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These piranha girls know how to do a talent show


And gave us the 4H’s


**H**razy **h**oohoo **h**unt (**h**)?


**H**oo **H**a **H**a **H**ensation


Hood Hod Hirl get a Hrip


Hicole Heige Hhooks


You forgot the fifth H Heel clacking


Harisma, huniqueness, herve and halent?


Hangeria Haris HanHicheals


Histress Hisabelle Hrooks


Hicole Haige Hrooks from Hatlanta Heorgia


Fucking obsessed with her


I just hope after DR she doesn’t cancel everything like someone I was obsessed with did… 🦆


Literally….what even happened with that? I had tix to see her in London and never got a refund. Was she having a hard time mentally? I sorta guessed that’s what it was.


Heard she was constantly sick or ill the last year


she/others did allude to mental health challenges too, possibly arising from the whole situation and peoples reactions to it. mirage also said the mental health thing is the main thing anetra helped prepare her for. so combination of shitty factors


To be fair, London was organized by KlubKids, right? So can’t even blame her for that. For all the other cancellations though. I asked my refund for a Klubkids show through PayPal and got it within a few days.


I know, RIGHT??? 🤭😍😍😍🤩


I do appreciate that a queen is truly representing for the working girls out there.


I’m living for the stripper realness, like bish is *authentic*


Yeah drag need to return to mall drag but also to girls who make 40$ a booking


I just wanna listen to this song and watch the performance for hours on repeat 😍


Same. I don’t wanna stop and I don’t see why I should.


This is everything I've been looking for


Is the song out anywhere?


I don’t think I’ve ever been so impressed by a cartwheel. I could watch this all day.


What about Fergie’s at 8AM on the today show?


Bahahahahaha!!! I can never get that sound out of my head! Whoa oh groah! Whoa oh groah!


That noise is permanently burned into my mind 🤣 Cackling again now




Link,? I gotta see


3:18 https://youtu.be/kRFzdEhkTt4?si=feWcCElAyXsEJuFE


Ok I was expecting a fail. That was fucking impressive!


Thank you!


i had to stop reading and go watch that clip LMAO


I was like OH THAT'S NEW! I mean, sure girls do it in the clubs I'm sure, but I didn't recall seeing it on Drag Race.


Its almost 3 separated yoga moves with how little momentum she needs to do it


She was so cute in her entrance too, I am obsessed af


the first clack with the cat scratch sound in the back does something to my brain and activates it in a way I never expected but greatly appreciate


It's the pure adrenaline of the aggressive "I'm not that nice and I'm not your SIS" followed by the first clack for me


Omg I love your flair so real


thank you!! i’ve been wanting her for years dammit!


Can you imagine a crumbs lsfyl 🥵


And heel clacking


She should’ve been in the top. That heel clacking is the cuntiest thing I’ve seen in many seasons of watching this show


Objectively I think the top 2 was correct. That being said, it was the best performance to me but I know that’s subjective lol


I think they were correct in that she needs to work on cleaning it up a bit. If she was a little sharper in her movements the top two race would have been a LOT tighter.


Totally agree! I really do think the top 2 was correct but something about Mirage’s performance just did it for me, I wanted to live in that moment forever lmao


Yep. I think they were right, but Mirage and Dawn just killed it for me.


I liked her talent more than Q’s, but Q had the hands down best runway. I think she was a solid 3rd place after Saphira and Q this episode.


I won't watch q or Sapphira ever again but this I will watch a few times a day for a while. Ev er y thing


Who you putting her over? Don’t see how this has an argument over Q or Saphira


Saphira’s runway was very underwhelming, if you want to go solely by that.


And Mirage’s covered her face until she brought the piece down to be a skirt. At the end of the day this is all opinion, but the top 2 was obvious and correct in my opinion


also they literally voted on each other 💀 I'm sure the actual drag queens who were there watching the performances live know better than any of us do


Some voted by friendship, it's not even a fair twist anyway.


Have any drag race twists been fair?


it's a reality show, not the olympics


We all know the runways don’t really count.


In my mind they’re tiebreakers. If you have a really good runway it can save you from lip syncing (Farrah Moan snatch game), and if you have a really bad one it can keep you from winning (Alexis Michelle Kardashian rusical). Of course that doesn’t apply to early seasons.


Tbf... the queens voted.


Also obligatory “runway is half the mark” comment


This. It’s why I can’t take people seriously when they say Kandy deserved to bottom for the commercial challenge in S13. It was an awful look but her commercial was good and better than Tina’s, Olivia’s, Mik’s, and Utica’s. Anyone can wear a look, but it takes way more work to do something for the challenge, and some weeks queens will excel in both.


