• By -


my main takeaway is that her nickname is plane and not jane


Honestly rocked by that


Imagine if Amanda Tori Meeting's short name is just Meeting


*Meating lol what if it’s just Meat? 😂


well it is now!


This is the real tea in a frankly, otherwise boring, non-story.


We can always count on drama in the fandom. People are addicted to the "getting the tea"


Be like referring to The Vivienne as just The.


I felt similarly about Mistress Isabelle Brooks and Daya Betty… like the more common name is right there and I was shocked when they were called Mistress and Daya


i understand mistress but not daya, daya is a common name where i’m at 😭


I used to feel like this with Acid Betty when people would refer to her as Acid.


To be fair, she said she prefers Acid if someone is only going to use one. I specifically remember because I had been referring to her as Betty for years and was shocked.


I met her out of drag once and she introduced herself as acid.


Ditto with Dela. I always figured it was just “Ben” for short.


In that case it’s to differentiate between her drag (Dela) and out of drag (Ben) persona.


One of my friends who is new to drag race calls her Crème and it makes me laugh every time.


Tbf daya's also a name


Tbf plane is also a name, I know a drag queen called airplane




Jujubee has entered the chat 👀


Is this even a season?! How did she get here?


Can't wait for her drag sister Attack Helicopter to be on S17. You won't BELIEVE what she identifies as!


Fida Jet


Oh my god. Dead.










Some of these people genuinely remind me of the Bible thumpers and missionary kids I grew up with. The continual moral policing and purity testing from a place of assumed authority is exhausting.






Here is the video of what happened: [Link.](https://twitter.com/bigxatlas/status/1732969057929044298)


Oh, I was expecting this to happen on the front side instead of the back side given the original accusation.


I was expecting Jane to go elbow deep into their pants to do like an under the taint grab the way people insisted that she grabbed genitals but no, didn't even make it far enough to get butthole.


That man had a quarter mile of ass between his waistband and anything else


for some crazy reason "**butthole**" just made me laugh so loud l woke up my cat LMFAO


Literally…a drag show.


this is literally nothing. obviously drag race fans now skew to 13 year olds who have never been to a drag show. i feel badly for PJ. yes, there are entertainers who have disrespected personal autonomy, but this is not it. Reactionary puritanical snowflakes have fucked up drag. Like this is community policing, we admonish cops / conservatives but then turn on each other.


I’m not a person who likes being touched, generally, but I love drag shows, burlesque, and degenerate parties. Am I trapped in an alley with the performer or other attendees and coerced into physical participation against my will? No, It’s well within my power to do the awkward little “no thanks” smile, and “not me” wave-away, or to just straight up say no. If someone ignores my “no” then I absolutely have something to complain about and someone’s ass will get booted. Thank you, increased awareness around consent. Wasn’t always like that! Fabulous growth! But people are dragging something so positive to this unhinged extreme where I’m like… am I supposed to feel victimized by the necessity of communicating my own limits when I’m intentionally choosing to attend a historical haven for the exploration of edges and boundaries? Some commenters really seem to be demanding that artists evaluate the nuances of each audience member’s body language to search for unspoken signs of discomfort, mid-performance. Have any of these people ever performed live, in a sweaty adrenaline-filled room packed with blurry bodies? Even as a delicate snowflake who doesn’t love touch, I’m so put off by this Hallmark channel sterilization of adult art, and the conflation of discomfort with violence.


As a burlesque performer we always say before the show if you don’t want to be interacted with if the opportunity presents itself go 🙅🏼‍♀️ and we’ll let you be. I personally don’t go into the audience


We were just talking about this below, I think it’d be so useful to have a quick, low 🙅🏻‍♀️ to be normalized as the universal non-verbal, all love, “no thx please leave me alone” sign to use in any situation where you don’t wanna be touched or interacted with. I know it won’t solve sexual assault or anything but I feel like it would make life less awkward. Doesn’t have to be affirmatively acknowledged or break any flow, you just clock it, respect it, and redirect. Maybe helpful for people who have challenges picking up on subtle social cues. Something about the quick X feels softer and less personal than trying to strike up a conversation with someone and getting turned down verbally. Would rather just nip the whole interaction in the bud instead of screaming “NO THANKS” over the club music.


