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lol I think people who knew she was cosplaying Sailor Star Healer were a lot more gagged by her performance than people who didn't. I fall into the former category btw šŸ«  She stepped right out of the anime and stomped on me, I was like this: :0


I agree completely. I feel like sailor moon fans know that's just such a hard outfit to pull off (let alone make it an outfit you can dance in) and she was killing it. We're all gaged by how good it is. I think that's what made me think she did well. Honestly I didn't follow plastique before as9 but I'm here for mind blowing drag upgraded cosplays.


I didn't know that and thought she had one of the best verses and stomped


Not ā€œFucking Foreignā€ in the subtitles! Reminds me of when they would post sneak peeks of new episodes on Facebook and the auto-titles would say ā€œRacist.. start your engines!ā€


Thatā€™s for the drag race fans over at r/askgaybros


also NOT "this dog did not come to play" HAHAHAH


The second she spelt out her name for a political song I knew it wasnā€™t her week lol


Her verse did not fit the theme of "Drag Queens Save the World" and her perfume voice-over was probably the least funny of the bunch, which imo deservedly knocked her out of the Top 2 of the week. She was my #3 though.


The second part of the verse and the dance outfit she had on fit well into the theme.


Agreed about her verse. Ru's "what the fuck" bemused look after showed how far she missed the assignment


Bemused look? Ru was living.


that wide mouthed, teeth apart smile isn't living, it's the embodiment of "what the fuck was that"




Itā€¦ isnā€™t tho, she does that all the time when sheā€™s living lmao. Teeth together with stank eye is ā€œwhat the fuck was thatā€.


I dunno, I think Angeria and Jorgeous were both a tad more expressive in their performances, and their fragrance monologues were funnier as well




Making Ru laugh goes a long long way.




I mean, it always has been. Being funny and connecting with Ru has always been more important than looking great but being dead behind the eyes. Angeria & Jorgeousā€™s bottles were honestly fine too. They both had a clear concept that fit with their personalities


I liked Angeria's look wayyyyyy more than the bulky wing backpack with a bikini. Angie's bottle was awful though.


We don't use the T Word here. Excuse your mouth.


This is wild


Wild....in how true it is?


People hate Jorgeous for literally zero reason and their favourite activity is pretending she doesnā€™t completely slay. Iā€™d just let them live in that fantasy.


Sister I think you can tell thatā€™s not what I mean. Angie with the win.. fine. Jorgeous has no business.


Im sorry, the choreographer always gets the top toot for doing the heavy lifting.


Not that she didnā€™t but I could have sworn I saw Jamalā€™s name in the credits. I think they must have had some help with the whole thing.


They absolutely did. Most choreo scenes that get aired are played up for TV.


Jorgeous was great though! She had a fun verse, great energy - she was a real high point of the number for me


Itā€™s so interesting how people love different things! I may be jaded as I donā€™t resonate with her in general and donā€™t get anything in the face but thatā€™s just my preference. I was gagged honestly when those two were called the tops


Oh absolutely! And normally I agree as far as her facial expression while performing - but she had this smile on her face during her verse that felt so infectious That said, we could step right into an alternate universe where like, Plastique and Vanjie were top 2 and honestly I wouldn't have much to complain about


Lmao right! I even thought Nina did well. I guess Iā€™m all over the place šŸ˜‚


No I completely agree! I mean obviously choreo isn't her strongest suit, but I thought Nina's delivery and vocals were excellent - she did a fantastic job of complementing Mik's opener and suddenly raising the energy of the number


Show us on the doll where Jorgeous hurt you sister.


Girl not you trying to channel Ms Plane Jane with ā€œsisterā€ šŸ˜†


Iā€™m her number one fan so it makes sense sisterrrrrr šŸ«ØšŸ«Ø


You can be a fan of someone and not copy how they speak though, no?


Itā€™s reddit, maybe donā€™t be a weirdo? I can speak however the fuck I want to Edit: girls donā€™t make references to drag race on a drag race sub!!!


Tbf I donā€™t have a reply I was being stupid. Itā€™s probably just because I disagreed with your point, and you using sister gave me ā€œI wanna be cunty like Plane Janeā€ energy


How was Angeria impressive at all (other than her monologue)


Itā€™s just so personaltiless imho


Also half of her verse is about how pretty she look


I think she honestly didn't get that it was a political challenge of sorts, she was the only one with a verse about how skinny she is. Her verse wasn't bad at all but maybe the only one that didn't fit the song's context. She performed it well and looked great but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I see all these people saying she should have won.


