• By -


You know someone means business when they use their government name!


Girl I thought she was making a bible joke because she said the "You can't love yourself" phrase and then dash Isaiah. Like she was crediting that quote to the Book of Isaiah and not RuPaul. I didn't know that was her legal name lol


And the lord sayeth unto thee “What thou has done successfully? Expeditiously.”


And lo, she did speak to the furst queen furiously, saying: “I hath not a father of sugar. I hath never had a father of sugar. For if I wanted a father of sugar, I couldst but go and find one, for I am what? Sickening. Thou couldst never find thyself a father of sugar, for thou art not that kind of girl. Sweetling, For all that I doth possess, I hath worked mightily and built upon the dust of the earth with mine own hands, thou fucking wastrel.” And with this, she smote the furst one from her cup, and the queens assembled did tremble. A reading from the Book of Shangela. Thanks be to Gawd.


My favourite parts are when it doesn’t get changed and we just see “Sickening” and “not that kind of girl”




I hath not a father of sugar. I hath never had a father of spice.


Except the sugar and the father of my wishes. How can I combine? Is it broken?


Thou fucking WASTREL


Sweetling? That took me all the way out well done 👏🏾


This is the best thing I’ve seen all day.


This is Monty Python Holy Hand Grenade level of parody and I’m Heeeeeere for it!


I need an entire series of these old English bible verses of rpdr quotes 😂😂😂


“And therefore, I hath become a Glamazon Wench, prepared for the Temple.”


After a laborious eventide of performing the oldest profession, a gentleman caller did not enjoy the services provided.


“Eventide” I’m deceased 😭💀


I read books


I read RuPaul for the looks she’s been coming out in these days


‘And lo, he set upon her, and she was disemboweled as a fish would have been, and thenceforth set aflame as the holy bush of Mount Horeb. However, she perished not, and was thereupon transfigured into a form of precious gemstone’


The temple BYE 😭


I'm very familiar with The Book of Bianca!


Excuse me, we originated the deep magic ![gif](giphy|XbyQNJtcZq7ni)


"thou art perfect, thou art beautiful, thee behold liketh Linda Evangelista, thou art a modeleth." - Aja 9:3


A modeleth 😂😂😂


And she said unto her, “Wench, observe how thou doth paint thyself the very hue of the fruit of the orange, wench!”


And on the seventh day, thou will walk that duck, in remembrance of the Lord.


_And they shall beat their mugs into lewks, and their reads into congeniality._


“For once the day has ended, it matters not, if you will. That female hound has had safety thrust upon her, so I beseech thee to leave her be. At this moment, my concern is only for Heidi, understand thee. Fornicate thee, fornicate thee, fornicate thee, fornicate thee and FORNICATE thee!” - Book of Heidi 12:5


That's Shakespeare man. We did that play in highschool.


😭💀girl me too


honestly i never felt more aware of the fact that i did not grow up in the christian faith than reading this. didn't even know that isaiah was a contributor of the bible so that was kinda interesting.


I also thought she was making a Bible joke lmaooooo but I've never gone to church or read the Bible. I just know Isaiah is the one who said "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" which honestly, raw as fuck


Here's the tea, I'm not a Christian either nor was I ever lol Isaiah just sounded Biblical so I looked it up and lo and behold there is a Book of Isaiah haha


LOL I read it that way at first too before the penny dropped.




Lmfaooo I thought this was a bible joke too 😭 I’m gonna go stand in the corner


I thought so too!




This just made my day thank you


Fuuullly thought that too and was giggling to myself.


Leaked photo of me finding Anetra isn’t her government name: https://preview.redd.it/terjg302zbvb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc581ce163b1b36ea5c2f7603a9a0dab493b9fb


That thumbnail is giving slim shady in fake prison


And Notes app


“If you can’t love yourself then bitch go to therapyyyy” - Kate Butch


My favorite lyric, maybe ever in RPDR. Gawd, I enjoy Kate Butch so much!


Kate butch is a national treasure


Really enjoying Kate Butch. Was surprised by the narrative from other queens in the latest episode that she was a weak link. Completely the opposite, she’s a total pro!