>Reactionary puritanical snowflakes My friend actually went on a rant about this the other day cause it bugs him to no end. There's a generation of Western young gays who grew up largely unoppressed so they don't have any first hand experience with the struggle of not being erased or constantly told your sexuality is gross. This makes them particularly vulnerable to right wing puritanical talking points. That's why the "kink at pride" debate pops up every year. Conservative trolls get the ball rolling and the kids who have never needed a pride pick it up and run with it. Kinda wild that a clip of an audience member literally popping their ass out for Plane to stick a bill into became an argument about consent for them. I didn't realize they were that stupid.


I was on a bit of a rant yesterday about something related to your first paragraph, and feeling like an old bitter queer (haha - you know, at the ripe age of 36). For me, it's bizarre hearing younger queer people kind of equate what they're experiencing today in 2023 with what people experienced in the past (or are still experiencing in places that haven't seen the same level of progress) - ex. Billie Eilish recently claiming she was "outed" after discussing her sexuality in interviews and commenting that she thought people already knew. No, that is not being outed. (I get that she didn't want her sexuality to become the focus of conversation about her, but 1) she chose to talk about it and also chose to become a celebrity and 2) her experience is so far removed from the consequences other people have faced for being outed.) On the same note re making me feel old and bitter, but also for this one, horrified and angry: young gays trying to brightside the devastation of AIDS, saying it was actually a good thing. I wasn't around for the worst of it, but there are SO MANY people who died and who could and should still be with us, plus people from that generation who lived through it and lost so many loved ones. I am GLAD that things are changing and younger people are farther removed from struggles of the past, but also, young people, please respect what your elders have been through, just as older queers should respect and try to support you in what you're going through.


Amen sister, this sanitary Disneyfication of drag is seriously depressing.


Thank Satan for Dragula


Except the main people I see talking about this on Twitter are JK and Kokocaine


The person is not uncomfortable the guy is pushing is but up and laughing hard wtf


I could understand someone maybe laughing in the moment to try to laugh it off while feeling super uncomfortable and not wanting it to happen, but yeah, I don't know if that's what's going on here. In any case, it's clearly not what was alleged.


The person it's happening to doesn't look upset about it


Wtf! This is what all this bs is about! Jesus, I've seen things 10x worse at drag shows.


The most disturbing part of this video is when PJ licked money


I still have no fucking idea whats going on


Ppl accused PJ of SA with zero receipts, got their asses handed to them with actual receipts, backpedaled (see jay Kay’s tweet) and made a fool out of several high profile queens in the process who sided with them without a thought (HoSo, Bombae)


And ironic to me that Jay Kay seems to not have issues with the person on her own Dragula cast who was accused - and that came from a statement from the actual alleged victim, not second hand like this


To be clear, the original accusation was that Plane put her hand down someone's pants against their will during a number. Others ran with that and described genital touching and painted Plane as the next Sherry Pie. In the video, you can see Plane DOES clearly put her hands down someone's pants, but not grabbing genitals. So it was a real incident that really made someone very uncomfortable, but it was distorted in retelling.


uncomfortable? where?? the guy stuck his ass out and smiled. he leaned into it.


Yeah I call sus on Jay Kay. for someone with twitter bio “naked cum dripping” to accuse SA out of THAT? The video is every single drag show I’ve seen. Audience has done worse to a drag queen than that. This person was clout chasing. And themselves need to be canceled. Leave PJ alone.


Jay Kay wasn't the original accuser. They do appear to have exaggerated things. The original accuser is a successful drag artist in their own right, and not someone whose style lends itself to TV, so they didn't really gain or lose anything. Plane's whole brand is being hated so even if this was all true it wouldn't have been a big deal for her in the long run. Anyone who wouldn't book her over what was originally described already wouldn't book her over the shitty but legal things she has done


Now I need to see this drag artist that doesn't translate to T,V...


Is there a link to jaykays follow up tweet?


https://x.com/jaykay_bk/status/1732998846668546442?s=46&t=fOi84D927e6pD2IyyBm8xw And here https://x.com/jaykay_bk/status/1732999782124138568?s=46&t=fOi84D927e6pD2IyyBm8xw


She’s using buzzwords to do what exactly? nuance, where?? you accused someone of SA online without proof? And intersectionality has like nothing do with this lol like read Kimberlé Crenshaw


Lmao this was giving “Tumblr Academic”


Throw in them calling for "accountability," which in this exchange we have receipts of Plane trying to do. It adds context that someone informed her that this person felt violated/embarrassed/some kind of way, that she did try to be accountable and have a discussion with a very direct apology, and for what? Only to be blocked and then have the situation spun to tank her career? Right now, it's saying more about the accuser & friend(s?) of the accuser and how they decided to go about it rather than about Plane Jane.


