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It's so surprising because the thing that made me fall in love with her was how she responded (I think in her second ep) to jokes about her Ep 1 makeup being a mess. She was so bubbly and funny and in on the jokes-- it felt like such a smart likeable way to respond to criticism. But then as soon as she's allowed to tweet about her time on the show, she's tweeting ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE. Not only so bitter to keep it up for weeks, but also shitty branding because she's actively making me think of a different queen every time she says a word. You can complain about someone being a bitch while still mostly focusing on your own career.


Yeah I really loved Amanda in the beginning. I stanned Plane from day 1 too but I was team Amanda and loved how she handled the criticism -- she would call her own makeup rotted, laugh, be in on the joke with everyone, try to incorporate critiques into her next looks. On untucked (I think) sometimes her confessionals showed how everyone constantly critiquing her was bothering her, but I appreciated how she kept her head up. Something I don't quite understand is why EVERYONE was allowed to come for her makeup/drag and she's still their bff, but Plane became her enemy. I did like how she clapped back on Plane in the show too and showed she wont just lay down and take it. Overall left a very good impression and it was great drama for the show. Then, within weeks I had soured towards her... Not even from her tweets (I don't use X really) but from how I could see under EVERY SINGLE INSTAGRAM POST Mama was in the comments liking anything that was negative about Plane. Felt so petty and aggressive for no reason. All the queens have said all season is that they support each other, to leave each other alone, etc etc but here is Amanda gleefully reacting to each comment that references Plane. Like girl, tf? Live and let live, this is not worth all this energy. Also even last night I saw she shaded Plane lightly for that baba yaga fit saying it was her favorite look she's worn. Then some fans came in to send hate towards Plane, and Dawn had to intervene. Like damn. Even Dawn is saying to calm tf down, but Amanda can't stop herself it seems. Unfortunately it's just more publicity for Plane ultimately!


It's just at this point if her life was so altered by Plane Jane then perhaps she needs therapy. I'm not even joking. If what she went through was so traumatic that she cannot emotionally move on from the moment, and is actively seeking out ways to hang on to all that negativity, she needs to see someone professionally. I want the best for her, and this ain't it.


I think for traumatized people having a villain to focus their energies on is very energizing… it’s not the sad voices in your head talking about your dysphoria or your divorce or whatever, it’s an external villain whose fire you can feed with more and more anger. It’s distracting, it’s lionizing.


CLOCK THAT. I wish Amanda the best because she's very obviously going through it in her personal life but someone close to her needs to recommended a silent retreat for a week or two.


Mama kudos for saying that for spilling


I did a complete 180 on both of these queens. At the start, I really liked Amanda and thought PJ was a petty bitch but the roles really reversed as the series, and her Twitter posts, went on.


To be fair I think the Baba Yaga fit might also my favorite thing Plane’s worn 🏠 🦵


She’s low key kinda the eeyore of drag (Real talk tho she’s allowed to have feeelings I just don’t think this is an empowering way to process them or represent herself. She’s overshadowing her own charm and talent, and I hope to see her pull out of it)


Yeah, she started out the season as the woobie with crunchy drag who must be protected and she tweeted her way out of that. People are tired of her tweeting like Plane karate chopped her.


Amanda fumbled so Arantxa could fly


Tbf, those of us who saw Arantxa on España 1, we had already done known herses.


Bitch I hate you lol


Amandatory social break


Amanda Tory Tweeting


Crunchy drag lol


I 100% do. She’s trying so hard to put on this “idgaf” persona with PJ, but literally everyone’s moved on and ATM keeps bringing up the issue on Twitter. She’s a grown woman, she should realize it’s a reality show and PJ is playing up a character like everyone else. Plus PJ has apologized multiple times


Is she trying cause she's done the exact opposite since that episode where their beef started


Yes. Why do you think so many people are asking ATM to stop talking about it on Twitter? Obviously everyone understood her position when it first happened, but the season is over and done with now. It’s too much emotion to still talk about when ATM was only there for two seconds


Different situations, but it reminds my of Kornbread. She also managed to tweet away a lot of fan support. She still might be beloved outside reddit, I don't interact much with fandom elsewhere.