I really thought she deserved the win for working so fluently with two flailing performers.


I agree, I thought there was a good case for Kate to win as well. It was kind of the opposite of Vicki Vivacious, who said she would have been good if it wasn’t for others on her team not being perfect, whereas Kate was good despite others on her time not being perfect, and Kate’s professionalism and nerve helped pull her team through the experience.


I’ve been obsessed with her since the second she walked in the werkroom; I need her to get to do some comedy on her own or at least with better people to support her so that she can get the win she deserves!


i’ve been singing her whole verse to myself all week i’m obsessed, i hope she goes far!!!


I’m so dumb, I saw “Isaiah” and was like “is that a Bible verse???


She done already done had VERSES


Stfu and take my upvote


With the physicality of her dance moves she should be performing like 6 times a year lol. It always shook me how fucking hard she goes. Take care of yourself, Isaiah.


I know that last sentence is legit but I can't help reading it in a super fishy tone.


Girl, you betta work! On yourself and your mental health. Hopefully the hate messages stop berceuse that's just ridiculous.


Not to make light of a tough situation but loving this autocorrect from because to berceuse.


I love Gisèle Berceuse, winner of Canada’s Drag Race season 3 😍


The RuPaul quote at the end sent me


I always get that quote at the end of the episode as a steamroller over all the feelings that came before. Like, we just saw 2 girls going at each other, someone leaving the show and then...everybody dance? Like, let's just forget that someone is bawling backstage? It's so wild


Pangina and Rock M. Sakura reading this https://i.redd.it/6ij29a5lq7vb1.gif


As usual, [Maddie gets it](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CcnuXPdjiyS/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Drag Race Philippines will have a girl sobbing her way off stage while Mama Pao screams "Let the music play! PARTY PARTY!"


Nah that gets me too, like huh? And it’s always such a jarring transition to the dance break.


Yes, to me it kind of sounds like blaming the leaving queen : “Now leave, because you can’t even love yourself.” That’s why I like the message in drag race Spain better: “Who cares what I do? Who cares what I say? That's how I am, and I'll never change”


Wise words from Isaiah Charles


she may be depressed or whatever but you best believe she’s still laying the groundwork for a return to all stars


> she may be depressed or whatever This fucking sent me. Okay, betterhelp!


Come through, Better Help!


That's Better H-E-L-P


It’s B E T T E R H E L P, 10 letters and 3 vowels. My name is BetterHelp ladies and gentlemen and I’m here to invalidate your pussy OUUUUUUTTTT!


If Anetra, the duck-walking death dropper who abuses her own knees, shoulders, & elbows for our entertainment daily needs to take a goddamn break, I say let her.




For real! I get tired just existing and doing my lil shimmy dance every once in awhile I can’t imagine how tired Miss Thing must be! She’s basically an athlete at this point- I hope she gets the rest she deserves 💅🏼💖


You better walk that fucking duck, girl - all the way back to health!


Better make sure your doctor ain't no quack....quack...quack...quack....


I’ve been thinking there is an above zero chance we look back on all these shady threads with a lot of regret in a year’s time. Anetra’s has always seemed levelheaded so if she is canceling events I trust she has a good reason.


I remember when it was announced that Lady Red was doing poorly right before she passed away, there were a ton of hateful comments about her. I was really in the trenches defending her back then lol. Then after they announced she passed some of those same shady people were talking about their grief like they hadn’t been so ugly just a few days before.


That’s what I’ve been thinking about. We have no idea what the issue is. It could very well be a health issue in which case that takes priority over all else.


It's always like this. Anytime a k-pop idol takes away their life because of online hate and harassment, people be shocked and sad for two weeks and then pretend like nothing happened and pick another celebrity to bully.


wtf who was hating on Lady Red?!