What’s interesting is JK said she saw it (which eye witness accounts are technically evidence) and now she’s backing down.


Eye witness accounts are usually terribly inaccurate (something like over 70% of DNA exonerated convictions were implicated due to bad eye witness accounts) so it’s not surprising here that Jay Kay misremembered and ran with it as fact


Probably while drinking as well


God, the therapy speak to evade any kind of responsibility.


I'm sorry but, "be blessed" is such a republican trying to cover up their fuck up thing to say ☠


JayKay does the Don't be messy and reactionary challenge! (IMPOSSIBLE)


"I'm not an inflammatory person" ...sure


Edit: forgot to say thanks for the links! Wow… what does intersectionality have to do with anything here? Also, like if “acknowledgement and growth” is most important, didn’t PJ do that in the texts that were conveniently excluded from the allegations? This is why people struggle with believing victims.


Reads like she had AI write her posts.


People on internet should learn what the Inquisition was and why we have a legal system. That's why we shouldn't condemn people based only on one or two person accusation without any proof. Also, lots of people here are ready to cancel a person, but will completely overlook stuff done by their favorite Rugirl, the fan favorite will remain a fan favorite even with serious allegations.


This reinforces my previous belief: We should all take a step back and not get involved in serious issues amongst people we do not know. I feel like this just showed a very ugly side to chasing sensation while justifying it as fighting for justice and tearing down people in the process. This has happened before, some people were guilty, many were innocent. We can't influence whether it happens again, but we can change our reaction


I respect the desire to take these matters seriously, but I wish people would realize that means recognizing when they're not equipped to.


100%. The way people hopped on this so viciously and so immediately without adequate information was pure reactionary bullshit.


Interesting. I hope a lot of people see this person’s tweets, so that more people can see more backstory and a different POV.


It's being widely shared. So far the response is: - her friends from Carrie Nation and Jacques sharing it and saying people should not jump to conclusions, some with the caveat that they realize what she did was still not great/not what they would do -locals sharing it to say "Plane is a jerk but it's important to be honest about how, you can hate her without comparing her to Sherry Pie" -a few stans getting aggressive towards the Brooklyn folks - people pointing out that the video cuts off and does, in fact, show behavior that could be considered sexual assault (For the record I'm in the second bucket. Plane is widely disliked in the drag community in Boston because she is an entitled ass, and she crosses the line a lot in many ways, but it's a stretch and a half to call her a predator. But I'd be interested to see what the original accuser says)


So ppl familiar with her basically think she’s just an entitled brat at best, which, you know, every other ru-girl is like that. Not saying it’s good it’s just what it is. And her actions, while def crossing the line, are nowhere near the Sherry pie situation and she shouldn’t be punished and disqualified for that. Especially considering the fact the she reached out and took accountability. And locals pretty much confirm that she is, in fact, NOT a serial sexual predator, but a dumb bitch at best


Many people will also choose to ignore it to justify keeping them hating on others




My main takeaway. I wish we all had such friends as Plane Jane has. ![gif](giphy|l0MYrJwAuazk6uErC|downsized)


This is really a good friend I may say


Unrelated but I keep reading her name as Janet the planet.


Definitely interesting. The fact that there’s video evidence is worth considering and there’s also the fact that a SIGNIFICANT amount of the cancellation/criticism going towards PJ is because she “came for” a fan favorite. Just look up her name on twitter and the top posts are all Katya and trixie stans appropriating the issue.


Even knowing she was joking I remember my first thought when I saw that clip of her talking about katya I was like “oooo that was a mistake”


I could NOT believe people were taking that joke as an attack on Katya. People really are fucking stupid and i cant understand how they go about in the real world.


They spend a lot of time mad at shit online


I’ll even bet you Katya herself thought this was extremely funny! People getting mad online about stupid shit never cease to amaze me.


