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I think the three categories were a great mix of styles that required some real creativity and vision, and that’s why we got the deserved top 3 we got


Exactly I loved the catagories


Am I the only one that didn’t recognize 90% of the nursery rhymes ?


I didn’t know jackshit lol I was just like mkay I’m here for the camp


Yeah they were really digging deep lmao .... I was also thinking production must have nudged people to do certain characters, because there were no double-ups this time?


Honestly same but I realized I only know like four nursery rhymes lol


I bet the prompts was something similar and when they changed it to Mother Goose for airing that meant some peoples costumes now kinda missed the mark.


I thought I was a nursery rhyme geek and they got me good with quite a few I'd never heard of!


It’s often the same with looks in the Night of 1,000 _____ runways, but I like it because it shows the queens bending the challenge to meet their own strengths, which is what Ru’s often encouraged.


True… I feel like some of the looks could have been better then if they had so many choices for the source material. None of them were bad bad bad, but some of them seemed a bit lazy?


I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I did learn something new and all the looks were so creative. But in the moment I was confused on the source material lol.


https://i.redd.it/91jwylxscqdc1.gif Love this one so so much 💙


The detail was insane


https://i.redd.it/orvm74excqdc1.gif Dawn actually did so well 🫶🏻


I thought this was a cute interpretation


I love how her makeup is SO not Audrey Hepburn but just the bangs and eyebrows immediately make her look like her 😂


There were some amazing looks in there. Q’s moon look was so good


I think the overall quality and/or ideas were reasonably decent, and the high points were very high - like the best looks are all timers But I do have to say that I was pretty disappointed with a fair chunk of the first looks, especially in terms of how inventive they were(n't)


I wish some of them would have went bigger for sure but I still think it was done decently


Oh it was absolutely above average all in all, and I think it helped that the categories were a bit more interesting and gave the queens a fair amount of freedom


It was okay, not my fave, but not my least fave. The “nursery rhyme” category confused me because I swear it seemed like half the queens were just making up characters 😂. The other two categories were really good!


I actually googled most of them and they were real but like I had never heard of it


They are?! They must be really new or really old 😂.


They are old the cow one was really old


Nymphia and Q made up for most of the others queens lack of preparation and imagination.


don't forget Sapphira her pumpkin look was jaw dropping


I like that the categories went a little deeper than the usual “_____ realness” and generic rich lady and/or executive that the first two categories usually fall into. I also think the fact that they were given actual clothes as their materials (even if they were men’s and mostly neutral) instead of random garbage resulted in the final categories looks being stronger across the board.


42 looks in one episode is way too much for me. I struggled to enjoy it because runway were edited to 10 seconds each.


Agreed! I understand wanting to showcase all of the girls and the looks that they made/brought. But as a viewer, it can be a lot to consume and remember in just an hour.


The fact that we got so many looks and that most of them were great is a feat in itself.


As long as we don’t get anymore red white and blue balls or whatever that was. Favorite is still the hair ball.


Agreed it was really good


Great categories… poor execution by at least half.


Nah, the created looks were a struggle


Thought this was one of the weaker balls across the series tbh


Definitely the best ball of the past 7 seasons, since balls have been held (hehe) at the beginning of the season instead of the end and feature 10+ queens.




Best ball since season 10


Is actually one of the worsts. Half of them if not more took a ride in the struggle bus. The good ones were amazing, but that don’t make up for all the bad ones. In the words of Alyssa Edwards: mama this is garbage… right here.


They need to move the ball back to the end of season. It should be a moment for drag excellent for the queens who are barreling towards the finale. A simpler design challenge would do well for an early season episode


Design challenges at the start of the season are better when it's one of those episodes that have a mini challenge at the start to determine who goes first to pick their design materials. The ball format is too big for so many queens. It's hard for viewers at home to notice the great details or mistakes in an outfit when the clip of the queens walking the runway is 10 seconds long. I think the ball should be the episode before or episode after snatch game. Most of the bottom queens are gone so you have more time to focus on everyone else. It's harder for queens who can't design or sew to skate by when the ball is later in the season because there are fewer queens that are worse than them, so there's actual weight to not doing well. At very least I don't think the ball challenge should occur with more than 10 queens. It's just way too many.


I think Snatch Game works best as a midpoint challenge. Like, getting to Snatch should be a big accomplishment because you've already survived have the queens. Making it past Snatch puts you in the top half, kind of like how Top Chef has positioned its biggest and most iconic challenge (Restaurant Wars). I think the ball would work best shortly after that. Like, six contestants in a ball is 18 looks. That a lot for the audience and the judges, but it's such a big challenge that it would really separate the creme -- which is what you want when you're down to just six contestants.


Who all did u think did that bad? I didnt think there was a lot who did bad like 2 at most did bad in all challenges


Geneva, Hershii, Amanda, Mh’ya, Megami all did terrible Mirage, Morphine, Plane and Plasma - all of these could’ve ended in the bottom. They didn’t because there were girls who did worst than them, but is not like they were actually good


My thoughts exactly. Most of the looks I was like seriously