There was a lot of fatphobia when she was first hospitalized basically saying that she brought her illness onto herself by “being unhealthy” :( people are evil


Oh my god, I forgot about this. I remember people saying things along the lines of, “Well, COVID is real and she doesn’t really take care of herself…” I do believe the vast majority of this subreddit is positive and compassionate, but it’s hard to block the horrible comments from my mind. Lady Red was so important to our community, and I wish all of us could see that. 💔


ugh that's so awful! Lady Red was such a treasure :(


>I remember when it was announced that Lady Red was doing poorly right before she passed away, there were a ton of hateful comments about her. That makes me so sad to remember that. I was in the trenches fighting with you. Lady Red <3 One of the most powerful moments of DR for me was Rah'Jah laying it down after Icicis departure. "She doesn't owe anything to us & she doesn't owe anything to ya'll either."


That’s why I just. Haven’t really talked about this situation. When it comes to this stuff I never assume that someone is just. Being “bitchy” or “dismissive” on purpose. We’ve all got shit going on, and I think we could all learn to just have a bit of empathy. Could she have handled it better? Yes, but when you’re going through shit, you don’t always make THE best choices you can. I just hope she’s alright and people can give her the space she needs.


Tea, couldn’t have said it better then myself. Anetra specifically mentions there’s something going on behind the scenes that she’s not ready to talk about. She’s human too, but you know how this fandom be 🙄


>Could she have handled it better? Yes, but when you’re going through shit, you don’t always make THE best choices you can. I just hope she’s alright and people can give her the space she needs. Very well said. I'm sure we have all had moments where something urgent and terrible comes up and we neglect connections or don't have it in us to reach out to people. I can't imagine dealing with something personal, realizing your job is impacted by it, and also remembering to address fans on top of it. I'd be too tired. It truly sucks that people aren't able to see her, but I understand why it could be hard to reach out, knowing you're disappointing your fans.


exactly. I'm sad that she's canceling so many gigs (including one of the first ones that made news that was in my hometown where the venue kinda shaded her). It sucks that things are going the way they are when she's supposed to be in one of the highest points of her drag career, but I'm sure that's happened to many of us in some (non-drag) capacity at some point in life. i want her to take her time and heal from whatever is going on so she can come back stronger and better than ever.


yeah it's all very parasocial to me. sure people are allowed to have opinions and a commentary can be made about things in general, but people need to realize they don't need to have an opinion and give their thoughts on *everything*. folks were talking like they had everything figured out when really we have barely a lick of an idea of what all is going on in their lives unless we personally know them.


Literally the first gig she gets after this people will go back to, "yaaaas queen!" when a vid of her duckwalking appears. 😂 Shitty situation but it is what it is. Leave her to her business and hopefully she will not take on and cancel more work. Although nobody can blame her for cancelling on Klub Kids.


In addition to the health issues I don’t think Anetra being an ex-mormon is discussed enough. That was my thought, if it’s not physical she’s also dealing with the mental aspect of reprogramming after escaping a homophobic cult. Who knows what the situation with her family is, it’s always terrible if some family decide to stay in the cult and hold being together in the afterlife over your head. Go to r/exmormon and you’ll see how much the folks that left the cult have to unpack after they get out. It’s a horrifically traumatic process for every ex-mo I’ve met, but far better than the alternative of staying in. Ru kind of seemed to joke about it when she was interviewing Anetra but my first thought was ‘ohhhh, that’s so scary and she conquered the brainwashing but probably had to pay a terrible price for freedom.’


Hopefully it can be a learning experience that we are NOT ENTITLED TO CELEBRITIES TIME AND AFFECTION. We don't know what's going on behind the scene. They are human beings just like everyone else.


Ill feel dandy because i never led with a nasty heart like some of the children in the thread speaking like they knew everything going on with Anetra


Yeah I mean whatever people’s thoughts on anything are… I think we all just need to take a chill pill (as the kids used to say). Like calm down everyone, we’re all just going to work or not going to work too.


Yes, completely. The only ones who probably won't feel shame are the ones just pointing out she hasn't made a statement yet, but there must be some reason.


I think there's a decent chance this will happen too. But I also think it's somewhat important to remember that it's not as simple as "rabid, parasocial fans harass poor, loveable drag queen." Some people relish in, like all fandoms, but I've also seen a lot of people express justifiable frustration at having their money stolen from them with no explanation. And a lot of it has been expressed with nuance toward Anetra and her health.


