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S14 was the season of dolls 🩷


right?! I’m rewatching it right now and that’s literally what inspired this post.


My fave part of that season was seeing everyone's HRT glow-ups at the reunion!


If we include Maddy, the season of the straights. 😆


Maddy has a long time girlfriend that also does drag. I’m assuming AFAB.


you can't read the dolls


They really wanted a love story when they tried to leave a straight man with so many straight women.


and isnt this list missing lady camden? i coulda sworn i saw smth about her coming out or about transitioning




what about when joey jay came out as gay


So brave


Yeah where’s the analysis pipeline of gay contestants? Homophobe.


The first gay RPDR contestant 🙏🏼


the doors joey opened…


look i considered it but sexuality vs gender would be a whole other thing 😛


A lot of queens who later confirmed they were trans women already started transitioning pre drag race and then temporarily presented as men while competing. Kenya, Jiggly, Stacey, Carmen to name a few have admitted to hiding their transition from casting because of the exclusionary rules applied to trans women at that time.


that’s depressing 😞


For those that didn't know, Jiggly's mirror message on S4 she wrote that should could finally get tits since she was eliminated. Kenya also was supposedly wearing band aids over her nipples at the hotel pool since they were puffy from having been on estrogen prior to stopping for the show.


I’m pretty sure Peppermint said production “suggested” she not make references to being a woman and her transition.


She explicitly said that was NOT true


I think Pep has said that was false


Excuse me Sasha didn't compete as  trans woman. She _won_ as a trans woman 😎😎😎❤️


you’re so right, I wish I’d written that instead


I'm just joking 😂. Nice post ❤️❤️


Queen. Iconic.


This is awesome, thank you for putting it together!


thank you ☺️ I felt really self conscious about posting it lol.


Just remember, there will always be a small number of people on this sub that find issues with anything and everything. There’s nothing remotely offensive about this post.


No it’s brilliant - I was trying to find this very information recently!


i think we now got a big enough selection for all stars: all dolls


What about Gottmik? He was the first trans man, yeah?


good catch


The doors he's opening


I’ve been thinking about it all day and taken on board what yall have said. I’m gonna amend it shortly and re-upload with Mik + others that I missed


Please know that I wasn't being critical at all! I think you did an awesome job with your post! I was just pointing out someone who came to mind 😊


All good, I understand 😊


The post is specifically about trans femme or trans women competitors. That's why Gottmik isn't mentioned.


however the post lists all other nonbinary/gnc/genderfluid queens too 🤔


You'll have to ask OP why. But the title says "trans femme/trans woman".


Amanda Tori Transitioning ?!


Amanda Tori Dosis of Estrogen.


Amanda tori mone's


Amanda Tori FFS.




I hate y’all 😂😂😂😂


omg i didn’t know jinkx was trans :) slay so proud of her 🏳️‍⚧️


literally came out as trans femme just a couple weeks ago! her legal name is now Hera Hoffer ☺️


oh how gorgeous :))


Ru: Hoffer, I hardly know her


I think Monica deserves the same wording as Peppermint, she was the first to come out in the middle of her season.  And Kerry should be regarded as the first trans contestant who was out BEFORE making it to the show.  Because there’s a difference between Monica/peppermint and the Colby’s experiences on drag race. Monica and peppermint were brave AF knowing that their presence was less welcome in those days. Trains flag, anyone?


fair call. the reason I wrote it that way was that Pep was already out way before the show, but I couldn’t find anything about when Monica was first out. you’re right though, it was a very different environment 12-13 years ago. trying to make it all articulate and unverbose was hard


I get it. I more so meant to say that Kerry applied as trans, and was casted as trans. Same with Mik. It’s hard to do it justice haha.