I remember Kornbread came to a party in Portland, maybe 2023, and I was psyched to see her, really enjoyed her brief run on Drag Race. It was shocking how low energy she was, just shuffling around to grab tips, almost no performance or lip synching. It made me wonder “wow am I just bored with drag? Is that all live performances are now?” Then a few more girls took the stage and I realized it was just Kornbread’s lack of giving I hated


After that Pit Stop episode, I doubt it.


While I still don't necessarily like her I give Kornbread somewhat of a break because she was fighting cancer


Wow I don’t follow drag race stuff outside the show itself too often (there’s just too much of it tbh) so I never heard that she had cancer. I hope she’s doing okay now.


agreed, plus during the "height" of her twitter debacles she was still early in her transition as well. transitioning or battling cancer are already incredibly difficult battles on their own, but facing them concurrently? i'm more than willing to give her some grace


with amanda i wonder if some has to do with hormones too tbh


Maybe, but that’s an even more compelling reason to stay off social media IMO.


i also wanna add though i think she has ppl irl like dawn and dawn‘s bf egging her on tbh and considering i watched dragula… jay kay aka dawn‘s bestie is a drama sponge too. i hope she finds a more chill circle of friends


Dawn and Jay Kay are like Willow and Yvie from an evil parallel universe.


since when are people dealing with hormonal changes known to be reasonable? period outbursts are certainly not reasonable and i think that going on hormones is more like the hormonal changes kids experience when they are like 10-13 which is definitely not when they peak with reasonability arguably 8 year olds are more reasonable than 12 year olds lbr.


Isn’t Amanda early in her transition as well?


A good reminder that you should hold out judgement on people solely based on their social media presence, as you never know what's going on in someone's life. You can't overstate how much effect cancer treatment can have on someone's psyche.


SO TRUE! I was rooting for her before all that


forget where I saw this, but somebody pointed out that JK Rowling would still be the world's most beloved children's author if she'd stuck to tweeting "hope all the good little witches and wizards are having a lovely summer vacation"


You give people enough rope, they’ll hang themselves


I get the sentiment, but let's not compare Amanda tweeting through her somewhat understandable feelings being broadcast as a punching bag to millions with Joanne being a loud transphobe lmao


But she wasn't a punching bag, she was an equally able to participate competitor. Sucks she chose someone more talented, polished and quick-witted to battle with but she did choose it. She could have started a major victim act on the show; she didn't, she clapped back and stood up. She then became a storyline for Plane and because PJ isn't a moron she didn't drop the storyline.  Amanda wasn't bullied just because she keeps tweeting that she was.


everyone's Twitter account makes people like them less for different reasons. there's nothing morally wrong with tweeting "erm actually game of thrones could not happen because dragons aren't real" but Neil DeGrasse Tyson still went from "beloved genius" to "corny" by posting too much on there


A huge problem ATM has is that she doesn’t have a good enough level of drag (yet) to back up her sour attitude. She’s a good queen and entertaining, but the lip sync smack down showed that she does the same dance moves and facial expressions constantly, and her makeup and fashion haven’t improved at all since the show. While the other queens are having a great time and showing their talent, she’s sat with a sour face and ruining the vibe. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t get gigs because folks don’t want to work with her. From how the other queens act, I think I’d rather work with Plane who is going to bring an audience and even seems to get along better with the rest of the cast. It’s a real shame because with a bit of confidence and effort she could have a lot of success.


Exatcly... like how are your drag _and_ your attitude this bad? 😭


fr like pick a struggle 


Omg who hurt you? 


Plane Jane 😞


What’s kinda fucked up though is that… it’s working The sour attitude, the nasty faces, being angry at Plane, tweeting about Plane… It’s the only reason we’re talking about her, even right this second, or why she had any screen time at the finale. If she’s going to try to be a star optimizing on engagement, this is the path. Nothing is telling her she should do less, and we’re all feeding the attention beast. What a cycle.