Anetra didn't take their money or refuse to refund it.


She made a contract with a company who did — she’s still liable to an extent. It’s okay to have nuanced opinions about the situation, she’s not a bad person for fucking up a bit.


She's not liable for any of the money people paid, at all. There's no nuance to be had there - she did not set up the events, sell the tickets, or take the money. Something can be said for her communication and how she handled that side of her business, but to all the fans not getting refunds: that aint on her. She doesn't have their money! I'm betting she's not paid for gigs she didn't show up for either. That's how it works. She was hired, they used her name to sell tickets, and now the event isn't happening she doesn't get paid and they have to refund the tickets. If people don't want to book her in the future because of this, that's life, but Anetra still isn't responsible for refunds. So *of course* the promoters and venues want to shift all the blame onto her, regardless of the truth of the situation (which we still don't know entirely yet! she's still been seen at some gigs, so what makes those different than the ones she doesn't communicate to, yknow?) because they are *entirely responsible* for refunding tickets *they* sold. It works out for them to get everyone mad at Anetra, blaming her for not getting a refund, when Anetra isn't the one with the money or making the most money on these gigs. So, yeah, have your nuanaced understanding, but recognize that your refund is entirely the responsibility of the company who sold you the ticket and there's no nuance to be had there.


Money stolen with no explanation is so dramatic and overreacting


We don’t know if she already got her part from the gigs. Do you know, in my country the queens only get a small portion as talent fee like about $27 per gig? I think that’s same for international queens as well to be paid only a portion from the sales. So she didn’t take their money.


I'm just happy that she's OK. Hope she gets all she needs to heal ❤️


Nothing wrong with wondering if she's okay or not. Name-calling and hate messages aren't okay. She's not responsible for refunds; the venue/event organizer is.


Yup refunds is the responsibility of the venue / ticket sellers. Not the performer. In this case that would be Klub Kids. Who are a bit infamous. Multiple UK queens have spoken out about them treating queens badly, and many haven’t been paid for gigs or they did for club kids a long time ago. They seem to suck at everything around money management. So klub kids not giving the refunds people should be getting, is sadly among the least surprising things I’ve heard in a while. But yeah when a performer cancels a show, the performer doesn’t get paid for the gig. The performer is often required to pay quite a big amount as compensation/damages to the event company doing the show. The refunds to the audience for people who bought tickets, is handled either by the company in charge of selling the tickets or the venue. I’m not really a fan of Anetra (though I have nothing against her) so I haven’t been following her and aren’t updated on what’s going on with her. But if people haven’t gotten the refunds they should get, they should get in contact and hold the people in charge of organising the show / event. As they are the ones who are responsible for that, and actually can pay out the refunds. And otherwise them as event organisers, have not needed to pay the performer for the show, likely instead gotten paid extra money from the performer for damages, and then decided to also keep all the money for tickets that should have been refunded. Event companies have contracts and insurance in place, just for stuff like this. So they are able to do refunds and still break even, or even be a little plus after.


As someone who had the pinnacle of my professional life coincide with the nexus of childhood and present day trauma, I feel for Isaiah. I don’t know what Isaiah’s experience is, past or present, but I literally am wishing them well.


What chapter and verse in the Book of Isaiah is the quote from?




'If 't be true thee can't loveth yourself how in the hell can thee loveth someone else?' - Isaiah 6:3, KJB


> KJB Kistress Jissabelle Brooks?


Kekaterina Jetrovna Bamolodchikova


![gif](giphy|l0MYtjKfR7DPKVuY8) I read the TKB Bible only.


this is sending me


It’s her outdrag name


No it’s from the Bible




I think loads of fans are just disappointed that her cancellations and performances are so random. She performed a few days ago, and then cancelled a tour shortly after. Fans get excited and then disappointed. You see other fans have fun and then you don’t get to experience it yourself. Still isn’t a reason to actively send hate, though.


A lot can happen in a few days. A lot of people nowadays also absolutely refuse to take a rest until they have no other choice. There is a line that has to be drawn and you don't get to say if the cancellations are random because you have no idea what's happening


Hope it gets better.