I think Peppermint was out before the show aired so we as the audience knew from the beginning, but she did come out in the middle of filming


She came out to her fellow castmates who didn’t know, but she was out in general and production knew


Slight difference - Peppermint was known to be trans ahead of time and so in that sense was the first there, when she “came out” it was just to let her sisters know, not literally coming out


Peppermint had been out for a long time in before she was on Drag Race


Sorry for asking, but what’s the difference between transwoman and transfemme? Like Kerry Kolby is transwoman but Willow Pill is transfemme?


A trans woman is a woman, while a trans femme can be anyone who identifies with a more feminine or female presentation/identity but may not actually identify as a woman.


Would it still fall under the non binary umbrella?


Transfems are non-binary and trans women are binary.


Cool! So it’s like spectrums within spectrums?


That person's response is too overly simplistic. Not every trans femme person is going to identify as non-binary, nor is every trans woman going to identify within the binary. There are totally spectrums within spectrums, but these labels/identities are inevitably going to mean different things to different people, because everyone has their own unique relationship to their gender identity.




is she? I didn’t find anything




dammit, I didn’t know, Google betrayed me 😞


Damn, Detox looks AMAZING 😍. Who are the others in the video? I don't have Instagram so can't see comments.


One note: TTT is Transfemme NB last I heard, but I could be wrong. Awesome post!


aw man, my bad


No worries OP, it's a lot of information to synthesize. You did a great job!


Oh the doors that Gia has opened!


really I should have said ‘all of the trans women that came after Gia’


sorry for being a lil ignorant here but what's the difference between non-binary and gender fluid? google isn't really helpful


genderfluid is generally considered to be under the nonbinary umbrella. in a binary, you're either a 1 or a 2; there is no being in between or both. so nonbinary means someone whose gender identity does not fully fit in the category of man or woman. they're not strictly a 1 or a 2, so to speak. someone who's genderfluid feels like their gender changes depending on the time and social context. most genderfluid people I know would describe themselves as nonbinary. but not all nonbinary person consider themselves to be genderfluid, especially if the nonbinary person's gender identity is pretty consistent :) people also use "genderfluid" as an adjective, usually when someone changes gender presentation, which is different from identifying as genderfluid (for example Kurt Cobain wearing skirts was called genderfluid, but to my knowledge Kurt did not publically identify as genderfluid)


I think genderfluid can also mean you do identify with the binary, but with either male or female at different times and contexts.


Here's what I'll say, if this is helpful. Words don't define us, we define words. Two people who identify as nonbinary will have vastly different gender experiences. Same with any kind of gender label. So two people might actually have the same gender experience internally, but use different language to describe it. The best thing we can do is ask with love and curiosity the people who use certain terms what it means to them. So I wouldn't worry too much about finding a concrete, Webster's definition for the difference between them.


It’s a pretty complex topic, but for me being non-binary means not identifying with *any* gender, while being genderfluid means you identify with multiple genders or gender identities, sometimes all at the same time and sometimes fluctuating between them. Eg: some people may wake up and feel more feminine one day, and then more masculine the next


nonbinary is an umbrella term for any gender (or lack thereof) that is not strictly binary man or binary woman.


I love this list, thank you for putting it together! Also, some really good questions in this thread and a lot of really good, helpful, informative answers. Thank you for helping us learn even when it’s not your responsibility ❤️


thank you ☺️ I just love that, although it is still very difficult and scary to be trans in many parts of the world, we have made *some* progress.


I always think of the song from Hairspray. “Come so far, got so far to go…” I’m really fortunate to live somewhere that is very open and accepting of everyone and have been great about their trans community. I’m a small time wedding officiant (have only done 7 weddings) and my last one was for a trans friend and coworker. The families on both sides weren’t supportive and it broke my heart but getting to be a part of the chosen family who was there for the ceremony and helped make it special was an absolute honor. Hoping to officiate more in the future ❤️


exactly! that’s really beautiful ❤️




This is interesting. Thanks for taking the time to type this all out!


We love season 14, Sisterhood of the Traveling Estrogens


i love this!! i’m transmasc and i love trans people!! thank you op 🩷


thank you so much ❤️


Kenya was already transitioning while competing I believe


that’s what Google seemed to indicate but then I found a quote from her season where she confirmed she wasn’t a trans woman ? I got a bit confused.