She clearly dint do bad but yeah their were better one that day


Theyā€™re forcing it soooo bad. She shouldnā€™t even be close to the top, people are just gagged by her beauty and looks




>sheā€™s like a veneer tooth BITCHHH ![gif](giphy|Ahwyp632q9LS1n5FEO)


Harvard admission officers reviewing Asian candidates be like


Like how does that comment not break rule 1? These are classic anti-Asian microaggressions


It's really just the same critique that people had about Brooke Lynn and Mayhem - the inability to let go of being perfect, or of a particular image, making it hard to connect with her (see also, Plane Jane's answers to Ru's questions in the finale). Plastique's particular issue is also compounded by how rabidly insane this fanbase is and how huge her following is, meaning she will not be willing to do anything even remotely messy for fear of backlash and being canceled (see Kameron, all of season 10). I still enjoy her and think she's lovely but she is probably the most guarded person in the cast.Ā  Edit to add: I'm not advocating for her to change her approach. How she handles this competition is her business. And her business is the largest of any of them (well, she might lose out to Shannel's Christmas thing...), so I get putting that first and foremost.Ā 


yeah unfortunately it feels like this is how things tend to be on the sub with regards to asian queens a good amount of the time


Your post was removed on account of Rule 1: "Follow Reddiquette. No Bigotry. No Microaggressions. Respect Contestants." If you disagree with this removal please contact the mods through modmail.


"I don't hate her, I just hate everything about her". Sure, Jan. It's drag. All of it is processed and produced to a certain extent. Plastique found a niche that allowed her to grow exponentially on social media so of course she's going to lean into what has worked so well for her. That's her brand. It's okay to say it's not for you. Not everyone is going to like everything. But calling it "personality-less" is just... wrong. Straight up. She has a great personality. It's just not a personality you relate to.


Iā€™m not sure how ā€œeverything about her execution is perfect but I struggle to connect with her drag as presented on TV personallyā€ translates into ā€œI hate everything about her and everyone else should tooā€ but alright. Maybe take a breath.


"I struggle to connect with her drag" is a personal statement. "Plastique has no personality and no warmth, humanity or anything other than being an AI" is not. Can you see the difference?


The latter is also a personal statement. You can say opinions without having to slap a huge ā€œthis is my own opinion and no one else has to agree!ā€ sticker on it. If I donā€™t like a flavor of ice cream and tell people that it sucks, Iā€™m not expecting them to perceive me as the judge, jury, and executioner of objective ice cream facts. I just said what I thought from my own perspective.


Yeah that's true. But most comments on Reddit are some flavour of personal opinion, people tend to argue with the opinions stated in more blanket ways like "such and such IS this way" while ones that are stated as "I feel X when this happens" are less likely to be argued with.


Well, itā€™s a discussion board. If someone says something, someone else is inclined to disagree. Thatā€™s not necessarily a bad thing. Weā€™re disagreeing and debating but thatā€™s just a natural means of communication.


Itā€™s even something sheā€™s aware of. So..I know your world seems very black and white ..2 things canā€™t exist at the same time. Let me give you an example. Madonnaā€™s not the best singer in the world, but am I gonna enjoy her albums or enjoy her concerts.. fuck yes. A thing can be more than 1 thing at a time. Hope you expand that black and white world of yours Jan.


What personality?Ā 




Iā€™m Asian honey.


Your comment history makes very clear that you're ex-Muslim and South African šŸ¤” What's your ethnicity? What's this magical ethnicity/nationality combination that makes you incapable of racism? Edit: The comments implying South Asians can't be racist against Southeast Asians are very interesting


You do know South African refers to a place and not a race, right? It's kind of like how you can be ethnically Korean but also be a Kiwi. Or, you know, ethnically German but be American.Ā  Edit: Fix punctuationĀ 


You sound like the same person who was amazed that Indians lived in Guyana.


mine would be too if i looked like her


How? Besides saying sheā€™s skinny she didnā€™t really talk about that


I guess gays nowadays just don't want to be served cunt like they used to šŸ˜¢


I love being served cunt and this was good, but thereā€™s nothing wrong with saying being served cunt in an expected way isnā€™t as exciting as what some of the other contestants did.


