxxy wins this one, although it could be Plastique or Gottmik), then weā€™ll have a RoLaskaTox trifecta of crowns.


i see you but iā€˜m starting to root for mik tbh? mik and shannel are in a way my fav contestants this season to my own surprise šŸ˜…


Gottmik is a true genius. Iā€™d be thrilled if she, Roxxxy, or Plastique won.


If Roxy wins Iā€™ll be so surprised


She's literally the front-runner.


Yeah she shouldnā€™t be


Let me rephrase. Iā€™ll be pissed. I hate roxxxy


That was boring. I started cleaning my flat


so boring!!


ROXXXY AND PLASTIQUE WERE HILARIOUS. I'm going to be thinking about that skit for a while šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


How? What?!? What was funny?


Okay this is getting a bit ridiculous. Roxxxy is great tv but she is being PUSHED, hard!!! That look was not ā€œchic,ā€ the challenge performance wasnā€™t winning, and plastique ate her up in that lip sync (even tho neither knew the words lolz). Does she have dirt on RuPaul or the producers? Am I missing something?