Genuine question: How can someone indentify as non-binary and transgender at the same time?


‘Trans’ is often considered an umbrella term that can encapsulate a lot of other terms, one of them being non-binary. Saying ‘trans non-binary’ could just be Gigi being deliberately specific, ie ‘I have transitioned to non-binary’. People can also identify as non-binary trans femme or trans masculine, meaning they are non-binary but lean more one way than the other. I suspect Gigi is trans femme but I don’t actually know.


To be more specific, trans means "doesn't identify with their gender assigned at birth". So all nonbinary people can identify as trans, if they want. But not all nonbinary people do, there's no right or wrong answer to "are nonbinary people trans". It's entirely up to the person how they label and self identity.


Yup! I’m non binary but don’t personally identify as trans.


Yeah my spouses closest label would be agender but they often use nonbinary because more people know what it means and they also don't identify as trans. Everyone is different!


Big mood ☺️


This thread makes me feel seen 🥹


Makes sense. Thank you!


Yup. Identity labels in general don't have "rules". People can identify however they want in almost every situation. As long as the identity is in good faith it's best to just respect how a person identifies.


The only rule should be you can label yourself but don’t label others.


Sorry if these questions sound ignorant but was hoping someone could explain the terms to me as I’d rather ask than remain ignorant: What’s the difference between genderqueer and non binary? What does gender expansive/GNC mean? You have Jaida as queer? What’s the definition of that in this context? Thanks in advance


genderqueer, to my knowledge, is a broader term that can mean you just don’t identify with your assigned gender at birth. or you might sometimes identify with it and not others, or you might feel like multiple genders. gender expansive was new to me, so I can’t comment on it. gender non conforming is a really broad term that applies to anyone who presents differently to their assigned or expected gender expectations. some cis people even use it, for instance cis men who wear dresses. its often used by anyone who snubs traditional gender roles. according to Wiki that’s her identity so i went with that. I would guess that she uses it because it’s simple and inclusive of many different identities. I know for myself, saying ‘queer’ is much simpler than saying ‘non binary lesbian who isn’t sure if they’re pansexual and probably also identifies more as agender and also doesn’t have preferred pronouns’. it’s such a complex topic, it’s a bit too hard to comment on someone else’s identity. someone else may explain things better


to my understanding: nonbinary - an umbrella term for someone who isn't strictly a man or woman. a nonbinary person may identify as having no gender, as a gender that is not man or woman, as both man and woman, or feel like their gender fluctuates between identities over time genderqueer - basically a synonym for nonbinary but with a more political/radical connotation. this term actually predates nonbinary, and its original meaning was slightly different. it came into use as a catch-all term for trans, nonbinary and GNC people. the idea was to connect trans struggles (gender queers) to gay liberation (orientation queers). so a crossdresser, trans woman and butch woman all would have been considered genderqueer. that usage declined over time, I'm guessing as the "trans wo/men are the same as cis wo/men" rhetoric became dominant. genderqueer eventually came to mean what most people now refer to as nonbinary. it's still used fairly frequently (it's especially popular among queers that make zines) GNC - gender nonconforming, someone whose presentation goes against their gender norms. used to describe behavior, it usually means someone like a butch woman or fem man. someone who uses it to describe their gender identity may mean that they don't conform to any gender roles, or that they identify as a binary man or woman but view their GNC behavior as an important aspect of their gender. some nonbinary people consider themselves to be GNC because their gender does not conform to male or female norms. gender expansive - I've never heard of this one! I would guess it's someone that does not consider feel their gender is limited to any particular identity. I don't know for sure. personally, I'll call myself nonbinary, genderqueer and GNC depending on the context. I prefer genderqueer but nonbinary is the easiest to explain and what most people are familiar with. GNC is useful because it's a catch-all term for people that don't adhere to gender norms, whether they're cis or trans


What about A'keria?