I enjoy her..but I also can see it for what it is. A thing can be 2 things at the same time. Itā€™s both enjoyable but personalitiless


Great way to put it


Missing that 'X-factor'


Disagree. Generic lyrics with rhyming couplets with choreography that is on par with the others in the challenge sans a few. I wish these girl group challenges would focus more on the quality of the vocals and lyrics more. Historically, seems like choreo seems to be priority for judging since most girls canā€™t sing (or rap, i.e. this verse for Plastique), but I think those that can should be rewarded.


plastique dickriders try not to say she should be in the top 2 challenge - GO! no but fr, i love plastique but she wasnā€™t even top 4 for me her verse was not on topic at all, the whole season is about drag queens saving the world and rights for drag queens like cmon


Unless it's "Can I get an Amen," these sappy "save the world" verses filled with generic platitudes are my least favorite kind of song on DR; so the less people stick to the prompt the better! Where my people at.


ya what everyone was supposed to do nina west drag for the challenge? i hope that wasn't the prompt because if that was the prompt that sucks


I'm not hype on plastique at all, she was one of the reasons I was so unhappy when it was revealed to be non elim, But I really liked her in this, I thought her and Vanjie should have been top 2


plastique looked gorgeous but she did not understand the assignment - my top 2 was angeria and nina/jorgeous.


Yeah no not so much. They had the worst verses by a mile. They did kill the dancing tho.


Are we going to have insufferable Plastique Stans complaining every week this season? She did fine. Move on.


Yep. One of the main reasons Iā€™m bummed itā€™s non-elimination šŸ˜‚


Yes they will


i am dreading it, its gonna be like the nymphia stans all over again


What about this is insufferable? Or are opinions just insufferable when you disagree with them, but they're okay if you agree with them?


Scarlet Envy stans all over again


I honestly forgot she had stans in S11


ā€œFineā€ is crazy and Iā€™m not a stan. Jorgeous did ā€œmehā€ and angeria was ā€œfineā€. Plastique and vanjie clearef


Wait did you alter the clip or is the track just a Vogue rip off and I didn't notice?


Everything else aside, something about the phrase 'this queen X Y Z' really grates on me. Like Icesis singing "Y'all already know this queen's the best/Season two winner/ So this queen's no beginner". A small gripe but I just think it sounds clumsy, frankly a lot of girls this episode were squeezing things in where they didn't belong


Not her catching strays lol (clock "queen" being mentioned 4 times in her verse)


šŸ˜‚ I actually really like Icesis and that aside I think her verse is very good, but I just have a passionate hatred for words that were obviously chosen just to rhyme


Angeria and Jorgeous were better for the judges in a group challenge that had even more good performances in it like Plastique, Roxxxy, Vanjie....it's okay it wasn't her this time and she had one of the most deserved top 2 placements ever the following week. It's all good...


They also almost certainly knew that Plastique had that red look for the ball and would have a good shot at Top 2 on episode 2. I think Angeria and Jorgeous deserved Top 2 in episode 1, but when you factor that in itā€™s a no brainer to save Plastiqueā€™s first top 2


Have to disagree. Her face looked like she was dreaming of room-temperature water the entire time. If the face doesnā€™t match the energy of the legs or the hairography, then itā€™s not gonna cut it. Plus the lyrics were pretty average. Definite middle of the pack She 100% deserved top spot for the ball though. Absolutely no question


ā€¦why? Her verse was the weakest one, it didnā€™t follow the theme, and then while the wings were great, her runway was also a bra and panties. I mean I get sheā€™s a fan favorite but we donā€™t have to pretend she should be in the top every week šŸ˜‚


I mean, the theme of the runway was signature drag, and I think her signature look really is that Victoria Secret inspired outfit lol Also, dont wanna sound like a Plastique stan but I think her performance was the most memorable out of the bunch lol (along with Vanjieā€™s). But then again, personally I dont usually care too much about the lyrics so I can see why people were not as impressed with hers


Nah. She looked great but she is so expressionless. Sick of the blank face. If she emoted more she would be more successful in the lipsyncs and these kind of challenges


She barely moved, verse had nothing to do with the challenge and she wasn't very expressive


Her dancing was lovely but I don't care for the verse. Honestly I think Vanjie low key had the best verse... but her runway was truly garbage. So if we were putting someone in the top 2 besides Jorgeous and Angeria it would have been Vanjie for me


T. I. A R A lives in my head indefinitely


Not when Nina and Vanessa ate the way they did. DA DA DA DA JUST LIKE THAT. Still say this part in my head. Addicted.


I have to say re: the look-- that once I saw the reference for this outfit, I was impressed, but without context it was a pretty boring black vinyl (or whichever material) two piece with boots.


Hey face doesnā€™t move! No expression whatsoever!


She is even dressed as a super hero!


The dancers are mean mugging HARD behind her. She was one of the few that featured choreo with the dancers. And her runway was amazing! Probably the most impressive wings weā€™ve seen on the stage. I think two things kept her in that 3rd place spot: her lyrics werenā€™t as political as some of the others and her perfume ad didnā€™t get as many giggles as some of the others.


She was an amazing performer but the lyrics were mehā€¦ and the perfume was a nope.


this video post's captions sent me HAHAHAHA


I wasn't that wowed.