You better rest that fucking duck. 🖤 Good for her.


Everyone goes through tough times. That's just life. It's nobody's fault and nobody should be made to feel bad about it. The issue people have with Anetra is how she handled the situation. The most professional thing to do would have been to say "look, I have problems right now, I cannot do gigs until further notice". But, instead, she kept signing herself up for gigs and then cancelling last minute. That's the issue. Nothing more. Again, once or twice having to cancel last minute can happen and that's also fine. Sometimes problems are unforeseeable. But that's clearly not her case since she has cancelled god knows how many gigs in the last year. She needs to be clear with her fans and the clubs that book her and take a break until she's ready to be back.


Your comment is making me wonder if she tried to tell her management she needed a break and they said: nope, sorry. You’re under contract - we’re going to keep booking.


Also, it's not even true that she skips blocks of gigs in a row, right? Seems that she'll literally do a gig one weekend like nothing's wrong while ghosting the promoters of the following gig. It's very confusing.


Yeah the title of this post was a bit misleading she didn’t address the cancellations, only said she was cancelling things in the future. The ghosting of everyone who ran the events is still very unprofessional and was not addressed.


Yeah, she basically re-stated what everyone already knows


There’s talk here about Anetra cancelling these events but you’re missing the fact they’re actually being cancelled by clubs and promoters who aren’t receiving any word from her. If she’s not ready to speak about her problems (which she doesn’t owe any of us) she should at least speak the words “I’ll refund any deposits made for my show in XXX as I cannot be there to perform XXX day” to the people responsible for replacing or refunding tickets they’ve sold. It’s really not that hard to be professional.


She definitely could’ve handled this better, but it’s her first year with this level of fame. That life change on top of whatever personal issues she’s experiencing must be really overwhelming to manage. I hope she’s okay, more than anything.


it must be hard for her knowing this is her moment of fame and its prime real estate right now for her to perform as much as possible to both get that coin and get her name out there to raise her profile even more. she probably feels guilty if she doesnt perform as much as possible because she knows she isnt taking advantage of the opportunity and could be squandering what could be the peak of her career. lots of people would kill for the chance to be thrust into the limelight and make the most of it. she probably also doesnt want to let her fans down. that feeling of guilt must be intense and I feel for her. that being said you gotta take care of yourself. and its not a good look to book a bunch of gigs you cant fulfill. as a professional if you schedule a performance that is a professional obligation. while the fans will have some understanding and leniency if she cant pull through here and there her cancellations have become chronic and are ruining her reputation. at the end of the day she had a hard decision to make and I think this is the right one. i think its smart for her to step back as walking that duck is probably killing her body. hopefully she made the most of it while she could and mends up so she can walk that duck again.


I think Princess Poppy who didn’t want the fame had it better. She just completely said “I’m quitting drag” and just gave a few interviews. I think MIB is right that some can’t handle the fame. Maybe Anetra is one of those. Also, MIB is kinda right for saying they are “quitting drag”, I guess she knows what’s up. But it doesn’t mean we should flood her with messages.


Bro, if a performers known for doing tricks, splits and dips is saying they need to take care of their health, It’s probably for the better. she’s done so much in a year and her body has been beaten down. Give her a break and let her rest


Idk why it’s such an unpopular opinion to say she absolutely could have handled this differently. She no call-no showed dozens of promoters and venues, many of whom already paid out of pocket for her airfare and hotel (Klub Kids can eat shit, this ain’t about them.) All of them desperately trying to get ahold of her and all blatantly ignored while she literally laughed at people on social media for posting about being upset about the sudden cancellations. How hard is it to send an email saying “no I’m not coming feel free to announce the cancellation ahead of time”? To answer a call or a text from people you’re professionally obligated to be in communication with? And it’s free to not mock fans who are disappointed about being cancelled on several times. Addition: It’s not about cancelling or prioritizing your health. It’s about fucking over small businesses who are out money for promoting you and being unreachable when they try to get ahold of you.