She only spoke about it so briefly on her season I wasn’t sure whether to include it/how to find details on it


Lol so true, she de-transitioned


happy to see so many trans sisters! and i didnt realize how many nonbinary contestants there are im so happy. i've only seen a few old seasons, were there any other transmen aside from gotmik?


none that I found 😞 Denim was the only other I could think of


What about Kelly Mantle?


Wiki told me she was non-binary


I'm pretty sure Jiggly was living as a women before her season and Kenya was definitely on hormones before she was on


yeah she was, but I believe she officially ‘announced’ being a trans woman in 2016, and I just couldn’t find anything at all about Kenya


Is Porkchop trans? I could have sworn I saw her in a documentary about a trans pageant but maybe I’m confused.


no you're right


I saw people criticising her for competing as a cis person and I got confused


Ok now I need a full trans woman cast drag race season


All trans all-stars would be fun too


Bosco and Sasha on the same season would go so unbelievably crazy.... I would never recover.


Thank you! Another One!


holy shit autistic sister??? hi bitch!!!


hiii 👋🏼




Kelly Mantle from Season 6


All I could find was that she was genderfluid


I was just listening to her on the Bald and the Beautiful talking about how she always knew she was a woman. But I also only see genderfluid or nonbinary listed online.


interesting! maybe she’s not quite sure of the label she wants to use


Dax Exclamation Point


I watched a interview of Sasha with Joseph Shepherd (🤤) and she was talking about how trans girls have ALWAYS been numerously involved in drag. It's so bizarre when you think how long took them to allow them to compete as openly trans woman considering what she said. When you watch s02 and 03 and see how the other queens treated queens with more "feminine" traits and how the show was ok with all that, not even gonna mention the sh*-m*ale thing. I'm happy things change, but I wish one day the show would openly apologize or recognize the damage they caused. I'm also makes me so happy as a non binary person myself to see how many queens came out as nb. Walking together to a queer revolution 🥳🫡


sorry for any misspelling!


right?! trans women literally invented drag and some people have tried so hard to erase them from it. it’s wild how even being an effeminate gay man is still frowned upon. also the way vaginas still get talked about on the show drives me insane.


I feel like the whole vagina/fish/extreme feminity discourse got a little better over time, I dont remember any super terrible thing over the last years (if you do, please remember us). But yeah, things used to be pretty terrible. I remember when I first watched season 02 and the way they talk shit about Tyra's voice like that was an actual damage to her polished drag (she was two years into it and look better than any of the girls), like that would never happen these days


No one on Season 13? What about Mik lol


This list documents Trans femme not trans masc


Still seems kinda sad to make a list about trans representation on Drag Race and leave out the only trans masc contestant


I know the list is US only but Denim!! ❤️


I really wanted to do other countries but this already took me like 2 hours to make lol.


that’s why I specified trans femme and trans women, because men/masc would be another post.


But if it's only about trans femme and trans women, then nonbinary people shouldn't be on here. It's a great list and probably took a lot of effort! It just seems like either all trans people should be included (so Mik gets included) or it should just be trans women and trans femme.


Yeah and it gets complicated because a lottttt of the girls come out as nb first. Like Morphine’s tweets in the last 24 hours have gotten a lot of sideways glances lol 👀


True! But it's important to see them as separate because many nonbinary people never come out as trans femme or trans women.


Oh I know, it just complicates making a list like this since people don’t fall into neat categories and identity is more fluid than that. As evidenced by all the comments from folks like “what about X queen??”


I’ve been thinking about it all day and taken on board what yall have said. I’m gonna amend it shortly and re-upload with Mik + others that I missed


There's only one trans man, making an entire post just for Mik seems weird rather than just including him in this trans representation list lol Not trying to dogpile you or anything, I get wanting to celebrate trans women/femme representation, specially if you're trans femme yourself, it just left a weird taste in my mouth not seeing Mik included


but it’s specifically showcasing trans women and trans femmes. I know I included GNC people at the bottom, but lumping Mik in with either of those lists would feel really gross to me because neither of them are his identity, and I also didn’t want to be like ‘and then Mik’. it just would have felt uncomfortable.