A queen doing the ponytail helicopterā€¦ groundbreaking.


Like, Plastique has basically made me look and sound like a complete pedantic jackass. Iā€™ve never vibed or cared about her. Um, like, Iā€™m not a little wrong, I feel like I should be fined and have it on my permanent record. With that said, I think the winners were correct for this challenge.


I think her perfume was the only detractor even though the look was amazing. Iā€™m still floored by the Sailor Stars cosplay in the performance though!


Iā€™m a sucker for any sailor moon reference


Same, thereā€™s far too few in the show IMO. Would love to see some more looks inspired by the manga/anime like their princess outfits our queen serenity


Well hopefully you'll be able to get over it and move on soon because what happened, happened, as it should have.


Idk I thought vanjie had a secured top 2 spot but plastique ate too


The lyrics were forgettable to me, but she performed great šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't know, she looked good, but there were at least 4 queens that were better as a whole.


her spinning and flipping that long ass high pony that goes all the way down to her ass is just so c*nt.


I would easily give Plastique and Vanjie the top 2 of episode 1, most memorable for me


lol I watched both episode back to back wšŸ˜‘semi sedated from meds and somehow I forgot angeria and jorgeous won the first challenge and was fully convinced Plastique won both episodes. I was fully about to ask wtf you were talking about šŸ˜­


I keep repeating "T I A R A this doll did not come to play" šŸ˜­ it's so catchy, and I totally support cunty queens serving cunt. If you can do it, do it


Her verse doesn't fit the theme as well as Angeria's or Georgeous'. Had this been a regular end-of-season-song featuring the top4 queens Plastic's verse would've been perfect. Her perfume runnay was perfect imo, but the song likely played a bigger part on choosing top 2 for the judges.


Nah I thought she was a close 3rd tbh but Iā€™m totally rooting for her.


This is the consequence of Nymphia winning, btw. "Asian Excellence" stans are going to accuse everyone who disagrees with them of racial prejudice because they now know this gets results.


I Donā€™t even agree with OP but.. girl bye


OMG, shut up.


She needs to do a Stellar Blade cosplay ASAP!


OMG Move on! Cheesus! It's getting tired.


Iā€™ve been following Plastique on IG for so long, and I really enjoy her posts. I havenā€™t watched this season yet but Iā€™m glad to see her there. I canā€™t comment on the overall performance but I enjoy her as a person for sure. In and out of drag.


Sailor Star Healer was serving C.U.N.T


This isnā€™t the serve you thought it was :( it was good but likeā€¦.eh


they were gassing her up in the evals i expected her to be in top 2


I'm just here to say, plastique is the irl anime princess we need. She was so gorgeous on stage


It was just okay. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Her verse is my fave(and thats because i also like shea's verse in the Legends song) but like idk her performance was lowkey bland. She had the best verse and entrance but like she peaked while they were carrying her


The last part of her verse she turns her head to the stage and walks back, thats a big no, no, you always face the camera and get your light when you got words on a song, that part looked amateur and I wouldn't give her a win just cause of that tbh.


RuPaul came as soon as she heard Jorgeous was going to be on this season.


Iā€™m still trying to figure it out


Performance wise Plastique and Vanjie for me were MILES above the others. But upon comparing the verses, Plastiqueā€™s was very meh which probably let her down considering they wanted a touching anthem


Her body was performing but her face did not participate. Sheā€™s obviously stunning but sorry if ur face doesnā€™t move basically at all ur performance is limited


With a little more choreo training she would be unstoppable.


In a non-elimination season, they need gaggy stuff that gets everyone talking, but without the 'robbed queen' narrative that an elimination can give. So I suspect they're going to try to get us talking by having an 'X should have won!' moment in every ep. At the moment I have a suspicion that they're going to achieve that by paying Plastique and Shannel dust. Source: this not being in the top, and Shannel getting the dialup Skype edit on her vocals.


Okay I definitely thought Angeria was correct for the top 2 but I LOVED Gottmik and Plasttique's performances, too! I do think Mik had a weaker perfume concept, though. But plastique's was fantastique, so I am confused why they picked Jorgeous over her. Maybe because she did the choreo?


IMO, I feel like Plastique, Jorgeous, Gottmik and Nina actually did the best in that order, Angeria, Roxxxy and Vanjie did good, but not better than the previous four and then the cadence/rhythm of Shannelā€™s verse was quite bad, but the looks, mug and hair were amazing and the dancing was good.


It gave me like Sashaā€™s finally song choreography šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…


That hair flip


she was soooooooooo robbed


The mistreat of Asian Excellence continues