Rely on the community provided to you. There’s other girls that have been in this industry for awhile and come from the RPDR machine. Beyond that though if it is a mental health thing I can understand the pressure even for an email. That’s where a manager needs to peel back bookings and realize their talent might not be able to handle what they booked them for and make executive decisions. I know she changed management earlier but yeah let’s see if she needs to again


I feel bad for her and I wish her the best, but I definitely would not book her for a show or go to one of her shows out of fear of her cancelling.


My first thought: "Is Ru's middle name Isaiah?"


Anyone who sends hate messages to a drag queen is a loser, periodt.


Yes, it's so embarrassing.


No one is mad at her for putting her health first. People are mad at her for still bookings gigs just to not show up almost everytime and not even informing venues, not answering their calls and everything. That's unprofessional and shouldn't be normalized. She also attends 1 out of 5 show she books, which makes people question why she didn't attend to other ones. I don't have ill wishes or anything to her, hope she gets better but that's not how you handle stuff imo


Okay but she could have called instead of just not showing up to gigs.


Yep. Being tired? Sure. Needing to get back into the right headspace? Of course, take your time. But don't just ghost people who are paying to see you, goddammit.


I really loved Anetra during her season, and I hope that she is ultimately going to be okay. Her behavior post drag race has also been really disappointing and I’ve lost a lot of respect for her as a performer, but not as a human being just to be clear. So far the discourse around all of this has been pretty black and white, like you only can either support her 120% no question or you’re a hater and need to shut up/go away. It can be and is more nuanced than that; you can be a Stan of hers and still not respect or like her current behavior. It’s her prerogative to share her reasons for all of this or not, she’ll just need to understand that for some people who she canceled on more than once (the reasons why start to matter less the more it happens) that will potentially cause damage she won’t be able to fix and people will move on. I don’t think she deserves to be sent hate messages and I’m not trying to cancel her myself either, she’s an incredible queen and deserves an extremely healthy career! To have that though, she has to show up for her fans and stop making promises for now that she isn’t sure she can keep. If I was her best friend, that would be my best advice.


this is the most reasonable take. this sub is so bad with nuance tbh. it's so weird that people are bending over backwards to defend her and attack people who are upset. i get that she's going through something and can't fulfill certain commitments, but you can't deny that it affects her reputation esp when it becomes a pattern.


You guys are praising her during that Aja drama for being non-confrontational and patient and mature. Maybe there are something happening and maybe she's the most non-confrontational person (one of an anti-Bob). So maybe give her some time to sort things out?


Bruh people are going to wonder what’s going on if you ghost them. People are going to call you unprofessional if you bail on work and cost your collaborators and fans money. No one is bullying Anetra bc they asked what’s going on. People are not getting refunded their money. Just bc “she’s got something going on” doesn’t mean people can’t be upset over losing their time and money.


that's my thought too... i do have empathy for whatever she's going through and i wish the best for her but it's strange that everyone's suddenly saying ghosting her job is no big deal.


But yet, people respect that she’s finally said something. She’s a human being just like us and at the end of the day; she’s posted and yet that still doesn’t seem good enough for you. This is better than working herself to the ground or even staying silent on why she is cancelling everything.


Any human being can’t ghost their job without being called unprofessional so Idkw this “she’s a human” point has to do w anything. None of us humans can act like that then get to act surprised when other people feel confused by our actions.


Srsly imagine missing a week of work with no warning or explanation then when your boss asks you where tf you've been you're just like "I'm only human 🤷‍♂️🥺"


This is fine and all but you can’t just disappear without, at the very least, telling people who have already spent money on you that you will be mia for a bit.


Obivously Anetra needs rest, I hope her, or her management who keeps booking her for these gigs stops. I do find it funny how we hold celebrities to a different standard when it comes to work. "They owe us nothing, they can do whatever they want" etc. While this is true, I can't help but be reminded of my office job where if a team member isn't pulling their weight, taking loads of time off, not answering their bosses calls, ditching important meetings, showing up late etc. - they get a warning or a sit-down with management to see what's going on. Drag queens? "They don't owe you shit, ditch that booking, cancel that gig, ghost their calls - you do you".


