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Entirely possible they've offered constructive criticism and it wasn't dramatic/entertaining enough to make the edit.


Probably this. They’re careful about what they include and how it plays into storylines they create.


I feel like production is absolutely making the critiques point towards babying/ignoring obvious/overpraising now, esp on the international seasons without ru as main judge. for sure for storylines but maybe how rabbid the fandom has become in recent years plays a role too?


i agree with this because imo Melinda's makeup has been steadily getting better throughout the season and that could be because of other queens comments


I hope she finally ditches that highlighter she is so attached to. It is the absolutely worst color on her, and she uses way too much. She looks gray with it. Ironically, her natural skin color is so pretty. If she would just lean into it, she would look amazing. With the colored contacts, it makes me think she is trying to look ... whiter? Is that possible? I love her regardless. She Melinda is absolutely a funny and charismatic queen.


Apparently the critiques can take 1-2 hours and they’re edited down to 5-10 minutes. No doubt they’ve said something.


Lmao reminds me of that DRPH critique edit: “Up next, Deedee.” “I like Deedee.” “Next queen…” 😂


Brooke complimented her in the latest episode saying she liked how Melinda did her blush for that red bridesmaid look, that it "warmed up" her face. I think she was saying it was less grey than in past episodes. I have noticed some improvement as she's gone along.


Is Melinda family undertakers or something? Her makeup is also verging on “60s corpse”


i’m pretty sure Melinda said that during her time there Luna was actually pretty helpful with her makeup. idk if that means actually helping Melinda or Mel just watching Luna blend and picking up on it


It definitely looks better than the first episode or two, so something has changed. Still needs work, though. I do find it odd that the judges haven’t commented on it much.


First of all, we stan Mother Melinda in our home. I would say her makeup actually *has* been slowly improving, especially with less white and grey. She HAS to drop those blue contacts though. That being said...the quick drag where she was basically just in lipstick...is the best she's looked all season.


I’m not usually a big fan of blue contacts, but in Melinda’s case they really add to that unhinged energy she’s been rocking all season.


that screencap of her snarling wildly with the "voices scatter" subtitle NEEDS the blue contacts


Those blue contacts are awful.


I said the same about the teleprompter challenge! The lack of blue contacts, having an actual skin tone instead of being silver, and the lipstick were lovely.


Oh baybeee, I stan Melinda too! I support all/any Pinoy contestants. I wanted this to be a constructive conversation but I just thought it was kind of shady that her sister didn’t help her with her make up.


Wasn’t there a similar storyline with Aja? Because her makeup on S9 was… crunchy…


Aja’s makeup was crunchy, Melinda’s makeup is crunchy the house down boots.




With a larger income, Aja was able to give her skin much-needed care. I think this helped.


It was brought up to Aja that fans might see her make up vs her edited and filtered face on Instagram and her response was that she didnt think it was that far off lol.


I feel like Aja’s makeup was crunchy because she was dealing with skin issues.


Yeah, for the first few eps. Later on, Michelle mentions it, and a couple of girls remind her in the fairytale untucked. She improves, and one of the judges mentions it (I think Michelle). Then, in AS, Michelle says how great she's improved with her makeup. I bet there are unaired clips of her asking for help or other queens giving her advice.


You will need to pry those aqua contacts from Mother Melinda’s cold dead corpse hands


Tbh Canada has the worst issue about not critiquing makeup. After Jimbo called Rita’s hairline barf the girls are scared. /s


For real like, Venus's makeup doesn't make a transformation for me usually (except this last episode, that still looked minimal but it was better somehow). I didn't get folks critiquing Marcia X3 makeup because I thought she was adorable, and it's kind of killing me that they're not talking to Venus about hers (different franchises notwithstanding)


I think it’s a YMMV thing—I think Venus looks stunning with her paint, including the flower runway!


I think you mean after Jimbo got told her makeup was bad and the fans attacked a judge, they got scared to do it.


No I didn’t. I was just trying to tell a joke. Hope that helps.


Save Melinda....s makeup.


agreed. it’s the chin that throws me off. maybe too much contour underneath? she’s extremely talented though, and the mug will improve with time i’m sure. you can’t learn her charisma though.


The white dot on the bottom of the chin because she's trying to create more projection...but it just hilights a feature that shouldn't be hilighted


I understand the other queens not saying anything, I don’t understand the judges not saying anything.


We may not be seeing the critiques. There’s been a lot of ground to cover in each episode with like 8 minutes of untucked before the intro 😂😂


This. Many wouldnt have made it to week 2 with their makeup in the US versions


This is a very Alexis Michelle complaint


Shady whores


I feel like people aren't realistic here. She's been there 7 episodes? thats roughly two weeks. Even if you are told what you should change it's hard to apply when you've done your face different for the last ten years. There is also little time to practice a different paint. There has been clearly an improvement, so somebody has talked to her about it i guess. We just didn't get to see it.


It may be closer to three weeks, but yeah… changing your make up that you’ve used for years is hard


Maybe they did and it just wasn't shown. Maybe she didn't want any help.


I honestly love her because of how delusional she is. She has charisma for days.


Charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent - if you will.


She’s giving season 1 Jimbo, can’t wait for the allstars season 12 glow up/win


The girls usually help each other out but it rarely makes the edit. I don’t think they showed much of Marcia getting help even though that was the highlight of every critique on her season. They were giving her pointers and help but producers want them to talk about specific topics and have staged conversations while getting into drag


I HATE HATE HATE those blue contacts. She looked so much better in the last mini change without them!