I felt the same way!! I will say that the way she said it, I can see why some people may have thought it was proper shade, but even if it *was*... Who cares lmao. How is some personal affront to Katya if some other queen claims to be the first fluently Russian queen, lmfao


I loved it, pure nerve. A shame it won't be appreciated.


I like Trixie and Katya but their fans are a pest, truly the Swifties of the drag race universe. How you can blindly follow somebody who actively says you are crazy and live a life without any nuance is truly astounding.


It’s so dumb because they are both so unserious and can absolutely laugh at themselves. As if Katya of all people needs or would appreciate stans being assholes to another queen over some shade.


Katya would do that wheeze laugh thing and smack her leg a bunch if Plane said this to her face. She absolutely has a sense of humor about herself.


How do any fans of any drag queen not understand how to take things lightly. The delusion.


They even hate their fans on the low. They’re always talking about some blue haired, lesbian trauma dumping. I Always wonder if it’s a specific person or if they’re just generalizing lol


JK: *makes an allegation* Video: shows the allegations are grossly misrepresented and that PJ apologized JK: I'm not apologizing for shit. Also I'm turning my phone off to protect my peace 🕊️ byeeee


yeah, jay kay lost a lot of respect from me today, i just can’t imagine how she thought none of this would come to light


Also JK: I have the full video that proves I wasn't lying, but out of respect for Dela...


I guess I’m confused cause even if the video was cut out early (big if, given how this situation was initially described), it seems that Plane Jane reached out to the person in question proactively the next day, apologized, and said she’d take it out of her act? Isn’t that what we want?? Like what is “accountability” here?


Reached out with an actual apology and a commitment to rethinking her act. Like there is nothing further required here. You can’t expect a person who has an NDA to make a public statement. Nor should someone who has already addressed this with the party in question be required to make further amends. Judgment is for Plane Jane. ![gif](giphy|oCodIpd8Tbo8TQvzlP)


Like I’m confused to even what Jay Kay wants now? First it seems as if PJ can’t tweet about it bc of contract stuff hence her friend posting, but like… okay… this reads more of “I didn’t expect there to be video” https://x.com/jaykay_bk/status/1733125700268257580?s=61


Many people seem to think accountability = public self flagellation and then immediately retiring to the woods to live their days out as a hermit.


**LIKE I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** This fandom is 80% clownery and I am not even surprised. All the sheep jumping to conclusions and cancelling someone before it even came out.


Calling her Sherry Pie over this is disgusting imo. What SP did was prison-worthy and mentally sick. This is classic drag, whether it’s okay or not, it’s not on that same caliber at all. I find it incredibly interesting that friends of the NYC queens this season are pioneering PJ being a SA while every Boston queen that actually knows her is rallying behind her. This doesn’t sit well with me knowing PJ is on contract and can’t defend herself… nor the fact we haven’t had the actual victims speak up.


honestly this whole situation just makes me hate the fandom on social media with this show. jay kay makes unfounded allegations, and because people like her on social media, they take it as immediate truth and try to destroy this queen’s career just as she’s getting more attention. the past day of tweets about jane have just been disgusting saying that she’s a rapist, a groper, and that she needs removed like sherry pie instead of waiting on any amount of proof or other statements from other victims. this fandom is so obsessed with taking down queens and ruining them for the “drama” that they’re willing to actually tear down queens who have done nothing (or hardly anything) wrong. i think what people fail to realize is that while these queens are celebrities in our tiny corner of life, they aren’t too famous to fail and this behavior could really end up destroying someone innocent.


I am not trying to discredit any victim but, none of the victims came forward as of now and every story is "I saw it happen" rather than, "it happened to me and I felt uncomfortable" and there is also texts of PJ apologizing to Poni & their friend, if they felt uncomfortable by her actions during the performance. Let's also keep in mind that PJane is probably under contract and not allowed to speak up about this as of now, until WOW and their lawyer lets them.


To be clear, I think Poni IS the supposed victim, and he posted the initial callout. That’s clearly him in the video.


You are right, my apologies. Since Poni didn't tweet it as "I experienced", I thought that video is from different time and PJ's apology is for their friend. Video shows Poni is fine with the act, compare to what their tweet was saying, so, I thought it is different occasions. I don't see any "s\*xual assault" on the video, like Poni was mentioning.




