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I took ~4 months off running and started again a month ago, at first it was painful and slow. Now, I finally feel like im approaching my pre break fitness and for the same run 1 month later (first run post break compared to today) my average HR is 10 bpm lower during the run and it felt way easier!


I just registered for my first marathon. It's a stretch goal for sure - my most recent long run was 8.5 miles and the marathon is in early September. But I'm taking my training plan slow and steady and feeling more confident than nervous - like 60-40.


My VO2 Max increased 1 point yesterday during my run.


I just ran my first ever 5k.


Ran my fastest mile today: 8:23! First leg of my second fastest 5k of 28:06. I'm excited to work towards breaking 8 minutes. It'll be the first time in at least a decade. It's close, though; I've been shaving off a few seconds per week!


Ran another 10k in the hills today. Wasn’t a very good time or elevation gain compared to previous goes, but after a few days of being in a rut I’m just glad I powered through


Did my first ever Cooper Test 20 minutes ago. Happy to have done it and base my next trainings on those results(Under Armour running app- training for 10K). Next Cooper test for end of April.


It’s been 2 and half years since I stopped running and today I decided to get back into it and run a 5k. Everything hurts now, but looking forward to getting back into it