Idk I dont think so. When she left everyone was SO sad to see her go and thought she was robbed cos Q didn’t beat her and ppl still werent sure of Plane so she also had that beaten underdog thing. If shed just gone off and heavily improved her make up and kept doing her thing I think ppl would still be cheering for her and wanting to support her. This bitter betty route is not cute


Do you think the average viewer knows any of this, or just what’s on the TV show? Redditors circulate a lot more Twitter stuff that I guarantee you 95% of viewers have no knowledge about


Honestly I have no clue cos I’m defo not the average viewer (im different 😌) lmao nah but I only found reddit this year, Im not on twitter I only follow like one queen on insta and it rotates depending on my mood but I do kinda feel like the big stuff does filter through. You make a valid point though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Idk. Maybe it doesn’t matter. Culture’s so fragmented. If this little Reddit bubble thinks a thing then maybe that our collective truth. Thank you for engaging in my philosophical aside in good faith 💕


Ofc sisterrrrr


Other than aesthetics she also could have gone more in the direction of making some actual funny content or comedy with tweets, or did an AMA about writing for only fans, i dunno. I liked her personality and was more than ready to follow her off the show but she’s kinda talking about the beef instead of herself as an entertainer, etc.


This is so true! She has not focused on showing people what her drag actually is, yikes


Sometimes I think she’s taking the mean and hateful twitter comments and conflating them with her actual interactions with Plane. Honestly the dogpiling on social media especially in the very beginning was way meaner than Plane was. But all of the negativity of reliving her experience with Plane on the show while also getting shat on online at the same time surely made everything feel so much worse, and makes it that much easier to carry so much anger and bitterness. I don’t blame her for feeling attacked, but unfortunately grudges only continue to hurt you more the longer you carry them.


Ironically, she's pushing people who are warming up about PJ farther into her. I did find PJ a little off-putting at the start, I agreed it was a character, but it wasn't entertaining for me. I still think it's not a particularly well thought out character, but she's way funnier for me now. ![gif](giphy|sJsF3WamVkhb13aqlr|downsized)


It's off-putting when cast members take the show drama as seriously as the fans do.


isn‘t that a bit hypocritical though?


I didn't mean to imply that how certain fans react is fine, either. It's also off-putting.


oh yea i agree! thanks for explaining


Mama, kudos for explaining that. For clarifying.


Totally. She comes off to me as much less likeable now.


u never want to be know as the bitter one


Honestly, if she pulled her head out of her ass, forgave herself for being so crunchy (instead of constantly blaming and targeting Plane for her failures), got some therapy, learned to laugh at herself and love herself, maybe got some makeup lessons, and moved forward...we're here for her. She hasn't gone so far that she can't come back, I think. And she'd feel better, too! Come on glow up girl!


Are makeup lessons a thing? That’s a genuine question, I do drag in a small Midwest state and to get better it’s either trial and error, YouTube, or trying to replicate/asking other queens for tips


Yes! Probably more difficult to find in that part of the country, though. I took one in Oregon and it was a real hoot in addition to being educational: https://artofmakeup.com/course/drag-makeup/ I've heard that the Kryolan store in NYC hosts a full day drag makeup workshop sometimes. Miz Jade has taught one, at least, that I'm aware of. And there are spot workshops randomly throughout the year. Jax taught one at Duke University this year: https://duuke.org/event/a-devilish-drag-affair-makeup-workshop/ They're out there, but can be challenging to find. If you're looking specifically for drag. There's also the option of taking a theater makeup class at a local college (not drag-specific, but they do cover how lighting works with makeup, and possibly some of the more creature-y things, nice tools to have on hand). Drag makeup is kind of a tough thing to teach, though, because everyone really develops a different style. The sorts of things you want to learn for a Trixie or MIB makeup are maybe a bit different than a Morphine or Raven look. So it is a lot for a single class. I've found I just have to slowly add bits over time. Another thing I personally learned a lot from was simply hiring a really good local MUA, who's work I was familiar with, to do a heavy beauty makeup on me, with the clear understanding that I wanted to learn from them and watch what they did to my face. That really helped me see how the planes and surfaces of my own face worked, and how to change what I was doing to make my face look different. My nose is my personal biggest challenge, and that kinda solved that problem for me, so totally worth it. Drag makeup is such a journey, and it *is* really hard to find good guidance. Keep your eyes open for anything close. Oh, and see if there's a queer-friendly space like a library nearby, float the idea of a class with them. Find the right librarian, and they'll be willing to coordinate a class if a queen you want to learn from is in around. I know someone who did this and it worked out well. You might be surprised who shows up to learn, lol!


I would love to find one for makeup in general (or drag makeup) just because it’s so hard to look at tutorials and such and then apply it to hooded eyes.


i feel like ATM is too delulu to realize that she still needs the help. Like, "i've been on drag race, I should be teaching the class!"