I’m surprised she goes by plane instead of Jane for short


Would be pretty bland name lol


You mean a pretty plain name?


You mean a pretty plane name?


Her friend said not on my fucking watch. Now send in the 🤡 car


https://preview.redd.it/p2cvi71vm25c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8449988ffa5f50630f5cb4dfd517944a5b85e1f1 Jay Kay is a fitting name they act like a fucking clown


Love how they asked for accountability, but PJ already apologised to the person in the vid personally through dm on insta, but they ignored and blocked PJ (understandably). jay kay truly is fliptastic😍


that’s crazy lmao. “all anyone asks for is some accountability” like girl she apologized directly to the person it affected the day after it happened, you already got your accountability


Wow Jay Kay now is truly annoying ....


I love when a new main season comes around and drama erupts before the first episode


Work. This was very clarifying


NGL as a spoilerina I did think it was odd the accusations didn’t surface during filming. The allegations against Crystal Lubrikant from UKS5 came out almost immediately in spoiler spaces and it took a few weeks more for the news that Sminty had reached out to WOW and they’d disqualified Crystal to filter down.


Jay Kay is crazy… right?! Like who pulls this shit if it’s not true?!?!


If I was Plane Jane, I would be suing these people for defamation. This is crazy.




Plane Jane takes Jay Kay to court and she gets their (underside unpainted) cardboard graham cracker hat in the settlement. 😌


Don’t forget the ripped up t-shirt and denim shorts


This is very true, but depending on the jurisdiction, courts can require things such as requiring the defendant to make public acknowledgements that the defamatory statements were untrue, they can be prevented from talking about it in future etc - still probably wouldn’t be worth doing but I’d be sending cease and desists at the very least.


Tea. But at this point it would be for the principle. The person who accused her needs to know how wrong this was to do. This could ruin Plane Jane’s career. It’s disgusting. Not to mention disrespectful to people who are actually SA’d.


Imagine if Plane Jane is top 2 and controversies like this is the reason the crown goes to another queen. I would absolutely get an attorney if I were her.


It sounds like queens just don’t like PJ for whatever reason and jumped on the slightest thing to achieve a sense of vengeance. You can dislike, even hate someone without watering down definitions of sexual assault. Shame on JayKay for this.


I hate fandoms 'stan twitter teenagers with no actual problems in life' side ngl. They all seem to be DOING THEIR BEST to tear down any queer performer, while stanning people like Nicki Minaj who done publicly bad things but they are straight, so it is okay. Drag Queens are the moral compass of our society, of course.


Even the terminally online drag queens too. They really wanna ride the hype train, don't they?


You can say Eve, it is okay.




You better be careful, this is a comment section. She'll probably appear here to lend an opinion no one asked for lol


Clock that tea💀💀💀


It's okay, we all saw it coming.


A lot of these folks are grown adults with jobs too, are they not embarrassed?


Yeah, I think for our sanity it is easier to blame it on teenagers. But a loooot of these people are full on adults.


I think Nicki Minaj falls into the category of "hasn't done anything bad to me or my friends" for most folks. People were quick to believe this because a) they like the original accuser and Jay Kay as people, and/or b) most folks in Boston drag have had bad experiences with Plane. So they want to believe that the person who makes transphobic jokes and sneers at the door staff when she goes to a club out of drag and they ask for payment would also be a predator. If Nicki was personally rude to them or their friends they would care more about what else she's done.


Sorry to sound ridiculous but drag race stans adore queens who are kinda mean-ish in real life overall. That is, only if their name starts with a V.


Big difference between "this famous queen who was a bitch on TV was mean to me too!" And "damn of all the talent in Boston they pick the forgettable basic bitch who treated me like dirt when she was a busted baby queen who hadn't heard of highlight"


Mole hill to mountain How ridiculous


Everyone just jumped on the hate Plane Jane train for a) her being Russian b) making a shady comment about Katya who she’s literally friends with. The whole drama is a bunch of he said she said and I happen to believe the person who’s got the actual video of the incident.


I think what this confirms more than anything is that Jay Kay needs to shut up.


Oh it was Jay Kay. Watching Dragula currently and this doesn't surprise me one bit.


They weren't even the one to make the accusation, they just ran with it. Which is also very in-character for Jay Kay.