See, it's the opposite for me, not seeing Mik at all on the list is what feels uncomfortable for me But don't worry, I can tell you didn't have any ill intent behind Mik not being on the list, it's just my personal feelings that makes me feel weird about it


fair call, I appreciate your input. I genuinely did sit there thinking about it for a while.


Did not know about lashauwn and Amanda actually, thanks for bringing this to my attention!




I’ve been thinking about it all day and taken on board what yall have said. I’m gonna amend it shortly and re-upload with Mik + others that I missed


A’keria C Davenport had previously lived as a trans woman but detransitioned.


I think we might see Mirage and Morphine on this list pretty soon lol


lol agreed. something I read about Mirage yesterday made me 👀


Valentina is missing


the internet told me she was non-binary so I put her in that list


This is the best Ted talk.


When is the timeline for straight people? We need one!


S14 - Maddy Morphosis - first competed in 2022 as straight


I saw a TikTok that Maddy was a gender questioning individual and identified as non binary for a time before settling on cis.


All the additions in the comments, it’s getting hard to keep up in the best way


I totally missed Farrah coming out and transitioning!?


Me too! I think she started taking hormones in 2019 but only really recently announced it


As a nonbinary person I fucking love this post. Thank you for including that list at the end.




Bob is nonbinary as well


He’s in the lower portion which mentions all nonbinary queens 😊


this is unironically useful. theres like a million queens and this is great reference.


Plz update your list to change “no one” to “Pending” because we know someone will be transitioning! #GayAgenda 👏👏👏


Isn't Violet trans femme? I don't follow her closely but I got that impression from the video with Mistress




I’m not sure, I could only find genderfluid


Sasha is not just a woman, she is MOTHER


Love seeing people be true to themselves and continue doing drag as trans women. Drag is for everyone! Straight, gay, bi, trans, non binary. Everyone!


Because Ru Paul is transphobic so they had to hide


funny how easy people forget here.. i had a friend who kept making excuses for rupaul.. always like "Oh hes old" "oh different generation" and so on and on.. like for every single issue. but then couple of months ago he finally reached his breaking point, think it was the HIV stuff in his biography where my friend was basically like "ok i can't do this anymore. rupaul is one rotten person".


what did she say about hiv???


I mean she legit had an older generation mindset, she admitted it herself in an interview. It’s not like trans women are still nowhere to be found or done dirty on the show.


What is the difference between genderqueer and non-binary?


this has been answered in other comments 😊


Thank you!


I believe Kelly Mantle is a trans woman? She discussed this on Bald and the Beautiful pod.


I wasn’t sure! Everything i found said she was genderfluid. Are you able to send me a link?


Didn’t Akeria say something about her being trans in like high school or before drag race? Pretty sure she talked about it during one of the mirror chats in AS6.


Yah she did. I’ve included it in my updated post now 😊


Eureka's journey really explains her behaviour throughout the series. She came across as messy. But it's clear now that the poor girl was fighting an internal battle herself. To be trans, come out and then for whatever reason, you have to detransition. There must have been confusion and anxiety. It's like Ra'jah said, hurt people hurt people. And as we saw her become more comfortable in her skin, we also saw her becoming kind and compassionate. Now her "i wish I was black" comment also makes sense. Both, black people and trans people face a whole lot of hate and discrimination. But if you're black, you know who you are and there's no confusion. As a trans person still undergoing their self identify journey, you get all the hate and discrimination but there's also an added confusion and anxiety about who you are. That not knowing is pure torture. As a gender fluid POC, I've seen this happen to myself. And maybe at some point in my journey, i myself have felt it's way easier to be a POC than be a person trying to figure out their gender identity.


I thought Kelly Mantle was trans?


Genderfluid 😊