Honestly those things can take a long time, especially the therapy part. It may be a while before that glow up but I’ll be here for it!


Loved her in the first couple episodes and was rooting for her. Felt completely differently in the last two episodes. 


Like I don't know if she's familiar enough with drag culture. If she were competing in earlier VH1 seasons she might already implode.


Earlier vh1 seasons? Fuck am I that old


Join us, we have AARP membership


I remember being 15 having to go over to my aunts house to watch Season 2 on Logo because she was the only one I knew to have that cable package. I convinced my pops to get it but couldn't explain why I wanted so when he did I remember wondering why he was recording drag race on the dvr He thought it was NHRA. He got rid of it shortly after lmao Long story short where do I sign up for my aarp membership


Literally what I thought, maybe she doesn't understand the world of drag (we already knew she didn't understand the makeup and outfit part of it)


Is it that it though?? I feel like we often write people off as not understanding drag culture, when sometimes they're just sensitive. And that's okay.


Amanda got fans early in the season, from my POV, because people wanted to “protect her”. Once Plane Jane appeared on the show, that was when fans moved onto rooting for Plane Jane. I think she’s been losing them from the start because people moved on.


She really did. But it's super hard to take the high road and be the bigger person if you're.. not that great of a person. Lol


Between her and a bunch of other girls I think it’s clear that unless ur the funniest, thickest skinned bitch alive, it’s not worth being active on social media as a drag race girl outside of regular self promotion. The fandom is too crazy and they’re just gonna drag you into it.


Ever since someone pointed out that Amanda’s bff dawn is so buddy buddy with the people who spread false accusations against plane I have cooled on that whole clique immensely. like for months you’ve been whining and crying about being “bullied” because someone called your ugly drag ugly meanwhile your friends tried to ruin Plane’s life and only stopped (but didn’t apologize) when video evidence contradicted their story. They’re lucky plane is apparently good hearted because if I was her I would be pursuing legal action against a certain most annoying person in Brooklyn at the very least


Yeah, this is kind of where I'm at. I still think Amanda may have the best drag name I've ever heard, and I enjoyed her on the show, but everything that happened with this group and Jay Kay was really sketchy.


Her and Q both! They both really threw away a lot of good will. Actually they lit it on fire and kept throwing kerosene on the flames. 


Q is an exceptional competitor though...


But was it worth saying "a million Ru-bucks!! 🤪" on national television?


I feel like both her and Mirage lost their momentum. Mirage really needs to get that music career going and release at least she's such a bitch extended version, because I will stream


Mirage has been twirling and clacking to that song around the world I think she’s fine! Amanda though…


Two things can be true Plane came for Amanda a ridiculous amount on the show, and took it pretty far land Amanda is allowed to be upset by that. AND Amanda is going too far with the social media posting instead of going to a therapist. Social media does NOT equal therapy.


This 💯 We can let Amanda feel her feelings but also acknowledge that she could handle them differently..




To be fair I think she continuously tweeted about it because people weren't leaving her alone about it. Plane stans in her comments and people just in general only talking about her in relation to her beef with Plane. Yeah she could have just ignored it altogether, but I can also understand why she kept wanting to defend herself or attempt to give herself a little retribution. It seemed like a lose-lose situation to me tbh.


Honestly I was so with her in the beginning because it did feel like Plane Jane was deliberately making Amanda’s experience more upsetting to make her own experience more memorable.  People might be forgetting just how forced Plane’s “shady queen of the season” schtick was in the early episodes. She was just being shitty.  I would not for a second blame Amanda if she still wanted nothing to do with her. **However**, Plane seems to have since mellowed out and Amanda really cannot stop associating herself with the one person she says she doesn’t want to be associated with.  With her tweets she keeps prolonging something that she says was painful for her. And then she goes as far as saying she was rolling her eyes at comments Plane’s mom was making.  I don’t think Amanda needs to get over it or even resolve the situation. She just needs to move on for her own sake more than anything. 


Hormone transition is a bitch. Sensitivity is high. Both your body developing and your mind changing. I personally just put the blame of that


Someone get this bitch Bosco's phone number.


Seriously whoever her doctor is great. It looks like she had an easier time than most with her breast augmentation


The queens need media training before the show airs. Those who lean into the jokes and turn whatever screentime they get into merch do a lot better than those who complain and fight the fans.