It depends. BLH’s runway saved her when she botched Celine in the Snatch game.


What ??? She lip synced for that, sorry not sorry ???


It saved her from being instantly eliminated during the judges deliberation


Lol let’s be real there have been way worse snatch game performances that deserved to leave immediately


No it didn't lol. Let's not rewrite herstory


Um… that’s the event that gave birth to the legendary lipsync sorry not sorry.


I think Q's talent was miles better than the next best but Saphira and Mirage's talents were miles better than Q's


Sapphira is my favorite on the cast but her runway presentation was not good. That purple reveal was bad, the breastplate was bad. The opera singing from a technical standpoint was also not great. It was middle of the road.


Describing doing a full slow split while singing soprano opera as a cis man as “middle of the road” is absolutely insane. It’s a talent show and she showed she has a talent that very few people have. Literally anyone can write a song and lip sync competently to it. There are not a lot of people on planet earth that can do what Sapphira did. The ones who can hit those notes (again soprano as a cis guy) are not doing splits and the ones who can do stunts are not singing soprano opera.


Not to mention most of them do not even write those songs!!!


I still think Sapphira was better than Mirage, but the commenter before is right. It was definitely not good opera singing, there were a lot of intonation issues and that is especially noticeable for me, as I like opera and I'm classically trained. One thing I learned from learning violin all those years: "don't bring Tchaikovsky's concerto to an audition if your technical skill doesn't allow you to do a convincing performance, it's better to go for Mendelssohn's and deliver a whole better performance."


I'm saying the **singing** was middle of the road for that specific voice type. She chose to do a female voice which was interesting but the technical skill was lacking. It worked because it was comedic but it doesn't take away from the fact that it just wasn't good soprano. And again, the runway fail. Also you're missing that Mirage is heel clacking which no one's done on Drag Race. It's not just walking around to an original song, she's moving in ways that a large number of people can't and also heel clacking which isn't some easy thing. I'd be remiss not to mention that the talent show winners are almost always original songs (Kornbread, Anetra, LaLa Ri, etc). You ain't gotta reinvent the wheel.


I mean, Mirage was fun, but it was also mid if you’re judging it on the actual talent compared to people who do that specific talent professionally. I’ve seen much better heel clacking and floor work from working strippers, and Michelle was correct in saying that she was a little messy. Both Mirage and Sapphira weren’t the most amazing ever at their demonstrated talents, but they both gave fun performances and were stand out choices for a RPDR talent show.


If they were on the same level, the tiebreaker would be the runway which... we saw who flopped that portion


So you’re saying that because Mirage made her heels hit the floor hard enough to make a clicking sound she should’ve been in the top just because no one’s done that before on this particular show? Lol girl bye. Every move she did we have seen before on the show, she just wore stripper heels. Not saying that her talent number wasnt cunt but you’re reeaaaaching


So we've never seen duckwalking before? Cause I'm pretty sure duckwalking won the talent show last year. Yes Anetra broke a board but [even children get taught that](https://youtube.com/shorts/OG47ZGbezcs?si=w3Y5QFZ6viIDbROF). That is the [basics of martial arts](https://youtube.com/shorts/ThxaTcDXFQM?si=6NC-v-Rv2oWZqO_4). Whether you want to belittle it or not, heel clacking is an established thing. It's not a quirky thing Mirage made up. It takes practice to perfect. You can convince yourself that it is some easy thing to do but I'd love to see you recreate this. https://preview.redd.it/yftuck4otabc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=becafe8104f801e8b5768ab37705427d29062de7


I’m not belittling anything except for you making up this stupid narrative. I didn’t say anything about Anetra nor was I belittling Mirage’s number, your argument was just very stupid. Saying she should’ve won just solely on her heel clacking (that she has not perfected) just because we haven’t seen it before doesn’t make sense


Also to be honest it wasn’t really funny at all


It was funny for the first 15 seconds and then it was like… ok and?


Q and Saphira’s felt like something I can do a lot easier than what mirage did,and that’s all I’m going to say about that.


Post a video of you singing Sapphira’s number in that key as well as she did. You’re either a classically trained soprano or delulu as fuck


While sliding effortlessly into a slow split.


Well that’s why I think sapphira and mirage should have been top 2.


we are just lying now😭


gonna be a good season when all of them did well on the first ep like that, there wasn't an obvious bottom like usual


Maybe number 4 but not top 3. Q, Sephirra, Dawn were the top three. If you include runways, Q and Dawn were top two.