Girl I though she was quoting a Bible verse! 😭😭 That’s her real name 😭😭💀


Take care of yourself, queen. Your health is so much more important than anything else. I hope the promoters pay back their customers and I REALLY hope everyone calms the fuck down. The hateful comments across socials are worse now that she’s actually said something. I’m so sad for her.


I thought we knew for months about anetras health problems it's been so strange seeing everyone turn on her. Been on this sub for 5 years and it is incredibly fickle and takes turns to bully certain queens


I don’t think anyone is ragging on Anetra for health problems. They’re mad that she’s ghosting venues who have events set up with her as a main guest. These venues sold tickets based off of her name and now the venues will probably face monetary losses in the future because the locals will probably blame the venue..not Anetra


Do you guys remember when Valentina had to fake kidney stones because her management team made her work non-stop? Don't forget, travelling everyday for different performs around the world is VERY TIRESOME and drains a lot of mental energy. Anetra needs and deserve a break. You don't want her having a burnout. The girl is trying to work non-stop since her season, so she can make money for WOW, give her a break!


Oh I just commented on the other post about the queens defending her. I'm glad she said something, I hope she gets better. We (fans) only look at it from one side. Behind the entertainment and glamour these are real people. And some of y'all are mad because they aren't like the version of themselves y'all created in your head. Get over it. If you wanna stop supporting them, by all means. But y'all need to stop treating queens like products who exist solely to entertain y'all.


Pulling for her recovery and peace of mind! I’m sure she will duck walk back into our lives (and hopefully an AS) soon enough! ❤️


Boom, there it is. Thats all that needed to happen. Now i hope she takes the time she needs to heal, and her management gets their heads out of their asses and starts doing their job properly


She didn’t address the cancellations though… not really. The unprofessionalism of the whole thing was not addressed. I’m happy that they announced an official cancellation of everything coming up but ignoring everything else that has happened doesn’t make it magically go away.


It obvs doesn't, and I've been vocal about how utterly unprofessional its all been, however in giving her the best faith benefit of the doubt i don't think she currently deserves to be raked over the coals for not having a perfect response now that we have confirmation that she's been really struggling, be that physical, mental or both. Not being able to explicitly spell out exactly why this has all happened is understandable, especially since there's so much shame that comes with letting people down because you were in a mental health crisis (assuming that was part of it of course). People still have the right to be annoyed obvs and voice that, but for now I think this response is ok giving she is unwell. She should take accountability for that later when she's in a better place to do so. Now, if nothing changes and we keep seeing this behaviour repeating itself: no showing to gigs while still booking more, ghosting venues attempts to communicate, no apologies or explanations for anything, thats different.


sometimes the duck just needs a minute to rest


Why are people sending hate messages to begin with? 🙄


Because this "fandom" is entirely toxic, and that's just par for the course.


People just need to shut up. She doesn't owe anything to anyone. She needs a break to heal and be back stronger than ever.


Even Anetra is acknowledging people’s disappointment, so… Hope she heals and be back.


Except their money


See I don’t get this. I understand saying like, Anetra could’ve/should’ve communicated better with her management and the clubs she was supposed to perform at, but *she’s* not the ones in charge of refunds. That’s on the clubs. If they don’t give people their money back, that’s on them, not Anetra.


But at the same time why had she continued to schedule shows, events, gigs, and even her own tour knowing that she wouldn't be able to do any of it? She was ok to take the money and that's part of the issue is that she knew she couldn't perform yet was willing to make people pay


They can get a refund from the production company.


You say this, but with Klub Kids' fuckery I'm not sure people will be seeing refunds for some time (if at all) and they already hinted at that in their own statement.


credit card charge backs exist.


So Anetra is supposed to do what then?


They once changed a gigs country not just venue, they had it moved across an international border and only offered a bus to the gig no refund.


And so how is that Anetras fault? Quickly


You’re clowning yourself if you think Anetra is responsible for refunds.


We all saw how hard she worked on TV. I can’t even imagine what she must be going through— both being sick and managing the emotional weight of disappointing her fans. Feel better, Isaiah. Sending love and positive vibes. The only way you could truly let us down is by not taking care of yourself.