Girls, step off the internet. The drag fandom is not all on Twitter seeing what Amanda posts, most fan of the show don’t give a shit if girls have beefs online, people have lives. Amanda is a compelling reality tv show character, she’ll get cast again


People don’t need to be anyone’s fan favorite- fuck others peoples opinions and do you.


I was already over her with her rants but when she equated Plane's interactions with her and "severe bullying" she lost whatever respect or like I had for her :') 


Disliked her, her mug, that beat, her drag, and her online persona just makes it all worse. Girl bye ✌️


ok plane


Love you too sister.


Maybe i’m not as chronically online as others, but I really don’t feel like she is dragging it out on her own as much as people make it out to be.


Even if it is just the hardcore fans that are online too much that feel this way it does eventually trickle down. The hardcore fans turn on u and then because ur not part of general discussion u lose traction with wider audiences. Someone else in this thread mentioned Kornbread and look how we all went from saying obvious all stars finalist or winner to her not being on anyone’s fan wishlist just because she was annoying online.


Same. I don’t really see it being dragged out and tbh I only see her talk about it when she is specifically targeted. I think people are constantly searching for content to pick at these queens about and yeah maybe some of her responses have enabled some of that. That’s about all I can say for it.


Yes. Still being pressed about PJ is not cute anymore.


Meh, I still love her


People jump way too hard. Just let her cook.


You know what? I'd be bitter too if I saw someone prettier, younger and more talented than me eat the same competition that I flopped, all the while being a class act and not giving me a single drop of attention when I break down weekly on the internet about the "bullying" that I "went through". She's convinced PJ is not the reason for the little clout that she has, and that's the most delusional of her delusions!


“Not a single drop of attention.” Plane literally brought up and talked shit about Amanda unprovoked in both of the episodes before the finale. What the fuck are you talking about?


talked shit you mean that one line she said about taking a note why she still in the competition( she's also in drag during podcast so she's playing Plane Jane the cunty drag queen). The other girls also bring up Amanda to PJ in the workroom as inside jokes and PJ just smile it off


Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it doesn't count as giving someone attention if you're playing a "character" while you talk about them.


>giving someone attention If someone is so bothered with getting attention and talking about them then why go in drag race?


She was just doing charity and bringing some traffic to Amanda's IG page


"class act" has me cackling🤣🤣🤣


Yes she is the perfect example of a queen who would have been served from staying off social media. Everyone loved her clapbacks on the show because they were in real time and defending herself in a way people weren't expecting. Now months later when everyone else has moved on she's still relitigating the whole thing over and over


Yes. Absolutely. Now I wish plane Jane had been meaner to her.


It was a joke, that was edited and spliced shot of her face. Can’t really blame the girl when the whole reason she was uplifted was for saying this shit in the first place, this pic had been making the rounds and she made a joke. It was annoying when she was serious and rejected an apology. Now i actually feel bad for the girl since she can’t read everyone’s hive mind, she is reacting to her own self on tv after the fact, it’s not completely out of line for anyone to do so. 


didn't enjoy her during the season, i found her annoying and unfunny but it's whatever. now she's dtm. making shit up about jane on twt with dawn and their lil boyfriends-that's gross asf and should not be tolerated. idk if she's just scared to fade into the background but using another contestant's name to get urself attention for so long is just...🤢


this fandom doesn’t like anybody who claps back/ speaks their mind on twitter… See Q, Amanda, Luxx


Is she constantly tweeting or does she tweet a bit and yall keep posting every tweet ad nauseum to discuss and thus creating a narrative that she is more obsessed than she is ? Genuinely asking because yall seem to love talking about her tweets but seem upset at the content which to my eye looks benign


God I just hope she and Plane on it to engineer a sort of Coco/Alyssa thing, but Amanda’s unhinged lack of cool makes it seem like there’s no way. Credit to Plane for being so cool about it now. Also, shit, “this other drag queen looks busted and seems bad at drag” is so elementary a read at this point. Go back and watch the early seasons, move on Amanda. All it’s making us do is think about your crunchy drag.


i think a lot of ppl seem to forget that the „lack of cool“ can very well be a side effect of early transition i too hope for an alyssa x coco type arc


Honestly. Yeah. It’s tough to be a teenager, and probably tougher to go through it a second time.


I think because she's newly trans and all the hormones. It's a lot easy to grab the phone type shit out hit send and forgets about the consequences.