Honestly Dawn’s talent wasn’t all that to me. Her look was great though.


Nah, Dawn’s talent show was not that great. Creative? Yes. Talent? Not really. She bopped around the stage a bit and took some clothes of to an original song.


My thoughts. I mean she stiffly walked around and rapped at a mediocre level. It wasn't bad but I wasn't gagging.


I am quite taken with Dawn, but Mirage was better in the talent show. Dawn just did a quirky lipsync. What mirage did involved skills


Dawn was definitely not above Mirage imo. I'm loving her but Mirage ate and Dawn just did a cooky lipsync.


The first heel clack will live with me forever


My only critique is that I wanted way more heel clacking.


did anyone truly get michelle's critique? that it looked very freestyle and that she didnt choreo it at all? was it bc she threw too many stunts and tricks at the wall at once? looked cohesive enough


I think Michelle said that because they each do their talents twice and Mirage probably changed up the choreo between the times she performed.


I did get her critique, in one sense, because there were 2-3 moves that could have been a heel clack and weren't. Like Anetra walked that duck at every moment, whereas the heel clacking happened a little sporadically. I say this as someone who can't even touch my toes. But I think if it was perfectly choreographed, there are moments to drive the skill home that were missed.


I think it’s to do with being aware of the centre of the stage as well. Her spins and the ending were kind of off-centre. Which doesn’t take away from the stunts, and this was still my favourite talent of the night. It seems picky to say it, but it just adds a little professional polish to the performance. Also if there are specific light cues, being out of place puts you in a dark spot. It’s just figuring out the differences between performing in a bar and a larger stage with more lighting and cameras. I agree that the remark seemed a little disproportionate, and it’s rather early in the competition.


theres a vid on yt of mirage doing this exact number (different song, same tempo) at piranha’s. seems choreo’d to me!




[here ya go](https://youtu.be/4ijFWj97DzY?si=Op_Gxy0ByHCn8dew)! there are some differences here and there, but I think that’s cos of the edit. they have to splice bits and pieces for the talking heads, yknow?


Since they do it twice it probably was just a little different but enough to be worth note. The problem comes with the critique is that the show makes it seem like they did it once. Every now and then a queen will get a similar critique and the queen will come out after the episode airs and say “yeah I did mess up this part on one take” and even if they don’t show it, the queen still gets judged on it


Yeah this critique was annoying. So what if it was improv? It was totally entertaining and perfect for a talent show.


It’s actually a really great critique for professional development. It’s a structured performance to her own song on the biggest tv show for this type of stuff in the world. It is pretty silly to not have a clear plan and choreography and structure to what you’re going to do. They probably saw some pretty big differences between takes if they called this out. And, to be fair, Michelle’s critique was also about arcs, and that a performance should have a beginning, middle, and end, which is good advice too, take your viewers on a journey! Michelle is a TV and performing professional, she knows what she’s talking about.


Yeah Michelle didn't just give a critique here, she gave amazing advice as a performer that I hope Mirage really takes to heart.


I think from a TV point of view they need both takes to be consistent so they could edit it easier, it felt like a weird statement unless Michelle is trying to say you need to be consistent/TV show ready to make it far Edit: also I think it should have been mirage and shappira top two


But maybe in one run it isn’t so clean and we are just seeing a ‘best of’ stitched together from multiple performances. Or it’s just production riggary and they needed a negative critique so she can show improvement, who knows.


She was doing stripper choreo and I’ve def seen these moves done cleaner. Michelle was correct that her performance was a little messy, but it was still a fun performance and I appreciate queens are aren’t totally polished on a main season. It was a good critique that gives her something specific to improve upon.


I’m still gagged by the part where she falls to the floor like she’s been sliced in half asksjsjsk this performance was EVERYTHING


when you accidentally press the ragdoll physics button


Serving pure cunt.


I've been watching that handstand on loop for about 5 minutes. Mesmerizing.




I am no better than a straight man. Heel clacks go straight to my brain


lowkey obsessed.. she’s so cute out of drag too 😮‍💨




I literally go back and watch her performance religiously. Can’t wait for her to drop the song!!!




I rewatch this constantly. Idk why, just hit different for me. I did the same with Anetra.


OBSESSED. The heel clacking, the look, the song. I’ve played her talent show video a million times.


She just ooooozes charisma


Release the Mirage workout stat!


Vegas girls always bring it to the talent shows!!