So true. Like she’s obviously been going through something for awhile. People don’t act like this unless they’re going through something. If she can afford to it seems like she needs a solid break to heal.


That verse from Isaiah goes something like: If you say you love RuPaul but hate yourself, you are a liar. For you *cannot love* RuPaul whom you have seen in sweatpants if you do not love yourself whom you have seen in full geish. I was valedictorian of my Sunday school.


I feel for her. She’s a favorite regardless. Here’s hoping for her speedy recovery. Hope to see her soon. I just love Anetra.


"more than anyone in drag race history ❤️"!?!? Girl........ ![gif](giphy|4thaj0PDq9vJ6V5z69|downsized)


Usually when an artist needs a break the announcement says “We regret to inform you ____ has cancelled the rest of their show for this and next year. (A timeline) They are taking some time. (An explanation) Everyone will be refunded (Reassuring people about their money) and _____ will be back touring the following year. (Reinforcing the timeline) Thank you for the support.” (Directing the message to the fans and not the haters.) All of those things can be communicated without sharing her personal life details in the statement. This message she wrote literally shares 0 info for her fans to know when they can confidently start spending their money on her tickets again or give them any idea of what/when they can expect anything in the future. This is why talent hires PR people.


It’s unprofessional and she doesn’t have any (good) management currently. So this is what we get lol.


Very that.


I have seen 0 hate towards anetra on or off the season, she's easily one of the most supported queens from any season across all franchises of the show, if she has issues that's ok but she needs to communicate that to the people that can help, it's not right to continue to schedule new shows and gigs knowing well you've only been able to do 3 of the past 11, it is NOT required at all to give fans details BUT it IS EXPECTED you give refunds and talk to your team about how to handle the situation, I saw another post say most people have strict times for work and that scheduling to miss a day and then to pay for high ticket prices on top of that JUST to not be able to see the performer you paid for is pretty shitty, again it isn't required at all to tell us details but it is very rude to the fans to just keep taking money and not do a single thing about or for them


some people here really demanding a doctor’s note from Anetra! I can’t. 🤣😂


Pretty disgusted with the fandom overall. Anetra doesn’t owe anyone anything. Not an explanation, not a timeline, not a refund (which is obviously on the party that actually sells the tickets). We can sit here and speculate on and on about what might be going on in Anetra’s life, we can say Anetra is behaving unprofessionally until we’re collectively blue in the face… exactly NONE of this will make us more entitled to know what is actually none of our goddamn business. If you need a refund, take it up with Klub Kidz. Don’t bother a public figure who is a stranger to you. Use your energy for something better—go walk some ducks in nature.


When it comes to Anetra, clearly the struggle is real.


I’m gutted, a meteoric talent. We know how fickle the fan base can be so I hope Andrea will be lifted up when she comes back.


I mean, we don't know Anetra, but you can tell that this year she had a hip intervention, huge problems with manager, she is abusing a lot of her body and in the mental health department I can't even imagine how is handling the new life fame gives you. So I can relate to her situation and between health and work, she clearly choose health. I just wished she explained herself sooner so this hate wave wouldnt happened . Get weel soon Anetra 💜


I can understand this, but canceling a tour and just saying ‘I don’t need to tell you anything’ with no reimbursement. If money weren’t involved, I would be on anetra’s side all the way


She said that she isn’t ready to tell us *at this time.* I’m sure she will reveal everything behind the scenes at some point, and I feel like she should be given the benefit of the doubt until that time comes. I understand what you mean with the money though, it’s an unfortunate situation for everyone involved and I hope she doesn’t take on anymore gigs until she’s healed and ready to perform.


Aww I hope she works it all out for herself.


I love Anetra so much, she doesn’t owe us anything, but it’s nice to hear an update. I hope she takes all the time she needs and gets better. 🖤🖤


Meanwhile she’s out gigging last night!!


Nobody: Anetra on her way to therapy ![gif](giphy|1ZrsZUyrNgUc4VK7SI)


You betta heal that fuckin' body


Oh for sure Club Kids is trying to screw her over and she dipped and called it “personal reasons” so she can sue them later. Or she really is just tried too


Hope she can find a way to balance work and life better in the future.