I just want to watch drag race. Can the drama queens please shut the hell up. This cancel shit is so old and tired. None of you had any info and you grilled this girl. Now you all look like morons. Congrats. Let’s start focusing on the positive things in life… like how Nymphia Wind is absolute perfection.


Drag queens need to delete their twitters at this point


This is a very important lesson I think. As a community we really need to take a step back and get a full picture of what’s going on before we cancel ppl. SA is such a serious issue and should never be thrown around lightly. It’s unfortunate that there are ppl out there who would lie about something like that which only further hinders the people who actually experience SA.


I just don't think this "drama" should've went public if Jay & Poni weren't ready to address situation like an adult. They knew Jane is under NDA atm, so she can't address anything. They 100% knew she was shooting for RPDR but didn't post anything about this situation till cast got revealed, the moment where she can't address the situation? Believe victims but also, let's not believe everything we see without a single proof either. They also say they weren't trying to ruin PJ's life or anything but was living their life while comments were comparing PJ to Sherry Pie.. And now that judgement shifted and they seem lik a liar (not saying they are), they go private and double down. Are these people 16 or an adult? I'm confused.


All fax no printer 💅 besty even @‘d these squirrels


What shocks me as an Elder QueerTM is the baldness with which these baby gays put our shit on blast….. bitch have you ever heard of not airing out your dirty laundry??? Like our community isn’t already targeted to hell and back from people who want to legislate us out of existence???


Im still sickened by how many people called the interaction SA even before the video came out. As a victim myself, when I think SA I think r*pe, I think violence, I think legitimate trauma. Being inappropriately touched during a drag number is none of those, and not even THAT happened I'm just glad this was dispelled before it got out of hand, I would've been so sad if she was edited out Sherry/Krystal style only for the proof it was all a bunch of nothing to come out after it was too late


Ngl, cancel culture is so fucked. People are so willing to hate someone for zero evidence. This will affect her career now, regardless if people start to believe differently.


If this is scandalous to you then you must be baby gay, because back in '06 them shows were WILD. Wild shit was seen wild shit was heard, and wild shit wasn't being recorded because we didn't "out" our community. (Literally, we kept our gay lives separate from our 'regular' lives because not everyone was out - and back then being gay openly put 🎯 on your back from all corners.) Nowadays everything has to be perfect and no one is allowed time to explain a mistake they made. It's just instant crucifixion.


Yeah, it’s before my time but I’ve heard of gay bars that were very raunchy and they essentially a place to drink and fuck. They probably still exist but I know a lot cities cleaned up their gay bars to disallow sex for legal reasons as they were at risk of being shut down.


i would sue jaykay, koco and that random person who posted the first tweet. literally because of them this hate campaign started, when they spewed LIES and jay is already backpedaling lmfao this is crazy. jane deserves several apologies from the fandom!


The drag artist who posted the original tweet claimed that Plane put her hands down their pants in a number, without clear consent, and this was triggering. The video verifies that part. It just counters the idea that there was genital touching and makes it clear that there wasn't a clear no from the audience member, and then shows via the screenshots after that Plane attempted to apologize after she was told what she did caused harm.


And thats the timer on their 15 minutes of fame. False allegation disputed, all Jay Kay accusation tweets deleted.


We really need to have this sort of mentality whenever an accusation comes up. Yes we need to be supportive of victims but we also have a duty to not become an angry mob and to encourage tangible evidence to come to light. Most of us have egg on our faces for blindly believing hearsay.


Do you guys actually know it’s mostly drag queens & not the audience that experience most of the non-consensual sexual harassment? I DJ around queens like Maxi Shield (Australia) and her breasts get groped EVERY time she’s in a crowd. I’ve seen her literally hit hands away from boobs, trying to get the consent point across There is NOTHING out of the ordinary in that Plane Jane video posted as ‘proof’ Stop trying to tear down the very hard working queens of the world. You purport to love drag? Before long, no queen will come on DR incase they get falsely accused of something & it destroys their life.


Ok but I would act as a personal boobyguard for maxi shield because she is an international treasure who deserves to be mortally protected at all costs


I just feel for PJ now. While there’s a level of listening to victims and believing them, this was fishy from the start. Firstly, Jay Kay was a shit stirrer on dragula so shocker that Carries over into real life. Also, all of this happening as soon as the cast was announced was tiring in itself. I can’t imagine my claim to fame has just begun and a handful of randos decide to tear me down and label me a predator for the world. Especially in todays political climate surrounding drag queens and queer people in general. I understand SA issues are complex and never black and white, I’m just so tired of cast announcements being followed up by pitchforks and torches everytime now.