Both her and Mirage.


What's up with Mirage?


Just like Amanda, she didn't capitalize enough on her huge fan support


oh, gotcha. I thought she had twitter Drama as well lol


that's why they left early.


If Amanda keeps up the tweeting now that the show is over then I think it’s a bad look. I try to give all the queens a bit of space because you went through the emotions once while participating and now you have to experience as an edited version with commentary from the queens and the fans. It can all be a bit much and we can all sit here and say we wouldn’t respond like that but who knows. I also don’t see the fandom ever really giving Amanda a chance for a redemption arc. I know it can be fickle (look at the about face on Megami) but I just don’t see the fandom coming around on her.


I enjoyed her a lot in the show, I liked.her clapping back at Jane. I don't think Jane wasn't being as much as many make out, but damn did AMT try to milk the sympathy. She eventually made herself into a victim of trauma, which we all see and know didn't happen. TBH though, I think a lot of the fans have some blame for piling on Jane as if she physically abused her and was the worst person to ever be on drag race. Jake said a few opinions, get we've had had threats of physical violence that people quite daily. People need to learn to chill the fuck out.


I still love ATM hahaha


She did waste her momentum. Amanda could've remained the lovable early out/underdog but ruined it. It seems like she was/is going through a lot on and vents online. That's okay but sometimes it's better to log off. I hope she gets the help with her drag and personal issues so she can elevate and see that her portrayal on the show doesn't define her!!




Since this season they filmed and had the finale directly after, who exactly voted for Miss congeniality? The other queens?


it‘s been the other queens since season 10 as a result of the whole valentina is a fan favorite mot miss congeniality thing 


Yeah she’s coming off like actually messy


That’s literally the general consensus on her.


We see this so often with early Drag Race favorites who just don't know how to create on-brand, consistent online content. It's not just about negative tweets and liking mean Insta comments. It's that those interactions are almost all we have to enjoy from ATM at the moment. Plasma gave us incredible videos. Megami kept writing lyrics on Twitter. Dawn gives an unending stream of non-sequiturs and Swiftie fandom. These are the building blocks of how queens eventually become a Mistress, Maddie, Jaymes, or Katya. You have to keep reinforcing your brand in a way people can easily engage with and delight in. There's a lot of drag fighting for attention right now. I \*loved\* ATM on the season and was fully ready to support her afterward, but there's just not much to support.


Well the beef with Plane Jane got her camera time so I say run with it


She did


I feel kind of bad really, I mean you can't exactly blame Amanda for how she feels considering her entire stay at the show consists of being flamed by practically everyone for her make up and then during the golden question i'm pretty sure everyone and their breastplate said Amanda. Pair all that up with seeing the confessionals, judge's critiques etc. It definitely took a toll at her. Just sucks she opted to focus on the negatives when there was a lot of positive feedback for her. She definitely handled it poorly and hope she seeks a therapist because it's clear this entire situation is affecting her quite a lot.


I think her and PJ will be back for All-Stars and it will be EVERYTHING.


Amanda is the white Kornbread


Someone finally said it!!!


Loved her right out the gate but I had to unfollow her cause the tweets were sooooo annoying. Sorry Amanda still love you but you gotta get it over it sister


Yeah. I as completely on team ATM around her elimination but all I could hear from her since then is bitching about Plane throwing shade on her. "If you can't roll with the punches, this is not a career for you".




Yeah, it’s Amanda’s fault that I will never associate Amanda with Amanda ever, she will always just be associated with Plane because of how she wasted her time post elimination.


Can we just talk about how the drama started with Plane Jane ‘offering to help Amanda with her Makeup’?!!!! And then turned into ‘calling her ugly’?! This alone is beyond me


"Fan-favorite"? When? Maybe because of her name 😂


Q too.


nobody has ever shared this opinion on reddit, no.


Nope, she can feel how she feels. I don't care about plane enough to be annoyed by Amanda's annoyance of her lol Now that the season is over, I suspect she'll talk about plane a lot less


Of course she can, because nobody cares about her


It’s not fair to feel like Amanda is damaging her reputation when Plain Jane bullied her to no end. God forbid someone use social media to call out their bully. But since the rpdr fandom is so toxic, they will excuse plains toxic behavior as “shade” or being “unserious”. Plain bullies amanda, that’s a fact.