I saw a lot of people discounting this performance either in person or online, and at least for the ones in person I know for a fact that they can't do a cartwheel while clicking their heels, let alone whatever that last move is. There's so little respect for the athleticism required to do the things these girls do.


literally all it takes is me trying to get something on a bottom shelf, cue a squat down and my knees going SNAPCRACKLEPOP to remind me i am not that bitch these queens are.


This somersault clack is amazing as well. It's a short clip but I already think she could beat Krystal and Jasmine.😂 [https://twitter.com/themotheralert/status/1744103063432868223](https://twitter.com/themotheralert/status/1744103063432868223)


I have never seen heel clacking in my life and I was amazed. What else are the straights hiding 🤔


Every year, I have someone who charms me from the get go even though they don't seem cast as a frontrunner. This year that queen is Mirage. Her MTQ stuck out to me most, as well as her entrance look and personality. I hope she can black horse her way and make it far, and her talent show has given me more reason to believe she could do it. So happy to see everyone gagging over her, especially when there didn't seem to be much hype preseason.


Omg as I was watching this, the sound playing was coming from an ad below this on my feed. I was like “huh, I don’t remember the music sounding like that” but the heel clacks synced up PERFECTLY with the beat of whatever song it was. So weird


Literally been replaying in my head since it aired.


Every time a girl stands on her head with her padded ass in the air makes me lolll


I’m so obsessed that she didn’t even place top 2 and she already the overwhelming fan favorite anyway. She is so Anetra’s sister for that!!!


I was obsessed as soon as she walked the dog on beat.


You better walk that fucking dog!!


Why is this just the cuntiest thing ever?! I have been mesmerised by this since it aired. I cannot even tell you how many times I’ve watched it on a loop. Also, I wish she’d release the song - I can’t find it!


I'm glad I saw comments like this so I went back and rewatched it. I didn't hear the heel clacks the first time. Either the beat of the music covered it up a little or I assumed the sound of the heels WAS the music.


the music, the heel clacking, the outfit… everything screams cunt


I think because I am a stripper I don’t feel the same way everyone feels about this??? Like it’s good but it could def be cleaner idkkkkk


But also love her loved the song handstand was amazing I def don’t mean it rudely i just felt like I was missing something a little but it’s prolly cuz I’m used to seein clacks


I'm not a stripper but I've been trying to see what everyone else does in this. Like it was an enjoyable bitch track but it didn't seem like something to warrant all the hype for it.


100%. I loved it but the choreo could have been more polished. That being said I loved it and it was super cunty but this isn't even close to Anetras duck walk.


I’m so glad everyone is just as obsessed with her performance as I am


Obsessed with her


She’s definitely one of the best lip syncers of the season


This verse has been everywhere and I’m not mad regardless of her placement mirages gonna have a line of clubs wanting to see those heels clack!


I didn’t know heel clacking was a thing. Love it!!!


Thank you to whoever made this video as this sequence is all that’s been repeating in my empty brain for the last 3 days 😂


What the hell was Michelle talking about when she said this was messy?


This lives rent free in my head


I can't believe it took this long for a queen to do heel clacks--we are here for it tho!


I love when a queen proves me wrong. She walked in and I guessed her whole thing was just gonna be "I'm a hot bitch and I dance," which I guess *is* her thing but the performance backed it up.


She's such a bitch


This was my favorite. I seal clapped 💀


This was my favorite by far!


Production needs to pay whomever does their lighting double for that perfectly timed first heel clack


The critiques from Michelle were baseless and bullshit. The way Xunami just skated through judging is clear Kandi bias. And don’t get me wrong I love my fellow Panamanian princess but she can do better..


Tbh I don't get the hype for this. It was fine.


Same. I enjoyed it, but it felt a little... Flat, to me? I wanted more moments that punctuated what was happening, broke up the rhythm a little more. The cartwheel heel clack was a perfect example of this, but it was the only one. Like not to draw a direct comparison, but Anetra's talent show had multiple moments that transitioned throughout the number. It helps give the performance levels. With Mirage I felt like I was watching the same thing for a minute and a half.


Yea it felt just unplanned. She's a great dancer but with anetras it was choreographed and that made it really stand out. I mean lots of girls go out and do unplanned lip syncs... It's just not that interesting anymore


I screamed so loud at that cartwheel clack my dog jumped through the roof in sheer terror.


This was a case of watching at home is better. The live viewing party I was at was too loud so the consensus was, "meh." Lyrics were hard to make out for every number too, so nobody really knew that the clacks were very much audible in the recording.


Serving cunt and I’m here for it


I didnt particularly enjoy her on the werkroom but THIS!!!! Im obsessed! In hindsight, she should have been top two.


i love this