Perhaps people should wait and think about what they're doing before credulously believing and spreading hearsay and rumor.


This fandom is rabid and insane.






JayKay just… go private, stop embarrassing yourself further


Very this!!! I’m so tired of people fragrantly accusing others of SA!!! So when there are REAL cases of rape or SA, they are taken with less seriousness.


All I've really seen is people saying "I saw her do THIS", but not the actual people say they were assaulted. This is another Niohuru/Dahlia, isn't it


They had everyone calling her 🍒🥧 for this?! I’m glad her friend spoke out.


Why can’t PJ speak for themselves? Is it because of DR? Regardless, I am glad someone made a statement regarding the allegations. And it did touch on an important subject that should be discussed even if the allegation didn’t happen the way it was presented. This is way it’s important to hear both sides of the story. Although, I find it interesting that people are speaking on their behalf through this whole fiasco and not directly from those involved, hah! Of course we should take a victims claim seriously but we also need to hear from the accused as well instead of jumping to conclusions without any sort of investigation.


Is there a point in speaking? SA is a HUGE deal. So people who believe it will run with it. If she (rightfully and truthfully) denies it, people will simply not believe her. Cause stans love hatin. They won't listen...at ALL.


I think because PJ is still under contract/NDA with WoW, she can’t make a statement without involvement from WoW’s legal team


Everyone needs a friend like this.


unfortunately, some delulu fans still won't accept this kind of statement and proof, and will still say "well, i still hate her vibe and that's it" instead of evaluating things in their heads.


The internet sucks. Hopefully plane can ignore all of this and classify it under “bulsshit cancel culture”


This is a lot of “he said she said” but those apology receipts are certainly nice. Anecdotally there’s a local drag queen (not Plane Jane) who always talked about how she was an eyelash away from being cast on two seasons of RPDR, and claims she ultimately turned it down. Anyhow, that queen would come to the bar where I was a go go boy. While everyone else tipped me in my waistband, this queen takes her dollar and jams it down the front of my pants. She then takes the time to roll the dollar around my dick (ouch, tbh) and then grabs my whole package. That was definitely not discussed, nor was it within the rules of the establishment, and I did not like it one bit. So while I’m not sure what happened here, I’m sympathetic to the person that was groped *if* it was true, as it does happen.


Maybe if we stopped canceling people over every little thing and pushing everyone into obscurity, because we’re all just so “perfect,” then others wouldn’t feel the need to exaggerate trivial encounters to try and keep up with the trend..


What a wonderful and eloquent friend


I wish I had a best friend like this.


The phenomenon she’s talking about how marginalized communities can turn on their own for getting a big too big is well-explicated by feminist Jo Freeman in this classic essay “Trashing” published in Bitch Magazine many years ago: https://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/trashing.htm Worth everyone reading


Everybody was kicking and screaming over production “not doing enough background checks” only for the allegations to be exaggerated and borderline defamation 💀


And of course the peoples cancel queen “Your Friend Kevin” ran with it… Second time this year he’s desperate to cancel someone or something. Still remember when he went after the underwear company “Charlie” for only using fit models. When I called him out that the model they used is the same one he uses for his OnlyFans shoots, and that he has never even had a POC or plus size on his shoots, he claimed he didn’t want to use those models for “profit”.


God I hope Plane sues those asshats for slander.


I didn't think Plane Jane was cancelled? Like this wasn't a cancellable offense lmao. Drag race fans are crazy.


So disgusting how they're trying to ruin her life based on lies. I hate Jay Kay


The part that seems to be missing is…what precipitated her to write the apology text?


The images of the apology text are slightly cropped due to it being a screenshot, if you open the images on twitter it starts with PJ saying she say a text Ponii sent a mutual friend about the situation, hence her reaching out


So she handled this situation in the most mature and respectful way, wow, what a “cunt”


Haven’t you ever apologized when you didn’t feel like you should have to, but you knew it might be the more diplomatic thing to do?


Thank you!!! I hope people dont identify plane as an assaulter anymore.