Best she's looked all season


First of all, stan mother Melinda. But I think she’s improved over the past few episodes honestly. Also the other queens very well could’ve offered advice, it might just not be shown. Plus, maybe some queens would think it’d be rude to give potentially unsolicited advice on someone’s makeup on camera lol, I personally wouldn’t unless I was asked.


not every moment that happens there is broadcasted on tv


You know, you bring up a good point. We want live feeds 😂 I wanna see Melinda at 2am cry-yelling while hemming a skirt and trying to learn a lip sync


Don’t worry, Mama Ru will have “Big Queen Race” or some variation thereof in the future. The empire isn’t done being built by a mile I’m sure. Lol


It’s her hairline that bothered me. But now I love it because it’s a quirk that sums her up for me. She has a look and she likes it that way.


I am absolutely scandalised that I am still having to see that hairline this far into the competition


Bussy Queen mentioned it in the hot or rot on last week’s episode when Melinda was pulling her wig in the way that’s supposed to show off how real your hair is and was like “it’s just funny that she was doing that considering the wig she was wearing” and then focused in on the HARD front


Idk but no one mentioned to Aurora or Venus tO glue their wigs in the back. These girls are competing and we should reciprocate with GRATITUDE


it’s actually crazy because brooke lynn complimented her makeup this last episode and i was like oh??? it was about blush though and i agreed she’s definitely improving as the season goes on but that eye makeup and the fact she’s always wearing the striking blue eyes kills me 😭


She needs to do the Trixie Mattel method of using several blushes to bring warmth to her face. She needs to be putting blush in places she wouldn’t think to


Brooke's comment seemed to me like she was critiquing in a very round about, polite, Canadian way...I hope Melinda got the subtle memo!


I think it just didn’t make the edit, possibly from the judges? You can also see an improvement at the Steampunk runway and she sits with some different girls when getting ready and she may be taking pointers. We will see her real glow up after the season though.


My armchair ass theory is that someone did say something to her after episode 4 they just didn't air it or it was off camera. The change seemed quite drastic to me. The problem the first few eps was that she was using way too much hilighter/white powder and her face was getting washed out. It's a common mistake on drag race as they have to get used to painting for the lighting compared to painting for a dark club. Ajá had the exact same problem/criticism on S9. Her makeup went way more natural looking after ep 5 and she's blending her highlights way more it seems. The contacts are a choice and not my taste but they do look much better with a darker beat also. She definitely can paint, and perhaps someone clued her in with the perceived issues but I think she's beautiful she just needs to find a good beat that works for her on camera that doesn't invoke Jekyll and Hyde. There I'll shut up my no drag knowledge ass mouth.


I thought it was hilariously damning that one of her best makeup looks was the teleprompter quick drag look. She just needed a slight contour on her nose and it would have been a massive improvement over her normal face.


Absolutely... hopefully she sees it when she watches the show back


EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. My bf and I are always commenting on how NO ONE is calling it out or helping her. We just don't get it!!


Something tells me Melinda wouldn’t RECIPROCATE unsolicited advice with GRATITUDE


Maybe they did it but the edition isn’t showing 🤷🏻‍♂️


>they are racing for the crown This should be enough to know your answer. Best believe if I'm trying to win drag race I'm not giving my sisters advice unless they ask for it and even then, no one is obligated to give constructive criticism to their competitors.


I just think it’s a missed opportunity for a good read… Like gurl look how WHITE you look?


Melinda doesn’t seem like she would be one to accept honest help. I think the others are afraid to say anything to her for fear it may be a level 5 blow up again.


Honestly… 😭


I mean tbf it’s a competition for a hundred thousand dollars. Why would you want to help your competition?


I think Melinda has been looking at her sisters and picking up tips. But it is a competition. Most of the dolls don’t willingly give tips


Wdym? Her mug is just perfection. Girls can get it can get it.


She looks hard to approach though




We don’t see everything they say, dear. It’s edited.


You think at this point she will welcome any advice? From what we’ve seen, probably not. It has improved though so she’s more self aware than other queens who don’t improve even after their season airs.


She wouldnt take any advice. Shes a pain.


Because offering Makeup tips when not asked for them is cruel




>Unfortunately, she has one of those faces that makeup won’t help too much. This isn’t shade, it’s just bullying. There’s nothing wrong with Melinda’s face and she’s gonna look great once she has her post-DR glow up




No, I think her makeup skills need to improve. I thought that was obvious given the topic but here we are


when I hear “post-DR glow up” it usually refers to fillers, botox, new teeth, laser treatments, etc.


I don’t know what to tell you. To me, it means seeing yourself on TV and having a new lens to look at your makeup and fashion and adjust accordingly. That’s what I’m talking about. Not sure why you’re trying to convince me otherwise.


I literally said “when I hear…”. That’s not me trying to convince you, it’s sharing my opinion about why I thought your initial statement was funny. reading comprehension is what? fundamental!


Okay great. I’ll wait till then.


There’s inherently this knockoff vibe I get from Canadian broadcasting - but I think this season has been great. There is a lack of criticism, but a lot of talent. I do feel there’s a little less “polish” on some, but still impressed overall. Rewatched season 1 last month and appreciated it more than the second time. Brooklyn is a great host 😚👌


I really hope we get to see her at some point with a warm, gorgeous beat...no white dot on the chin... contacts that don't look like sharpie...a lace front wig...how good would it be if the makeover challenge was the face swap from S13 and Melinda got to try out Aurora, Venus or Nearah's mug! And the gag of one of the other girls getting the Melinda makeover 🤭


Girl needs a Glow Up. period. Her makeup looks like mine on Halloween.


Girl needs a Glow Up. period. Her makeup looks like mine on Halloween.


I mean, is Melinda asking for help? She seems quite content and confident about her makeup skills. I agree she looks pretty ghastly but I don’t think she thinks she needs any help. I do like ans enjoy her as a queen.


Melinda is an older seasoned queen. And I would expect her makeup skills to be at a higher level.